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Fantasy RP Maybe a Little Kidnapping and Defiantly a Little Play (Kasumi)

Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Hello- i have no clue what to put. . . :D
Here’s my character:
Name: Roazin Democritus
Age: 20
Looks: Dark brown har, light anmber eyes, and light olive toned skin and about 5’7, thin.
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Name: Aiden Quill
Age: 18
Hair & Eye Color: Brown hair, blue eyes.
Height: 5'6"

Middle Prince to the Kingdom of Anroma

Name: Luca Quill
Age: 23
Hair & Eye Color: Brown hair, golden eyes.
Height: 5'7"

Eldest, crowned prince to the Kingdom of Anroma

Aiden sighed as he walked through the busy marketplace, his guards close behind him. He wrapped his long, black cloak around himself, not wanting any of their citizens to spot the middle prince of their kingdom out and about. He was bored and would rather his guards not follow him. He had tried to leave the palace by himself, the prince hoping the cloak would hide his identity - but his little brother had to run into the room and spoil everything. He couldn't be completely mad at , the poor little thing just wanted to play. Aiden had some fun ideas of his own, none involving his little brother. After distracting the youngest prince with one of the servants, Aiden managed to leave with two guards in tow.

Another sigh left his lips, deep blue eyes scanning over the many wares the various vendors possessed. He supposed he could buy an item or two. It never hurt to have more things, plus he could probably find a toy for Elliot - a little apology for earlier.

As Aiden approached a stand, he spotted something out of the corner of his eye. Grinning mischievously, he pulled some coins out of his pouch and bought a pack of potions the seller promised they would do this and that. Whatever his young heart desired. Rolling his eyes, he slipped the bottles and vials into another pouch pocket and left. He then turned to leave, aiming to follow what he had spotted.

A particular person; a very handsome man had caught the prince's eye and he wasn't leaving until he got him. He followed, followed until the male came to a secluded area of the market. It was quiet with not many people passing by - the perfect opportunity for the prince to reveal his identity.

"Oh, Sir~" He called out, looking to get the man's attention. Whenever he would turn, Aiden was captivated by his beauty as he looked into his eyes. "How gorgeous..." He said softly to himself. He pulled the hood of his cloak down, revealing to the male who he was. "How would you like to have some fun?" Aiden suggested. "If you come with me, I can show you a good time." He started off gently, cautiously watching the male. The guards finally caught up, silently standing at attention behind the prince. Whatever the prince wanted, he would get. Even if it meant by force; the prince was suddenly glad that the guards were there. He was thankful that the palace wasn't too far. He thought that perhaps he should get a sedative. He had one on him, didn't he? A hand reached inside the cloak, rummaging through his pockets for a particular vial. If it proved too difficult for his guards, he would have to use it. They would simply have to hold the male down so Aiden could spill the liquid into the other's mouth... Oh, the mental image he just got~!
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roa dug into his coin purse, his tongue poking out slightly between his lips as he counted the money silently. After finding the suficant funds to buy the small wood carvings he had found and immediately fallen entranced with. One was a small bird, caught mid flight, the details so fine the individual feathers were etched and the ones on the wings looked incredibly fragile, as it it would snap of at the slightest bit of force. The wood was a soft sandy color and some sort of thin coat of color had been added. Just enough for the color to be there, but you could still see the wood grains and color beneath. Amaria would love it.
The other was a carving of a horse, frozen in a pose of what Roa could only call pride. As if it had won a competition and would go on bragging about it for eternity. Its head thrown back and mane flowing in an invisible breeze, a hoof was lifted in a Monet ion that he would assume meant the creature was about to start prancing. This carving was a white color, and the main stained a beautiful onyx black. This one, he would keep for himself.

Smiling in thanks and nodding when the vendor asks if he would like them wrapped for protection, he turns slowly, looking around and trying to see if there was anything else he could purchase. There was another vendor nearby selling sweet buns, and then another one selling jewlry. He accept the small paper bag offered to him, slides it into his satchel and thanks the woman. Turning away, he walks over to the sweet bun cart. After surveying the wares, he hands over another few coins and takes two of the sticky, honey covered buns and bites into one, almost groaning at the taste, “Delicious! I’ll have to remember to come by this stall more often.” He grins and tips the young girl another coin before wandering off again.

He spends his afternoon wandering the market, not buying much else. He finished off the second bun and pauses near a small potions cart, looking at it and reading the labels on te bottles. He rolls his eyes slightly, shaking his head and turning away. He didn’t believe in magic, he didn’t think that you could wave your hand and have whatever you wanted appear in front of you. It was a much more reasonable assumption to say that whatever was in those bottle was a i tire of herbs and/or drugs. Though he knew he would believe in magic if he ever saw it, but for now, he had never seen it, so he didn’t believe.

