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General RP A Maid Paid in Full (Kasumi

Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
The Cafe doors opened up in the midst of the night rush, were those that sought out companionship in the lonely Tokyo streets. Men, women, it mattered little here, all tastes were accomodated. Most came in the morning fir the Cafe experience, a welcoming atmosphere with cute company, serving a warm...or cold experience to its base. The floor was a hard dark wood, polished and sturdy, with soft cream walls, a very gentle French Cafe core theme blossomed through the space. A few peice of landscape art dressed the walls and the smell of finely crafted and fresh ground coffee and pastries hung in the air.

However the real premium draw of the Cafe was yet to be seen, Kasumi was familiar with it, for better or worse. The client that called ahead to the Cafe asked for Kasumi in particular fir a delicate job... at first it was probably thought to be some particularly shady party for the money that was offered but it was far...sadder? A older woman had called him up , she had highlighted brown hair, thick glasses, and a petite frame, she dressed like she belonged perhaps to some office. Dressed in a simple white blouse abd skirt, and a very stern look to her face. She slid over a envelope. "This is my nephew." She said as Lasumi was free to open it up and look at what he was working with. The photo was of a handsome young man, he wasn't Japanese, atleast not entirely, his eyes were rounded and green, his hair was medium length , swept back, and brunette. He was perhaps part white, whether that placed him from a American or a European, was hard to say. His lips were a but fuller, and his photo...he seemed to be athletic. "He...has very few friends, and I fear has no hope to make more. I would like you to meet him. And get to know him. Perhaps help him get out of his shell." She said. However a guy that was a good looking needed to get out of anything but his clothes made no sense.

"I will pay you...mm...10,000 Yen every week." She said offering straight up nearly 10 times Kasumi probably made severing coffees for hour during the day shift. "Is that compensation enough?"


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Name: Kasumi Murakami
Age: 20
Hair color: Black, long
Eye color: Very dark brown, appears black

The manager of the cafe had called Kasumi personally, explaining to him that a woman had a request specifically for him and that she would be around soon to give details. Kasumi, not sure what exactly was up - besides some money he'd receive for the favor he'd do, was rather curious. His thoughts had turned to some things he used to do to get by before coming to the cafe. He had to wonder why he, out of all of the other workers in the cafe, had been chosen to fulfill this task. If it truly had to do with his past, then he supposed he was the perfect choice. He was lost in thought as he swept the floor. Once the older woman came, he was right by her side, intently listening to the explanation. Upon being given the envelope, he opened it, sliding out a photo of her nephew. He didn't appear to be Japanese, which raised a few questions, such as if he even spoke the language and if he lived in Japan or was just visiting. Other than that, Kasumi found him to be rather handsome. He was growing excited to meet him, even if it was for such an unfortunate situation. He was certain he could succeed in his given task.

Ten thousand yen? Every week?! "Oh, ma'am, are you sure?" It certainly was more than he got paid in a day. The little extra would certainly help him as he was paying rent for his apartment. "Thank you so much! I promise to do my very best, ma'am!" He said enthusiastically with a bow. Now, to wait for the male to arrive~!
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Just don't act too...over excited or act unnaturally. " the woman had insisted, the order left to hang in the back of Kasumi's mind while they had to wait the next few day. A reservation was made under his client's name 'Noah'. He had gotten a VIP membership, probably under hus Aunts dime for the benefits abd discounts. The doors opened, the Hostess at the front perking up with a smile as she received him, but she gasped briefly as she looked up higher. "Ah, G-Good morning sir! Welcome to Cafe Cupid!" She said recovering swiftly as a shadow passed over her. He was burly as the photo, but it didn't quite do him justice for his height, he had to be over 6 feet, and despite his efforts to hunch and make himself smaller, he only accented it. "HI. I'm uh under a reservation for Noah?" He said cautiously, his Japanese tanged with an American accent. The burly giant was dressed in a leather jacket with a fur-lined collar, a white button up shirt and jeans.

