General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

Noah allowed the maid to creep in, closing the door gently. The small hallway had a well polished floor, a dark brown wood, a set of cubbies for little things were on the wall, keys, hats, perhaps even light trinkets. The air had a bit of a mixture od scents, a nice, citrusy soap nd faint steam...and the heady scent of what might have been leftover of body sweat, the whatever Noah worked out with and still had on him faintly. The young man flushed slightly as Kasumi would pass him by, a woman was in his house. Oh God why did he feel so funny about that. He really needed to get out more like his parents said. As 'she' would wander further, Kasumi would see to the left a kitchen and living room combination, whatever wall that had separated them in that room had been likely removed and replaced by an island, with another lower table in the dining space. But there only was one seating pillow upon the matts, the windows were closked with curtains, snd a small tv set was set was Noah a hot little shut in? No company? Just him? Sweating and working out in this house alone? Nobody to walk in on them? Noah did mention some....back up problems.

Bit before the maids mind was prodded with thoughts, the kitchen would catch his attention. The dishes were stacked up a bit, not too high, but he definitely had been a bit neglectful. They were atleast rinsed. Coming out of that room briefly to look in the other side, Kasumi was slapped by the musky smell harder, stepping into Wgat was the home gym, black pads were on the floor, exercising equipment were laid out, the largest of the weight machines for chest and arms were positioned at the middle of the room, perhaps for supports to come through. Leg machines positioned at the corners, a treadmill at the ready. Dumbbells and the like lined the other wall rack with a large mirror reflecting Kasumi's form back at them. Noah flushed darker as he stepped by Kasumi quickly, shuffling to open the window as he wondered..could this maid smell anything he couldn't. The gym had another door just by the weight rack. "Uh, my boxing stuff is in there, just some bags I hang up." Noah said while Kasumi would approach the door, the Prince pointing uo to a set if hooks in the beams overhead.
Kasumi took note of everything. He wasn’t there to judge, though he understood the feeling of a stranger looking through your things.

He appreciated the other’s quiet, simple living. It was nice living alone, though sometimes he did become lonely. He supposed Noah felt the same, at least his aunt had. He noted the scents around the home, getting stronger as he reached what was Noah’s work out room. He took it quite seriously if he had an entire room dedicated to it! He didn’t mind the scent, it reminding him of a certain time, with him on his back, someone larger and stronger on top of him, sweating…

He shook his head, looking up and pausing in front of the mirror. He saw himself, hands still properly folded in front of him, his dress ending just below his knees.

He turned to the other, giving another gentle smile. “I love your home. Very peaceful.” He said, going back and aiming for the stairs to climb them and see the rest of his home.

So far he needed to do some dishes which were easy enough. He was sure the bedroom would be messy, probably clothes thrown about.
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As Kasumi would reflect on the scents, the sensations he knew so well, a tight grip on him, , a rough body that hunkered for him constantly. "I'm going to keep fucking you until you can't get up! I can't stop!" He had said then, dragging nice marks on his back. Venturing up the stairs, he'd spot the bathroom, it was decently clean, a tad tossed up, perhaps some recent scrambling or adjustments. His bedroom however was completely tossed around, sheets half hanging on the bed, clothes left on the floor, a vain attempt at keeping order mostly aligned them around the hamper. The only mostly cleared spot was a path from the door to the bed, and a clearing by a set of bars on the walls, perhaps for pull ups. And hanging jump ropes. "....I uh- might have made a bit of controlled mess?"
A shiver crawled up the younger male’s spine as a familiar voice rang through his head, speaking so nicely to him, so dirty. Kasumi would cry out, begging him not to stop. Ah, how he missed him…

Enough about that. He had moved on from that long ago. He shook his head, moving his hair out of his face as he focused on the task at hand: taking assessment of his surroundings. The bathroom was clean enough, obviously just used.

The bedroom, however, was a completely different story. Damn, he even had work out equipment in his bedroom!

He glanced back over to the athlete before looking forward again, not wanting to make him nervous. “Whatever works for you! Now…” he finally fully turned to the male, the same bright smile on his lips. “I can start with the laundry. If I touch anything you don’t want me to mess with, please don’t hesitate to tell me.” He nodded, turning again to see where he should start. He began picking up some clothes, looking to start separating them into piles before bringing them to the wash.
Noah flushed again. "Uh- I don't think so?" He said as he rubbed his head. " I do now? I've never had a maid before-" he said thoughtfully as he looked around. While Kasumi would gather up armful of laundry, he saw that Noah's range of clothing were oscillating between athletic apparel, and some form of business attire. Not too fancy, merely a range if white button down shirts and other business casual attire. Did he have some day job? Probably. He didn't have the usual vibe for a gangster or something shady, nor was he flashy as a low tier member that was earning a bit of goof money.

