Fantasy RP The Alpha's omega (FaeWhisperer)


Aurora was a werewolf, not one that held an important role in a pack. No, she had been born an omega and an omega she would stay. Her original Alpha had taken great interest in her and had used her for his own pleasure forcing her to sleep with him often, but anytime she went into heat he would lock her away so that no one could get her pregnant and she hated it. She never understood why she was only good enough to fuck when he wanted too but not good enough for him to sate her heat. But now things had changed, another Alpha from the nearby city was expanding his territory and pack, they lived in a large mansion just on the edge of the city and now Aurora found herself there.

Her old Alpha had told her simply that he was giving her to this new Alpha as a peace offering, he didn't want his pack taken over or killed and so his brilliant idea was to give an omega to this Alpha that was moving closer to his pack. Aurora had come to the mansion with only the short black dress she had been shoved into, she owned nothing and any clothes that she did have her old Alpha owned. Her old Alpha had brought her to the mansion at sunset, dropped her off and had promptly left. She could hear people inside, it sounded so lively and happy as if they were having a party.

She wasn't used to a pack that sounded as if everyone got along, Aurora was used to chaos. Fear and pain was what she was used to. Fighting was a normal occurrence in her now old pack that it was a typical day to just see blood splattered around and see someone either dying or wishing they were dead because of the pain they were in. The only reprieve she had from the pack was the bartending job she had taken at a local club that only catered to supernatural creatures. Shaking her head a little she walked up to the front door and knocked firmly, she didn't want to be there but her old Alpha had told her if she didn't go he would hunt her down and kill her and she had no doubt about that.

Aurora didn't know what kind of man this new Alpha of hers was, they had never met, at least she didn't believe that they had. Waiting for a bit she knocked again, harder this time, hearing footsteps coming to the door she dropped her hand down to her side and waited patiently for the door to open. When it did she came face to face with a chest, she wasn't terribly short as she stood at five foot five but the man in front of her was tall, tipping her head back a little her eyes widened in surprise. She knew the man standing in front of her, he was the man who owned the club she worked at. Of course she didn't know him well as he often came to the club and went to his office to do whatever it was he did behind that closed door but Aurora had seen him.

"Hi" she said slowly with a small frown, Aurora had know he was a werewolf because of his scent but she had never taken notice of the power that rolled off of him. It made her want to kick herself now that she took note of the power, he was an Alpha and she hadn't noticed one single time she had seen him walk through the club. "My-uh..." Aurora started before she sighed softly and looked down at the ground not wanting to look at his face anymore, "You've been expecting an omega from a nearby here I am" she finished with a small shake of her head.

Of all people she could have been given too, it had to be the owner of the club of all people.
Michael had never been much of a traditionalist, and neither had been his family. Growing up, he had always believed he had been a fully purebred vampire, but it had later been discovered that his family had been keeping a well known secret, that he and his siblings were actually hybrids. His father had originally been a vampire hunter, turned werewolf- but once meeting his mother, he married into vampire royalty and never looked back. Presenting, his father didn’t look like your average werewolf, so he had been easily disguised as a vampire for decades— up until the birth of their three sons. Michael, being the youngest of the three, unfortunately had been the one to officially leak the secret on accident, because he had been born with fluffy ears and a tail to show. So the theoretical cat was out of the bag by now, but with a bit of magic, him and his brothers’ werewolf bloodline had been suppressed while growing up, mostly for their own good. Because hybrids, in a royal vampire family could only spell trouble. Not to mention with his oldest brother’s coronation coming up soon— it could prove a bit more problems than needed. And unfortunately, magic suppression didn’t last for long. Especially with the blocks on their minds forgetting their true heritage? That would wane over time as well.

And his memory had already come back to him by now. He had discovered the truth awhile ago while still at his home with his parents and younger sister, and their heritage was exactly why his younger sister had been so sick all the time, the two bloodlines had been consistently fighting for dominance in her frail body. But of course she didn’t know that, and neither did anyone else or his two older brothers. Michael had honestly felt betrayed by his family, hiding such a valuable secret to them, but he figured they had their reasons. And so, he had left unannounced- but he had always been known to be aloof and rarely seen, so he doubt anyone would take note of his missing presence.

So that brings him to the present moment- like his other siblings, he had left home and made a name for himself, outside of his known reputation— well, his eldest brother hadn’t quite hidden who he had been, at least that’s what he heard— but for Michael, it seemed that him and his family had a reputation of not being so subtle. He had first had wanted a quiet life, but he soon found himself as the alpha of one of the largest packs in the area of the town that he resided in, and it had been known that he was clearly one of the more powerful alphas in the area, and generally well liked.

For Michael, he easily stood over 6 foot tall and was more lean than one would expect, but his power as a hybrid was unmatched. His amber colored eyes glowed a soft gold at some points, but rarely.

There had been word that an alpha of a rival pack was giving away an omega, and at first Michael was hesitant to accept any new members, as some times they could cause trouble— yet when he found out what Aurora had been through, he had immediately accepted the offer. At first, he wondered if there had been a catch to all of this, but the moment the pitiful woman had presented to him, he instantly recognized who she was.

She was one of his bartenders at a local club he had owned, and he was honestly very surprised she had been a part of that brutal pack. And very surprised she had made it out alive. And the very fact she was a werewolf was news to him as he barely scented anything off of her, so it made only sense that she was an omega.

