RP Mansion

Welcome to the Roleplay Mansion~! Our 18+ Community strives to provide a friendly, safe space for our content creators. Sign up today and start creating any fantasy your heart desires. All forms of roleplaying are welcomed, and we look forward to having you as a new member of our Mansion.

Site Updates: 8/22/24

Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Major Update: 1/2/23

Took some time, but I figured out how to modify some icons that I never figured I could. May have broken the site once or twice tweaking stuff but hey, it's a learning process!

What was changed:
  • Take a look at your header at the top of the page! Custom icons are now placed for your aesthetic convenience. (For desktop mode)
  • Banner styling
    • Any staff member will see that a new crown has been put into place for your staff banner!
  • New background picture added / changed the default type
    • For some reason, our website performance is telling me that our image is 'stretched' out too much and may cause site delays - whereas the other pictures at the same size do not affect us at all. It only reports the home page default for some odd reason.
      • **Note: I'm aware that the banner does take a bit to load, and I've been figuring out how to fix this.
      • Also, the 'fade' option you see in the background apparently hurts our site performance too but every time I try changing it, the site design just goes south very quickly.
  • Better navigation
    • One thing I was noticing, the 1x1 rps and Group rps icons didn't really specify which rp category the user posted in, so I changed those icons to reflect the one listed on the home page. Hopefully this will make it easier to figure out where the user posted rather than changing the description of 1x1 Fantasy RPS etc. Just to keep things nice and short.
  • About the site colors
    • Personally, I love a dark user interface. But I am aware some colors may be hard to read. If this is an issue, please don't be afraid to let me know under and any other queries you have can be posted there!
  • Email is finally back!
    • I am so happy that email confirmation does not go into spam anymore, but I have noticed that mass emails sent do go into 'promotion' tabs on gmail.com and I have no clue if that's avoidable or not. Needless to say, anything email related, I will try not to touch because I break a lot of stuff lol.
    • Also, new email addresses for 'contact' and 'no reply' will be made and implemented soon, so be on the lookout for that!
  • Bot enforcement/cleaner
    • I've implemented a new add-on to our website that will hopefully prevent bots from signing up, but sometimes these don't work. If you see something suspicious, report it and it will be reviewed by our staff asap.
What's to come:

  • There will be a site update from our cloud hosting server on January 7th 12:00 CT. I am also aware things to our website may or may not be broken afterwards and I'll definitely be on the lookout for this, so that our website continues to run semi smoothly without any further issues than it already has.
  • More site styling:
    • If it's anything site related, how things look and appear, believe me, I will be on top of it. So if you notice minor tweaks here and there, it's just me messing with the admin panels.
    • Sometimes I do make the board inactive to handle these things but sometimes I forget I left it off so in case point, I'm just..going to keep the board active and if the site temporarily bugs, just know it was me! I usually revert my changes asap so don't freak lol.
With that being said, and a very long winded update, I will officially be back into the rp scene tomorrow as much as possible! Obviously I work like any other on here so my replies will be spaced but my activity will resume normally.

Thank you for reading and I'll catch you all later!

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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Update: 1/5/23

  • The site has had more appearance changes! I've been meticulously seeing what works, what doesn't etc. In the future when more things are added (if) I'll obviously tweak the colors here and there but for the most part I believe everything is readable, which is nice. Also changed the font size for easier readability on the screen of computers since I know not everyone uses the mobile layout on their phones.
    • Overall I'm pretty happy with how things are looking atm, and I think I'm pretty much set in the final design of the Mansion. I hope you guys like it!
      • Again, please tell me if anything is unreadable or broken, sometimes I won't come across it until later, so I'd appreciate the help :)
  • Cleaning up the user interface:
    • I decided that some times things get too busy and I reduced what was going on. Don't worry your posts are still here! Just moved for easier accessibility.

