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Fantasy RP Aethel’s Lupine Peril

Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023

Aethel had long known that her father had shady deals. Figures showed up in the dark, dropping or picking up packages. Heated conversations took place out behind the outbuildings. Sometimes, he came back in looking pleased, other times looking rather worried. She didn’t know the full extent of these things. If they didn’t affect her beyond meaning they could nicer clothes, she didn’t worry about it.

The past week or two, though, her father had been looking very stressed. It happened after one of the meetings in which there had been even less shouting than usual. Aethel had watched from the house, and although she couldn’t see her father or whoever it was he was talking to, she was sure she had seen the figure of several large wolves skulking in the shadows. There had been a yell of terror, and when her father came in, he was white as a ghost. She didn’t dare ask him anything about it, and he was silent as a corpse on the subject. Tonight, he was acting antsy, so when he sent her on an errand, she was almost relieved to leave the house. She worried something might happen to him while she was gone, but decided to let it go and leave. It was an unusual errand. She was given a package and sent out to the herbalist who loved deep in the woods. Going this deep into the woods after dark was generally a bad idea, but she went anyway, little knowing the treachery that was in store.

Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once his daughter was scent, the pale and terrified father would move to burn a small piece of parchment in the window. this was the signal of what he had done. as a large beast would see the flames, and then release a echoing howl. at which point they would seem to vanish from the area. as Aethel was on her way, the elegant, and well blessed maiden would become the prey of these beasts in the dark. as the night was filled with a beautifully bright, and full moon.

On her way to make this special delivery, Aethel would soon discover the destination would become far more then she realized. as the wolf like fiends would be trailing the healthy young lady. awaiting the right moment, as
their boss was the one which lived alone in the woods. more then that, this night would become the night their pack finally got the prize they were promised so long ago from a dark deal made with their leader. The largest of the wolfs a black and
red wolf moving on all fours would come into view behind Aethel as if trying to be intimidating from afar to ensure she went deeper into the woods, as it seemed to watch and moved with her. but this massive feral like beast was the least of her
worries, as several bipedal, or more so humanoid beasts were in the same pact of all sizes.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel was lost in thought as she moved into the woods. She was trying to figure out her fathers strange mood, and she didn’t notice the howl of the creature. She moved from that to a call admiration of the beautiful moonlit night. It wasn’t until she was deep into the woods that she heard the sound of a creature behind her. Turning to look, she saw a form moving in the shadows. She turned and hurried on down the path.

A fear began to clench around the edges of her chest. There was something out here, and it wasn’t friendly. She hoped she could get some protection when she dropped off the package.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now moving quickly, Aethel would hear movement around her. not one but multiple sources. as the sound echoed more and more.

the beast which could be seen was moving quickly tours her from the path she was running on. while on the other side, The young lady would soon be able to spot several figures
all of which had glowing eyes and moving along her. it would appear as if they were chasing, or more so coaxing her tours the direction they wanted. the larger four legged beast which could be seen.
was the wolf which would move tours her, planning to lung, and try to get bites of her clothing to tear off while chasing. not worried about scratching or minor injuries it might cause. as this fun would
be like seasoning a fine meat dish while the slow prep was being done. her fear, and bodily scent was the allure these beasts wanted. as their pack leader resided in the destination she was rushing to.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now laid out on the ground, her face in the dirt, Aethel would quickly feel the weight of the beast upon her. it's maw pressing tours the back of her neck.
as the hot breath beat against her tender flesh. it would not be long before the thing took hold of one of the straps which held her top on. as it began to tug and pull.
even shaking it's head to tear the fabric as if it was some flesh on a carcass. However the other creatures both large four legged, and humanoid two legged ones looked on.

