Game RP A lustful trainer (knight)

"I'm fine-" she said as she pushed him aside, the spearow diving in again, a wild, violent male, with a hateful gleem in his eyes. He raked forward, but angled to attack Marcus as he jumped into the midst of the battle. Fern reacted before she really thought about it, the Spearow wouldn't just slap Marcus around, it could just as easily really mess him up. Her vinewhip lashed out , slapping the raging mon off course enough that it would swoop over Marcus's head and cut into another tree with a ruthless slash.
As he backed off, the two Mon would face off, Fern unfurling two more vines as the Spearow landed. "You're in our territory, you've got one chance, but if you fight- I'll tear you up!" He said sneering down at her. Fern shifted, taking on more of her Monster form, the bulb spiraling up from her back and leaves growing off her.

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