Update: 1/6/23
  • There's a home page now!! It took too goddamn many site breaking to figure it out lol. Tbh I should have turned the board inactive for that. I think for major site adjustments and not just design elements I'll turn the site to maintenance mode from now on.
  • What's New:
    • Home Page Elements:
      • Featured Thread Widget: Features threads of Admin's Choosing, Showcasing a number of threads for guests and users to take a read on! (As of right now they are our most tame threads, lol)
      • Latest Posts: Those who have posted recently will be featured here, this is also found on our Forum Page
      • Who's Online and New Members, along with Site Statistics. These are also listed on our Forum Page but I may take these away due to them being on the home page now. But I'll decide about that down the line.
With that being said, I don't think anything will be added to the home page at this moment. We'll see XD I have to keep you guys wondering if the site will look different or not within the time span of 24 hours!
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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Update 1/12/2023:
  • Minor tweaks to user bar at the top of the page -
    • Admins/Mods get a cool little ‘tool’ icon that thankfully does away with the bar cluttering up the theme space. (*if mod controls are whack please pm me asap and I’ll fix it)
    • Background style chooser has turned from a slider icon to a pen icon!
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      (I know it looks like a lot in the mobile but it ads functionality to which I’m not complaining about lol, might get rid of the extra ‘forum’ icon but I’ll have to see how to do it first.
  • What’s to come:
    • Avatar styling— Online/offline indicator: hopefully some implementation of who’s online (green) and who’s offline (red/greyed out) I’m currently figuring out how to do this so please be advised it may look weird during some refreshes of the page!
    • Few minor tweaks to widgets on the side of the forum/ some phrase editing, i.e. ‘Post Reply’ turned to ‘Send’ only in conversation view in the pms. And hopefully some better indication of read notifications rather than the default dot! So be on the look out!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small Update 1/26/23:
  • A Last Post preview was implemented, if hovered over the date of the last post. Normally it was only showing the first post if you hovered over the name of the thread. Here's an image to show:
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I also will try implementing more features in the future, as well as a 'different theme' for those who do not prefer dark themes. So there will be a light theme as well coming sometime, so be on the lookout for that!

Another small update: 1/27/23

  • Take a look at the logo! Originally I was going to do a major overhaul of it but I actually like this other idea I had better. Don’t worry, the orange logo still exists as it’ll be implemented in the ‘daytime’ mode of the mansion when the site gets a second color theme. So the purple one you see is exclusively for ‘Night’ mode! You’ll be able to access the different style soon located at the bottom of your page
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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Big update: 2/5/23
  • Take a look around and notice that our colors have changed from gold to purple! This is in theme with the ‘Night’ version of the mansion.
    • The glow effects around the main forum page has changed to a violet as well!
  • Our new online indicators are a glow effect around your avatar, rather than just a boring green dot. I fixed it on mobile too so it translates well.
  • Some icons have been replaced for the forum page, if you took notice 👀
  • And again our logo has the official night theme to it. For the daytime theme I may make it a lighter blue? I’m not sure if I want to go back to the gold. Let me know your thoughts!
Anyways, that’s all for now! Again, any suggestions/critiques are appreciated and welcomed :)
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small update: 2/7/23
  • Okay. Tried messing around and making a lighter theme and the colors were UGLY. Ugh, I hate light theme so much. So, instead, I opted for different colors for the website hover effects/ logo color theme and so forth. We now have two separate colors, blue and purple. I may throw in a golden one or something soon and if I do I'll post the update here and at our discord server!
    • **note: If you still haven't joined our discord server for direct communication with your fellow rp'ers and staff, I highly suggest you do so to keep in the loop!
  • As always, you can change the colors down at the bottom of the page using this:
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Another Small Update: 2/15/23

So, I know a lot of people may or may not like to post their featured works (like books you've written on wattpad and such), and I know I really wanted to, so I made a separate category/forum to do so! Go check it out