He slides his hand into his satchel and lightly fidgets with the paper bag, quiet as he looks around before deciding it was probably time to head home. Amaria would probably be worried if he stayed out any longer, the sun already starting to disappear behind the buildings. Which wasn’t much, there was still probably two hours of light before dusk. He makes his way towards a side street, pulling his hand free from his bag and sliding both into his pockets. He hums a soft tune, moving past people with softly murmured words of excuse and an apology when he almost runs into someone. He ducks onto the side street, and noted it was practically deserted as he heard footfalls behind him and then a voice.

”Oh, sir~”
He turned, his gaze landing on another man? He looked younger than Roazin himself and about an inch shorter. Though he knew better than to dismiss someone just cause they were smaller and younger. Roazin himself had been a force to reckon with, and he still was, though. . . His eyes flicked to the guards behind the man and then his eyes flick back to the man himself. Obviously someone important if he warranted two guards. He heard the man’s ur used words, and he shakes his head ever so slightly, gorgeous? And then the man pulled back his hood. Roa could feel his heart stop in that moment, then resume at a slightly faster pace than before. What the hell did the middle prince, Prince Aiden Quill, of the realm want with him?

”How would you like to have some fun? If you come with me, I can show you a good time."

Roa blinks once and then shakes his head slightly, but his eyes flick back to the guards and he chews on his lip. There was no way street fighting cold get him out of two royal guards. He might be fast enough to get away at a dead sprint but. . . His gaze sizes up the guards, two large men, both on edge for anything Roa might pull. He tenses slightly, staring at the two men, not letting his gaze waver. He would try to run, he wouldn’t fight. If he got into a fight again, Amaria would- Amaria. Thinking about his little sister froze his blood. If he was in trouble, he couldn’t lead these men home, where his already sickly little sister could get hurt. Instead. . . Yes, he knew what he would do, if he could get away.

”Sorry, I have to get home. My family is waiting for me, and well-“ He shrugs, flashing a smile. Bright, gentle, frindely. Not giving anything away about his introns to run if these men didn’t leave him alone. He relaxes his shoulders, rolling them slightly, “They’re family, they’ll worry. Don’t mean to cause any problems for you, I hope you have a good evening.”

He bows slightly, showing respect to the prince and then straightens, turning away slightly, showing his intent to leave an go home. He didn’t want any trouble, he just wanted to get home to Amaria.


Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
The prince held back a laugh. He loved it when he revealed himself to his unsuspecting victims. The look on their faces was always priceless! He watched the other's reaction, certain that, as usual, he was sizing up his guards. Usually, people (men) were reluctant to go with him since they knew his request was most likely sexual. Aiden would often have to use his status (and threats) to get them to do as he wished. The spoiled prince enjoyed teasing his victims, making them think they were in dire straits while all he wanted was a quick, harsh fuck. He would let them go afterward, of course! In the end, he would always fulfill whatever request they initially had. As the middle prince, his job in the kingdom was to listen and fulfill the citizen's requests. Family or land in trouble? He could take care of it, no problem.

Today he did his usual job... for a little while. When no one came to him after a while, he wandered off, rather bored. Coming to the market was a wonderful idea as he found something to play with.

"I won't keep you long. You'll go back to your family, don't worry." He promised. Still, as usual, the man was reluctant and would rather leave to some boring family than play with him. He shrugged, "Oh well."

With a sly grin, Aiden waited for the perfect time to act. When the man fully turned to leave, Aiden held up his hand. He let the man think he could get away, to give him a little bit of a head start... A snap of the fingers came a moment later and the two guards were quickly on top of the man, forcing the bags the man was holding to fall to the ground. They did their best to hold the man down to the ground, using all the strength they had, which was a lot considering they were the protectors for the royal family. Still, the stranger could be much stronger.

Aiden, unsure if the man would put up a major struggle, hurried on over to the trio. Standing over the male, he pulled out a vial containing a green liquid - a fast-acting sedative. Pulling the top off of the vial he knelt in front of the male and grabbed his face, trying to force his mouth open to pour the liquid inside. The time the sedative stayed in one's system depended on how much one ingested. Even a little bit still knocked one out, though the effects lasted the shortest. They would have to be quick getting him back to the palace.

Once the male was out, the guards carried the male to the palace. Aiden paused for a moment, spotting the bags on the ground. He decided to pick them up and bring them, feeling a little bad that he nearly wasted the man's money. Aiden didn't know if any of the items were broken as he hadn't checked. Upon arrival at the palace, Aiden urged the guards to bring the man up to his room. He followed them up the stairs and to his room, sighing happily when it was finally just the two of them, the man lying on his bed. Setting the bags to the side, Aiden removed his cloak and set his pouches on top of his dresser. He disappeared into his bathroom, leaving the door open, to freshen up a bit while waiting for the man to awaken if he was still out.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roazin heard the moment the prince sapped his fingers and heard the guards feet on the ground as they moved to grab him. He spins out of the way, his amber eyes flashing and he manages to evade them for a while, but they were blocking any path he could take to get away. They were fast as well, and Roa was having to keep spinning and ducking. After what seemed like forever, one of the guards grabbed his arm. He growls, trying to pull it free but the other guard had a grip on his other arm. He squirms for a moment, and then huffs, realizing the guards were much stronger than him. He goes limp, his breaths heavy.