as the eyes watched, enjoying the show, this black and red feral like beast was going to enjoy stripping their tribute down. taking it's time to assault her in a way to cause fear,
panic, and even strip her, while giving false chances of escape with each successful piece of fabric they could tear off. as if they were mistakening taking her clothing as pieces of flesh or skin.
when in truth these creatures had much more fun in mind for their prey this night.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel froze, waiting. A glimmer of hope rose in her. This wasn’t the end. She wasn’t dead. She retained a presence of mind enough to follow what was happening. Her mind flitted through her options. She couldn’t run. They were too fast. She couldn’t fight, she had no weapons and there looked to be many of them. What did they want with her? Even when she may have had chances to run, she didn’t. She decided to make a bold move and take a chance. She held up a hand. “Wait.” The beasts were male. She had experience with males. A lot of experience. There was surely something they wanted… “wait… I’ll give it to you.” She looked around. “All of you. You’ll have the night or your lives. Just don’t harm me.” She stood erect, but was careful not to signal any challenge of dominance, keeping her eyes down.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the one beast almost seemed to smirk, with the partial fabric from her top in it's maw. the massive wolf would begin to back away, it's tail swaying.

all the more, she would soon notice wolfs, and wolfmen of different sizes, colors, and experiences. as the scars showed how old some of them could be.
yet the fact remained, the way she presented herself, and did not look up, as to avoid eye contact. this only showed a submissive victim, one which the creature's would seem
to be all to willing to partake in the enjoyment of the flesh. This would also reveal to Aethel that these creatures might be feral but had the natural and lewd desire many men shared,
thus if she used her experience, the former tavern maiden would be able to get through this night, albeit a bit messy. as her destination was still some distance away, so would this turn into the ideal
way to deal with the unwanted scenario, or perhaps just her best bet for safety.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel had run into all types in the tavern, and while this was as terrifying an experience as she had ever been in, she knew a little about were wolves from all the tales she had heard. There would be a hierarchy. There would be a place for her to stay in. She would have to show respect and submission, but the man side of them would be amenable to the charms she could offer, and she’d certainly be able to use it. She adjusted the torn clothes, aiming to have them suggest as much as cover, something she knew well how to do. She gave a look that was as bold in its invitation, sizing up the pack that surrounded her. “So… whose first?” Her heart pounded nervously. “Or do I go to the leader first?” She addressed herself mostly to the wolf that had been worrying her clothes, but kept her address broad enough that if he wasn’t the top one there, she hopefully wouldn’t cause offense.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now with herself presented the massive four legged beast, would snarl as it moved tours her. calmly, as the bulking beast was larger then several of it's two legged brethrens, however a large two legged wolf man like beast would move tours
Aethel as well. the two would seem to be interested in starting this show for the pack. yet if this was the case she would soon find herself feeling the two legged humanoid wolf beast the one moving up behind her. as his elongated arms moved up around
Aethel. the sharp blood stained claws moved to slide along her frame. carefully moving to start cutting away at her clothing, with impressive skills. If the tavern maiden did not stop and remove them herself, they would be cut and stripped off of her in smaller
bits. as if the massive wolf man was going to make a show of stripping their prize for the pack to watch. as the massive four legged wolf would soon be close enough to lick at her flesh, be it the leg, hand, or another spot.
as it would move to lick between her legs the instant this area was exposed.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel forced herself to take the leap. She pushed through the fear pounding in her chest and welcomed the wolf behind her. She leaned against him, pushing her body against his. She moved in a half dance, writhing slowly against his fur, raising and lowering her arms as needed to let him strip her.

Her eyes fixed on the wolf form in front of her with a forces sultry expression. She moved each newly exposed bit of skin to him as an offering. The smooth warmth of his tongue was actually soothing to her a little. She toyed with a bit of coyness, keeping her breasts covered a little, but just enough to toy with them. All it took was a soft nudge for her to move her hands from covering her groin. Her legs opened of their own accord to welcome the wolfs tongue.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now standing their, as the massive wolf man of red, and black fur moved to reach around her. the now stripped beauty known as Aethal would feel the one beast. wanting to lick at her neck and shoulder. as his impressively wicked looking
claws began to go for her covered breast. wanting to grasp, squeeze, and begin to fondle, and grope them wickedly. all the more the large dire wolf looking one before her eyes moved up to her. it's cold snout pressing itself up against where
Aethel's clit was. as it's rough tongue began to lip along her tender region. as the two began to play with her, nudging and coaxing her body into a more revealing position, so they could eat her out and play with her plump healthy breast.
if nothing else this foreplay would excite the rest of the pack for their turn, as well as show Aethel that if she was enjoyed, then perhaps she could get out of this in one piece, all be it a bit soiled or ruined to some degree, but nothing which could
not heal over time.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
This was the turn of events Aethel had been hoping for. Her many sexual exploits demonstrated that she didn’t value her purity terribly highly, so while it would be more intense than anything she’d done, it wasn’t anything she couldn’t survive. She rested back against the wolf, giving it more and more of her weight until it was fairly holding her. One hand covered the paw toying her breast, the other stroked the head licking her clit. She moved her legs further apart, occasionally casting a lustful look back over her shoulder. One thing she had not seen her was the genitals, and she found herself curious if they were more doglike or human like. Dog genitalia, after all, only came to full size after it was inserted, producing the effect of making dogs stick together after sex. She couldn’t help wonder what that would feel like.

