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A summoner's new successful pact, A family's secret to Success ( Crow )

Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
It is hidden deep with in the kingdom of Kanova, a small land best known for the upbringing of dark knights, rune knights, magical warriors, and even the rare Tamers. It is in this land, where the specialized schools exist which many kings send their most elite, or royals to train. However one family of two siblings, and a single mother were of the lower class. Thus the children could not get into the school so easily. The youngest son, A summoner in training, works hard on his spells, and pacts. often showing off to his mother each time he increases his abilities. However unlike the brother, the sister was of a different skill classification all together. Melody, the mother of 36, and Leah the sister of 18, as well as the Bel, the brother of 17. this small family would soon find their world change for both better and worse.

It has been two weeks sense Bel's last attempt at the summoning exam, failing yet again, for his dire wolf summon was not impressive enough to earn entry. Returning home with a bit of a frown. the young man had a new black tomb in his hand. one to show his mother, as he planned to use the study to try and create a pact with a new creature. despite even having a small pixie on his shoulder, who seemed to tap his head like a pet being comfort. unknown to Bel or his family this little magical entity was actually a small portion of an elder being needing a pact to gain full access to this realm once more, as Bel and his family would become the perfect gate way soon enough.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Melody was currently at home making food for her two children as usual. Melody unlike her children was not skilled in any profession and focused on being a singe mother for her two children that she loves dearly. She was used to her youngest bringing her all sorts of strange creatures that he had summoned to look at and wondered what he would bring today.

Leah was in the backyard focusing on her training. She was working hard at trying to become a knight so that she could bring money for her family, especially since her no good brother was not of any use with his lousy summoning. When was the brat going to come home and what was he going to drudge up next?
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Returning home, Bel was soon with in view of the small window of the little house, which was the home for him, his mother, and sister. Excitedly, the young man began to pick up his pace. as he motioned for his little pixie to begin to glow, and fly tours the house.

"mama, Sis, I'm home. we got a rare familiar this time, I think she will be of great use to us all. " as he said this, the little glowing fair would brightly shine, as it began to flight right for the window, which was where his mother could be seen. as he had given it the mental order to introduce itself to Melody. while he would know well, that his sister would once again see this as another failure, but in his mind this was great progress. for now he had a magical spirit which could battle for him, aid in many other ways as well. However little did Bel know, that this creature would also be the key to his greatest success, and failure all in one.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Mel would look at her son and smile as she sees the little fairy, truly impressed by the talent of her son. She would wave at the fairy before walking to her son giving him a huge hug "I am so proud of you my baby boy" She would hug him tightly for several seconds before letting him go.

Leah would walk up to them rolling her eyes at the sight of the little creature. "This little thing is supposed to be of great use? why dont you give up and take a more useful position bel?"
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"He, you think this spirit is that weak. let me show you what she can do. " as he said this, suddenly the ground under Leah began to rumble. as vines soon shot out of the ground around his sister. while the fair began to generate a few heat radiating orbs around the young warrior. as he would wait to see her response to this. Melody being right their could easily put a stop to this if she wanted, or she could watch and see how her children would sort this out. as Bel was showing off the power granted by the spirit he now had summoned, and contracted. However this still meant if a warrior, bandit, or even beast got up close, and personal he would still be defenseless as this kind of power was only useful from afar.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Ah, alright. " snapping his finger, the pixie would return to Bel's shoulder, as it sat their undoing the spells, which caused Leah to drop onto the ground, as the heat radiating fire balls which formed around her vanished. The young man would become practically glowing once more, as he looked to his mother Melody. Being an obvious mama's boy, to the point it could be seen as sad, or even funny at moments. However he, and his sister could be more alike then ether of them knew, at least when he was not around the house.

