RP Mansion

Welcome to the Roleplay Mansion~! Our 18+ Community strives to provide a friendly, safe space for our content creators. Sign up today and start creating any fantasy your heart desires. All forms of roleplaying are welcomed, and we look forward to having you as a new member of our Mansion.

You either die a hero or live long enough to…

Local Time:
1:50 AM
Nov 10, 2022
See yourself become the villain.


Where and how did I end up here? From being the one who accepted ghosting to its entirety- waiting months for a reply, an ounce of something to spark joy, to becoming the one who ghosted, who just up and left.

At least I offered some explanation to my rp partners, at least, I tried to.

It’s been so long that I don’t remember.

The straw that broke the camel’s back - mine was having someone reply to me literally quite daily again, and for once, I didn’t have to wait months for someone to reply to post, to an rp I had hopes for- it felt surreal. And I- I got greedy.

I took it all for granted, loving the way our rps were, and how fast the replies were, less than a day to wait— it was like my old days rp’ing, and it gave me such a sense of purpose again, where my writer’s muse kicked up and I felt life being breathed back into my lungs again— I hadn’t felt that way in a long time. But to just leave high and dry without an explanation, even though our communication was great, I— just couldn’t handle it. And so I shut down for months, only logging on when I needed to for site maintenance.

And I’ve always preached that our doors here at RP Mansion are open no matter where life takes you, we will always welcome you back with open arms and pick up like nothing has changed.

Which is true, and will always remain true.

What I don’t get sometimes is the no explanation people, like what I experienced, and I’m not requiring an explanation of why you had to leave suddenly, but I just think it gives me a peace of mind somehow, to know that it wasn’t me specifically who turned you away from the rp. But I’ve had that happen in the past and it hadn’t affected me the same way it did now, and I can’t put my thoughts to as why it would affect me in the way it does now vs back then.

But you know, I’ve been on both ends, I had an rp partner pester me day in and day out for a reply right away when I didn’t, and I told them I was used to waiting in between replies, waiting for months- and they told me they couldn’t handle that.

But when you’re not chronically online anymore and you’re well, with your life as it is, sometimes you do tend to forget about your hobbies. And I’m 100% on real life comes first.

I created RP Mansion, in hopes to save a dying dream that I had. My last rp site had only four members remaining, which included me, Knight, Redcoat and one other named Wildly. When this site opened I had hopes in bringing Wildly over, our first savior but alas she too had some private stuff to deal with, and I honestly hope that my decision to move didn’t affect her in the end- I don’t think I’ll forgive myself if it did. I never wanted to leave her behind. Hell, I even reached out to our old members in hopes they’d come back too. For this place was a lot easier on the rules than our old place, and I figured it’d be cool to have our old rp site be an archives of sorts.
(if anyone is interested in visiting, please pm first)

But with that one particular rp partner I did tell them that our rps would always be here for them if they decided to come back, as hurt as I felt back then with no explanation of them on why they leaving.

So, after they left me—

I too later on, decided to ghost. And reevaluate on why I really made Rp Mansion for. Was it just for my own selfish needs?

I think I just didn’t want to be left behind. I had done this since I was 13 and, like most others, went through multiple sites. And I wanted a place where I could welcome all, and let others know that no matter where life took them, they would always have a place to come back to. A home on the internet to let your wildest fantasies and dreams come to life— where your stories could thrive.

And I am so happy to see what it has become today, reaching our two year anniversary celebration soon of being here, I think we’ll be okay-

And even though I may ghost more often now, and pop in every now and then— I think I can finally feel like I won’t be left behind, even if I leave and come back, someone will always be here, posting on RP Mansion.

I will say I think I’m just rambling on my part here, and I know I haven’t been able to be as active on my admin duties and the admin portal as of late— but like everyone else, life gets in the way, and I have to focus on that first, although in truth I’d love for this to be my full time job instead.

Anyways, I’m in talks of one upcoming rp right now and I’m not sure if I’ll take on more. I think for now I’ll just post a story thread by myself, but that’s about it. I have some ideas in my head but I don’t think I can get them going just yet. So please be patient with me a little longer, and hopefully my artist block will leave me soon.

Thanks for reading my thoughts if you made it this far!
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