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A summoner's new successful pact, A family's secret to Success ( Crow )

Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The instant that Leah knocked over the one candle. the summoning leash was undone. Unaware of it, she would be able to push her brother down. his body all hers, as the candle was now down, the binding broken. the sister would be lost in her now enhanced, carnal desires, and needs. All the while, a darkness began to creep upon her, out of the young lady's own shadow. the patron of this summoning would now be free to give everything it needed to the boy for it's own benefit, and desires, instead of his alone. More then that, a portion of it would move into his body which was lost in the act of the enchanting meditation, while this also made it so the demon could puppeteer him and use the boy to break his own sister into a more ideal sacrifice, unaware that she was already doomed to be enjoyed.


Giving into her son's assault, Melody would feel how he moved to tease her, playing with her ears, and body. Rubbing his impressive little friend against her lower region. Having given in, The young man's words, to be honest the demonic words would enter his mother's ears like musical venom.

"Mama, your so beautiful, Let me be the one who fills you, who cares for you. Sis wants to be the bread winner, but I want to the your man, and lover. give in and let me give you all the love you deserve. never be alone or needy again. I love you my Melody. " these oddly sweet yet toxic words had the magical influence behind them. as the mature maiden would feel how he was teasing her, but not penetrating her, at least not yet. only getting his tip into her, before pulling out, after stretching his mother's entrance enough to tease her, and try to rile up the body's own natural desires, despite the partner being the farthest from the naturally targeted one. Yet his demonic influence began to manifest in the water as well. as if thousands of tiny feelers were moving to tease, and play with her body in the tub. his claiming would seem slow, and precise, as he would inch a little deeper each time he teased her, after the initial strike and pull out.
Local Time:
1:52 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would moan more and more as she feels pleasure all around and would not hesiate to suck away hard and fast on his cock trying to take as much of it as she could, unaware still of her pending terror

Melody would give in finally, not breaking quite yet but overcome by the pleasure, she bucks her hips "just fuck me already you brat, give it to me"
Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As Leah got the first load from her brother rather quickly, it would be a strange sensation, before everything around her suddenly went dark. a dark booming voice all around her, as the body of her brother still remained before her. but now many horrible looking black spiny tendrils began to writhe and wiggle around her. as the moved in upon the prey. the unknown enemy from beyond reality which was the patron her brother managed to contact made it's move. Leah was now the sacrifice for the beast, and the contract, thanks to the candle breaking the circle. however in this darkness her own body's desires, and sensations would be magnified for both better and worse. For with in minutes of awaiting her reaction this great beast would make it's move.

Hearing her words, the wicked entity disguising itself as her son began to play with Melody's breast even more. as he leaned in. his impressive, and girthy spear finally plunging balls deep into the beautifully matured woman before it. as the entity began to move. before Melody's eyes, her son was becoming a man, losing it to her of all people. more then that, he was aggressive yet oddly gentle in his assault. a strange mix of desire and lust being unleashed upon her all at once. However little did Mel know, that as she was being spoiled by this assault, her daughter was dragged into a dark realm and about to become a plaything. as a dark energy would slowly invade Melody's body through the contact with her son's lips, and his wicked spear filling her. tainting, and slowly invading her very core, making sure her body would desire, and need this from the young man, even if the real boy was unaware of this unplanned and dark blessing his patron was bestowing upon him at this moment.
Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now in this darkness, Leah would feel how she was bound, tendrils snaking along her legs, arms. between her toes, and fingers. along her breast, and what felt like wicked cocks pumping and bulging her belly. as the mighty beast soon revealed itself completely to her. a dark and powerful yet demonic voice seemed to echo in the lustful and terrified young lady's head.

"Calm yourself child, I will not kill you. enjoy this, my gift to your young nubile body. You shall become mine, and in return I shall grant you a boon of pleasure. choose any man, forbidden or not, and he shall forever desire you, but it will not be free, your body will be mind, your heart can be his." the dark twisted body abusing and pleasuring her made the devil's deal, as the images of her brother and her would begin to invade the young maiden's once strong mind. as the set up was now their, however Leah would be unaware of this thing's assault upon her mother at the same time. as both women were being forced to become the boy's playthings in different kinds of ways.

Slowly giving in more and more, Melody would feel how her boy was grasping her impressive breast. squeezing them, and playing with her nipples. all the while it would feel as if his cock was swelling, thickening, and pulsating with in her mature, hungering depths. hearing her words, the wicked young stud would give his mother exactly what she wanted. getting much faster, harder, almost like a piston revving up to full speed. More then that, she would feel how he leaned in, kissing and nipping at her. Little did Melody know, that once this entity seeded her womb, she would become addicted the sensation of being taken by her son, or at least the one she thought was her son. as the demonic magic was being introduced to her, in such a lewd, and enjoyable act.
Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Making the mature motherly figure a mess of pleasure in her bath. the entity disguises as her son would lean in biting and pulling at her ear lobe, as the voice of her boy whispered sweet venom to her.