"So what's for dinner? and would you or sis be my helper for tonight's experiment, after dinner clean up? I got a new summon I want some help with trying. If it works, it will be amazing, amazing I tell you both. But I need some one in their with me, Just to record, and note everything. " as he spoke up exciting saying this. the young man was painting some grand spell in his mind, unaware that the true price was more then just some material and mana like he believed. but for now it would soon be time to enjoy a family meal with his mother and sister.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Melody would shake her head, "Sorry baby but i am busy tonight but your sister will be more than happy to help." Leah would be about to protest but saw a glare from her mother so she kept silent with her objections "Fine but nothing weird you creep" She says before they head to dinner that htier mom had ready
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Sounds wonderful, Leah you will be the one to record, me, and Pixie's new contract, and summoning tonight. if this goes right, we will be able to do all kinds of great things. maybe even make money so you and mom won't have to worry hmm?" as he spoke up, taking a playful blow tours his sister. however it was soon a pleasant scene as Melody would enjoy the sight of her children at the dinner table with her. Tonight was Bel's turn to clean up, which would mean that with his plans this night. Melody would have little to worry about after dinner. However the fact remained, She had sentenced her daughter to a fate worse then she could ever imagine, and more then that. by the end of this night she as well would become part of this new contract.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Melody would smile at the sweet site of her precious family and once dinner was done she would go to take a bath while the daughter would grab paper and a pencil sighing as she looks at her brother "lets hurry and get this done Bel" she says in an annoyed tone, unaware of the atrocities that were waiting to pounce on her that very night/
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the night's dinner was done, Bel finishing up with the cleaning as his sister got the the paper, and pencil ready. it was clear Leah wanted this over as quickly as possible, however the fact remained. Bel had to get everything started. with an idea, he would look to his sister, while finishing up with the last few dishes.

"Sis, I have the summoning circle all set up in the basement. the seal of Solomon, with candles at each point. could you go ahead, and light each candle? once I'm done here, I will come down, and if the candles have already been burning for a bit. we won't have to wait before I can start once I get down their. " as he spoke up, the little pixie would flutter over to Leah, landing on her head. sitting with it's legs crossed, Indian style. as it patted the girl's head. as if this thing would move to aid Leah if she decided to go down their first, or if she wanted to wait for Bel, the choice would be hers.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would sigh not liking the idea of doing what her little brother wanted but she loved him and her mother so she would do as he asked of her. She was annoyed by the pixie but would leave it be as she heads down to the basement, SHe would light a match and go about lighting each candle as she was instructed to.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the last candle was lit, a strange chilling breeze blew through the basement. as if hitting her bare naked body, despite leah being clothed. the little pixie seemed to excitedly dance on top of her head. clapping it's little hands, before tapping her head, and pointing to the chair which was on the opposite side of the room from the entrance. as the sound of bel finally making his way down here could be heard. More then that, it seemed this chair, and small table had been set up for some one to record the results of this summon, or perhaps this was set up for a different summon which failed in the past. as Leah was helping this time, but Melody had done so in the past.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she sat down, the little thing moved to stand before her. making odd cute, and playful actions, and gestures. as if wanting to distract Leah from the odd sensation of the room. and warming up to her more, and more. however Once bel entered the room. the sensation would seem to change suddenly.

"Sis, thank you for getting things started. if your ready, I will begin the process. "

as he said this, the young man moved to the center of the massive summoning circle. as he sat in the middle of it. closing his eyes, as he crossed his legs. and broth his palms together in front of his chest. the instant Leah said she was ready, he would begin his chant. as things would become far more interesting and twisted this night for the family.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she asked this, the little pixie soon made a gesture with her tiny hand to hush. as Bel began the chant, a strange dark aura could be felt from his chest pulsating outwards. as it rippled gently through the house. an aura which Melody had felt many times, when the mother aided Bel in the same task Leah was now aiding her brother with. However unlike all those times in the past, this would truly end up being a special summoning. as the young man would speak up once the process began. his eyes closed.