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Big Update: 3/20-3/22

So, I've been meticulously working here and there in and out of the background and here is what has happened over the course of a few days.
  • New Site theme is up and running, a twist to your banner and site colors called (Rust) for now. Perhaps will change name down the line. Anyways, the new banner and colors can be found like always down in the bottom of the page far left (the paint icon). This new Rust theme will be our set default theme. But don't worry, blue and purple themes still exist! I may down the line (soon) add a gold theme so be on the lookout for that 👀 Here's what the new banner looks like:
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  • New tweaks here and there to the site:
    • Icons added to your user profile card:
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    • New post views and replies to the top of your threads:
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    • When you hover over someone's user name, you can now see two new things added, all content made by user, or all threads made by user :
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      • I am trying to figure out how to make this more readable but until then it will stay this way
    • There's a new captcha thing added for new users when signing up (to prevent further bots infiltrating our Mansion) :
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    • And finally a watermark uploaded for us to put over our images (I believe it will only affect new images going forth, unless you delete other photos and reupload them. (I am trying to figure how to apply it to all current images atm but...it may take some time (*I'm not even sure it's working tbh but it's meant to look like this)
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      • Obviously it's just something crude and a filler for until i make a legit watermark (unless this works) but eh idk lol
Some more things to note:
  • Still working on getting the word out there that we exist, and I've submitted our site on Top Roleplay Sites, and you can vote daily I'm assuming, and here's the link:
    • If by some reason the link isn't working lemme know and I'll figure it out asap.
  • Working still on our subreddit to try to bring in more traffic as well and if you guys could join that subreddit it would be very appreciative! Here's that link:
    • All the posts are by me so far (aka jc_time) so if you guys joined, and posted and started to gain traction that would be great! I look forward to seeing you guys there!
Well, that was a long, winded update. I hope I didn't miss anything.... I'm sure I did lol. Either way, I hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your day/ or a good rest of your evening- don't forget to take mental breaks in between your rps whenever needed! We care about our members mental health ❤️ ~~ And as always, any critiques/suggestions are welcomed! Let me know and I'd be happy to hear them!

(anyways I'll switch to mobile and start replying to threads!)

Small Update: 3/22/23

I replaced the art gallery with a testing lab! This forum is free range for anything and posts here do not count towards user's total message count. I replaced the art gallery because I realized when you upload a personal media album, the category did not show those. And, I don't really know how to do so, so I came up with a solution!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small update: 3/23/23

There's a new RP Mansion (Blue) Themed Banner! Go check it out - located at the bottom of your page for the style chooser~
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Here's what the new banner looks like! (There will be a new RP Mansion (Purple) coming soon too so be on the lookout for that!
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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small update: 6/14/23

So, I tried doing this last week but ran into some errors. Hopefully, they're all fixed, and it'll stay that way. Here's what was done:
You should see a new Activity bar down below that looks like this:
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Not sure if I should keep the period or not lol, but anyways, this is what it will look like in real time whenever someone is actually in the thread and responding.
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I figured it'd be a cool thing to see for us who like to refresh the page every now and then. Also! You should not need to refresh the page any longer, the post should just automatically show up for you! If anything happens, and there's more errors, please, don't hesitate to let me know in a PM or straight at our Discord!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small update: 7/18/23

There is now an official Dice Roller added to our small yet growing forum! Two areas can be used, the or our The icons should look like:
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If you need more information on the dice click

That's all for now folks!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Another Small Update: 7/19/23

There is now an official 'bump' button on top of threads and right below the Send button. You are able to bump only your threads and only five threads can be bumped once a day. Obviously you can still bump a thread a normal way by putting 'bump' in a post and sending it out (especially if it is not your thread..) but I'll see how this function goes and if people enjoy the functionality. It definitely will come in handy if a post hasn't been updated in a month or so :3
Here is what the button looks like:
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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post

Edit: So how the bumping works.. Let's say you posted back in June..well, 'bumping' that thread will considered that last post you put as 'new'. I doubt this will affect your overall post count, but if it does someone let me know!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
I see our email server is not working properly and I will be on it to fix it asap! I appreciate everyone's patience ! Edit: Just ran a test email from the admin panel, and it looks like it's up and running again, the log read with no errors. But. If this happens again, always check your spam folder too ! And keep me posted. I hate when our email goes out, it took me forever to figure it out the first time T-T
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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small Update: 8/3/23

Guys, I have been working in the background to add some more functionality to the forum, and here it is: a few new features ~
  • Firstly, we have a new Top Poster of the Month Widget, Located on the main forum page! It looks like this:
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  • Secondly, the badge award on the member card looks like this:
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    (yes, I know the wording is weird, and no, fixing the font size to make things fit just looks weird lol)
  • Then there's this little guy:
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    which has your avatar listed on any forums you have posted it. Hovering over your mini avatar, you'll get a popup like this.
  • And then fourthly: you will see a new widget called 'similar threads' (I tweaked the name, as shown in the photo), It will provide threads like the ones you are currently viewing. (My guess it takes words from this thread/forum and brings you ones with similar wording in the title). Anyways here is what it looks like:
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Anyways, that's all for now! I may be looking in the future to add some color into the titles of our widgets (rather than plain ol white color...but then again I think that lies in the code and customization properties of this website that will take a bit. And as always, I look forward to hearing your feedback !