He’s watches slips off his shoulder, tangling up with his arm and the guards arms. The guard made a face, ad let go long enough to let the bag fall, gripping onto Roa’s arm a heartbeat later. The back falls to the ground and Roa hears the almost inaudible snap of wood. He flinches, his eyes lashing with pain. He hoped it wasn’t the bird. Anything but the bird. His gaze snaps to the guard and he hisses, “Careful, fucknut. If you’re going to manhandle me, at least be careful with my shit.” Normally, Roa didn’t spew insults, or curses. But this man was being inconsiderate and just a plain ass.

His gaze flicks to the prince as he walks closer and reveals the bottle he had been pulling from his cloak. Roazin knew it instantly for what it was, a powerful sedadive. One that was fast acting and he knew he didn’t want it in his body. He hated sedatives, being forced to sleep, one he couldn’t wake himself from. He shudders, turning his face away. He hisses when the man grabs his face, turning it towards him. He glares, him amber eyes bright with rage and maybe the slightest glimmer of hate. Okay, defiantly the slightest glimmer of hate.

He feels the cold lip of the bottle pressed to his lips and he lets out a soft whine. The green liquid slid between his lips, despite his attempts to keep it from doing so. A slightly sour and then sweet taste and he tries to spit it back out, but the prince’s grip on his face was too hard. He gags softly, swallowing the liquid. His gaze locks with the princes, the range and hate seeming to intensify before his eyes slowly close and his body goes limp.


Roa’s eyes slowly open and the first thing he notices is that he’s in a bed, large and soft. He stares at the ceiling, defiantly not his own. He sits up slowly, Looking around. The room was extravagantly decorated, filled with things Roa himself would never be able to buy. He shifts slightly, making a face at his sore arms as the muscles twinge in pain.

At first, he couldn’t remember how he got here and what had happened to lead up to this room, this bed. His mind was foggy with. . . And unnatural sleep. His hand lifts to his temple, pressing lightly at his temple. Closing his eyes, he waits for the fog to clear and then gasps. The guards, the prince the sedadive. He shudders, hugging himself and then looks around again. That’s probably where he was. . . In the prince’s bedroom. He moves to the edge of the bed and then pauses, listening. He heard water, small splashes and the sound of it moving and he freezes in place, his gaze darting artound until it settled on an open door, light flooding into the bedroom From the room beyond.

He frowns and stays still, perched on the edge of the bed, his gaze locked on the open door.
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Aiden expected the male to put up a fight. He became worried halfway through and considered having his guards retreat. Yet, his guards managed to tire out the male. He was held down and Aiden was able to drug him. The trip to the palace was uneventful.

Inside the bathroom, Aiden washed his hands and face, straightening himself out. He rummaged through his medicine cabinet, looking through the various previously made potions, either made by the prince himself or bought off the market, and his many herbs and other loose items. He was contemplating creating a special little drink for his new guest. He had a setup in his bathroom, especially for occasions such as this, where he had to create a concoction quickly.

He decided on one of the already-made potions as he realized he was pressed for time. At any moment his new guest would awaken. For all he knew, the male was already up and trying to leave. Picking the bottle up he hid it behind his back with both hands and left the bathroom. Entering his bedroom, he was pleased to see the male awake. Now, how to get the male to drink it... He was doubtful the man would accept a strange drink from a stranger, no doubt a prince who kidnapped him. After all, not even a moment ago did he force the male to drink something that left him unconscious.

"Nice to see you awake," he said as he strolled over to the bed. He slipped the potion onto his nightstand, hoping the male wouldn't notice. He crawled onto the bed, keeping distance between them. He wanted the male to feel safe in such a strange situation, plus the male could easily kill him. "I apologize for such a disruptive end to your shopping. You see, I've been rather bored and I've been wanting to play with someone. Luckily for you, I thought you were mighty handsome. By the way, what's your name~? You already know who I am." He asked with a grin.

Sitting on the nightstand was a medium-sized potion bottle. The liquid on the inside was a pretty red color, filled with a few aphrodisia, among one other special ingredient. There was Muira puama, which strengthened the intensity of orgasm. Damiana caused mild euphoria in some people, and it increased stimulation and sensitivity in the genital area. Lastly, there was a little bit of cacao mixed in. It contained compounds that caused blissful and euphoric moods. Since cacao was also known for increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, it aided in making one feel really good which helped to increase arousal. There were enough doses for perhaps three people. There were times Aiden drank it just to get high if he didn't have anything else. The other effects left him wandering the palace and screwing the first servant he'd find. Right now, he wanted to play with this beautiful stranger.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roazin shifts away from the prince, his amber gaze wary as he stares. His gaze flickering over the man and then around the room agIan. His quick eyes do not miss the nottle on the nightstand, but he can’t quite figure out what it is. He looks back at the prince, his hands tucking behind his back and he shakes his head, “I don’t. . . Don’t want that.” He whispers, stepping back slightly.

