His loyal Beckett was pounding like his body was a drum,chis Habs holding his princes voice as he was pushing him further abd further into the pillows of his bed, Aiden feeling his butlers butlers hard member urgunf and throbbing inside him like crazy. He was pushing the edge, , hisvbody ready to blast the prince full. But as he started to swell, ready to pop- Beckett suddenly snayltched himself from Aidend coiling insides. That was okay. He told him he wasn't going to feel the usual rush of his partner spilling it into him. God Beckett was in hell, his face red, straining not to accidentally leak it all on his masters ass. He swallowed just looking at the landing zone, that pale, comfy, bouncy ass. He shook his head, steeling his resolve aa he moved his hands, flipping the prince back over so he could see him head on. The butlers beautiful form, nimble, lean, agile like a fencer his rapier dark pink abd standing on end, milky pearls forming. Probably irresistible on the princes eyes, though his butler wasn't often one to use his mouth, even though he knew it would feel good, he felt it demeaned the royals lips ...for now. Beckett leaned off the bed, pulling up his handkerchief. Not usual.. he used them to clean up his prince whenever he marked him. "A-are you ready-" He said as he moved slowly closer.