Game RP A Paradise Expands Its Reach (Crow)

"Well my family is a bit of a special case. Mom is a snake and dad is human of course, but I also have several step moms, some of them my dad's actual wives others are just partners. As such I have a lot of half siblings of various kinds. And most of them enjoy the company of each other" She explained, tightening around him a bit
Perceus leaned down lower. "Then I'll make sure you feel'em all night!!" He teased down as she felt him latch onto her breast.


The next evening, they were on the Nook's Ferry to the Cupid Isles, a island that once was only traveled to by a small airplane service, but had diversified to cruises and ships too. The resort of local houses and special cabins, practically a village or town instead of a mere resort ground slowly came into veiw on the horizon. Perceus was standing at the tip of the ship, wearing a festive summer shirt, covered in pineapples and palm trees, a set of black sunglasses on his head..and squeezed into the speedo that Cleo got him. Bright blue, and he felt like he was a bad wave away from flopping out of it. But. Cleo was happy ...very very happy, so he would endure as long as she remained as such.
As she wrapped her arms around him...her titties cushioning on the back of his head, Percy blushed a bit. "You're sure this speedo is all you need?" He asked playfully. "They might think I'm some kinda freak that's trying to show something off?" He said as the ship began to dock. The sands of the beach were perfectly cleared, beautiful seashells settling on display, the palm trees opening to invite the eye. The beach volley ball courts were lively...the naked sun bathers on the shore edge were laying practically spread eagle....Percy twisted his head again in a double take as he realized...yep, those were a bunch of naked women just sunbathing?!
"Do they always sunbath like that?" He said as he looked away, the young ladies noticing their sister and sitting up to wave back. By the look of them, some were dog gals, and even one of her shark sisters. Though she didn't really need to sunbathe, she mostly just liked being near the sea.
"Well I gueeee-" he mumbled ti a stop as Cleo popped her girls out, his attention sucked into them...and blood funneling downwards. He barely was listening to the sound of whooping cheers and wolf whistling from the beach. The two Seagulls that managed the ship set up the boarding ramp as the dock side. "Thanks for traveling on Nooks Ferryways, have a good stay!" The captain said over the PA as the welcoming guide was on his way. One of her brothers that was gearing up to take the assistant role from.his . someone would work with the Mayor much more long term.

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