"Oh, dear big sister, We are provoking the spirit which dwells between the realms. asking it to grant us an audience with a willing spirit, this spirit will be what comes to our sides for the summon. Make sure to mark all the sensations you feel, the colors you see, the experience. as my body will be numb to it all during this process. " with these words, he would begin to go into a deep concentration. one which would seem to spark an almost primal desire to begin to grow with in his sister, and mother, from their core. unaware the pulsing energy which would cause this, was the very entity which wanted to come into this world. and now Bel was finally strong enough to be that gate way, his own sister, and mother would make the ideal sacrifices, with their bodies in sensual ways. However the process would not be alarming right away.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Getting more and more into the show, The sensations, and yes even the sounds which would begin to fill her mind faintly. The soft whispers of verbal venom, and desirable sweets all in once. hinting tours wanting Leah to give into a new sensation, a new experience. as if asking her to give in, and stripe while her brother was lost in his concentration, just her, and the pixie. It would almost seem as if the little pixie was the one in her head, wanting to get Leah naked, and dancing with it, Yet the alluring voice was from something much darker, much more ancient, despite being able to mask it's voice to what ever kind the chosen victim would most enjoy. However more then that, the same kind of sensation would slowly be felt by the mother else where, as it to excite, arouse, and distract Melody from leaving her pleasing bath. To keep her from even daring to interrupt what would soon befall Leah, and her brother in the basement.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would start to feel a haze cover her head as she feels an urge to strip, was the pixie talking to her? She would smile at the pixie as she takes off her clothes revealing a well toned body and tits that were small compared to her mothers but a shapely ass.

Melody would moan as she lets the sensation overcome her and starts to finger herself.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once the big sister of the dup was stripped, the pixie would seem to begin to dance in the air around her. motion for Leah to join it, all the while, a large shadow began to slowly form under her. as if her own shadow was growing in an odd shape. The scene began to play out, as a calming yet chilling breeze began to spiral around the basement, while Bel soon fell silent. his mind now completely lost in the art of this summon. The pulsating aura from his body now feeling more and more like a heart beat of it's own, instead of just following his heart beat's rhythm. as this would go on, the odd yet tickling sensation would be felt, first around the base and between leah's toes, but would slowly grow as if crawling along her leg if she gave in and began to move with the little spirit before her.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As things continued the way they were going, Leah would soon feel how the little spirit creature which appeared before her as a pixie fluttered to her face. it's tiny hands pressing against the sides of her lips. before planting an oddly pleasant kiss on the girl. the tiny beast would distract her long enough for the shadow like appendages to grow out of her very shadows. snaking up Leah's legs, and gently begin to rub against her womanly entrance, and tease her. as if in response to the pixie playing with her. It would seem so pleasant and oddly welcoming when in truth the pixie was but a small fragment of the horror which was preparing to drag her into it's pocket realm, and use the budding warrior maiden.

mean while, As melody was enjoying herself, a figure was moving tours her bath. a figure which appeared to be none other then bel. with faintly glowing eyes, and a mischievous smile on his face. the young man moved silently tours his mother's location. preparing to barge into her bath, and join her. as this was but a dark magical double of her son. another fragment of the very being he was summoning, preparing to use both it's summoner's mother, and sister for the tributes it needed to make the pact with him. Unknown to ether Leah, or Mel, the young man's darkest desire to lay claim upon the women of his family was about to come true, albeit through this beast, before he could get to them physically himself.
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As the appendage began to play with her more, Leah would feel how it gently yet aggressive slid along her folds. even finding her perky little nub of a clit. wanting to play with it's prey. all the while, her eyes would find the sight of her brother sitting their, becoming even more alluring. it made no sense, one would never have such desires or feelings for family. yet the growing sensation in her would be no different then a starving whore looking for her next cock. However the pixie would be the one guiding Leah's eyes, as she fluttered around the victim playing with her, assaulting her tiny slaps against her ass, and breast while giggling. All the while, the darkness growing from Leah's shadow began to slowly pull her in, up to her ankle at first. which meant she could still move for now. however the sensation of how it teased her growing more and more enjoyable to the growingly hazed over mind of the young warrior.

upstairs. . .

Hearing her say this, the entity would smile, as it stood their watching Mel as she pleasured herself, before talking In Bel's voice. everything was their every thing screamed to Melody that this was her baby boy.