"Oh mama, I am going to ensure, no man will ever be needed again, I will ensure you only need me, and, I will be the one to take care of you and sis. "

As these words echoed softly into her ears, with a demonic influence. the entity was trying to slowly break her mental barriers, however more then that. Her body was already in the verge that the beast desired, as it filled, and abused her warm welcoming, moist depths.


The Demonic, and wicked entity would continue to violate Leah, Tendrils invading, and filling every inch they could. All the while, her desires were heard loud and clear. more then that she would be given images of her, and her mother with her brother. as if the beast was showing how she would ether need to make a special deal with it, or share her brother. A wicked deal in the darkness, and secret from it's contracted summoner. However a secondary deal which could be accepted or denied. as it revealed that she had to choose to have her brother to herself, or share with her mother. as it began to make it harder for Leah to think, with the impending pleasure it began to force upon her young nubile body.
Local Time:
1:52 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Leah would moan and squirm as her body was assaulted by the tendrils finding it hard to breath but did not care she wanted her brother to herself. she knew he wanted their mother but she did not care, she would make this deal if she could have him all to herself.

Melody would find herself cumming over and over as the pleasures did not seem to ever end
Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Finally the beast would lean in, with the mother Now being broken in. the wicked entity masking itself as her overly loving, and apparently lewd, and dominating son. would lean in kissing Melody deeply. once the kiss broke he would look into her eyes. speaking in a dark soft tone.

"Submit, let me know, that I am more then enough man for you mom. I will be sure to make the world ours once I have you and sis. "

with these words the demonic web was set for Melody, however a darker more twisted one was being weaved for young Leah, as the beast granted her a wicked deal, in order for her have her brother, all to herself. the young nubile warrior in training would need to get her mother, alone with her, and perform a special ritual with this creature's blessing. However as she had submitted herself to gain the blessing to have her brother. a dark seed would be spewed into her core. one which could grant the young maiden incredible, and lewd abilities as if she was a succubus, for short periods of time.

the pleasure for both ladies began to come to an end, however now they both must make decisions, as nether of them knew, that at the very same time, both of them were granted unique deals, and pleasuring taboo which would seem to paint them a happy future if they took the devil's deal.
Local Time:
1:52 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Melody would moan into the kiss. SHe had been in dire need of a man for years now yet could not bare to think about such things with her son. THough she had known her son desried her, had seen his gaze at her and part of her liked that. And now here she was giving her body to her son and following what he says. "Yes i submit to you baby i submit!"

Leah had understood her deal and must make a ritual with her mother. SHe did not know what would happen but was happy with this. SHe knew that her brother wanted their mom but he was going to he her's and her's alone
Local Time:
2:52 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she submitted herself, Suddenly Melody's body would get hit by a wave of pleasure, much more then the mature mother would have known for some time. as her world would seem to suddenly black out. the busty milf would find herself in a watery world of darkness. up to her ankles. It would be easy to tell right away this was a mental realm born of magic. as it would seem the instant she submitted to her boy, the young lady found herself in a magical zone.

a massive, and dark bubbling beast began to rise before her. as it had an oddly gentle tone to it's vile form. the monstrous tendrils reaching out to touch, and caress her. as it spoke into her very head.
"So you are the lover of my master? what is it you proved that he is so willing to protect? a summoner able call me forth is rare, but one who values another more then himself and able do so is unheard of. are you truly the one who he desires all the world to be presented?" as the wicked thing asked this, it would reveal to Melody that she was the reason her boy worked so hard to become great, wanting to take care of her, and his sister, but more so making her a proud woman, and lover.

as this went on, the body ravaged her own body, as it began to cause a strange emblem like a faint heart over her belly button with flowers spiraling and blooming from the bottom of it, tours her tender region. Now with the mother's mind invaded as well, the creature began to plant seeds upon the mother, to play her against the daughter for it's own amusement. wanting her to admit that the boy was her ideal lover, and more so, that she would abandon her daughter for the man of her house now. using a growing influence of both lust, and demonic allure as it ravaged her body, under the guise of the boy.

A wicked laughter was heard by the beast for Leah.

"I shall grant you a unique ability, one which will only work on a single target of your choose, and only once aday, unless you charge your body with mana obtained through lewd acts. The more monstrous or powerful the partner the more times you can use this. " as the wicked fiend spoke, it would present the young lady a choice of ether perfect charm, or full body freeze, where she could have her fun with a body of the victim. they would be able to see, feel, and hear, but unable to react any more then faint sounds until the ability ended. however both of which came with a vile draw back which was not shared right away.

once she chose this effect of a daily skill, Leah would come to back in the basement, naked with her naked brother leaning over her, gently moving to try and wake Leah. making himself an ideal target for her new skill if she dared to use it. However the first charged came from the magical tendrils fucking her wildly as the beast made this deal in the demonic dimension.
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