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Fantasy RP A Highborn's Little Distractions (Lord Sesshoumaru)

Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
In the High Elven enclaves of Thermungrad, a wealthy, powerful city-state, built upon many dynasties of ancient emperors. Thermungrad was the second elf city, crafted by the very hands of Emperor Therlan and his brothers, carved from the mountains, woven with great trees. At its heart, it became the roots of order in the lands, slaying monsters and mastering the weaves of magic, opening the first academy of mages. As the generations passed, and the royal family expanded, making Noble Houses to organize themselves, the city growing and prospering, culminating in the War of Silvered Apples between the High Elves and the last of the Giants.

The destruction of the Giants loosed their lesser races they once tried to enslave, Humans, Dwarves, and much to the Elves disdain, Greenskins. Orcs and Goblins were , at least in the eyes of the vast majority Elves, base and near primal creatures. The Elves locked their gates to the Greenskins, leaving them to struggle out and strive, while Humans and Dwarves were allowed to know the secrets of their Eldars.

Now in the Age of Adventure, the Eldar have sent out their heroes and noble children through the far reaches of the rural country sides to see the world, to take up knowledge first hand again, rather than merely learn by the word of mouth.

The young hero that rode along the dirt road has long platinum blonde hair, that flowed in the wind. His armor was gleaming mythril, winking a soft slightly blue glint when the setting sun kissed against it. His silver eyes watched over the farms that were near the village he was pasting through to make his way back to Thermungrad. The soft gusts of wind and chatter of nature, the voice of spring itself made him feel at ease. The Elf leapt off the horse, gently landing on the ground to lead it to the stable to have his steed cared for. He had stopped nearly in every town and village so far, pausing to see if he could find a new experience, or lesson to learn.
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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
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As the Young heroic Elven hero stopped to look about the land, seeking new experiences. the sound of some thing moving in the distance could be seen from afar. as a faint sight of a wicked reptilian tail moved into a near by den. not far from the location of several Smaller villages. it had been known for some time, many smaller villages sacrificed young maidens to dragons and demons alike when they made nests near by the villages to protect the bulk of the public. was this possibility one such beast, if so then the young hero would soon have a chance to make a name for himself, much sooner then expected, or the Elf could move on, and seek information before assuming what the glimpse he would only get for a moment could be.

in the den, the massive shadow moved about, dragging a large carcass of a humanoid variant. as it would toss the carcass into a back chamber. one which had knee high gates, and locks on them. many glowing eyed figures unseen from the darkness would swarm upon the meat. a total of 6 figures trapped in this makeshift cell. as the creature smirked to itself. thinking of how much fun it would get later when the moon arose, however for now. the wicked thing would make sure it's toys were fed, unaware of the potential threat looming in it's newly conquered domain. as the prisoners were but mere trophies, in need of proper breaking and training.