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
New Banner / Color Theme Alert! 8/7/23

Originally was going to make this my own personal background for my banner here at the Mansion, but then I thought..hm, you know.. we could have four dedicated color styles / banner styles to choose from. And, to be honest, I wasn't really sure on what to make the fourth. I played around with the idea of red / gold, but nothing was sticking yet. Eventually I think more color options will be given soon, aka silver / gold to match the 'rust' theme, and perhaps red to go with the green / blue (aka rbg standard) and of course Purple is a stand alone tbh.

This inspiration kinda took from the new mansion icon, which matches with the blue roof. (granted I know the background images of a run down / old mansion don't reallly fit anymore, but until I find new images they'll be staying lol. I originally went with the rundown look due to not having many members yet. In all honesty, I did not expect to see so much traction within the year! It'll be our one year anniversary of re-opening the Mansion's doors in November ! I'm so excited :D!

As always, you can choose the look of the banner by the bottom of the page, the paint icon ----->
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------will let you select your favorite theme.

Here's what the new banner looks like:
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*small edit: I am probably going to change the rust theme to copper, to match the upcoming silver/gold (aka metal themes)


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Alert Issues 9/26/23
It's been brought to my attention that some may be experiencing alert / notification issues, and I've had my fair share as well. This is what I last posted in our Discord Announcements / Updates:

Okay, so I've been trying to fix the notification hiccups we've been having recently. Currently, we have 3 addons that are supposed to make functionality a little bit better in our forum. One of them is what you noticed in my last post here, this is called 'real time threads' using websockets - essentially taking out the need for refreshing the webpage to see if a new reply has been posted (aka a reply instantaneously - the 'Current Activity:' at the bottom of each thread will show if someone is typing or not) This being said, I noticed: If I have three tabs open such as one being the main forum page and two of my threads- If I am in a fourth tab separate from the rp website, and someone posts a reply in the two threads I have open I will not know if anyone posted, and the browser tab will not show a reply notification. This is due back to the 'real time threads' feature and it updates the thread as you are viewing it But, if you have email notifications turned on, you still should get that notification there in your inbox that someone replied.

Then here's our second thing to help the notifications:
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There is a popup that comes up in the lower right hand side of the browser page, showing that someone replied to the thread. Originally this used to last 6 seconds, and now it lasts 30. I think this also had the same issue as stated above, showing that this notification was already 'read' after the pop up went away, and again you wouldn't know someone replied to a thread.

This function I think can be disabled in the "preferences" section of your profile, If you go down and select this: "use custom"
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Then just uncheck the 'Pop-up auto-read' feature it should in theory help prevent this missing of notifications issue.. but if it doesn't I'll still look into it. As of right now for the notifications it may just be a whole website issue with our webhosting service, Xenforo..and unfortunately probably won't be fixed until the next 'patch'. Idk. This is frustrating on my part too but hopefully this gives some insight!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Okay so, I did this test: my alerts came up as normal..
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but then the badge notification (the number next to the bell) then disappeared but then reappeared? this is the strangest thing ever. I'm going to look into it, but my alert is still on my bell icon as I type this so idk honestly


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Small update: 9/28/23

We now have a character counter added to the text box! To me this feels like 'more professional' idk tbh lol. Either way I hope ya'll like it- I tried formatting it / styling it in a way to where it wouldn't be so cumbersome and in the way of your typing. This is what it looks like without bb code enabled:
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And this is what it looks like when bb code is enabled:
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And a friendly reminder, under your account preferences you should be able to change whether or not you want it to be strictly a letter counter or a word counter
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If ya'll don't prefer the character counter I don't mind disabling the feature :3 just thought it was neat lol (and I may change the look of it more but I'm unsure about that.)

Oh! And another small mention about the notifications: I disabled the feature of where the notification would automatically 'pop up in the bottom right corner' thinking that perhaps it may was making our notifications as a whole very very buggy. But, who knows at this point. If anyone comes across anymore errors in the notifications plz let me know asap and I will try to look into it, but unfortunately some of the issue may lie within our website hoster's code that I don't have enough knowledge to change / fix so I do apologize on that end >-<

Edit: The Copper Theme for the style chooser down at the bottom of your page on the left hand side is now renamed to Vintage Neon (To match the Roleplay Mansion text) and the colors are like a pale yellow ish. I didn't like the orange theme anymore lol. Also, the character counter color is now muted but can still be readable when hovered (it doesn't click btw lol)


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
New Background Images coming soon!

