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The Monsters out from under beds... (Crazier Than Most)

Local Time:
5:08 AM
Nov 14, 2022
Monsters. They have existed in the shadows for millenia, ever since the first humans began to tell stories around the fire, of the figures in the dark that loomed out and scared them. Of course, what those humans never knew was just how advanced the Monsters society became, all due to one resource. Screams. By the time man was first learning how to melt and forge metal, the Monsters had created an entire realm unto themselves, from where they flourished, until the day their leader suggested one of the most radical plans. They were to launch an attack on the human world, take it over and enslave them, to forever secure their dominance. Now, rather than merely harvesting the screams of terrified children, they would raise them in specialist towns, until they reached the age of 18, from whence they would be taken to one of the cities and either tortured for their screams, sold as a personal slave to one of the rich monsters or sent to a breeding farm, to create the next generation of humans to be harvested later.

It is into this world that we now peer, specifically looking upon one of those young people, freshly taken from their life of warmth and security and into the provincial capital. It is in this terrifying new environment we join them, the sight and sound of screaming tortured bodies surrounding them, as the aristocrats look over the fresh batch for any they wanted to enslave…
Local Time:
9:08 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Trent was trembling lightly as the spectators came to ogle at him and the others who had been captured. He was restrained, shirtless and only given a loincloth to wear. He felt particularly exposed more than he should have since his surgery scars would be present on his chest- underneath where his breasts had been, a dead giveaway he was not the gender he presented as. But, he at least hoped that factor would deter those from wanting to 'buy' him.

His head was heavy, it felt like he had been drugged recently, he almost had to been- he knew he wouldn't go down without a fight- but he knew that even though his physique wasn't particularly slim anymore, he still couldn't properly fight all that well. So it may not have mattered in the long run.

He had been living very well with his family, who were high up in well respected government positions and he had been selected to be the heir to their empire....and now he was on display like a bull at a state fair. How the hell was he going to get out of this situation?!

(I'll make a character sheet later with a photo attached soon- hope my intro is okay!)
Local Time:
5:08 AM
Nov 14, 2022
(Yeee, is good)

Oh, he really wasn't going to get out as the procession of Monsters passed him, each one frowning at the scars of his surgery and turning their heads to more... unsullied options. Well, until the final woman walked up and began to inspect him closely, her cold eyes raking over his body as she, surprisingly, gently ran a hand over his chest "And just how did you get these my pretty little prey?" She asked softly, waiting for his answer as he'd begin to realise he was the last one left. The others were being dragged away, either by the rich and well dressed who had walked in, or the much more bulky guards who had originally corralled them into the room, some being strapped into the vicious looking devices on the walls, others taken through a door marked 'Breeding' "Oh, and don't lie to me... I'm awfully good at knowing when a human lies."
Local Time:
9:08 PM
Nov 10, 2022
(here's the link to his character profile :3 --> )

Trent stared at the woman, his eyes darkening slightly as she asked him how he got those scars on his chest. "I- I didn't feel comfortable within my own body." he tells her plainly, hoping that was a satisfactory answer. He didn't realize he was trembling lightly. If he was taken for 'breeding' purposes.. then all of his efforts to fit into this gender he chose would be for nothing. Before he had been captured, he was scheduled for gender reassignment surgery- but now he knew he probably would never get that chance again.
Local Time:
9:08 PM
Nov 10, 2022
He doubted that fact, figuring she was just speaking on that end due to enticing him more. "O-Oh..um..my name is Trent.." she would hear him reply, wondering what she would think on his name. Wait. Why was he thinking about her opinion? Perhaps something lay dormant underneath him, something he had yet to realize.
Local Time:
5:08 AM
Nov 14, 2022
"Trent? Hmm." She didn't say anything more on that, before turning and gesturing for him to follow, her voice ringing out "Follow me then, Trent. And remember, well behaved servants do get rewards." She lead him from the room, to a car that drove them to her home. When they arrived, She had another servant show him to the servants dorms, where a bed and two uniforms waited. One a suit, one a dress, for him to choose between as he desired... Or perhaps, more because she hadn't known what she'd bring back from the auction.
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