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General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Name: Lee Chapman
Age: 19
Hair & Eye color: Black hair, brown eyes
Height | Weight: 5'6" | 125
Birthday: November 13th
, , ,
From: London, UK
Currently: USA

It was yet another stressful night for a certain dark-haired young male. His college roommates returned to their shared dorm and found a frustrated Lee sitting at his desk, mumbling something about being an art student and 'Why the hell do I have to write this stupid paper'.

His roommates, Sam and Elliot, simultaneously shook their heads as they headed toward their anxious friend.

"Lee~" The brunette, , mused, grabbing the back of the swivel chair and turning him to face away from his laptop.

"Why don't we go out, mm?" The blonde, , suggested.

Lee allowed his chair to be turned and just looked sadly at his friends. "But, I... It's due tomorrow," he tried, yet Elliot's grin and Sam's devious smirk tempted him to go along with whatever they had in mind.

"Drinks, Lee! Come on, I know where we can score your favorite stuff." The blonde promised though a momentary hesitant glance toward Sam piqued Lee's curiosity. His bright smile quickly returned after a nod from the brunette and before he could resist, Elliot grabbed his wrist and pulled him up out of the chair and toward the door and to the club they frequented.

A few hours and a few fruity drinks later, along with Elliot pulling through and scoring a few pills as promised, Lee was lying in a quiet booth, feeling quite relaxed. Sam and Elliot were on either side of the long booth, keeping their drunk and high friend safe.

Lee hummed happily, thoroughly enjoying the pleasant high that coursed through his body. "You know, guys... There's one more thing that'll make me feel so... so much better." Grinning slyly he tilted his head back to catch a glimpse of Elliot's face behind him before looking ahead of him at Sam. He caught a certain knowing look they shared and he tried to sit up, his movements shaky and uncertain. "H-Hey, guys, what the fuck are you thinking? Gambling after I thought you were freaked about that guy. That uhh..." He hummed in thought as he finally sat up fully. Leaning too far ahead, he crashed into Sam who kept still to allow his friend to steady himself against his larger build. "I-Ishida? Right? Ishida..."

Sam and Elliot shared an uneasy look.

"You thought I'd forget? Guys, I love you guys. If I could I'd help, I don't have any money really, but..." He went to fish his wallet out of his pocket before Sam grabbed his wrist, stopping him. Lee couldn't help but grin, "Sam, you know I love a bit of roughness. Are you offering?"

"I think you've had enough. Let's go home." Sam frowned watching Lee's grin disappear, though it seemed to quickly return.

Before he could allow Lee to finish that thought he kept his grip on his wrist and pulled him forward out of the booth as he stood. Ensuring Lee was for the most part steady on his feet they went to leave the club. Both Sam and Elliot seemed to let out a breath of relief as they safely exited the club. Only, a few steps out of the doors and near the alleyway did they spot a very familiar face. "Shit, Elliot..." Sam got his friend's attention who seemed to have already spotted the figure.

"Ishida." The brunette and blonde both spoke at the same time. They couldn't run, not after the man saw them. "Give us some more time. Please." Sam spoke up, his grip still on Lee's wrist.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The man in the alley stepped further out, a tall man that was dresses in a red suit, blood red, with a black shirt underneath. His hair jet black, and slicked back. A large star ran up his jaw to his cheek bone, not quite a knife slash, but it left a distinct mark. He walked slowly, confidently. Running would only mean they'd be out of breath when he had them in his grasp. "Sammie!" He said smiling, though it didn't meet the mans eyes, his eyes flicking between the three young men. "Sammie! Sammie!....you and your friend said that to me last month! I've even given you two boys a payment plan!" He said as he out stretched his arms. But from the shadows near them two men, burly and equally well dressed strolled out, flanking their boss. Ishida's hand clapped together, snapping attention on him as one pulled out some paper, and the other uncrossed his arms, scowling.

"You have given me....what is the figure Takashi?" Ishida asked his goon, his eyes fixing in his debtors. "Approximately
...600 dollars-" the man started to read Ishida gasped softly. "600! Out of how much Takahashi?"

"100,000 before the 15 percent interest rates"

Ishida covered his heart. "Oo! That's a mighty nunber- so close- but Awano, how does that make you feel hm?" He asked the other Goon.

The man growled lowly, cracking his knuckles.