Hey ya'll - I've been scouring the internet / ai systems for 'mansion' like backgrounds and I think I found some/ created some that will definitely work. Keep in mind they will replace our current ones. (If it works that is) I'll start by adding them as like 11th and 12th options underneath the 'customize' (really should rename that to Background Picker) and this can be found at the top right hand side as this --->
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pen option. (thinking about changing the icon too idk) Either way, this shouldn't affect any functionality on the site, but figured I'd give ya'll a heads up ^__^ !!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
3 New Background Images! 10/2/23

Hey! There are currently 3 new background images and they replaced the last three in the option menu :3 Hope everyone likes them! I'm debating whether to replace the others ones but as for now here you go
This is where you can find them --->
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underneath the pen icon at the top right of the page

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Edit: Just noticed that the background image resizes with the window on my computer browser :0


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1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Update: 10/3/23 - New Badges Added!
As mentioned above, two new badges were added underneath the 'help' section, located at the right hand bottom side of your browser :3 Here is what they look like:
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Of course, they were made with love and chaos <3 - Plus with the influx of new users, I'd figure I'd make some more. Hope ya'll love them! Here's the link to the badge section for the full list of badges you could potentially get --> (also keep in mind, I added the ___ because I made a site rule where most links don't have underlined properties (aesthetic purposes) but I do add it manually to make it look better and easier to find. Perhaps I'll change it to make it where it italicized when you hover over it instead.. T-T but that's a lot to figure out from a novice coder lol)


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1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
New Banner for Halloween! 10/5/23

Hey ya'll! When I was still a novice banner maker/ web designer for our rp website back in the early days of rpmansion, I used to match the banner theme/site colors etc to a holiday. So I decided to make one for Halloween. All I did was replace the purple banner that was there with the new halloween one, and made our purple theme the default theme for those guests visiting the website for the first time. The theme itself is called "halloween purple" and here is what that new banner looks like:
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And I'll admit, although I'd love to figure out how to make the banners bigger - make them cover more of the space up top..I think it affects our website speed 😓 (I'm only saying that because on the old site I was able to figure out that function.

But anyways, colors are still the same for the purple theme, just a different banner! I hope you all like it, and don't worry, the other banner themes are still up :3 If for some way I can adjust our website icons to match the halloween theme I'd do it, but changing the icons have proved difficult and tedious lol I have to work with what I can.

If I can make a fall banner (aka thanksgiving or something, I'll have to figure out what) I will, and probably will put that on the 'vintage neon' theme or something XD and of course a xmas holiday banner will be up, but I'm not too sure about valentines day or st patrick's day or any other themes besides halloween and xmas.

And one last thing to note, I know I mentioned in my last post about hyperlinks having the underline property automatically removed from them now but somewhere in the code it fell through and when I posted a link here in the editor without adding the underline effect manually - after I posted my reply there was that underline. And I was like: hey, no.. why do you exist? I thought I got rid of you.
So anyways that's fun and something for me to figure out at a later date XD


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1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
New RP Category Alert! 10/20/23

I was looking through our badges from the Help Page and realized I haven't awarded our sci-fi badge. So I looked through the forums and found two 'space' rps. Then I decided to make a dedicated Sci-Fi Forum for all your space / android ect needs :3 Hope ya'll enjoy! And of course, there's a Sci-Fi AU section too
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1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Minor Updates 10/23/23

So I was wondering where the Title to our threads had been for a while, and I realized it was from an addon I had installed a few months back. It had moved the title to the navigation (aka forums --> exploring the mansion --> rooms of the mansion --> game rp --> thread title ) And while this was a nice function, I did miss how the title looked, and for now there's no way around this to add both functions in. But here's what your thread title looks like now:
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And then I just added a feature to let ya'll know who read what, It'll be at the very bottom of the thread, underneath the 'similar threads block' and share options.
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(and note: usually if you see my name there, it's because I'm testing different pages of the rp site to make sure certain functionalities are working lol, I don't think I can make myself read anyone else's rp besides my own after the succubus incident O-O )


