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Fantasy RP A Mother, and her Half Breed child. A New Lord of the House

Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As she had come to with him in her ass, and the way she felt so full, if nothing else, Luna could tell herself, that her young lover and son had only filled her ass. potentially giving herself some hope until she would discover the truth in the coming days. yet for now, she had to ether refill her pills before Bel took her again, and potentially went to far. Or would she make him promise to only take her back side for now? regardless, she had much to think about at the moment, however the fact remained. the memory of how he filled her night prior did not seem to truly exist, thanks to how lost she was in that heated state. which would seem to be both a blessing and a curse in this kind of situation. however what would she choose, for it would not be long before her own son began to stir, as his slumbering body could be seen from the bath room, squirming a bit. his hands feeling along her bed, looking for his mother with the hands which had held her so intimately just hours ago.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Tossing the bottle into the trash she lets out a sigh deciding to simply forget it, if memory serves her right he only came in her ass and possibly she could request he keeps it that way when he climaxes. Slowly she got back to her feet, brushed her teeth then her fur as it was drying until she picked up the subtle movements made from the bedroom. Hanging her towel back up she makes her way to sit on the edge of the bed, smiling to see her sleepy boy "Morning" she whispers, rubbing her fingers through his hair. "I need to talk to you" she spoke softly trying to sound serious.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 19, 2022
As Luna tried to sound serious, sitting their, Bel would move to pull his mother down, and kiss her deeply, and passionately. easily distracting her mind with lewd, and enjoyable new thoughts. however as the kiss broke, he looked into his mother's eyes lovingly.

"did I leave you unsatisfied mama? if so, I can do better next time. it was my first time, and I will ensure you are sated better next time. "
as he said this, thinking only of her pleasure, and need, thinking her serious tone was due to her body not being properly sated, which was the opposite of his father who only worried about his own pleasure from her body. which did pay off, in an enjoyable albeit one sided session. where it was the opposite this time. however the fact remained, she would need to share her special rule with Bel, even if he did not properly follow it.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Squeaking in surprise as she was pulled into a kiss, something she had not experienced the morning after since she was young made her giggle bashfully as she lay beside him once the kiss broke. "No honey, not that" shaking her head as she moved to cuddle against him "I am not certain you know but heat cycles are a part of mating for my species which results in kits, and we don't want that do we?" kissing his nose. "So maybe from now on only climax in my backside for protection, okay?" tilting her head as she stares into his eyes.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as she says this, Bel would smile, moving to snuggle into his mother's warm welcoming embrace, as he spoke up.

"I see, but what if I want to make you big with a baby mama? Will you ever accept my love to that degree? of course I will never force it upon you, but I will use your ass to make you mew in pleasure if that is how you want it. "

as he spoke in a gentle and lustfully playful tone. the fact remained, he admitted to desiring to make a child with her, which would be his little sibling, and child at the same time an interesting albeit dangerous kind of scenario. however as it seemed, she would have a young loving stud to ruin her ass as much as she desired from her own heated state. If she did not set up ground rules, Luna would soon discover how her son would take her at any moment in the house, with out warning. be it while she was in heat or not, as he was always ready for breeding regardless of a heat cycle, but the scent from her heat would be a bigger trigger for the young stud to become more aggressive.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Luna's ears perk up as she nervously giggles "I easily could have kit after kit if we are not careful like your father and I were, we barely got by with you when you were a babe" she told him softly, not expecting him to want a child at his young age. The main reason was that things were no official until his father returned and things were discuss, it was already pushing it when Bel marked her for himself, voiding his father's mark. She had so much to learn with a young stud in the house now, no clue how easily and often he would want to take her even after telling him her wishes. He could in a second switch and paint her womb with his seed if he so desired.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"So then, mama we want to enjoy a morning shower together before I make us some breakfast? or would such a lovely young lady wish for a hot morning meal in bed this day?"

as he spoke changing the subject a bit, however Luna would be able to see in her son's hungering eyes. he was already planning on taking her again his morning, but he would want to make sure she had a hot meal, to keep her strength, and energy up before jumping her bones once more. yet now with her son in the bed still, Luna was easily the one which could make it more fun, or move out of her boy's range. wanting to ether avoid any more fun right away or perhaps to make him chase her, like she did with his old man when they were young lovers. as her own boy did make the feline feel young and attractive again.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 18, 2022
Smiling with an exhaling breath she relaxes into the bed "I already rinsed off from our night of fun and since I made you a delicious dinner, I believe you should practice those cooking skills of yours" she answers with a giggle. She sits up to settle comfortably into the pillows watching him for his reaction to her decision, hoping to have some alone time with her thoughts while he prepared them a breakfast to remember. The first night and first morning together still felt like a fever dream.
Local Time:
8:18 PM
Nov 19, 2022
With her choice made, Bel would do something a bit more unexpected, but not out of character. as he suddenly and aggressively pulled his mother into the bed. before rolling over, pinning her, as he kissed Luna deeply. his playful assault could be felt in all it's glory. his morning wood rubbing against her belly, as he did this. once the kiss broke, he would wink at Luna.

"very well, but I shall be the cook, thus you are stuck eating what ever I burn. "

as he said this part playfully, as it was no mystery that the young man was a decent cook, having learned on his own in the past. however the fact remained, he always believed he was no good at it really. however his playful assault on her for the morning tease would give her body some unplanned, yet oddly welcoming excitement.
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