"Oof- I understand your pain. Sammie, Amano and I share a soul you see? So I know he and I are sharing a deep...pain." Ishida said turning back to the group, walking closer, his theatrics turning colder by the step. "Awano and I would like to know, where our payments are at. Otherwise I will have to wonder if you aren't taking our agreement seriously...and that would hurt my feelings...which hurts Awano's." He said as he leaned forward. "And Awano's temper doesn't allow hurt feelings to go unanswered. Hm?" He clapped Sam's shoulders, his eyes finally starting to fall on the swaying drunk beside him, falling on Lee briefly.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
The rather talkative Lee - only when he was drunk - had fallen silent. He was quiet, stepping closer to Sam as two other men joined them from the darkness. Elliot luckily caught Lee staring at the scar that marred the face of the terror that haunted his two friends before the other had hopefully not noticed. As Ishida stepped closer he wanted to separate Lee from them. He grabbed at Lee's other hand, holding it and pulling him close, away from Sam and Ishida. They hadn't meant to get their innocent friend caught in the middle. He wanted to flee - to keep Lee away, yet he didn't want to run from responsibility nor leave Sam alone with their debt collector and his gang.

"We meant to get more tonight," Elliot blurted out without thinking; in the process admitting to Lee their plan to gamble that night at the club. If only their paranoia hadn't set in, the two worried Ishida would show up at any moment. If only they stayed inside. They could have avoided meeting the very man they tried to avoid. As the club was one they frequented it would only be a matter of time before they were caught.

Sam's breath caught in his throat at the reminder of the number and the clear threat if they didn't get the man's money quickly. "We'll go back inside," he added, his eyes swapping between Elliot, Lee, and back to their blonde friend. Would it be enough? Would they even find someone to play against them? The prospect of failing left his mouth dry, the brunette swallowing hard. P-Pain?! "No one needs to get hurt..." Shit. Lee was still with them. He glanced back toward Ishida and his gang, a nervous smile on his lips.

Meanwhile, Lee was quietly taking everything in. The seriousness of the situation slowly began to hit him. He once more went to reach for his wallet in his back pocket, blinking when he realized his free hand was no longer free. In fact, one hand was in Elliot's, his wrist in Sam's. "Guys, my wallet, there might be--"

"Shh, Lee, no!" Elliot hushed his friend, pulling him even closer, away from Sam at this point. As close as they were to Ishida, the man was bound to hear Lee's supposed offer and no doubt wanted to jump on it. "It's not enough. Please, be quiet." Elliot nearly begged, clasping his other hand over Lee's.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ishida's eyes shifted and focused in on the 3rd voice, Lee's partial offer instantly holding his interest. "What was that?" He said cutting Sam off. "Who is this hm? Some friend of yours Sammie? Some charity?" He said as his lips curled into a cool smirk. "You have money to donate to these sad sacks?'


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
The very thing neither Sam nor Elliot wanted to happen, just happened. Sam spoke up first, shaking his head, "No, no, he's our friend. He's--"

Elliot piped in, hoping to somehow get through to Lee's drunk mind. "Lee! You're drunk, you don't know what the hell you're doing," he said, gripping their friend's hand tighter.

"Mm? Guys, it's fine. I know it's not much, but every little bit helps, yeah?" He said again, swaying as he managed to free his wrist from Sam's grip. Not needing his other hand, he allowed Elliot to hold his, moving too quickly (despite his slowed, drunken response) for either of them to process as he pulled his wallet out and handed it to the Japanese man. "I-I love these guys," he slurred, "They've saved me before and I wanna save them now." He said shakily with a nod, nearly stumbling. His reference to Sam and Elliot helping Lee out when his father hurt him sprung to the front of their minds, the two internally wincing and letting out sad sighs as he no doubt piqued Ishida's interest. It was too late.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ishida's eyes were fixed on the intoxicated man in front of him, the gangster holding up a hand before Sam or Elliot could try to interject. "And would you do anything to protect your friends?" He said s his lips curled into a humorless smile, like a cat talking a mouse into it's claws. "If you're so bonded, perhaps we can work out another extension. " He said as Takahashi stepped up now, sliding a leather bound book to his bosses hand as if on cue. His ledger was as good as a contract with the devil himself, carefully managed, balancing lives and debts with heartless numbers. "Sammie, Elliot, if you need more motivation, I will give it to you!" Ishida said as he opened the ledger book. "Tell me...Lee, was it, would you like me to give your friends some more time?" He said while his thumbed through the pages. Takahashi handed his boss a pen, while Awano lumbered to the otherside of Elliot incase any ideas were had about turning tail during such careful negotiations.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Sam and Elliot fell silent upon the upheld hand, the two worried as ever that if they spoke out of turn they would be dead.