The hostess examined the list. "Yes, we have your day booth." She said, starting to lead him into the Cafe, taking him to the VIP booth.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi stood at attention, saluting the woman, "Right!" He said with a small laugh. With that, he finished cleaning up and resumed his duties. During the next few days, Kasumi eagerly awaited the male's arrival. Depending on the time the male came would dictate what services Kasumi would be providing. Customers would get the typical maid cafe experience during the morning to evening shifts. Both men and women came to enjoy a certain experience, the cafe allowing the customers to act as the maid's "masters." Some days the theme would change, the workers wearing different outfits, and the menu would offer different types of foods and drinks - depending on the theme!

Turning night, however, transformed the cafe into an almost hostess-like experience, something akin to a nightclub. The maids would sit with the customers who were mostly salary-type men, serve them drinks, and provide rather intimate companionship - depending on how much they paid as the cafe offered several priced packages. They sang karaoke together and overall had a good time! Women were often seen visiting during this time as well. As the club's maids were mainly cross-dressing guys, it wouldn't be fair to judge anyone entering their establishment.

Kasumi was no stranger to intimate relations. Before he became a maid at the cafe, he was a prostitute roaming the streets, barely scraping by. He was originally from Kyoto, his parents were incredibly homophobic. They hated him for his long hair and the fact that he crossdressed. They were abusive toward him, hitting him any chance they got. Any little thing seemed to set them off, his parents were quick to attack him verbally and physically. The moment they came home and found him with a boy in his room, sitting on his bed, kissing him - Kasumi had to flee else he feared for his safety, his parents finally made an attempt on his life. He quickly packed up his things while his parents fought, leaving him alone just long enough, and rode the first train to Tokyo. There, he learned of the famous red light district where he sold his body for the first time. He managed to make enough for an apartment that he still had to this day.

It was risky being a prostitute, especially when certain men thought they were getting tricked by his feminine looks and outfits. After enough threats on his life, he decided to get out of the business, to find employment elsewhere. Cafe Cupid was just what Kasumi was looking for; a place to be himself, cross-dressing and, if he so desired, being intimate on his terms. Despite no longer being a prostitute in the red light district, Kasumi had grown rather addicted to sex. It was safer fulfilling his needs with people who knew what they were coming into. Or so he thought, anyway.

That morning, Kasumi's special guest had arrived. He couldn't give himself away, so despite recognizing the male from the photo, he had to pretend not to know who he was. He moved from table to table, fulfilling whatever needs their customers had. Until he was called over by the hostess, the woman pretending to randomly pick him out of the many other maids. Using his usual cheerful demeanor, he happily came over to the booth and the hostess explained the customer's membership was VIP. Nodding, he turned his attention to the rather tall male. Damn, the picture didn't do his height justice at all.

"Welcome home, Master! What can I get for you?" He easily fell into his maid mode and handed him a menu the hostess slipped him. He slipped into the booth with the male, smoothing out his as he sat down. He went over the menu with Noah, showing him the various cold and hot drinks, followed by the small entrees and desserts.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Uh, Master-? Ahem! right! " He said as he rubbed his hand along his chin. Remembering this was some cafe, maids and sfuff, clearly they had a role. Noah examined the menu. "I'll take...a uh Cafe Americano? Black. And some of these...Macrons?" He said as he set the menu aside, they were left alone, the Hostess giving gentle bow and sliding the booth door shut while they sat together.

"So...what do we do here? My buddy recommended I try this place out." He said as he sat forward, pulling off his jacket and setting it aside, the white button up he wore slightly tight in his frame.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi giggled softly at his surprised reaction. He was also relieved to hear he did speak Japanese, albeit with a slight accent. He was able to understand him and that was all Kasumi cared about. He was very tall, towering over everyone in the cafe. He nearly had to crane his neck to look up at the other. For the time being, he was mainly looking down at the menu, finding it easier to not strain himself. As the cafe was mainly French, the menu reflected that. There was a small section for typical Japanese items. The entire menu was written in both Japanese and English, with plenty of pictures showing what many items looked like, allowing both Japanese and English speakers to order with confidence.

With a nod, Kasumi pressed the call button that was located in a corner of the table. A waitress was quick to arrive, Kasumi placing Noah's order before she disappeared, leaving them alone again. "Mm... Well, we can do anything you'd like." He said with a nod. "To explain... Maid cafes allow you to enter another world, to experience life as a busy Master, coming home from a long day of work to your maids or servants. You're here to rest and relax." He explained, speaking in a gentle tone, hoping to express the experience they wanted to provide through it. As the other took his jacket off, Kasumi caught himself staring.

