OG Users

Site Migrator

These Users are from the very first iterations of Roleplay Mansion when it was just starting out to now here, it's new home!
New Users

Yay! You Made Your First Post!

You did it, you made your first official post on this site, congrats! You get a gold star :)

1st New User

This user was the first new user to sign up on RP Mansion!

2nd New User

This user was the second new user to sign up on RP Mansion!

3rd New User

This user was the third new user to sign up on RP Mansion!

50th User

This person is the 50th user to sign up to Roleplay Mansion! We're glad you're here ^-^

100th User

This person is the 100th user to sign up! A special milestone indeed.
Special Occasions

Yay! It's your Birthday!

Oooh, happy birthday you degenerate slut <3 We love that you're spending it here with us! Hope you can get some ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)

Forum Cake Day

You've really been here a whole year...rp'ing smut... okay then. Here's a cake. It has special frosting (˵¯͒〰¯͒˵) (Vanilla, this admin's fav) *What did you think it was? Perv

Leap Year 2024

Hey! Thanks for being here on February 29th, the Mansion's first ever leap year! This is a special occasion, which only happens every four years. This badge will only be available today, and if you have logged in or are logged in for Feb 29th, you will receive this badge!

Top Poster

This badge is awarded to 10 specific users who always are categorized in the Top Poster of the Month. To qualify, you must be a Top Poster for at least 6 months out of the year -- this badge is **only** for our top 10 posters. **If you've been Top Poster for around the time frame, please notify an Admin and PLEASE be honest. This badge requirements will start at the beginning of next year 2025! One will already be rewarded, but do not fret, 9 more positions are available to be the Mansion's Top Ten Posters!

I Survived the '24 Domain Switch

Well, a day to remember when our domain got switched from Google to Squarespace-- and doing so made RP Mansion go POOF for a bit so.... we're back!
Favorite Genres / Character Types to Play

Animal Rp'er

This user generally prefers to rp animals the most~ be it supernatural or realistic, animals are their go to!

Anime Fanatic

This user would rather be in an anime world than their own and honestly, who can blame them?

Apocalyptic Horror

Chaos. Chaos everywhere.

Vampire Preference

This User prefers to rp creatures of the night, vampires are their go to types of characters!

D&D Player

This user loves to rp Dungeons and Dragons, can't get enough of that nat 20!

Fantasy Creator

This user roleplays the most in the Fantasy section~ downright addicted to the genre.

FanFic Writer

This user prefers to write fanfiction over any other genre- they love writing the story how they see fit~!

Game Changer

This user loves to rp in the Gaming Genre the most! They love rp'ing canon and non canon based off of popular video games~

Sci-Fi Writer

*Beep Boop* Because in space, no one can hear you cum. *Boop Beep*

Slice of Life

This user enjoys slice of life rps and generic rps the most~
World and Character Building

Characters There, Characters Here, Characters Everywhere!

This person has a shit ton of OCs, and loves to showcase them in the character sheets!

World Builder

This person creates new worlds like it's nothing, but we know, it takes a lot of brain power to do so.
Too Goddamn Horny

Embarrassed Ghost

It's not like I've been reading what you've been writing for the last 100 posts or anything, baka-! ⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝

Cleanse Thyself

You know what you wrote. But this website does thrive off of our smut creators.. so this badge is awarded after the user has posted 500+ messages!

Avid Roleplayer

This user has no other hobby other than writing smut, smut, and more smut. We get it, you like erotic roleplays! This badge is rewarded after 2,000 messages. We all need Jesus.

This User Needs to Touch Grass

Tbh, we all need to go touch some grass, especially after what we write! This badge is awarded based off how active the user is!

Succubus Lover

Taking the definition a little too far.. A badge awarded to two specific users who made the admin's eyes burn when transferring threads from the old site to this one.

Eye Bleach

You wrote so much smut... I think I can speak for everyone that our eyes need some bleach. This is awarded after the user has posted 5,000 messages!
Admin go brrr


This Admin has...challenges and forgets often. Please forgive them.

Discord Chatter

This user has signed up for our discord server!

Responsible Adult

Hey! Thank you for showing your age on your profile~ Your honesty helps ensure that RP Mansion remains a safe roleplaying environment for all of our users.
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