"O'Course!" Lee spoke without hesitation, his words slurring, a wide smile appearing upon his lips. He was feeling oh so good from the drug he took earlier that every idea that crossed his and Ishida's minds was the most wonderful thing. No harm could ever come to them. Not if he offered his wallet... or something even better - himself. What would a little sex hurt? Not with this beautiful man.

Elliot's breath caught in his throat seeing the sultry look appear in Lee's eyes, the obviously drunk male stepping closer to horrors beyond his imagination. Worse than what Lee dealt with at home with his father.

"Y'Know what, I might not have much, maybe a meager fifty on me. But if a night with me doesn't erase their debt then--"

"Lee, enough!" Elliot blurted out, far too late to stop the Englishman from offering himself to such a terror. He moved closer to Lee, yet hesitated, holding his hands up defensively before Awano could decide to attack.

"Whaaat?" Lee drawled, stumbling as he turned around to face his friends. He frowned seeing the horror in both of their faces. There was a tilt in his head out of curiosity, "...what?" The seriousness of the situation was there one moment, gone the next. He was beginning to doubt his words just then.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ishida's icy smile broke into a positively evil smile as Lee made a pass at him. The devil seemingly amused in the worst way. "I think that can be arranged. Your body, until your friends return my money with its interest. " He said as he clicked the pen. "I would have thought this would take more work..." He said as he scribbled it into his ledger. "All I need is you to come with my men and I, into our club and we can sign your contract." He said as ogled over the sultry English man, his stare slashing over him like a razor.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Sam and Elliot knew that Lee had signed his life away when the book came out. The mention of a contract was just for show, something to hang over Lee afterward when he sobered up. Being under the influence meant nothing to the devil in the underground.

Fortunately for Ishida, a wave of euphoria washed over Lee, the sensation from the drug doubled due to the alcohol in his system, and he happily agreed to do whatever if it meant he could get some dick in him very soon. The looks on his friend's faces were gone from his mind in a flash. The mention of a contract did strike him weird, even when drunk, but he let it slide. Maybe he was just messing around! That sounded good to drunk Lee. "Inside? Yeah, yeah, sure, let's go~. Usual room?" He asked, recalling the room the two gambling addicts who just sold their friend frequented. Not that Ishida needed that very room for privacy, as anyone who dared cross him knew better lest they wanted to be added to his list or die.

At that point, Elliot gave up trying to save his friend. Not that he didn't care, no, he cared very much for Lee. He just knew anything he said or did would be pointless. Worse - Ishida could have any of them killed right then and there. He knew the gangster didn't need both of them to pay off the debt, just that he got it in the end. The very same thought ran through Sam's mind, the elder of the two angry at himself for not doing more to save him.

Lee was already heading for the club, his movements still unsteady though he managed to make it through the doors, expecting the group to follow him. Sam and Elliot waited until Ishida moved before they did, wanting ever so much to be by Lee's side or grab him and run.
Last edited:
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Lee perked at the idea of getting some action, and started to walk with Ishida, the man simply answered boldly grabbed Lee's ass while he walked with him. "I have a special place, just for you." He said as Takahashi and Awano stood by, the two goons making sure to only step back into formation to keep Elliot and Sam walled away. Their friend was get further and further away, and all they could do is know a minster was going to keep him until the debt was paid. If not...

The chill of possibly soaked the debtors in icy reality. They knew her tale of what happened to people that Ishida contracted. They were never seen, nor heard.

Ishida dragged Lee closer to him, the club they stepped into was vibrating with energy, the beams of light and drumming house music , the crowd of partying clubbers at the center floor, , dealings being placed in the dark corners, smoke from machines, the sting of tobacco smoke in the air compounding with other key notice drugs and intoxicating substances. Ishida steered Lee from the start, his firm grip telling the younger man all he had to pay attention too. He just had to be a good peice of entertainment and this guy would handle him however he pleased, Lee was barely even a face to the gangster, just a body. They approached a ripped off sector, far from the gambling tables that were on the other side of the club. A space Lee hadn't gotten to see himself. A sign as the wall said 'Staff Only." He was shoved...well more like spanked forwards, into those doors, to a set of ascending stairs. His friends however were stopped at the ropes , surrounded by Goin on both sides, Ishida s uncaring back the last thing they'd see as the door would shit.