His gaze focuses on the prince, instead of flicking around the room. He had to admit though, the prince himself was handsome, someone Roa might have thought about agreeing to having sex to if. . . The man had let him go home, tell Amaria he had evening plans and then go back out. Not kidnap him. He crosses his arms over his chest defensively,

“You kidnapped me. Why would I want to have sex with someone who kidnapped me?“ He tilts his head slightly, “Someone so entitled that he doesn’t even think about the feelings of the person his wants to fuck and just takes them away to do just that.”

He Shakes his head, already worrying for Amaria. His gaze flicks to the window, gauging the time. He was beyond late at this point, his sister was probably starving at the point. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He had showed her how to put together a sandwich and make some soup. SHe would be okay. There was the neighbor who always watched out for her. While ne needed to get home as soon as possible, he didn’t need to worry about Amaria starving and helpless if something happened.

“I’m not going to be with someone so inconsiderate. It’s just outside my personal boundaries. And drugging someone to want something doesn’t make it consensual.” Roa rolls his eyes, leaning back against the wall.


Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Aiden curiously watched the male get off the bed and move away from it - creating enough distance between them to make himself comfortable. The prince had no weapons on hand unless one counted the various potions in his possession as weapons. He blinked as the other said he didn't want it. It... Oh! Shit, he saw the potion. To be fair, the prince hadn't hidden it all that well. It was quite obvious with its moderate size sitting there where he previously stood.

"Well, then I guess I deserve to be punished, wouldn't you say?" He pointed out with a little laugh. The prince wasn't without a heart, he deeply cared about those around him. He was just used to getting his way, the prince rarely heard the word no and if he did, he held power over everyone. Just a little fact he loved to bring up. "C'mon, you can do whatever you want with me. You can hurt me if you wanna. Drug me? Go ahead." He glanced over to the potion to make his point.

"Oh! Got me there. Well, you have all the power now. I'm completely defenseless." He was partially telling the truth, as one call would bring his guards bursting into the room. Or... Fuck. Luca. Shaking the thought from his head, he shifted to get on his knees, crawling over to the end of the bed, closer to where the male stood against the wall. He gestured with a finger for the other to come to him, winking seductively. "I know you want to hurt me. I'm keeping you from something." Family, or whatever it was. "I won't scream... too loudly," he grinned. He loved pain, so it would be pretty hard to keep quiet.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roazin blinked once, his gaze confused as the prince spoke to him. Punished? Roa shakes his head, “I have no clue what you’re talking about. I don’t-“ He pauses, his mind slowly, but surely catching up with what the prince was saying. He clears his throat, realizing the prince meant it in a sexual way. He shaes his head again, a slight flush creeping up to his cheeks. Typically, he was the one getting punished, and punishing someone else? Or just being a top? He’d tried, mutiple times, and the best he found he could do was ride his partner.

”I-I don’t. . . Don’t do that.” He shakes his head more, pressing back against the wall, “I’m not drugging in you either.”

He looks away, his gaze sliding over the room again, then back to the prince. He knew there were probably guards out in the hall, and one word from the prince before him would have the guards in the room. Roa did not like doing the dance of death, and had no plans to harm his prince either way. For pleasure, spite or just to hurt him.

He watches the prince crawl forward on his knees, and Roa sighs, “I’m not doing anything to you. I’m not- not-. . .” He wraps his arms around himself, huffing a soft laugh.

”If you wanted someone to fuck you, you got the wrong guy.” Roa shakes his head, “One, because I don‘t want to, and two, because I don’t fuck people.”

He tips his head to the side, his amber eyes almost glittering with mirth. “You’ll have to find someone else willing to fullfill those desires for you, because I am not the man to do it.”


Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
A frown replaced the devious grin the prince previously held. "Hmm~?" He mused, realizing that he may have picked the wrong guy to bring back to the palace. Still, the other could give him a blow job or something! There were things a bottom could do to a fellow bottom! With regained confidence, Aiden hopped off the bed and went over to the nightstand where the potion was. Grabbing it, he casually strolled toward the male. "Come on, we can still have fun! No fucking needed!" He held the potion out, popping the cork out, and nearly shoved it in the male's face. "Come on, this will help. Just a little sip..."

The door swung open suddenly, and an angry elder prince entered the room. Aiden jumped back, surprised to see his older brother enter the room.

"Aiden, what the hell are you doing?" Luca had been wondering why two guards were stationed outside of his brother's door. He was appalled to see another one of his younger brother's victims trapped in the room with the little beast. He shook his head, already trying to figure out how to apologize to the poor man and his family who were no doubt worried over his whereabouts. "Please, do forgive my horrible beast of a brother. I'm in the process of getting him fixed," he teased as he reached for his brother's collar.