Noah led his maid down ti the washer set that was around the back from the downstairs bathroom. He watched while Kasumi would pick through the pockets briefly. Though it felt more like Noah wasn't sure where to stand with company about, than suspicion. Noah blinked as he heard a plastic crinkle. "Uh-" he mumbled but Kasumi already had the culprit in hand, a familiar packet, pulling out a condom from the princes pants. A good sized packet too. But Kasumi didn't get to alexamine it too closely as a breeze whipped by the maids hand and it was now in Noah's. The princes face burning red. "I-uh-"
“Ah! Right, right. You can go about your usual business, pretend I'm not even here! Or, if you'd rather keep watch, you can stick around." Really, it was completely up to the other and what he was most comfortable with. Kasumi was curious spotting the business clothing. He was taken back to his older days when he was with a certain someone - in a particular field where he wore very similar attire. Noah would notice Kasumi pause before moving slowly through the items when more button-ups and other formal wear came into view. Ah, how familiar. How... comforting. The thoughts did cross his mind, the younger male wondering just what the other did for a living. He probably didn't even need his grandmother to pay for his visits - the other immediately getting VIP treatment - if he was one of those.

He let out a quiet sigh, reminding himself he was beyond that lifestyle now. Still, his prince had some mysteries about him that Kasumi wanted to learn. The other led him down to the washing room, a familiar system in front of him. Knowing just how to use it he set the pile of clothing down before kneeling in front of it to separate them once more, not wanting anything to get ruined. Then, he found something that crinkled in his hand. He recognized right away what it was, having used many of them before in his old line of work. Oho! So his shy Prince was active! Before he could see much more about the product, it disappeared from his hand, Kasumi blinking before turning his head to look at the other.

Kasumi tried his hardest to restrain himself, silencing any unsavory thoughts. He looked away, not wanting the other to be embarrassed, just as long as they didn't linger on it. "At least you're being safe." Oof, what else was he supposed to say? Probably nothing. He should have kept going and moved on.

Who was he sleeping with?

Kasumi resumed doing the first load of laundry, putting everything into the machine and filling it with the right detergent before starting it. With that started, he headed for the kitchen to start the dishes.
"Eh~No- I'm not- well I would be- uh...this...I'm not seeing or using this with others. " He rambled as he held onto the packet. They weren't the right size for one. "They were a prank- people I know said I'm too...uptight." He said as he turned away. Well the exact winds were 'I bet your wound up, you haven't fucked in a while or something.'

He coughed and looked over his shoulder. "I'll uh go...relax for a while?" He said as he started to hustle off, only feeling more embarrassed.
"Oh~" He giggled softly; he couldn't help it, his prince was too cute - and single~? He shook his head, waving the other off to go relax. "It's fine, please." He had seen plenty of them and more. "I'll let you know when I'm finished." With how much clothing was tossed around upstairs he figured he would be there for a while.

Kasumi soon finished the dishes and decided to wipe down the counters and table. He straightened up, putting things away, back where they belonged. As the wash was still going he tackled the bathroom next. He cleaned the toilet, giving it a quick scrub with the brush, before wiping down the floor in the bathing area. He decided to run a hot bath for his prince, running the cover over it when it was filled. The clothes were eventually done and he set them out to dry before starting the next load. Before Noah would know it, his home would be looking much better.

It took Kasumi some time, but eventually, he finished up in the main living area. He plopped down on the floor near where Noah was, resting his head back on the cushion. "Ah, finished~. I hope you like what I've done."
Noah was sitting at the table in his living room, his left hand busy with a grip trainer, while he was watching a bit of TV. While Kasumi had been busy, he had been keeping things light, trying to take it easy on training. He paused the boxing footage as Kasumi plopped nearby. Noah stood up briefly, peering around but smiled. "It's looking better already Kasumi! " He said warmly as he peered down on them. "It's like magic!"
"Mm! Magic, huh?" He supposed to the other it could appear that way. He was happy to provide the service for the other. Much as he had for another in his past. Shaking the thought from his mind, he focused on Noah - the man in front of him. "Is there anything else I could help you with?" He asked, stopping himself from crawling over, closer to the male. He placed his hands on his sides, keeping them there.
Noah rubbed his chin. "Do you cook?" He asked tilting his head as he set down the gripper. "That would be great too- and..." He rubbed his hand, feelingva ach running though his body,. "Or...heh, I suppose you already drew me a bath. I could take it now...and you could cook. I might need a good soak-"
"Oh, yeah! I love to cook. I sometimes help in the kitchen back at the cafe if we're short staff or someone wants something... a little special." Really, really cute desserts, of course! "Mm! I thought it'd be best for you to soak after a workout." He said with a nod, smiling gently at the suggestion he cook for the other. Ooh, how romantic~.