The Yakuza grabbed Lee's shirt by the collar, pulling him along like a dog with no leash. "Well Tea Boy, im going to show you my office." He said as he glanced back to him, ascending the stairs. The music was muffled here , getting quieter by the second as the came to a think wooden door. Ishida pulled. Lee was driven face first against the door, while Ishida stepped up against his back, pressing on him with his chest as he gathered the keycard to unlock the door. The Yakiza was almost deceptively strong, his build was leaner muscle than his grunts, but he wasn't aby softer.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Lee initially jumped at the grab to his ass before leaning closer to the other. "Mm~?" He hummed in curiosity and excitement. For a moment, Lee forgot about his friends, his focus totally on Ishida. "Privacy, mm... Perfect." he mused at the prospect of the 'special place' just for him.

Unbeknownst to Lee that he essentially sold his life away, his friends further behind were in a mental panic and race to figure out how to save their beloved friend. When they were certain Ishida's partners weren't listening they would whisper to each other. Ideas would form before being tossed to the side, needing to be reworked. Who could they call for some immediate cash? What if they found another club to gamble in? ...What if they robbed a bank? The ideas became more and more desperate, the anxiety growing as they reached the end - the trio finally separated.

Lee happily followed along with whatever the yakuza had in mind, keeping himself glued to the male to keep himself steady (safe), unaware of any danger he had placed himself in. Alcohol had that effect - perfect for Ishida for having easy pray. Keeping close to the other he allowed his eyes to wander, gazing over the clubgoers, the craving for another drink, another hit of his favorite drug. Anything to keep the night going. Anything for that perfect distraction for a perfect night. Anytime his eyes wandered, he felt a particular squeeze on his arm or a firm hand on his back guiding him forward, keeping his eyes trained ahead. He spotted the 'staff only' sign and his curiosity grew, the younger male recalled the other say 'our club'; this man owned the club. Oh, no wonder Sam and Elliot owed him money! That made sense to his intoxicated brain. A surprised yelp left him feeling the slap to his ass, Lee nearly jumping forward. "Now now~" He mused.

Lee didn't notice his friends were no longer following close behind, having been stopped at the rope barricade. His focus fell only on Ishida, the male taking control, leading him by his black t-shirt's collar. "Wha-- Tea boy?" He couldn't help but laugh at the silly nickname, Lee was quite aware he couldn't help but let others know he was English from his accent. As the music grew quieter, so did Lee, the male falling silent as did the space around them. He didn't realize how the entire time the music helped distract his thoughts. For a moment he wondered, what was he doing?

A gasp followed by a soft grunt escaped the younger male, the realization hitting him that he was pressed against the door, along with Ishida pressing against him from behind. Hands instinctively raised, pressing against the wooden door, looking to protect his face and move him away. He stopped short, taking in the pressure and sensation of the other against him. It felt good, really good to the younger male, and just as his hands sprung up from instinct, his hips rocked back, searching for Ishida's front, looking to grind against him. It was clear Ishida was preventing Lee from escaping, the thought not even crossing his mind. Lee just enjoyed the pressure from the other pressing against him and the strength he must possess. Turning his head to the side, he watched the other use the keycard to unlock the door, Lee expected to catch himself from falling if the other didn't let up.

Lee kept his hands to himself, the younger male knowing when to move and when to wait until instructed. For the most part, anyway. As a natural brat, he tended to do as he pleased. "C'mon, c'mon, let's play." He rushed, his excitement quickly growing. They were so close to starting the fun!
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Lee pushed back, ever urgent desire making him push into the gangster that had him. With Lee grinding on his front, Ishida raised a brow. Perhaps the Tea Boy was more willing that he believed. The grinding pressure stirred his blood, thrills jumping through his back. His Kay pinged the door lock, his hand shifting around to grab Lee's groin, squeezing on him as hep
used the other hand to push the door open. He had 'secured' the toy, rubbing on him. Ishida drive him inside towards his office, his humors seeming to be warming. "Dont worry, you'll get what you want."


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Lee kept grinding until the door unlocked and opened, the male groaning as his slowly growing erection was groped. He luckily didn't fall forward, all of his weight leaning back to press and rub against the other. He allowed himself to be shoved inside, toward the office where the fun would begin. "Perfect, perfect," he purred, a low groan could be heard in his voice. He would get his fun after all!