"Come now mama, We both know you need a man with you. We both know the sensation of self satisfaction will never sate a true woman like you. Even if it's only once, why not let me help you mama, let me share my love with you. it can be our little secret, and if you like it, we can do it again in the future. " saying this, with the oddly alluring and dark mana enchanted tone. the young man walked tours her, stripping before his mother, as she would see the impressive and girthy rod her boy had. A monstrous 12 in long by 5inch thick anaconda. the young man was always a growing, but this would be quiet the site seeing her aroused son at full mass. was it possible she turned him on that much? did her own off spring desire her more then any man she had even dared to date in the past who knows how many years?
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would see her brother and feel the desire grow, one that honestly she had for years which was why she was so hostile to him all the time, to refuse the urges. Her body would tremble as the and assaults her clit and feeling the pixie slap her ass and tits. SHe was unaware of the shadow sinking her under, she just wanted her brothers cock.

Melody was horny and turned on but not so much so to be seduced by her son "what the hell are you doing Bel? This is not like you. Now put that thing away and leave or ill ground you" she says avoiding looking at his cock. the being would need to be forceful unlike with Leah
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she got closer and closer to Bel's location, Leah would soon notice how the little pixie made body motions. mimicking the act of getting on all fours, and undoing his pants with her hands. as she giggled doing so. Unaware of it, if Leah did this, it would allow the darkness to begin to take her arms as well as her legs. She would get a chance to ether get ahold of her brother, or be pulling into the darkness. However if Leah did get to her physically defenseless brother, then she could end up being enjoyed by this entity and enjoying her little brother while in this rare mind state.

all the while, Mel would soon find her boy moving upon her. not even hesitating to practically jump upon his mother. in a manor to try and force her silence with his lips. his hands moving to press into her breast, while he wanted to rub his mighty spear against her tender and well enticed lower lips. the young lad would move with incredible precision, and lustful aggressive. able to pin his mother, and avoid any pain, showing only a lustful desire, and loving touches, while at the same time. wanting to break her in, so that Melody would give into his actions, yet all the while, it would be a bit awkward as the tub was not meant for two in such a manor.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would copy what the pixie was doing, attempting to pull out her brothers cock before she is pulled into the shadows, wanting to take her brothers cock more than anything.

The water would overfill as her son assaults her, she would widen her eyes as he kisses her and she struggles to push him off him, her body growing weak due to his touch "Get off!"
Local Time:
2:33 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Managing to get her hands upon the trousers of her little brother. Leah would soon be greeted by a bulging little friend which would pop out before her face, the instant the big sister gave it enough freedom. while Bel was still lost in the process. it would feel as if the pixie was playing with leah, as if the tiny spirit was trying to lick and kiss her tender lower region a bit. as the shadow tendrils moved up to begin to coil around her plump smaller breast. at this point it would feel as if her legs from the knees down would be in a strange warm and comfortable gel, while her elbows would begin to sink, if they touched the floor. Now in a magically induced, lustful haze, and being prompted to give into her darker desires. Leah would soon get a chance to begin the process, as the shadow began to merge her own shadow with her brother's. However if the young budding warrior accidently knocked over, or put out a single candle, then the process would become more chaotic, granting the spirit slowly moving upon her even more freedom then it already had.

In the bathroom, Melody pushed against her son, who would move to grasp his mother's wrists. moving to pin her arms over Mel's head. as he moved to kiss, and bite at her neck, as his member began to slowly spread her lower entrance. stretching it, as the young man began to push his unholy spear into her depths, reclaiming the very source of his life. or so it seemed, however more then that, the words spoken, would hit her ears. as he spoke of how the young man always wanted his mother, only she was woman enough for him, and he would never let her be alone again. having heard, and watched her lonely nights from afar now it was time to take away this loneliness, and fill her needs. the demonic allure hitting her ears, as the mother could still resist, even while growing weaker, and more heated by the moment.
Local Time:
1:33 AM
Nov 16, 2022
She would smile in an almost psychotic manner as she looks at her brothers cock greedily taking it into her mouth, he tongue wrapping around his shaft as one of her limbs knockes over a candle on accident. she felt so muc pleasure that it was almost like torture.

Mel would moan as she gives up no longer feeling she could stop her son and would just give in
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