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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon walked into the village, the human settlement abuzz as the Elf highborn walked the village, seeing the distant movings. Elves were not often seen so openly, tucked away in their towers and grand citadel. Asking around the place for any rumored dangers, or services that the people would need. Some were not particularly appealing, small chores that requires some hands, but the confirmation of a drake in the area made the elf keen to take a look. He head out to take a look fir himself, to fell the monster that had been forcing them to suffer so.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing of this rare beast, one which had hide, claws, and jaws worth a small fortune for both trading, and crafting. It was unknown if the Elf needed such material however the rare meat would be delicious even if kept for one self. As the Den would not be so obvious to any untrained eyes. yet if one knew what to look for, the ideal location for a den would not be far from the village, hidden with in a few minutes from the very source of civilians. as these town people would be the main food source if things went south. yet The Elf Ailmon would discover how this thing had been taking cattle, sheep, and even several humans at early morning or late night.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon's eyes skimmed the woods, looking for the signs of a claiming evil. Where birds, insects, and beasts ceased to sound, the simple feeling of his own heart, a tension that was supernatural that would try to force him to abandon his quest. But he didn't break his stride, sliding hid spear and shield off his horse, stepping off as the woods began to making the horse start to get nervous. He turned to his steed, walking towards it and whispering in its ear gently in Elven tingue, telling it to return to the edge of the wood. As his steed turned tail and galloped away, Ailmon began to seek out the Den.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving silently, and carefully once the horse had left sight, the loyal, and dependable steed having never failed it's master, however Ailmon would soon feel something warp drip upon his head from above. the elf would find blood dripping from high above. as the ground had a trail of droplets spread across the grass, and ground. easily missed by those who did not know any better, as it was the sign of prey being carried in the sky. yet it was oddly fresh. The elf would discover a den no to far from an ideal watering hole, not to far from the entrance. however their would be dry and fresh remnants of flesh and gore around the entrance. as the den would be the target location indeed, but for the size of it. the creature was no small fry for it's ilk, but a prize truly worthy of the hunt to say the least.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon looked at the blood drop, the streak of it, rolling off without a mark up on the mythril, butvhe shook his head, know the scent of human blood. Following the trail and spying the despoiled watering hole as he walked along for the Den, the Elf felt his heart break briefly for those that had died, as well as for the taint upon the nature's ecosystem. Coming upon the Den, spying the entrance, he slowed slightly, only for a moment. It seemed to be a worthy dragon, not a young drake at least. 'Very Well.' He thought as he crept closer to the entrance. His armor was light and silence, not even rattling due to the properties of the Mythril.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving tours the new destination, Ailmon would soon see the looming shadow of a figure in the distance. one which would release sparks of bright cinders into the air, with each breath. as the creature seemed to slowly begin to stir. It was unknown if the Elf would hide and study the creature for a weak spot, or move in, and force it to move into a more open area which would allow for easily combat. As it was, the sound of smaller female voices echoed from behind the beast. smaller assumed by the higher pitched sounds. however was it possible these were the ones taken by the beast for a future meal, or perhaps something worse?
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon's ears perked. Gently, to sounds of small voices catching his attention. Young women? He watched the mobster stir slightly, hunkering a bit in the shadows as he tried to assess the Dragon. It's scales, it's size, for any inclinings of knowledge that it could reveal.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he tried to figure out the beast, the fact remained, Ailmon would be at a massive disadvantage until it was outside of the den. more then that, even if he could get close, in the cave like den. one breath attack could kill those who needed the heroic elf's aid. as such it would appear as if time was of the essence, despite how he could barely make out much of this creature, except for it's rough size, being about three times that of a full grown horse. making it most likely a Juvenile, or Adolescence beast, making it's first den for itself in these lands.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon hummed to himself as he stood up, stepping out to the Den entrance carefully m, Elven grace making his strides ever so light. He raised his spear and shield, beating them together as he started to rush backwards. "Dragon! I challenge you! Here and now!" He yelled inti the cave, trying to bait the creatures attention to step outside. Such Tactics were a tad....human, yelling and jeering to draw the eye of a foe, but sometimes the young races had a insight upon the ways of battle. Sometimes you had to just demand the beast look at you as a pest to slay.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing the blood voice echoing into the den. The beast began to stir. Lumbering out upon its limbs, as the den entrance would soon erupt into a flaming spew of heated demise to any who would get caught in the torrential blaze. Releasing a burst of the inferno breath, it would be short lived but deadly, however any who knew of wyvern or dragons unique abilities would realize this release was more of a deadly yawn then anything. Yet still the beast did not come outright to fave the elf. As if needing more incentive to show itself. Perhaps fresh meat or the scent of a maiden. Regardless if not lured out, ailmon would be forced to attack into the den and risk those who he sought to aid.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon narrowed his eyes as the heat and flames blew forth, but did not flinch back. Not that he was fearless or fireproof, but he refused to turn away now that he was challenging the beast. He whirled out his spear, throwing it into the den, launching the myrthril spear into the center of the dark where the flames had bellowed from. It would perhaps seem mad, but mystical metal qas one of a few that could slash through the scales of a dragon. If he struck, it would get its attention.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
His spear hit something hard in the den, but it was not his target. However the weapon was now glowing bright from the flames which it sliced through. the beast's glowing eyes could soon be seen. as it snaked past the spear, rumbling the ground with each motion. before the tiny Elf, the massive beast soon emerged. as it was not what one would expect. it appeared to be a Lesser Wyvern, but it was the size of a medium to larger young dragon. The beast had odd blood like crystals growing out of it's hide, as the glowing eyes looked upon the magically gifted species of a hero before it. the creature hissed, as blood like fluid oozed from it's maw. as it moved out tours the warrior. a snake like forked tongue flickered. the beast had the appearance of a feral predator, but any who knew the truth, knew as long as the beast like this was not starving or cornered, they had incredible intelligence, but saw any weaker then themselves as lesser creatures, only worthy to be hunted, and devoured.