"Are you in the mood for anything specific?" He asked, standing from his spot on the floor before heading for the kitchen. He wanted to get an idea of what to make, of what the other enjoyed.
"Oh- I don't have alot of fancy stuff. I got some ground beef, veggies and could make some burger steak?" He said smiling. "Make it real special!" He said as he shrugged, raising an arm up over head. "Uh-did you wash...all my towels?" He said blinking
Kasumi thought about the ingredients for a moment, the other suggesting something he could make. He nodded, "Right! They're in the laundry room, clean! You go soak and I'll have dinner ready in a bit!" He trotted over to the kitchen and started taking out what he needed. He began cooking, chopping up whatever veggies he needed and sauteeing them in the pan. He made the hamburger steak mixture, formed the patties, and let them rest in the fridge while he prepared the side dishes.

He took his time, wanting everything to be perfect for his prince. He fried up the patties and made the sauce that went over them, thankful that Noah did have everything he needed. Playing such a domestic role once again had him reminiscing of another time. He did this often for that one special person. Even as he set the table and climbed the stairs to inform his prince that dinner was ready he felt he was back in that role.

Sliding the door open a crack, he gently called out, "Mas--" He caught himself quickly, playing it off with a cough. "...Noah! Dinner is ready." He stepped back from the door, a hand slapped over his mouth. How the hell did that happen? It had been so long, why now?!

Backing up, he rushed back down the stairs, placing himself by the table where Noah's dinner was laid out. His hamburger steak with the sauce ladled on it, lying on a bed of rice. He had a bowl of sauteed veggies beside the plate along with a bowl of miso soup. It was the instant stuff, a packet found in one of the cabinets, but it was still good. There was a glass of water, too.
"I'm coming-" He called back gently after Kasumi suddenly backed away, wondering what was going on for a moment, but he climbed out of tub and got dried off with the towel...Kasumi heard him coming down the stairs again, the Prince coming down dressed in a robe, though underneath he was wearing shorts. "I hope that I haven't made you work too hard" He said as he approached the table.
Kasumi heard him coming and straightened himself out, completely out of habit. He allowed himself to relax, letting out a quiet breath. He appreciated how the other looked in the robe, hopeful that he had nothing on underneath, completely doubting it. Hey, he could dream!

He shook his head, "No, no, not at all. I love cleaning and helping out." He turned his attention back to the table, a delicate hand showing off the food. "Hambagu~," he said excitedly. "With some miso soup and some vegetables. I hope you enjoy!" There were leftovers, though he wanted Noah to keep the food. Everything could be stored away and reheated whenever he got hungry.
"It looks delicious! I can't did you make enough for yourself " He said as he paused hands over the soup bowl. The robe had shuffled ever so subtlely opening up and showing the maid a open window to the manicured strength of the princes torso without any coverage. A few bruises were still there, mostly healed up but the bath raised them back up. "I...was hoping we'd have dinner together. Seeing as you worked so hard for me."
A warm hint of red touched his cheeks as the other wanted to eat together, followed by a very nice view of his abdomen when the robe shifted. He caught himself staring, frowning a little at the sight of the bruises. Ah, wasn't that a familiar sight, Kasumi having dealt with something quite similar. Although, he was sure Noah had gotten them from working out. "...Oh!" He quickly snapped himself out of his daze. "Of course, anything for my Prince," he grinned softly.

Kasumi grabbed another plate and bowl and served himself some of the food, much like Noah's plate. He was soon seated across from the other. "There, now we can eat." Another sweet smile caressed his lips before he began to eat. He was proud of himself as he tasted the food, finding he made it perfectly.
As Kasumi would seem to get distracted, perhaps thinking, perhaps wondering if Noah was up to something, Noah would take the soup to drink it gently. He hoped the question wasn't too odd,- but Kasumi seemed to light up after a second and agree. Noah relaxed as he leaned back a bit, sipping the soup, leaning with the happy gulp. He set the bowl down as Kasumi came back. "It's best to eat together, so that your prince is not worried your neglecting your health-" he said as he started to taste the steak, humming soundly, his body leaning forward. 'Eh-" something dropped gently, gravy falling off the steak and tolling of into the gap in his ribs, onto his skin.
His prince seemed to relax once he took up his offer. He was happy with that alone, though he wouldn't mind eating. He was pretty hungry after all of that cleaning. He had been so used to working in the cafe, serving others without getting a chance to eat, himself. Not until break time, anyway.

