Game RP Abused Desires (Knight of None)

"I'm bigger than you- if you want my size, you'll look like a pup!" He said grinning. "The female sizes are Johto, they're all sized up...incase of uh...curve differences, but you know, theyvare all a little leaner out there" He said nodding. "The butler suits might work but you'll look like your in the Government"
She tugged her dress down slightly, resituating it even thought she didn't have too and looking up at him "I mean, this is fine. I've already had to remove someone for being rude to one of the staff, so I think I'll be good." She shrugged "And yeah, you're definitely bigger than me. But I'm pretty sure you're bigger than basically everyone in the city."
As she sat down. Azure nudged Boon gently with a smile. "Look who I found buddy!" He teased to his champ. The two seemed actually close, sharing a laugh together. Then again..Boon was different now, not flexing or in need of feeling in control. "Yeah- well...we were already coming-" Boon said as kobi was sitting up on his father's knee, his honest smile shining on her. "Hiiiiii! I'm the prince!" He chirped as he was bounced around holding a fist full of markers. "I have a crown!" He lifted a page up from a play menu.
Azure shrugs innocently ar her question, Kobi pulling up his markers. "I got these- and I got-" He hopped off Boon onto the floor, his shoes blinking and lighting up. "These!" He said as he shoed them off, Boon smiling instantly. "The prince shouldn't show off, you'll dazzle your maids eyes!" He said as he ruffled his hair. Azure shifted.
Azure grinned. He moved a finger, making a rolling motion. Roll with it. Ah yes. She was a maid, surely that made clients the Kobi was the prince. Kobi climbed up on her booth side. "Will you help me with my crown!" He pouted as he wiggled the paper. "Shade said I hafta fold it"
She shook her head before turning back to Kobi, helping him to climb up before looking at the paper "Yes my Prince, I can help you..." She replied, taking the paper crown from him and starting to fold it up into the correct shape, humming softly as she did so, popping it onto his head when she was finished with a smile "There... Is that to your satisfaction?"
As she pit the crown over his head, his ears flicking a little but he bounced up and down. "Yes!" Boon smiled abd gently lowered his head. "My good prince!" Boon said respectfully, Azure bowing too. "Yes- our good prince, what can we do for you!" Azure said grinning.

"I waaaant~ something hot!" He said as he leaned over and waved his little hands

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