"Mmm..." She hummed softly, moving to sit on the bed next to him "You didn't sound fully honest..." She shook her head "Maybe I should tie up your legs too..."
She smirked, tilting her head "You wouldn't. That rope is rated for a Tyranitar." She told him, even as she slowly began to undo the knot, taking her time as she did so.
"What? No, No. Just... It was on sale, and it was good quality..." She mumbled, even as the knot came undone "Do you think I'd even try something that big? The last one I saw couldn't even fit in the door of the Cafe... Poor guy looked so sad afterwards..."
"You could try getting an outdoor patio set up too...." He mumbled thoughtfully as opened the knot, his hands coming down. "And...I don't know, I hear some Mon get brave...like Skitties abd Whalords"
She shook her head "Do I really look stupid enough to even try that?" She put a finger onto his lips "Don't answer that. You only just got back into my good books..." She said, standing back up and glancing at the clock on the bedside table "You... probably should be going. It's nearly Eleven Thirty."
"I-" He started but she shushed him to prevent him from putting his foot back in his mouth. Her next warning made him jump up out if bed, looking atvthe clock. "Oh shit! I gotta get going!"
She shrugged "I mean, it's your swim team. If you don't want me too, I'm fine not. I'll just wait here for you to get back... Maybe dig out some stuff I put in the attic a while ago."
"...maybe I'm a little bit curious...: he said kissing her on the lips. "So I'll come by after I'm finished...maybe I can gran us something ti eat hm?"
She grinned and nodded "Mhm, that sounds good to me, Azzy..." She leant in again, nipping at his ear "But don't take too long... Else I might have to punish you..."
"Bye Azzy~" She called, catching his blown kiss as he left, before she headed back upstairs, then up a ladder into the attic. By the time he'd get back, she'd found what she was looking for, and was now sat in the front room, with the lights off dressed as a Gardevoir.
(XD catches kiss and starts getting freaky with it)
Azure walked into the house, carrying a bag of burgers. "Shade? Shaddddde?...why are the lights out..." He said as he tried to navigate the ....pitch black hallways.
Shade heard him enter, licking her lips as she called to him "In here... Sorry about the lights, I forget that my vision is better at night..." She called back, letting him know where she was, and leading him towards her.
"It's okay, I uh- I'll adjust-" he said moving around, keeping his body close so he didn't bump anything as she used her voice to lead the way. "I got food-"
She stood up and walked to the light switch, flicking it on as he got to the door "Mmmm, good. I could use something to eat" She smiled to him, even as he'd see the translucent white fabric of the Gardevoir costume, and the revealing nature of it.
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