He could feel fluttering in his stomach at the other's word. Ooh, he was so cute!! "I must do my best to take care of myself to not worry my dear prince," he giggled softly as he played along. He took a sip of his soup, humming softly at the taste and warmth that filled him. "Mm... Ah," he caught the drip of gravy that spilled, falling to rest on Noah's skin. With a napkin in hand, he moved to stand and get closer to the other. "You must be more careful, my prince." He moved the robe a little to get it out of the way and gently dabbed the napkin on his skin, cleaning him off. Ah, any excuse to be closer and touch him~!
As Kasuni jumped at the opportunity, usungbthe napkin to rub on the talker athlete, Kasumi felt just how hot Noah's skin was, the moisture of the bath still sticking ti him, making the baokind thinner and thiner. The prince tensed as Kasumi rubbed his abdomen, ripple adds that could grind meat flexing. "Hehe- Kasumi-" he said as his voice pitched gently, feeling slightly ticklish. He flushed as he looked up to the maid, catching his maids eye briefly. A stillness freezing up between them. "you know better than to touch me like that- you don't know what a man will door to your pretty little mouth!" a voice from the past teased, the sensations of some hard and hungry had later throttled its way between Kasumis lips, his lungs forced to burn under the lustful needs of his old flame and his monster. Noah's eyes however didn't have that edge or fire...they soldered and glittered , warm with a shyness to them. "Uh-" i-i can do that-" he mumbled put as his eyes flickered faintly, shifting to Kasumi's upper lip. "The rest-" he said looking away. A subtle look down, and some more had spill into the masters lap.
Too much of Noah seemed to remind Kasumi of a certain someone from long ago. As he leaned down, gently dabbing at his torso, the heat from his skin and a familiar voice rang in his mind. He raised his hand, it coming up to his lips, his eyes glancing up to find that man, instead his prince was there. The look in his eyes - completely different from a past lover, though they were inviting. "R-Right, I'm sorry..." He said quietly, backing up, giving them space. He went to give Noah the napkin, pausing as he spotted more in a rather unfortunate place. Taking a breath, he tried to rid his mind of that past lover. He could do something that may ruin everything and scare Noah away. He held back, his strength failing as he wanted to please. It was expected of him, after all.

No. Not anymore, anyway. Not in that way. Unless that is what he chose...

He took another step back. "If you need to get changed, this is fine." Just get rid of the problem, before Kasumi would have to act.
He flushed darker. "I-im sorry-" he said standing up as he noticed how the rib was slipping now, tightening it up. "Eh- I'll fix it-" he said as he took the napkin and began to step passed Kasumi quickly, racked with such embarrassment...unaware if how badly his maid was struggling nowt to suck the gravy off his shorts...or worse. The prince clearly saw something welcoming, but unlike Kasumi's holding back all his impulses...Noah was beating around the bush. Perhaps he needed some help out if that shell...thats what friends were for.

He had scampered to the bathroom, the sound of the sink was running as he slid the door, leaving a crack in the rush.
Kasumi waved him off, shaking his head. "It's fine!" He promised, watching him rush off to the bathroom. Now alone, Kasumi pulled a chair out and sat down. He ran his fingers through his hair, sighing heavily. What the hell was wrong with him? Why now was he thinking of his past lover? What was it about Noah that made him think of him? If only he could see him again...

...That wasn't necessary. He had moved on long ago. There wasn't a reason to see him again.

Lifting his head, he looked down the hall to where the bathroom was. He could get up, just to make sure he was fine. After all, a maid had to ensure his prince was just fine.

He shook his head. He slipped out of the chair and took a few steps toward the bathroom. He stopped halfway, figuring he should leave Noah alone. He could clean himself up and change by himself. He didn't need Kasumi.