Watching her intently as she lowered her head she would hear him speak to her in a firm yet gentle voice. “Lift your head..” he commanded, wanting her to look at him. Once she did so, he looked at her with a gentleness that no one else had done before. “You are welcomed here,” he started, noting her shy and timid behavior. “Our pack will be your new home, and don’t ever think of yourself less than others simply because of your rank. Here, my pack members are on equal grounds and footings— they understand one another and have a deeply held affection for each other.” Which was true, his pack members were one of the few who may have had different rankings, yet everyone was treated like family. Close friendships were formed between members and each one looked after each other.
Aurora raised her head when Michael told her too, when it came to alphas she was obedient as she had been taught from a young age that obedience was the only thing that would keep her safe, listening to him as he went on to speak about how she was welcome there. She had never felt welcomed anywhere besides the club that Michael owned, but there they did not know what rank she held in a pack and Aurora planned to keep it that way.

As soon as Michael told her that his pack members were on equal grounds and that they all understood each other and held affection for each other as well Aurora couldn't help but snort a little, "I'm sorry, but I'll believe that when I see it" she said casually with a small shake of her head. She didn't believe that any pack could even treat someone as low as her in any way other than what she had been raised with, Aurora had never met other omegas who were happy with their packs. They like her had fought to live and had also done whatever they needed to do to make sure they wouldn't be killed.

Looking up at him Aurora couldn't help but admire how handsome he was. Sure, she had noticed it the first time she had ever met him, but now that she was standing in front of him outside of the club Aurora could easily study him. She knew the other women who worked in the club swooned for the man in front of her and because of her old alpha being so obsessed with keeping Aurora to himself, until he gave her away, she had never taken the time to actively take in Michael's appearance.

Reaching up Aurora tucked some of her hair behind her left ear to keep it out of her face as she looked at Michael, "Are you going to let me inside, or would you prefer I stay out here?" Aurora questioned with a raised brow, she couldn't help but wonder where he would want her to sleep. If he wanted to keep her in his room with him she would not object as she didn't know any other way to live, but Aurora had a feeling that the man in front of her was going to turn her whole world upside down and change everything she thought she knew about being a werewolf.
Michael noticed that he had lingered a little too long at the door, and gave a brief clearing of his throat before stepping aside and motioning for Aurora to come in. Once inside he closed the door behind her and walked her over to the main gathering hall, where there sounded about over 100 people or more dining and chatting- their voices bright and lively, unlike the ones Aurora had been used to.

When he walked in, the room suddenly became quiet and all eyes turned to him and Aurora. Yet the eyes felt curious and not malicious. Upon taking in the crowd, Aurora would note that it was not just werewolves that graced this mansion, but vampires, mages and humans alike. Of course, werewolves were the majority, but there wasn’t a sense of who was who in the pack, as all blended in and all sat with one another at the dining table.

Michael made his way to the front of the table where his chair sat, and there was an empty chair beside him, possibly reserved for his mate- but the chair had no scent in it Aurora would notice, and notice that Michael had pulled the chair back and motioned for her to sit.

Once seated, Michael cleared his throat and waited for hushed whispers to stop and he formally announced who Aurora was. “Everyone, please, welcome her as I have welcomed her, and treat her well like I have treated you all well,” and with that the room burst alive once more, and several of the pack members came over to greet Aurora, trying to be friendly to her, hoping they wouldn’t scare the poor girl off as they could tell she was very nervous.

It wasn’t until a vampire with bright ruby red eyes and raven hair introduced himself, then would she noticed the dynamic of Michael’s pack. “Lovely to meet you,” he said with charm, he easily was almost as tall as Michael, and he had been sitting on the opposite side of where Michael had sat. “I’m Lucius, Michael’s Beta-“ and he could see the curious look on her face. “I see you’re confused, but don’t worry, I’m more than capable of rounding up these rowdy bunch,” he said with a laugh.

Michael gave a soft sigh and a shake of his head as he sat, looking to Aurora, “please, fill up your plate, you must be hungry,” he tells her now, soon glancing to Lucius. Lucius had a quarter of werewolf in his lineage, but it had been watered down and barely noticeable. And most of the ‘vampires’ here weren’t true vampires, they were hybrids just like Michael was.

But all was welcomed to his pack, as long as you did not cause trouble and were a good person at heart- those like Aurora’s previous alpha, were not permitted to enter or even be apart of Michael’s pack. He hated people like that, plain and simple.

Michael watched Lucius make his rounds, and if Aurora was watching, Lucius soon stood by a female werewolf—and they seemed good friends- perhaps even lovers at first, since Lucius did whisper something in her ear and made the poor girl blush.

Drawing his attention back to Aurora he studied her face for just a moment. “If you do not wish to eat right now, you can always grab some food from our kitchen later,” he said and then added in, “I’ll make sure to show you around the place after dinner,” he promised, resuming his eating. He had a picked up a glass of thick red liquid, and one would know it was blood. But the scent smelled off- perhaps it had been synthetic? It was odd for a werewolf to need blood like a vampire though..

Michael then drank from his glass before moving to eat what was left on his plate, and the food here was certainly high quality and smelled very delicious.

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