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Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Slashing as skillfully as he could, ailmons blade would fail.tp even leave a mark on the scales.

As it would happen quickly, ailmon would not notice the odd blood like fluid which coated some of his armor. As the fluid began to slowly glow. Heating up the armor it was on, as what appeared like a siphoning of fluid and energy began to form. If left uninhibited, this would quickly drain the magic, mana, eventually the life force of ailmon. This dangerous yet unique ability to this variant species of wyvern was what made them more dangerous than most pure blooded dragons.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon looked down as he felt the viscous goo warming up, trying to leech through the Myrthil plates. The Elf rolled backwards, try to wipe the slop off of his armor while gaining some distance from the beast. He wasn't particularly aware of its full deathly effects, but the gathering heat wasn't a nice sign. He huffed, knowing now that the scales along the neck seemed to be thick. He began to bound forward, preparing himself to battle defensively, to test its mettle further. 'If the neck is too thin, I will have to try fir it's eyes' He thought.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the fight finally began good and proper, ailmon would find the bulking beast a hand full. As it rose up to flap its wings and knock him back mid charge, before trying to attack the man with a beltch of flames.

As this happened it would allow the reveal of a single upside down scale in the center of the lower jaw. This spot would glow brightest when using a breath attack. Thus showing a very danger point blank weak spot. But an opening would be needed first. Or atleast enough damage to Chase this beast off.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon let the wind buffet him, blowing him backwards, allowing himself to move with the gusts to flip onto his feet dodge the flaming breath. As he saw the scale glow, revealing the weakness, he sprung onto motion , elven grace carrying him faster as he wove his way towards the drake. He chanted a soft song, starting to bend the essences of magic to enhance his agility.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As he moved, having taken notice of the weak spot, Ailmon would find his blade deflected by the hardening of the quickly cooled scale. showing that the window of vulnerability would be when the heat was coming from the maw. however now having made an attempt, he had gotten so closed, the beast counter attacked with a powerful wing slap. moving to try and smash the elf, as it's tail, and maw were ready to try and hit the elegant and deadly warrior depending if he dodged up or back. up would be greeted with a powerful bask of it's hard skull, and back would end up with the tail aiming to try and coil around his waist to toss the elf into a near by tree. however with his ability to control and enhance movement with magic. the next opening would need to be timed or created. as it also used a fluid like breath, which did not heat the odd scale.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As the wing bared down over him, the Elf carried his momentum to dodge, the enchanted speed letting him flipp over its swipping claw. The tail whipped loose to coil him, but he would hold on as it tried to throw him. He glanced about as it furled and lashed with him, the young ekf trying to usethe limb to imb up on the drake.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Skillfully moving as he did, Ailmon would soon cause the beast to hit itself, and stumble back. however this did not go with out the warrior himself finding his body getting swatted aside. before Ailmon knew what hit him, the elf was in a thick pile of glowing crimson goo. as the creature had also fallen over, onto it's side. as it began to recover, The elf would quickly discover the goop all over his armor glowing, and his body growing weaker. as the strength of the beast seemed to radiate, showing the deadly effect to one who could perceive mana finally. However this would also present a new means to battle this beast. if he could some how manage to get this creature to use it's blood like spit upon itself, he might be able to cause a loop from this thing's own deadly secret weapon to weaken it before him. However despite this, the fact remained, as long as he had his armor on, and was close enough, it would sap his mana, and life force.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
The Elf rose up , shaking off the sludge and blood like ooze, huffing in soft disgust of the feeling of it. He threw himself forward, swift to climb on the drakes side, and climbing up along its spikes and scales to get at its face. He stabbed along its scales, raking out for its eye to harass the downed monster and agitate it further.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
raking the blade along the impressive hide, the beast would begin to roll itself. managing to shake the elf off before the blade met it's eye. however with Ailmon now on the ground under it. the beast began to rise up. charging the heat from it's chest. as the scales began to glow and radiate. the heat could be seen rising quickly tours the maw of the beast, as the elf found his body weakening by the moment. meaning if he made one mistake, this chance would be missed, however if taken properly, then if timed right, his blade could pierce the glowing scale, and prevent the fire breath, thus causing who knew how much internal damage. as this would surely be instant death sentence for any weaker warrior.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon bided his time with his blade, his spell still ebbing through his weakening body as the flames licked and build themselves up in the drakes maw. He didn't move, playing a bit as if he was weakened and struggling to move. As the fire make the inverted scale glow, pooled in the Beasts throat and beginning to flare, Ailmon made his last move. He pushed himself upwards, forcing himself up and into a standing leap, his sword raised over head in a valiant upward thrust as the dragon lbegam to try to level itself over him for its fire breath.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Reeling back with his blade now pierced into the scale, causing flames to spit out from the wound, and around the blade. Ailmon would find himself hit by the tail, and painfully into the near by trees. snapping the thick trunk, which would break his body if not for the protection of his armor. However the beast moving about to finally manage and remove the blade. would spew thick globs of it's blood like fluid upon the elf. weakening him even more, as his armor began to glow, as if it would cook his flesh under it. However the beast's strength could be seen weakening quickly.