Although~. He had reached the bathroom and found it was still open, just by a crack. He peeked inside, gently biting his lower lip. He quickly ducked away, hiding by the wall next to the bathroom entrance before the other could see he was there. He had gotten a nice look at the other. He wanted to see more, taking the chance to get another little peek through the crack. He wouldn't know what to do if he was caught.
As Kasumi peaked in he saw the robe his master has been in was off, hung up, the full tight physique of Noach on display as he was only in a pair of black trunks. They were tight on him, perhaps for track, or something like that, but it showed only the sweet definition Noah has. His back,muscles were chiseled and strong, his thighs cut and sculpted. The prince was practically carved by some cruel, asian Michelangelo, for he could have been David. His hands were at his lap, rubbing away the sauance with steamy water. He sided and took his hand away, turning away briefly. God his ass was firm too. He shifted to hook his thumb on his shorts, fiddling with the ties in the front. "It's okay Noah- it's nothing- just a cute girl- you got a little excited.." He mumbled as he seemedcto very talking to his misty mirror. "It's just a little wiggle..." He looked to the trashcan, as he was about to toss the napkin in. Then paused, gently dragging the packet from the trunks pocket. " what am I thinking- these are too small anyway." He huffed flicking them in the trash. "She's here for work too...nah, I need to get my head on straight. "
Kasumi mentally cheered when he took another peek, finding the other had taken the robe off. He got an even better look at his prince's body. His body was amazing, his thoughts wandering, imagining the other on top of him, ramming away inside of him. No thoughts of a past lover, just him and his prince. He gently bit his lower lip, trying his best to stay quiet as he watched the other try to clean his shorts. He may as well just take them off and have them washed! He wanted to shout that out, though that would bring attention to himself and alert his prince that he was watching.

He wanted to beg the other to turn back around, though he got a nice look at his backside. He couldn't see what he was doing, he could only imagine. Was he stripping? Finally?!

...Eh? Cute girl? Did he just hear that right? Oh, god, his prince had no idea... Well, what could he expect? He was wearing a dress and looked quite feminine. He was used to tricking people, but, not his prince...! He perked up again hearing he supposedly got excited. He held back everything he could to not open the door. What would one little blowjob ruin, huh?

He had a mix of emotions, from hearing the condoms he found earlier in his pocket were too small, to correctly hearing the other refer to him as 'she.' He felt a whirlwind of emotions, his thoughts racing, and he took a few steps back. He wanted to bust into the room and jump him, but he held back.

Shaking his head, he turned to leave, going back to the table to finish his meal alone, letting his prince finish cleaning himself up in peace.
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Noah picked up the robe, throwing it on loosely, wiping the steam from tye mirror just after the maid slicked away. He looked at himself, chewing his lip as he tied it again...a little looser than before. She had already touched him...a bit freely really. He took a breath, sliding the door open, and walked to the living room. "Ahem- sorry for making a mess. I know it's unbecoming of a prince" Noah's robes hung open on him, clinging to his shoulders. He sat on the floor. "Did you finish you meal?"
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By the time Noah had joined him again, Kasumi had nearly finished his meal. His hamburger steak was gone and he was finishing up his soup as he picked at the veggies. He smiled widely as his prince returned, trying not to act any differently. He shook his head, "Not at all." He laughed lightly. "A maid must clean up after their prince. Your secrets are safe with me." He said, trying to act as he did before as if he didn't just touch the other and peek at him in the bathroom. "Please," he motioned toward his prince's plate, "Finish your meal. You need lots of protein." Oof, oh, god. No, not like that!! Noah worked out so he needed to get enough protein in him!

Oh... Jesus.

Maybe he should leave. It sounded like a pretty good idea, though he stayed. He wanted to stick around, to see if his prince would need anything more. He set his soup bowl down, and finished it, before moving on to the vegetables to complete his meal. He finished off his water, too, before he got up to place his dirty dishes in the sink. He would wait for Noah to finish before taking them and doing the dishes all together.
He crossed his legs, starting back in on his meal with a gentle nod . Though it had cooled, Noah didn't say anything, if anything he was pounding it back just as quickly. "I never can say no to more proteon in my diet-" he said as he stood up to bring the dishes over. His eyes lgently searched Kasumi's as he'd pass them off. "It must be late..." He said gently, not that he desired the maid to leave so soon.
Kasumi took the plates and placed them in the sink to wash them. At the mention of the time, he looked up at the clock, seeing it was pretty late. He held back wanting to suggest staying the night. He couldn't move so quickly, his aunt had made him promise. He had nearly slipped up multiple times that evening yet he stayed strong. There was absolutely nothing stopping him from jumping the man right then and there.

"Ah," he finished a plate and put it on the drying rack before moving to the next one. "It is. I'd hate to leave but we can always see each other very soon at the cafe." Whenever the other wanted to stop by. Better yet, at night. He had suggested such to the other quite recently, Kasumi hoping he kept it in mind.

Soon the dishes were done and he worked on drying them before putting them away where they belonged so nothing was left out. He had made things clean and didn't want to ruin the appearance so soon. With the dishes done and the table cleaned, there wasn't much left for him to do. He decided to call it a night, the temptation to jump Noah growing. He needed to leave before he did something he would regret. he headed for the door, the other no doubt trailing behind him, seeing him out.

Slipping his shoes on, he gave a bow, bending at the waist, before coming back up with a soft smile. "I'll see you very soon!" He said before departing.
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