She felt herself responding to the movements of the wolves’ actions. Her body relaxed a bit of its own accord. The beast between her legs would begin to taste her wetness slightly and the more keen scented among them would begin to get whiffs of her mounting arousal.
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Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
The cold nose was soon followed with how the massive wolf moved it's maw against her tender region, all the more. it's tongue rough, and tickling at the same time, as it viciously lapped at her tender folds. periodically able to slip into Aethel, as the beast enjoyed her flavor. more then that, she would begin to feel the oddly thick yet smooth rod of the one behind her. as it rubbed up against her back side. rubbing it's slowly thickening, and hardening rod between Aethel's plump healthy back side cheeks.
while it's claws pressed into her breast. slightly pinching sensation as the claws grasped the fleshy mounds. the palms pressing against the bulk of the flesh, as he began to rotate his hands, to playfully assault her chest. the longer rough tongue moving from the crook of aethel's neck to her cheek. if she turned her head enough the beast would attempt an odd sensation as if trying to kiss her while teasing her. all the more, this sensation would warn Aethel if nothing else, the shape of the rod teasing her back side, was much larger then a normal man, and shaped like that of an actual dog cock, but would it be full size before entering her, or increase to the knotting size after they became one, which would be discovered soon enough this night. However it would seem the two brotherly wolves were hell bent to make her body release some fluids, or at least a sweet, heated scent which would come naturally if she was excited enough, or so these creatures believed.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
The kissing was a little much, but Aethel welcomed it like her life depended on it. Besides, the attentions we’re having the hopes for effect. Her pussy grew wetter and wetter. She adjusted her movements so his bulging cock was sliding up and down between her cheeks. She leaned forward into his hands, pressing against him. Soft moans )which were only somewhat put on) encouraged their attentions even more. She craned her neck around, trying to get a glimpse of the large shaft that was pressing into her back.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as the sensual assault continued for a good bit of foreplay. the bestial studs did not relent, as one of the impressively powerful claws moved away from Aethel's one breast.
feeling how the sharp edged claws slid from her nipple, down to trace along her one healthy bosom. to the side, scraping down till it slid along her thigh, only to take a good hold under Aethel's
one knee. lifting her leg, as this would fore the former Tavern worker to balance on one foot, and against the stud's body right behind her. more then that, allowed for the four legged feral beast
before her to press more of his maw against her. allowing the fangs to be felt against her skin, as the rough tongue began to try and get into her tender and moist entrance.

all the while the wicked, and oddly gentle kiss would break for the beast to bite gingerly at her neck to leave small marks, as it teased her body. It would not be long before
several of the humanoid members of the pack could be heard growling softly. as the group had more feral members as well. all of which inched closer to get a better view, and enjoy the scent and sounds
all the more as well. It would go on for a short while like this, however Aethel would soon begin to feel how the one behind her seemed to be up tosomething, if she realized it or not. once they felt that
her body was finally ready, the stud behind her planned to fall back, Pulling Aethel with him. so she would land ontop, with the position needed for her tight, puckered starfish to land and get impaled. which would
allow her body to be mounted by the four legged one, but for this moment in time. it was more about the enjoyable foreplay for the duo upon her.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel moaned softly. She let her body relax all she almost completely, only keeping enough control to balance herself erect on her one foot. Her pussy would have been glistening even without the wet tongue lapping it, and the air as full of the heavy scent of her arousal.