Aiden noticed that the other was distracted by Luca's entrance and took the opportunity to grab the man's mouth and spill some of the potion inside. He giggled as his brother yelled his name in shock, his laugh growing in volume as he finally managed to drug the male.

"Aiden! No, that's it." Angrily, he grabbed his brother by the neck in one hand, the potion in another, and dumped the entirety of the potion into his mouth. Satisfied that his brother had drank the whole thing, he let the bottle fall to the floor and pushed his brother away. He quickly turned to the man, looking to profusely apologize, when his brother grabbed him and suddenly pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked, more so when a liquid entered his mouth, his brother not budging until he swallowed.

Panting softly, Luca glared daggers at his brother. "What have you done?" It wouldn't be long now until all three men would be horny, panting messes, in need of satisfying one another.

Aiden's laughter grew louder, the male bending over onto the edge of his mattress, slamming his hand a top it. "This is great!"
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
He shakes his head, “Look, I don’t want to, your highness. I’m not in the mood.” He watches the young prince and his eyes widen, his feet spreading slightly into a defensive stance as he walks closer, shoving the bottle into his face, he lifts his hand, moving to swat the prince away when the door flies open. The eldest Prince and heir to the kingdom storms into the room and Roa stares his mind whirling. The next thing he knows, the bottle is pressed to his mouth and the liquid slides past is lips.

His mind exploded into chaos the moment the liquid slide down his throat. Panic at whatever was in the bottle, painc at the eldest prince suddenly being in the room, and fear. Lots of fear. IMaes rushing through his mind which he frantically pushes away. NOw was not the time for a panic attack. Now was not the time to relive what had happened to his family. He shakes his head and after a few moments, he starts to feel. . . Different.

He couldn’t focus on the princes, but his body felt different, warmer than just moments before. “What did--. . .” He trails off, shaking his head and running his hand through his hair. The princes were. . . Arguing, it was to hard to tell. But he found something about the way they moved. . . Hot. Oh fuck, what was he thinking? Wasn’t he just thinking moments ago that he wanted to go home and the middle prince was being far from hot? But now, as the eldest practically manhandled his little brother, Roa was craving feeling that grip on himself. His gaze focused on the hand gripping Aiden’s neck and then flicked up to the eldest princes face. Anger flashed there, and maybe annoyance?

He closes his eyes, rubbing his face, trying to clear his head and his now burning skin. “Fucking hell. . .” He mumbles, shaking his head.

He looks back at the two prices, now seeming to be fighting over the bottle and then. . . Kissing? What the hell was going on? And why was he getting overly horny? Why was the feeling of the moving air so. . . So noticeable around him? His skin was tingling with sensitivity, and his body burning with need.

“An aphrodisiac. . .” He whispers.

Oh fuck. . .
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Despite the other's protests, Aiden knew things would get better once he took a drink. He had totally been right, the situation getting even better as his brother entered the room. Luca forced Aiden to down the rest of the bottle, the male happily swallowing it, saving just a mouthful. He was thrilled to surprise Luca, slipping his tongue inside his older brother's mouth, and forcing him to drink what was left of the potion. Luckily for him, it would be just enough to mess his brother up.

Growling deep in his throat, Luca wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "You little..." He could already feel his body heating up, the euphoric effects hitting him. Lastly, he started to become aroused, his cock hardening, causing his pants to become tight. Aiden was feeling the very same, his laughter quieting some, his movements slowing. Aiden crawled onto the bed, flopping over as he basked in the high. A few giggles could be heard from the middle prince, the male squirming slightly as his arousal grew.

Luca's focus fell onto the stranger when he realized finally what his younger brother had forced him to consume. Shivering softly, he reached a hand out, gently placing it on top of the male's shoulder. "I'm deeply sorry about this," he said softly, his breathing becoming uneven, something he tried to control and hide. "It would be best if you stayed here. Just until the effects wear off..." Gods, it was becoming difficult to hold back his growing desires. The stranger was beautiful, his body tempting the elder prince. Glancing toward the bed, his eyes landed on his brother. His smaller frame and delicate features... He wanted to ruin him.

He quickly pulled his hand away. The drug, despite how little he ended up consuming (no thanks to his brother), was overwhelming. As time went on, the desire and urge to fuck heightened. He was finding it difficult to resist jumping either male. Licking his lips, he tried to will the feelings away. "What is your name, Sir?" He asked, jolting slightly at the sounds of Aiden's quiet moans. He refused to look toward the bed, where his brother lay on his side and palmed himself through his pants.

"Luca~" Aiden moaned, half-lidded eyes staring his brother down, taunting and teasing him.

Luca swallowed hard. He should find a room for the stranger. Place him somewhere else, just for the time being.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roa bit his lip slightly, slowly shaking his head. Fuck. . . fuck. . . Fuck. . . He shifts his hip to the side slightly, hoping fr any sublet friction and relief from the tingling and burning, but it was no use, if anything, the movement only served to arouse him more. The aphrdisiac working quickly into his system and causing blood to rush to unwanted areas.