He had to focus! "Ah. As a VIP member, you get special privileges. One-on-one time with a maid of your choosing. Everyone else was busy so... You got me!" He grinned. He had to lie, promising not to spill the truth of how he was specifically chosen by his obasan. "We sing karaoke here and generally just hang out! We can play some games, too!" He could go on, and explain about the nighttime scene at the cafe. He held back as Noah's order arrived.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"So it's like a little role play experience?" He said as he had his coffee set out in frin of him, he thanked the waitress, smiling in appreciation briefly. The twangy tone and care in his Japanese was almost like he had a slight rhythm, a littlepattern in his head he used to speak. Perhaps how he was brought up in America, or how he picked it up. "And we just spend time here together?" he picked up his coffee cup as he seemed to be thinking on it and sipped the stern black drink. Noah closed his eyes as the flavors flowed, the bitterness of caffeine that he could see beyond and catch the subtle hints of the hand crushed beans and their Origins. "Mm-so what kind of maid did I get?" He said as his arms bulged gently in his sleeves, with the curl of his biceps. It was odd that Noah's aunt seemed so insistent he was some lonely young man, as he seemed at least somewhat outgoing, willing to engage with something new....or perhaps Kasumi simply was disarming enough as a cute maid already. Regardless if his 'master' didn't yet know the truths of his new maid.
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Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi nodded, “Yeah! Exactly like that!” He said, smiling warmly. He liked the sound of the other’s accent, Kasumi finding himself wanting to hear it more often. “Mhm!” He was thankful his explanation made sense to the other. At the question of what kind of maid he got, Kasumi quietly wondered how to respond. He knew he shouldn’t reveal anything sexual, not yet, anyway. He knew he shouldn’t mention his past. How he was a prostitute and was addicted to sex. What could he say?

“I like to think I’m a good listener. An attentive maid?” He said in thought, nodding after a second. “Yeah! But I can be whatever you want,” he said with a wink. The other was large in so many ways: his height, his muscles. Kasumi had to wonder if he was also large… down there. A smile appeared on his lips at the thought.

“You can talk about whatever you want. Or we could do what you’d like.” He said with a nod, thinking of a few games they could play if the other wished to play.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Heh. I meant your character...but maybe that's a bit...too meta. " He said as he set the coffee cup down lightly. "Its my first time here, so I think it would be best to do some of these little games. And we can get to see more of each other...though i must warn you I'm rather competitive." He said.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi just smiled, it growing bigger when Noah picked playing a game. "Great! We have a few choices. Board games, card games, or video games. Usually fighting games." They were the most popular and easy to have in the cafe where many people played throughout the day and week. Reaching for the call button, he pressed it, turning his attention back to the other as he waited. "Heh, so am I." When one of the maids showed up he asked for a selection of board games, a deck of cards, and some of their fighting games. They had traditional Japanese board games along with some American ones. For fighting games they had Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, and Smash Bros to name a few.

The maid soon returned, showing the options to Noah so he could pick.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Well...video games are okay for now, I like Smash bros." He said as he picked up the controller. "We can start here, feel either out some more with our choices." He added as set the games aside to take another taste of the coffee. He set the cup down once he had finished it, starting to set up the match. He glanced at Kasumi. "So...do you only do guy masters or is it just as easy for you to do other girls?" He asked casually. Other girls? Was Noah...unaware of the nature of this places staff? Granted...alot of them made great efforts to be as perfect maids as possible, that included looking as good in the outfit as possible, but he had no clue Kasumi was a boy....hm.
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Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
At Noah's selection, the maid bowed and left the other video games there for later. Kasumi picked up his controller and started up the game. It was lucky that the gaming station was a screen on the wall, ready to go whenever they were ready. Once the game was loaded, he let Noah set things up and pick his character first. Kasumi went next and soon they were ready to start the match.