She felt the movement backward and she went with it. A moment later, she was on her back, legs spread. She grimaced as a massive cock pressed hard against her back door. She writhed a little, letting it work into her hole. A pained groan was forced from her and she arched back instinctively, giving the wolf in front it’s perfect chance to move in.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now forced onto the taller humanoid figure of fur. his own thickening member pushing deeper into Aethel with each partial thrust. inching ever deeper into the tavern maiden turned pack partner.
Now with her back on his chest, the beast was enjoying every moment of this. all the while, Aethel soon saw, and felt how the four legged massive wolf beast moved upon her. this one moving to clamp
his maw upon one of her breast. moving from gentle gnawing to licking, nibbling, and pulling. as it assaulted her plump bosom. all the more, the hot pink rocket could be felt sliding along her moist ripe
womanly entrance. as if each time it pushed to try and penetrate Aethel, the tip would slip from the hole, and slide against her entrance. however it was unknown if the beast did this on purpose or
was actually having a bit of issue, however it would be short lived. as the wicked spear eventually found it's ideal mark, and began to push into her. the sight of being double penetrated seemed to excite
the rest of the pack. wanting their turn as well.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
As her body adjusted to the tightness of the partner underneath her, Aethel was able to handle the addition of the other wolf. There was no pretense of acting now. Any reaction the wolf pack saw was her genuinely trying to handle the sensations bombarding her. A low, long groan escaped her. As the top wolfs member finally entered her, her fingers flew convulsively to his feet. She grasped and pulled, hardly aware of what she was doing. She writhed between the two beasts, a tangle of moaning, sweating, sex.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now sandwiched between two bestial partners. Aethel's body would feel each movement. as one pushed into her, the other pulled out. seesawing her frame
between them, as the sensation of the warm fur brushing against her soft, delicate flesh echoed. the sharp fangs of the one maw against her breast, as the other on her neck. the tongues
assaulting her where they could, all the while, the humanoid like claw of the one under her. reached it's paw around, as two of it's claws went right for her tender nub, as the other grasped, fondled, squeezed,
and rotated the one breast not being orally assaulted forcefully. this only added to the sensation of the one mounting her, as the former tavern wench was feeling the claws scraping her sides a bit, as they moved with each
powerful thrust. the speed of the two growing at a steady, and threatening rate. as it would not be long before the thicker, almost ball like base of the cock began to poke in and out of her. trying to completely sheath themselves
into the tight fit of a human maiden's wonderfully welcoming and moist depths. these hounds would give Aethel a session to remember, as this was but the first two of the pack, and the leader would surely be packing much
larger tool for her, then any of these playful pups now preparing for their own turn.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
It was all almost too much. Aethel squirmed and moaned, her body filled to almost bursting by the two members. Her face rubbed into smooth fur of the wolf above her. Her moans rose muffled to the surrounding pack. She twitched, pleasure coursing through her until it was almost more than she could bear, but bear it she must. There was no escape. Moan after ragged moan sank into the fur above her. A shudder racked through her and her body went rigid in an orgasm.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Pushing Aethel to the extreme her body getting used, abused, and rewarded in such a twisted fashion. the way the depths were filled, and the cocks seesawing in and out of her. the
former Tavern wench could soon feel how the cocks both began to thicken. the way it seemed to reach deeper, and deeper with each thrust.