His pupils dilated, his amber eyes getting a few shades darker as the desire filled him more and the princes hound on his shoulder did not to dissuade that. If anything, it only made Ro want to turn into the touch, to convince the man to wrap his hand around his own neck, or. . . At least a gentle rake of his fingers through Roa’s hair. Something intimate, something to ghelp these feelings inside him. His gaze went to the prince on the ed and then back to the one before him. Stay here? That sounded nice. Maybe he could at lest enjoy himself while on this high. But he was unsure if it would even be counted fair, as two of the three epople here technically had not agreed to any of these events.

He felt disappointed when the hand left his shoulder, And he wish desperately to feel it again. Anywhere on his body, but a few spots sounded paricuarlly nice at the moment. The prince asked him a questions and it take s him a moment to process and then think of the answer. He clears his throat, “R-Roa. . . Roazin. . .. your- your highness. . .“ He presses his lip together, and then shakes his head slightly, looking back to the younger prince. He was on the bed, touching himself and moaning. ROa’s face flushed and he looked back up at Luca for a moment before away from bother Princes.

He itched to just touch himself and make this feeling go away, but he didn’t want to do that in don’t of these men, either from some twisted sort of submission or some twited sort of ego. Either one, Roa stood the awkwardly, tingling and burning while shifting his hips.
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Luca was finding it difficult to think clearly as the drug slowly reached its peak inside his body. He was distracted, not noticing his brother moving from the bed, the elder prince figuring out where to place the stranger and how to help his obvious growing problem. It would be such a shame to force the other to take care of his issue all by himself... No! No, he needed to be professional! The way he shifted, however...

"Roazin?" He repeated with a small nod. Just then, a small cry left the elder prince's lips, his brother sneaking up behind him and groping him through his pants. Aiden's quick hands undid Luca's pants and pulled him out of them. Just those touches alone nearly had him stumbling, his knees growing weak and the sensation driving him crazy. The lust was quickly taking over, his eyes landing on both males, looking over them hungrily at them.

He shoved Aiden away, knowing his brother loved rough treatments. "Get on the bed, both of you. Now." He commanded huskily.

Aiden grinned and happily moved back over to his bed, climbing on top of it. He read his brother's mind before the words ever left his mouth, already stripping from his clothing. "Roazin, huh~?" The middle prince mused, tempted to touch him, though he held back. Luca didn't say he could, the prince already following some secret, hidden orders yet to be voiced. He lay there, cock fully erect, not touching himself.

Luca huffed softly. This damned brat... He would get him later, he swore it. Still, from all the times his brother played with others, he already knew how to be obedient. He had to give him that. With a soft smile, he petted his brother's head, "Good boy." The words went right to Aiden's dick, Luca chuckling softly watching it twitch and weep, desperate to be touched. It was the least he could do as he wouldn't be touching Aiden, not for a while. He needed to be punished.

Aiden nuzzled up into the touch, pleasure surging through him already just from the petting. He was desperate to be touched, though he wasn't given permission. Yet.

Luca turned his attention toward their new guest, Roazin, who joined his brother on the bed, following his command. "Good," he purred, "that's a very good boy." He ran his fingers through Roazin's hair, petting him gently, before cupping his face with a hand. What was he to do with two very eager boys to play with? He could have them play with each other, though he would be left neglected and that just wouldn't do. He pulled his hand back a second later and started to strip, removing his shirt first as he mulled over the many things they could do to relieve themselves - no thanks to Aiden and his damned potions. He would conveniently ignore the few he had in his own medicine chest.

Luca had removed the rest of his clothing, his cock standing at attention, pre forming at the tip already. After imagining a few scenarios, Luca eventually moved to the bed, climbing into it and moving to lay back against the pillows. He motioned for both to join him, on either side of his body. "Come, it's okay," he reassured Roazin in case he was hesitant. Aiden was already at his brother's side, kneeling, eagerly awaiting his next order. "I'd like... both of you to pleasure me." He spoke up, pointing to his cock. A good blow job sounded amazing right about now. He deserved the moment to relax and a mouth around his dick.

Aiden cautiously watched Luca, ensuring it wasn't some sort of trick. That if he leaned down to engulf that cock, his brother wouldn't suddenly turn and not allow him to touch, as some sort of revenge. He leaned down, placing a hand on Luca's thigh, as he ducked down to lick along the side of his brother's cock, allowing Roazin the other side. Luca did raise his hand, only to thread his fingers in Aiden's hair and squeezed. Slipping his eyes closed, he deemed it safe to resume. He groaned under the touch and eagerly lapped up the spilling pre, running his tongue up to the head and wrapping his lips around it, licking and sucking. He pulled off with a slick pop a moment later, allowing Roazin his chance to please Luca.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roa’s gaze flicks to Aiden as the younger prince silently got up from the bed and snuck up behind his brother. His gaze flicks back to the eldest prince’s face, watching the shocked expression cross his face. He moved forward, his hands coming up to brush the man’s chest. He felt his skin heat more at the ;look the prince gave Luca and then him, biting down hard on his lower lip. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening now, but it seemed the only person who may have been able to control himself had lost that little control. . .

