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♜ Kasumi's Collection of Characters ♚


Local Time:
4:58 PM
Dec 11, 2023
Information always varies. I'm flexible so I don't mind changing things.
Not all characters have bios. Will work on editing them over time.
All characters are bottoms unless specified otherwise.
These are my frequently used characters. I reuse them.

All characters are 18+!!!
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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Dec 11, 2023
The Gentlemen
(Gents are strictly for Yaoi / MxM roleplays!)

18+ (Can vary, usually in his 20s)
Black hair and brown eyes.
Birthday is November 13th (Scorpio).

An Englishman, having moved from London, England, with his father (John) and older brother (Alex) to America. His mother passed away due to //// back in London, causing the sudden move. John, unfortunately, had some issues. He truly believed Lee was capable of murdering his own mother. Due to this delusion he treated Lee awfully, neglecting him and even getting physical with him. Lee endured physical, verbal, mental, and emotional abuse.

John highly favored his eldest son, Alex, praising him almost intentionally in front of Lee. Alex, the golden child, the apple of his eye.

Lee tended to act out, avoiding home at all costs. He distracted himself by working: babysitting and house sitting, drawing... Art was his one true passion, the only thing that truly made him happy anymore. Due to all of the abuse it was hard for Lee. He was a party boy, clubbing with his friends. Drinking, getting high, and having sex with strangers kept Lee sane.
He's in college, often gets himself in trouble with his friends. Stole from a cop? Kidnapped and sold? Master x slave, D/s themes. Masochist.
& & &
27 (Can vary)
Black hair and brown eyes.
Birthday is May 8th (Taurus).

Alex is Lee's older brother. He was fearful of his father's anger and abuse so he acted as the perfect son, leading to Lee resenting him.
In Lee's psychiatric roleplay, he tries to reconnect and be a better brother. Can also be the doctor's initial love interest.
Otherwise, he is the leader of a gang, The Royal Demons. They have a tattoo of a crown on the inside of their right wrist.

From London, England. He was aware of why his mother passed away, yet his father's delusions worried him greatly. Despite what Lee thought, he didn't actually hate him. Siding with his father was the only way to quell his mind, to distract him from harming his younger brother further. Alex found his own distractions by applying to a grocery store, working as a cashier (this bit can vary). The friends he ended up finding filled his mind with promises of a better life. Before he knew it he was forming a gang, all of his members getting matching tattoos. For once he had control in his life where he couldn't find it elsewhere in his chaotic life.
Black hair, brown eyes.

(Former?) Leader of the Royal Demons.
I use him if I don't want to use Alex / it's not fitting to use Alex.
Former leader; maybe he was killed and made Alex the next in line if anything were to happen to him.
19 (Varies)
Blonde hair, blue eyes.
Birthday is September 2nd (Virgo).

He's a pickpocket/thief. Can be a member of Alex's/Levi's gang.
Nikolaus is his ex-boyfriend.

A proper backstory?!: Jack was in college and living with his boyfriend, Nikolaus. Their living arrangements, however, didn't last very long as Jack found his boyfriend cheating on him. His boyfriend kicked him out, leaving Jack homeless. Jack found ways to get by, pick pocketing and stealing little things like knick knacks. He would find people to sell the items to; (possible addition) eventually allowing him to join a gang and live at their apartment. The leader took a liking to Jack, promising him great things; so long as he continued to steal and sell the items to him.
Blind Jack

Blond hair, blue eyes; pupils have clouding in them which makes them appear even bluer.

Due to an injury to his eyes that young Jack hid from his parents, the boy developed glaucoma and eventually went blind. It happened all too quickly and it didn't help that he didn't warn his parents of his fading vision. When he did speak up they found it was far too late to do anything about it. Jack was in the final stages of the condition, rendering him blind for the rest of his life.

Utter stubbornness caused the young male to go blind.

Jack and his family are either rich or middle class.

Jack's parents own a candy store along with their own company; making the Haden family quite rich. Him - because he sometimes used their money. To give Jack a part of the store, to allow him to feel a part of the company and the riches his parents bought him a little candy machine. It is left by the front of the store. He is allowed to make money off of it.

Jack normally hates attention which he can't help but receive because of the store and his blindness. He owns a folding walking stick which he doesn't enjoy using all of the time. He doesn't enjoy feeling helpless and for people to treat him as such, always wanting to help him. Very independent.
Black hair, super dark brown eyes.
Birthday is May 29th (Gemini).

Abused by his parents until he ran away (changes depending on plot). Parents hated him for being gay (and for cross-dressing if they know for that plot). He cut himself and attempted suicide until his small group of friends showed up and rushed him to the hospital. Has cuts on his inner thighs and arms. At some point he cuts his hair shorter, just to his shoulders (I don't have a better picture for him).
In some plots, he's still stuck at home and another saves him. For others, he's a prostitute and cross-dresses for his clients.

I need to edit this ahhh
Brown hair, blue eyes.
Birthday is April 7th (Aries)

Middle Prince to the Kingdom of Anroma
He is a masochistic, sex-addicted prince~. He will fuck anything that moves, so long as it has a dick attached to it.
Can start out shy and reserved by adding some drama to his backstory and having him traumatized. Just ask!
I've recently brought him into the modern world as a normal guy who is a model. Model persona is a Prince.

He has two brothers;
The youngest (at about 10), (will only ever be a side character/rarely mentioned!)
The eldest, crowned prince (at about 20), .
(Niko, Klaus)
Black hair and.... blue eyes?

German, moved to the states.
Loves alcohol. Is a bartender.
Tops and bottoms (Seke).
Jack's ex (if going by that storyline, doesn't have to).
Kai & Elias
Fraternal twins.
Kai is older than Elias by a few minutes. Also a bit taller
Kai has reddish brown eyes
Elias has blue eyes
Sam has darker hair (brown), Elliot has lighter hair (blonde).

They are Lee's friends

Spoiled, aristocratic brat. Prince type, but not an actual prince.
Brown hair, grey eyes
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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Dec 11, 2023
The Ladies
(Hetero / Mx F & Yuri / FxF roleplays!)

21 (Can vary)
Dyed white hair and blue eyes.
Birthday is October 3rd (Libra)
Height | Weight: 5'3" | 115
Pierced ears
Raised in Kyoto, Japan. Her parents are international caterers so they travel. When Yumi was old enough she began traveling with them. She knows Japanese and English. Knows how to play the piano since childhood. Met a talent scout that thought she was strangely beautiful considering she was Japanese that had white hair and blue eyes. He made her a model, an idol, and a singer.
Auburn hair and eyes
A witch
Black hair, brown eyes
Black hair, brown eyes
Brown hair and eyes
Pierced ears
Brown hair, reddish brown eyes
Cam girl
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