as the two were using and abusing Aethel to an extreme, something a bit unexpected would be felt. as the moist tongue of two smaller wolfs began to lap at her leg, and
feet. tickling Aethel's senses. as they seemed to be growing impatient for the two currently taking their turn, to finish up so these two could get a turn before they had to turn this
prize to their leader.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel began to wonder if she would make it through. The sensations bombarded her over and over. The heat generated by her exertions and the two wolves was trapped in by their fur. She began to falter a little bit and barely noticed the attentions of the two smaller wolves. When she did feel them, she knew that her ordeal was far from over. She slumped back slightly, nearing the end of her immediate strength.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As Aethel began to hit the limit of her current endurance, and strength. it would be at this point in time, that the former Tavern wench would feel the sudden increase in size. as
not one but both cocks deep in her swelled to the point they could no longer budge with in her tight molten vice of carnally delightful flesh. the duo had successfully knotted the busty maiden.
her body pushed to limits no partner could have pushed her to, with humans. these bestial partners would begin to slowly move to give her oddly soothing licks, before the hot thick baby batter could be felt.
as it began to rush into her depths, flooding, coating, and filling Aethel to an extreme degree, yet she was locked with both of them, and in between the duo.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Her eyes fluttered, and for a moment, she thought she was going to pass out. She felt the heat flood into her and she gave a long, relieved moan, knowing that this first part of the ordeal would end soon. She dropped back, arms falling to lay limply stretched out from her side. Her body was a dead weight on the l wolffish form underneath her. Her chest heaved as she tried to catch her breath. Her body was shiny with sweat, a panting, heaving symbol of sexual ecstasy.
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Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Laying their, as the copious amount of feral seed pumped into Aethel. the warmth growing with each addiction release into her depths.
as the heated pressure continued to build up, due to the amount being produced, and how it was trapped with in her, due to the knots. it would not be as
bad of an experience as one might think, however the worse part would be the painful process of feeling the knots being pulled out slowly.

It would be quiet the experience, as once they were pulled out of her, Aethel would find the young maiden able to see the group.
as if they were waiting for the exhausted maiden to call to the next two or three to join her. however if she did not point to any of them, they would begin to all come to her.
as their were a total of 7 of them left of this pack of 9. the two smallest ones which had been licking at her legs, would move to apparently want some attention as well.
yet the two largest ones which had just completed their rounds, would be sitting back cleaning themselves off as they also seemed excited to see the lesser hounds take turns as well.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel rose slowly and slightly shakily to her feet. Seed trickled from her holes stickily. She looked around, sizing up the situation. Seeing that they were considering going back to their initial method of exacting pleasure, she pushed through the exhaustion and selected the next participants. Her eyes moved from one to the next appraisingly. She realized she had a slight position of power with the possibility of choosing and decided to try to leverage it. She walked slowly around the circle, keeping them in the edge of expectation about her choice. “You.” She brushed the head of a somewhat humanoid form. “You.” She patted the head of one of the largest remaining regular wolves. She turned to one of the smallest pair of wolves. “If you clean me up first, I’ll take you next. Alone.”
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she made this offer, the two bestial partners would wag their tails excitedly, as they moved to do as requested. their tongues more then ready to tickle, and dig into
Aethel's exhausted and tender flesh. the four beasts were chosen, the two which would clean her up seemed to be ready to get to work, however if the former Tavern wench presented
them with the right moment. the two beasts would pounce, toppling the woman onto her back. as they would get started with licking her clean, after knocking her over excitedly, unless
the young lady presented herself for this. not even wanting to wait for the two which she chose for her next round to get their turn done.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Jun 2, 2023
Aethel sprawled into the ground, presenting herself rather than struggling. She hoped to regain some strength and trusted the next chosen wolves to defend their right to take their turn next if th cleaners got any ideas.

A few minutes later, she shooed them away and turned toward the pair she was going to be servicing next. She ambled toward them, facing the humanoid one even if the other circled around behind her as wolves are wont to do. When she neared, she sank to her knees, her eyes appraising the more humanoid cock in front of her. Her lower parts could use a bit of a break. Time for some mouth work.
Local Time:
10:35 PM
Nov 19, 2022
now presenting herself like this, the impressive wolf man's member before Aethel's eyes was much more human like then the prior ones which had invaded her depths prior.
this one despite it's more human shape, and design was still rather large, and thick for such a thing. as it would be quiet the undertaking to see a man with such a tool, but this was a beast.

as the creature's one elongated arm moved to reach tours her body. the sharp long claws flicked at Aethel's large plump breast. showing the interest in her bust. which this one seemed to posses,
however the fact remained, this oral treatment she would soon begin could please the first of the two, and give her lower region a chance at some minor recovery. however the second beast she chose would move
up behind her. it's could snout soon up against Aethel's back side. as it began to lap at her lower regions, licking and nudging at her, as the rough tongue would give a sensation which can ether be enjoyed or troublesome.
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