His heart jumped at the order to get on the bed, his feet automatically moving to take him to the bed without thinking about it. He crawls onto the large space, shifting onto his knees and facing Luca. He watches the man approach the bed, looking between the both of them. He looks over at Aiden when he says his name, nodding slightly, his gaze moving up and down the prince‘s body for a moment and then away.

He watches as Luca reaches out and pets his younger brother, praising him, and Aidens subsequent reaction to the praise. He looks at Luca again, and then back at Aiden for a moment, wondering if he should strip as well, and deciding against it, after all, he hadn't been told to do so yet. He closes his eyes upon hearing the praise directed toward him, the touch on his hair gently and he leans into it. While he liked the gentle touch, he usually only preferred it in his after glow and non-sexual moments. He leans Into the hand on his cheek, looking up at Luca through his lashes.

He sighs softly when the hand leaves his cheek, watching Luca strip off his own shirt. He stared at the elder man, skating his teeth over his lower lip again. He watches as the man continues to strip, his own hands pressing into the mattress in front of him, somehow knowing he shouldn’t touch Luca, not yet at least. He moves slightly out of the way at Luca climbs onto the bed, situating himself in the center and settling down. He motions both hm and Aiden to his sides and Roa hesitates the smallest moment before moving forward to the opposite side across from Aiden.

He looks up at Luca’s face and then back to his cock, his fingers curling slightly. He’d given past partners plenty of blow jobs, and it was one of the things he’d found himself good at. Him being him, most of the time his partners took their pleasure pleasing him, but he’d found giving a blow job a way he could get his pleasure by pleasing his partner. It made him feel good and useful.

He waited a moment, watching Aiden go down on his brother and then leaned down, licking the free side of Luca’s dick and tilting his head slightly, sucking on the shaft when Aiden goes down on the head. He flicks his tongue out, his amber eyes looking up at Luca’s face, trying to see if he liked it. When Aiden pulled back, Roa didn‘t leave more than a second before his mouth was over Luca’s cock, his tongue moving around as he sucking harder, his gaze still on Luca’s face.
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Luca had enjoyed the touches to his chest, those hands warm… hot, even. It was all from the damned potion his brother had drugged them with. Still, he couldn’t be completely mad. As Luca had been very busy lately, he couldn’t find any time to sit down and properly relieve himself. Being next in line for the crown was a stressful job.

Luca was happy to take advantage of the situation, taking charge his way. He noticed Roazin hadn’t stripped, yet he joined them on the bed. He didn’t mind, it was fair as he hadn’t told the other to do as such. His brother was an eager little thing. It felt too good for the elder prince to lay back and relax. To have a hot, willing mouth to fully take him. He had to admit his brother was skilled, though he wanted to see what their kidnapped guest could do.

He sighed happily as Roazin went down on him next. It felt amazing to have two mouths on him, servicing him at the same time. It was Roa’s turn next and Luca couldn’t help but buck his hips up into that mouth. “Mmn, yes…” He hissed softly, head tilting back as a wave of pleasure overtook him.

“Why don’t you strip, Roazin?” He said, threading his fingers through his hair, letting his hand linger for a moment longer before moving it to allow the other to strip.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roa looked up at Luca again, the man’s cock stil in his mouth. His amber eyes slightly raker, filled with desire and want. He sucks again, pulling back so just the other’s head was in his mouth and sucked harder, hollowing his cheeks and going back down. He pulls off after a mother moment, letting Aiden have his turn again as. . . Strip? Roa shudders, his eyes closing again.

The lust was addling his mind, and while he was sure he would never strip for a littéral stranger, no matter who they were, the drug in his body had him pulling his shirt off and dropping it to the floor. His pale, narrow chest and shoulders, lightly built with lean muscle. Years one the street as a boy had thought him staying in shape was a good thing, and now that he had a decent job, he had just enough money with a few extra coins every month, so he wasn’t fighting for his food in alleyways anymore, but. . . He had gotten into a few brawls. Small scars peppered his skin, light and pale, mostly fadded from said fights and brawls.

His gaze goes back to Luca, curious and. . . almost shy. As if uncertain what the other two males would think of his own body. He swallows, his hands going to gis belt, fingers working to undo the clasp. He slides the soft, worn leather free and drops it with his shirt and then starts to undo his pants, but his fingers still as he hesitates. His own mind trying to fight the drug that had washed over his body, senses and thoughts. He shakes his head slightly, swallowing.