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Site Update: 10/25/23
There is now an official 'voting/rating' thread for site events! I've been working meticulously for three days to perfect this. Essentially, there will be a Writing Contest coming up at the end of the month as a test run (Sorry for the late notice, but thought about it on a whim) And I'll post some more details later but a brief overview:
  • The voting works on a 10 point rate system, and whoever has the most stars will place 1st, 2nd and 3rd respectively.
  • There will be a character min/limit (look to the character counter on this editor, bottom right hand side)
  • You can only vote once on each post posted and obviously cannot change your decision once voted
  • There will be a time limit on it (obviously) It will start this weekend on 10/28 and end this 10/31 (I believe it respects different time zones but I'm unsure)
  • At the end of the event there will be badges awarded to the users (ones made for 1st - 3rd winners and those participants - I'll most likely work on them tomorrow or later tonight)
Some FAQ:
  1. Will there be a Site Calendar for this event to remind myself?
    • No - I have not yet been able to purchase / source that kind of addon for the site yet, but as time goes on, hopefully for future events I'll be able to.
  2. Will there be a count-down timer until the event?
    • Maybe, if I figure out how to configure it on the admin panel - but this update thread / discord update channel is where you'll find more of the notifications / reminders.
  3. There will be a topic to write about and the topic will be random, with different criteria needed to be met. Perhaps it might be RP related but I'll consult my fellow Admin @Knight_of_None for an idea and obviously have my mods moderate the event as well.
  4. To find the thread, it's located underneath News and Updates on the forum main page, underneath that is 'Events'. If you haven't see it already, the link to the test thread is here:
Of course, there will be rules about disqualification / spam etc. etc. that's where the mods come in (and admins) to make sure rules are being followed. Obviously anyone can enter / participate.

But that's it for now! Obviously I'll be working on it more in the next two days to come, so I'll be notifying those on discord as well with an @everyone tag to make sure this announcement will not be missed~!
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Site Updates: Site Events 11/1/23

Okay, Votes are in, and the winner is..... Casper ! :3 jk lol I figured no one would participate XD But that's okay, it was kinda last minute, and more of a test run than anything else. Not to mention my topics to choose from were...........interesting XD but hey! There will always be more to come later down the line so look forward to that! Unfortunately, I am taking away the badges and deleting the competition from site records lol but figured I'd give everyone a heads up!
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Discord Server Updates: 11/8/23

The Discord Server is underway to becoming a new community server! This is the opportunity to fling open the welcome gates and gain more users that way. So the link that sends you to the Gathering Hall will be unavailable, and replaced with a new invite link! It will bring you to our new Welcome Page on the Server. Figured I'd give everyone a heads up for now :3
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Reddit Makeover 11/9/23

He ya'll, so I was debating on advertising on discord (aka become a community server, and then become 'discoverable') but unfortunately that cannot be met until we reach 1000 members o.o and I doubt we will hit that any time soon here at the Mansion. So here's my plan: I'm going to be remodeling our reddit page, titling it the same as the Discord Server as The Roleplay Mansion. I know here we're called RP Mansion (for aesthetic purposes) But, still, I think remodeling the Reddit page may be good for us. Idk. I'll post a link here in the announcement section and/or link it to the discord widget! (maybe make it it's own widget. Who Knows.)

And of course I'll try my best to stay within guidelines and whatnot, but unfortunately labeling us as a NSFW community blurs. every. post. So. I'm thinking about purging it and creating a new rpmansion subreddit. I'll see what I can do for now at least.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Minor Update: 11/13/23

The 'Who Read this Thread' function has now been changed to something similar, to 'users who are viewing this thread'. Similar properties, except this one gives real time updates, just thought I'd let ya'll know! This is what it looks like down below:
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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Major Site-Wide Version Update Coming!!

So, our website currently runs on Xenforo 2.2 - and the change to 2.3 is happening at the end of November. This also means functionality across the website. We have many add-ons in place to give our users the best functionality possible-- but with a major overhaul of the website host version- who knows what will break. Either way, I will be staying on top of things as per usual, and hopefully nothing too bad will happen. When the update happens, and I have the option to upgrade, I will put out a notice beforehand so that everyone is aware of this update. And over the course of the next few days will backup all of our themes just in case.

If for any reason, anything major to the site breaks, please DM me directly on Discord! I'll have my staff members who are on here more frequently than I am keep a watchful eye out as well.
Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 10, 2022
New Blue Themed Banner! 11/16/23

Hey ya'll - I made a new blue themed banner :3 I made sure to compress the file size so hopefully our banner won't affect website speed! Here's the banner:
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And as always, you can change the custom banner down below at the bottom of the page --->
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I hope you enjoy the new banner!


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