with his blade sticking out of the throat, it was an ideal spot to hit with some kind of magic to use as a means to strike the soft flesh inside the throat. as the creature could no longer use fire. however this opening would only exist for a few moments, as his body was hit by the tail. for if he did not act quick enough while being tossed into the tree. Ailmon would miss the chance, regardless if he managed to take it or not, before the impact into the massive tree trunk, his body would become coated with the foul fluid. Unaware that this beast even if it was not slain, would retreat very soon from this wound, once it realized it could no longer use it's fire with out self harming.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon gasped for breath as he slammed into thr tree, the impact cracking a few of his ribs no doubt, but he forced himself to endure while the beast was before him. While the blade was embedded in its neck, he would raise a hand, gathering up his magics. His hands gathered the ebbs of Mana, thrusting out a crackling beam of Mana to slam the sword straight through the drakes throat like a lance.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As the blade shot through the throat of the beast. with the aid of the mana pushing it through.
as this finally took the mighty beast down, Ailmon was now in rough condition, however he managed to successfully solo a beast which would normally take two or three warriors to take down. as such he could now have bragging rights if he wished, however the brave warrior would now be free, albeit injured to head into the den, and rescue those he heard prior from the back of the den. unaware of what awaited him behind the sealed wooded back gate, and door frame in the den. a make shift barrier which housed the imprisoned victims.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ailmon pulled himself up, the Elf collecting himself, the air of grace steadily returning ti him even while he was smeared the blood of a drake. He smoothed his hair back, sand drew his sword from the drake throat, sheathing it on the was into the den. "Hello? Is anyone in here? Are you alright!" He called out in the common tongue. He walked deeper, finding his spear embed into the stone wall of the den. He pulled it up as he ventured in, seeing the gate towards the back of the drakes former hideaway. "The beast is slain-you are free now!" He said as he approached it to try to see indide.
Local Time:
4:58 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving tours the door frame, and wall of large spoked and splintered, yet blood stained wood. Ailmon would hear soft almost frightened whispers as he drew closer. more then just that, he would soon find the wooded barrier locked from the side he was on. a strange thing to see from a creature like what he had just slain. However the fact remained, he would now be free to undo the make shift hinge, and open the door. for nothing could be seen from outside the wall like chamber. however unknown to Ailmon, the instant the door opened, he would get rushed by a swarm of small green vixens. all of which would jump his relatively weakened frame, and move to strip the elf excitedly with out hesitation.

( undo the flood gates, and let loose the tsunami of snu snu )
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