General RP Ah. . . We're screwed (Deix)

Dec 15, 2023
Name: Valentine Redder
Age: 24
Sex/Gender: Female She/Her
Looks: Long, scarlet waves that fall to her middle back. She almost always has her hair piled on top of her head one way or another. Bright jade green upturned eyes. Framed by light lashes that she almost always adds mascara too. Pale ivory skin, and dotted with freckles across her cheeks, nose and shoulders.
Clothing Style:
Casual) Her hair will be in a braid crown around her head, and will have varying clips and decoratives, sometimes none. Face will have minimal makeup, usually mascara, a touch of blush, and lip gloss. Usually a loose t-shirt with a jean jacket (Sleeves rolled in summer and down in the winter). Jean shorts in the summer and jeans in the winter (Either boot cut or skinny pop). She almost always wears leather boots. Jewelry will vary, but typically stud earrings, a few bracelets and a necklace with a silver cross.
Professional) Hair will be in a braid crown around her head, usually no decorations, to some. Face will have minimal makeup, usually mascara, a touch of blush, and lip gloss. Usually a blouse with slacks, or lose pants.




Valentine stares down at her paper, narrowing her eyes onto the black letters inked across the page. She'd only been at work for two hours, and already she felt a major headache coming on, but she wouldn't let that stop her. She had to do her best.

Upper management has recently released that they were looking for someone to promote to be a department head, and she knew that she and two others where the only candidates. They were the only ones with a high enough position, and times at the company to get it.

And she would be the one to get that spot.
Dexter was sitting behind the screen of his computer, buried in work as he was doing his best to get the promotion of his dream. That's why he was staying so late at workplace to get ahead of the other candidates, in case they turn out to be as stuborn as he was.

Suddenly, his eyes noticed that the lamp in one of the offices near him was still on. This got him very interested and he got up to check out if there was someone there. He knocked on the door with his fist before opening it wide.

Oh crap! There was one of his rivals, sitting on behind the desk and writting on some peace of paper. He reckognised the girl because she was also working in his department. Quickly, he decided to play nice and see where things will go from there.

"Oh hey! I didn't know that there was someone else here. Sorry!" He smiled nervously taking a good look at her. She was really pretty but she looked a little tired.
"Oh I was just wondering if you would like to take some rest since we're both here. P I could give you a massage if you're up for that." His eyes met hers as he noticed that she looked kinda tired. Who knew for how long she was being here, working instead of being home and sleeping. Dexter was in the same position as her. Plus, he couldn't deny that she looked really sexy right now for some reason. At least in his eyes she was attractive sitting like this behind her desk like a true business lady.
Val narrowed her eyes, green eyes sharpening on Dexter. "A massage?" She snorts, pressing her hand to her mouth and turning her face away. "No, thanks." Like hell would she take a massage from her coworker. One she was neck and neck with for the promotion no less. "I was actually just about to leave anyways."
Val raised an eyebrow, "If I wanted a distraction, I could easily go to a bar or a club." She leans forward, turning off her computer, laughing softly. "I'm fine, Dexter. Don't worry about me. Worry about yourself."

She slowly stands, stretching her arms over her head, "You're not really. . . My type, and I don't sleep with the competition." She smirks at him, letting him know she knew exactly what he was after.
"Is that so?" He said looking at her with expression that was showing a little frustration in his eyes. "Well you're missing a great massage. I am really good at it." Dexter continued to brag as he was checking her out with his eyes.

"What is your type then? What kind of guys you like to sleep with?" His curiousity got the best of him as he wasn't able to help himself to ask since she mentioned this to him.
Val raises an eyebrow, picking up her purse. She moves towards the door of her office, shrugging. "If I want a massage, I'll go to the spa, not a coworker." She leans past the other, flicking off her light, motioning for him to leave the office.

She casts a glance at him, tilting her head, "My type is the kind of man who can shut up, stop asking annoying questions, and mind his own business."
"With that kind of attitude, you will never get promoted." He said after making face expression of disgust. "Hard work is not enough. If you're unable to work with others, I'm afraid you don't belong here."

He turned his back on her and just started walking towards his desk to collect his stuff as quickly as possible. Staying here with her could only make his mood worse.

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