Jesus. . . He was stripping in front of two of three princes. And he felt fine with it? He blows out a breath, the drug forcing his fingers to finish what they had started and pulling his pants off, dropping them neatly into the pile of his clothes. He shifts, staying on his knees, his head dipping slightly.
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Local Time:
9:12 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Luca's back arched some as Roazin sucked harder on the head of his cock. He hissed between gritted teeth, sighing softly as another wave of overwhelming pleasure went through him. He threaded his fingers through Aiden's hair, gripping tightly, wanting to punish the other for causing them to go through such things. Alas, the grip on those locks only served to turn his brother on more. "Damn it, Aiden..." He groaned, turning his attention back to Roazin as he suggested stripping.

When Roazin lifted off to strip, Aiden took over sucking on Luca's cock.

Luca's grip on Aiden's locks softened, only gently raking his nails over his scalp, lighting his nerves up. His focus turned to Roazin, watching the little strip show, a warm smile ever present on his lips anytime he looked toward their guest. "Mm, that's it, Roazin. You're beautiful." He encouraged him, knowing it must have been quite awkward for the other male. Still, Luca felt a little entitled to seeing the other nude. If they all had to suffer through Aiden's misdoings, he may as well enjoy what he could. He appreciated his hardened body, toughened up from years possibly on the streets. "My, the stories those scars can tell." He mused softly, absolutely not minding the sight of them.

Aiden lifted off of Luca's cock once more, taking in the sight of the other male. "Wow, yeah, he's not kidding. You're amazing." Aiden said, giving his own bit of approval over the male's appearance. "Mn... I wanna keep him, Luca~!" He whined softly which caused Luca to roll his eyes and shove him away. Pouting, Aiden stayed on his side of the bed, giving Roazin all the space to be near his brother.

"Please, do ignore him," Luca reassured Roazin, holding his hands out for the other to come closer. With the male beside him, a gentle hand went to the male's hip. Thinking over what he wanted to do, he gently nudged with his hand for the other to climb into his lap. "Come, come, Roazin," he once more reassured the uncertain male, helping him into his lap. "If it wasn't for my brother's terrible idea I would never ask this, yet... Have you bottomed before?" He asked as he pulled the male closer, his hands moving to grope his ass. He was gentle, almost massaging the cheeks, before a hand moved lower, a finger prodding at his entrance. Glancing over to Aiden, with a nod of his head he motioned for his brother to his bedside drawer, knowing of the many liquids he had that acted as lube. He brought his attention back to Roazin, keeping his focus on him at all times. He leaned in then, wrapping his lips around a pert nub, licking and sucking at a nipple before moving on to the other one.
Local Time:
8:12 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Roa blushed slightly, biting down on his lip slightly and crawling slightly forward. He didn’t quite know what to do with the praise, the words making his chest warm slightly with appreciation. The praise made him a little more comfortable and confident, shifting closer to the two brothers. He smiles slightly at the comment to his scars, “Maybe a few.“ He agrees, his fingers subconsciously lifting to graze over the one, actually noticeable scar, on his ribs. a smooth line, about three inches long and hooking sharply at the end. Instead of being paler, it was just a shade or two darker than his skin.

He’d gotten the scar in one of his first fights. He’d been sitting in an alley, waiting for one of the cooks in the rest round he was leaning against to throw out the unserved food. Most of the time, it was a neutral space. The cook wouldn’y toss the food into some of the other trash heaps, instead he’d set it out in a bag or a pot. You could take as much as you could carry. He wouldn’t chase away the street urchins, but he wouldn’t monitor them either. Roa had been gathering bread and soup form himself and his sister when another, larger boy, had shown up. Roa was gathering the last scraps and the boy didn’t like it. He’d pulled a knife, and Roa had gone home with no food and a slash on his side.

His shoulders jerk slightly, an expression of shock flashing across his face as he looked at Aiden, the younger princes words clanging in his eats. Keep? What? He wasn’t a thing to keep. He had thoughts, feelings and a sister to go home to. He looked back to Luca, relaxing a bit at his words and crawled closer.

The hand on his hip was electrifying, sending heat coursing through his body. He bites down slightly on his lower lip when Luca’s hand presses firmly, clearly telling Roa he wanted him to move. He swallows and shifts, straddling the prince’s lap. He blinks once at his question, looking down at him, “Uh- mhm. . . Yeah. . .” His muscles relax slightly at the light, gentle touch of the princes hands, blowing out a soft breath. He feels those questing hand slide down his ass, and those fingers slide towards his hole, and the first touch has him sucking in a soft breath, tensing slightly for a moment before relaxing.

”Though it-it’s been a while. . .” With work and his sister’s illness, Roa hand’t had much time for a partner, or getting laid. He’d been so busy doing his job, which was usually a messenger boy on the weekends and an assistant for a shop clerc on the weekdays, and taking care of his sister that he was always at work or home. He rarely went out for pleasure these days, and when he did it was usually to go buy a gift for Amaria. Anything to brighten her day made him feel better. And a smile on her face was usually all he needed to see.
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