"We can skip signing... whatever it was. Just play with me," he pushed, his memory already drawing a blank. He just wanted to get fucked, now. Far too eager, Lee went to turn to face the male, to wrap his arms around the other's neck, and to lean in for a kiss. "I want it now," he whispered. At any point, the other could stop him and Lee would press, to test his limits, to get ordered around. This was just what he wanted. Luckily for Lee, he didn't have to search very far for exactly what he wanted.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
As Lee jumped at his opportunity, turning towards Ishida, but his hand squeezed him tighter, his head tilting to the side to dodge his kiss. The other hand rose up, a slap striking his cheek, albeit lightly. Teasingly. Well. Ishida was checking the other man's responses too, tempering him. "I'll need you to sign still." He said smirking, grabbing his belt line to pull him around, pushing him on the couch in the office, black leather, comfortable. As Lee would be flopped onto his back, Ishida walked around the table towards his desk. "Here boy." He said waving a finger for him like a dog.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
A pout caressed soft lips as he was denied the kiss. "No kissing... too intimate?" He teased, a small grin forming, turning to surprise at the smack. "Hey!" He said in surprise, the feeling turning to a gentle tingle, the small smile returning a short moment later. He didn't see much of a point to sign anything, thinking one night with him would clear anything his friends did. Speaking of... He glanced around, not finding either of them with him, the office becoming a fast distraction as he took in the room.

He didn't once stop the other from moving him around, simply letting himself fall onto the couch as he was pushed. The texture of the leather was soft and cool to the touch, Lee couldn't help but sink into the seat. Everything was still feeling really good, the male allowing himself to bask in the sensation as another pleasant wave came over him. Opening his eyes, he caught the finger beckoning him toward the male. He snickered at the obvious bait. "Want me to roll over next?" He shook his head and lifted off of the couch to stand before slinking over to the desk. He hopped onto the edge, right beside the male's seat, his eyes scanning over the surface.

"Contracts... Silly little things," he started, a smile gracing his lips as his mind quickly went south. He could certainly think of another kind of contract he could sign... Unbeknownst to Lee, it was exactly what he was thinking of. Spotting a pen, he picked it up, his eyes meeting the others. "What and where do I sign." How cocky of him, not knowing what the hell he was doing. Sober Lee was going to want to kill drunk Lee.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ishida watched him take up the pen, the man leaning back to pull a drawer on the opposite side. He ran a finger over the stacks and tabs all organized and labeled perfectly. He pulled on one, the katakana the simplified symbol for 'Pet' for his. Contracts. He drew up and set it on the desktop. "If you sign here....and stamp your fingerprint there, you'll help your friends and get exactly what you deserve." He said as he put his other hand on the younger man's thigh, curling his fingers to dig them into his skin.


Local Time:
4:48 AM
Dec 11, 2023
The Japanese man didn't once stop him from sitting right on top of his desk nor randomly grab a pen from it, giving Lee more confidence as he felt he could do whatever - within reason. He knew how to act, how to behave... when he wanted to. He just watched the other open a drawer and pull out a sheet of paper, the writing illegible as he didn't know the language. He didn't think anything of it, Lee aware the male was of Japanese descent from his name alone. The writing on the paper only confirmed things, not that it made much difference to him. It only made things easier for Ishida. Usually, Lee would be more cautious. Ishida was very lucky to get a drunk Lee. If only his friends had let him stay home and write his paper, so much could have been avoided.

Lee only grew happier knowing he was much closer to helping his friends and very close to having a bit of fun. Without hesitation he brought his hand down, signing his name, the writing a tad shaky yet there it was, his signature - Lee Chapman. His smile grew wider, those fingers digging into his thigh so nicely. He followed through, stamping a finger to get his print where it was needed. Setting the pen down, his hand caressed the one on his leg.

"Now, can we have some fun~?" He brought a hand up, curling around the collar to pull the other down, closer for a kiss.
Local Time:
4:48 AM
Nov 9, 2022
Ishida was patient, letting a person sign themselves willingly into life long service was something that was a subtle art after all. Especially when the subject clearly had two thoughts and one of them was as far from the pages as possible. As the print was made, Ishida slid the page aside to dry with a brush of a finger while Lee reveled in the satisfaction he was protecting his friends. For now. The gangster smirked as Lee grabbed onto his collar, letting himself be pulled, fir the moment, as he himself has to savor the moment that he had another toy to run into the ground as much as he wanted. He even could recoup his money with it in more than ine opportunity. After he got rid of Sam and Elliot maybe...or perhaps if he needed to mock them, by whoring out their friend to whomever he pleased. As they sealed the moment, Ishidas grip bit further, his other hand grabbing onto Lee's hair from the back, getting a fistful. His touch was greedy, consuming like his kiss as he was pushing only harder into Lee with a growing desire.
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