"Ah, you mean the customers? Anyone is welcome! Masters and Mistresses," he said with a nod. "Sometimes customers request titles such as Prince and Princess. We like to fulfill all kinds of requests." All kinds, he wanted to emphasize, but he had a feeling Noah knew nothing about what happened after hours in the club. The topic would come up eventually, Kasumi not knowing when.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hm. When you address me, would you rather you call me Prince or Master?" he asked first as he locked in his character, opting to play Little Mac, the short underdog champion of Punch-Out. He said it so casually, but as he turned towards Kasumi to ask it, he gave a slight smile. It was almost shy like he had made a corny joke in the middle of a meet-cute. Noah glanced at Kasumi again as they alluded to the requests one could put in. But he tilted his head. "What like you do house calls?" He asked naively. "I've heard about those services, but I didn't think they did cafes...' he mumbled as he sat back. Of course, the cafe didn't offer that kind of service, it strayed too close to escort services, such behavior was tricky to deal with, though the owner likely wouldn't keep a Maid from Moonlighting on their own.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
"That's completely up to you. But if I had to choose... Mm, I think Prince could suit you." It really depended on the customer and what they were feeling, he supposed. If one wanted to act as a master of the house, one could. If they wanted to be treated as royalty, that was fine as well! Kasumi had picked the cute little pink ball, Kirby as his character. He laughed softly, shaking his head. "No, no, nothing like that." He went quiet for a moment, thinking of how to respond next. "Things like... special messages on your food," he started, referencing every maid cafe's omurice's ketchup messages. "Or a picture with your maid!" He wouldn't mention what happened after hours there. Only when Noah would ask.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hm. Do you take pictures for your Princes and give them only when they ask?" He asked as he examined the rules, setting it to 3 lives stocks, and setting up CPUs to keep the match full. "Like...I don't know do you talk to them outside of the cafe?" He said while he popped the stage to random.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
“Mmm… Usually at the end of visits, we take a few pictures as a group as a little gift and thank you for coming to visit. But you can request a special picture with just one maid.” He said after a moment of thought. He watched the screen, seeing what Noah had input for the game. “We could, if we just so happen to bump into each other out and about,” he nodded, thinking back to the rules and recalling if anything was against conversing with customers outside of the cafe. So far, none come to mind.

As the match started, Kasumi did his best. It wasn’t often he played fighting games, mainly only at the cafe, so he wouldn’t be surprised if he lost. "Are you hoping we bump into each other out in the city?" He asked with a small grin, wanting to tease the other some.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Wha-i- I didn't say that-" Noah said flushing as the game began, but his flustered state made his large hands fumble with the controls as the match kicked off. The CPUs were set to hard, immediately jumping to put pressure on him. "I-i was just asking because I didn't know. I heard it can be awkward when you run into people outside of work." He said as he mashe st the buttons. Noah seemed to be decent at the game, starting to regain his Composure bit by bit.


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi giggled softly when he caused Noah to fumble after his question. "Hehe. Don't worry. It's okay if we do bump into each other." He winked playfully, getting an upper hand at the start. Yet, as the match went on, Noah was able to dominate the match. Even if he thought he could beat Noah, he still let the other win. "So you're into fighting games it seems. You're pretty good!" He started, looking to get to know Noah a little better. "What other games are you into? I may be able to pull some strings and get your favorite installed."
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"I'm kinda into a lot of them...but I'm much better at stuff like Street Fighter, Killer Instinct, I even play some Dragonball FighterZ." He said as his eyes focused on the screen, his eyes flicked gently, scanning almost nonstop as he kept things under control. His hands were gaining confidence, moving faster, his character was a Danger on the ground, and his style of play was relentless, pouncing to pummel and push his targets. "I like games where I can...put my hands to use, I guess?"


Local Time:
3:33 AM
Dec 11, 2023
Kasumi nodded quietly, taking in the few choices presented to him. He would do what he could - maybe bug his manager enough to get Noah his favorites so the next time he would come in, they would be there. He wasn't at all surprised when Noah was doing much better than him at the game, defeating him at every chance he got. "Ooh, I wonder what else you could put your hands to use with," he teased, liking the surprised reaction he could get from Noah. He would use the opportunity to attack the game.
Local Time:
3:33 AM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah-Well-I-" Noah stumbled as he listened to Kasumi's tease, his brief bout of shyness easily stoked back up. "I don't know what you mean-" He said as he threw up a desperate guard to try to soak the opening his shock created. He was being half honest, unsure if Kasumi meant what it seemed. "I'm not that- kind of Prince." He said as his face warmed up more and more. His fingers held their guard, but he looked at Kasumi, briefly.
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