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RP Hunt Avid's plots & ideas

Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 18, 2023
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Hello & Welcome to Avid's Plot's & Ideas thread.

Please do not post here. This is simply where I will be storing ideas, and plot's that I've worked so hard on. If you see anything you like, or something catches your eye, please message me. I'm always looking for partners to help expand on these ideas, and bring them to life. A lot of them we will be playing more than one character. A lot of them will have different sexuality's as well. If you aren't comfortable with playing a homosexual character then let me know, and I will gladly see if I can tweak the thread a little bit or not. But I hope you enjoy reading, and I hope to hear from you soon!



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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 18, 2023
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Dance With The Devil - 2x2, Female/Male, Mature/Dark: Open

Definition of Satan
One; the angel who in Jewish belief is commanded by God to tempt humans to sin.
Two; the rebellious angel who in Christian belief is the adversary of God and lord of evil.

What does Satan mean in Latin?
Lucifer has been in the English language for a very long time, and has not solely carried the meaning of "Satan." The word comes from a Latin root—lucifer, in Latin, means "light-bearing"—and has also been used by poets to refer to Venus, the morning star.

Who is Satan's wife?
Lilith is a powerful sorceress in the Madō Monogatari series, where she was the wife of Satan until she lost her physical body when using the artifact known as Seraphim Orb to create the Madou World, of which she is now the guardian. She is also very similar to the protagonist Arle.

Who is Satan's daughter?
Satan and his Daughter, the Angel Liberty, drawn from this larger poem, tells the story of Satan and his daughter, the angel created by God from a feather left behind following his banishment. Hugo details Satan's fall, and through a despairing soliloquy, reveals him intent on revenge, yet desiring God's forgiveness.

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I'm the worst. I'm the thing of your nightmares. I'm the one to make you scream.
I'll be the one to destroy the human race. I'm father's pride and joy. I'm father's favorite creation.
I'm father's daughter. His first love, his last love, his only love. All my siblings will bow down to me.
All of the sections of Hell will bow down to me. All creatures, dark and light, will bow down to me.

I want to watch you bleed. I want to watch you twist
and turn in pain. I want to watch you scream till your lungs give out.

I'm going to show you, exactly who I am...

Do I have your attention yet humanity? Have you realized exactly who I am? Do I really need to continue
killing you all? You'll finally realize who I am when there's barely any of you left alive.

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What is expected from you.

Please keep in mind that this is going to be a really dark thread. I do have a couple of characters in mind for this and they are already created. I would love to get your ideas and inputs as well to help move this story forward.

Second- We will be doubling up on characters. I have two characters already made for this thread, so I would love you to make a male & female character. The ones I have happen to be Satan's Children, or what I would expect them to be. So you will be playing the human's for this thread.

Forth- I would prefer real pictures, because that's what I'm best at finding. If we decide on something different, then Digital Art will be preferred as well. They are a lot better looking than normal anime pictures. I would like to have them somewhat fit the thread.

Fifth- Posting, please nothing past 14 days. I understand writers block or needing to leave town for a little while. As long as you let me know ahead of time, then I will be more understanding. I myself do have a full time job, and a boyfriend on top of that. If I'm going to be gone for awhile I'll make sure to let you know as well.

Sixth- Plotting, I love plotting different ideas and plot twists with my partners. So please don't be scared to message me about something you have in mind. Hell, if you wanna just surprise me all around with it please do. I'm more than willing to roll with the punches as well.

Seventh- Refusing to play more than one character. If you refuse to double up on characters then this isn't the thread for you. I'm doing it because it'll help move the story along, and it'll add more drama and whatever we wanted to add. If you only play a female then I will ask you once to add in a male. If you don't then I will take the thread down and reopen it. I'm doing it to make things fair for the both of us. So please step out of your comfort zone at least a little bit.

Eighth- I will not be making another thread like this one. I'm only doing this one, so if other's show interest in a cult themed thread, I'm sorry but I'm only taking on one right now. Doesn't mean I won't write something else with you, all you have to do is let me know and I'll be more than happy to plot something else out with another person. Just only one cult themed thread for me, thank you.

Ninth- Please for the love of God no one liners. They kill a story line for me. I'm looking for someone who can do at least three 10+ sentence paragraphs. I want someone to give me something to work with. Also don't message me over and over asking when I'm going to post. You do that, and I will delete the thread right then and there and start over. I'm not gonna bug you, so please don't bug me.

Tenth- Most of all have fun with this. That's what writing is all about in the first place. Enjoy yourselves as much as possible, and I'll hopefully do the same as well. Thanks for reading and hopefully we will make something beautiful together!​


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 18, 2023
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Wicked Hearts - Multi Characters, Serial Killers. Dark/Mature/Gore/Explicit: Open

Serial Killer {Noun};
A person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behavior pattern.

A serial killer is typically a person who murders three or more people, usually in service of abnormal psychological gratification, with the murders taking place over more than a month and including a significant period of time between them. While most authorities set a threshold of three murders, others extend it to four or lessen it to two.

Psychological gratification is the usual motive for serial killing, and many serial killings involve sexual contact with the victim. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) states that the motives of serial killers can include anger, thrill-seeking, financial gain, and attention seeking, and killings may be executed as such. The victims may have something in common; for example, demographic profile, appearance, gender or race. Often the FBI will focus on a particular pattern serial killers follow. Based on this pattern, this will give key clues into finding the killer along with their motives.

Although a serial killer is a distinct classification that differs from that of a mass murderer, spree killer, or contract killer, there exist conceptual overlaps between them. Some debate exists on the specific criteria for each category, especially with regard to the distinction between spree killers and serial killers.

What defines serial killers?
A serial killer is conventionally defined as a person who murders three or more people in a period of over a month, with a "cooling down" time between murders. For a serial killer, the murders must be separate events, which are most often driven by a psychological thrill or pleasure.

Why do serial killers do what they do?
This study seeks to identify and understand the possible motives of serial killers. The study suggests that serial killers kill because of the impact of exposure to physical abuse, drug abuse, and alcoholism from an early age. Brain injury and mental disorders also play a significant role.

Are serial killers sociopaths or psychopaths?
While all serial killers are sociopaths, not all sociopaths are serial killers. They are people who manipulate their way into your psyche, often causing emotional harm, self-doubt, and general misery. They are everyday people, like co-workers, neighbors, and sometimes those close to you.

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What is expected of you.

First- Please make sure you are over the age of Eighteen. Because writing mature topics with a minor makes me really, really uncomfortable, especially with a thread like this one. So please, please, please make sure you are at least eighteen before messaging me. I will not budge on this at all. This idea I have is going to be really dark, and touching on topics that minor's shouldn't know anything about.

Second- We will be doing research on Serial Killers if needs be. If you want to have a different thread to bounce ideas around together, simply let me know and I'll gladly make one. I just don't want to clutter the main thread and erase everything we've talked about. PM's will get too cluttered as well, so I might just make a chatting thread all around just to make it easier on us both.

Third- Do not request into the thread unless I tell you other wise. I'm debating on having this as the main role playing thread, or a searching thread. If you request before private messaging me, I will down right deny you writing with me. I'm tired of all of these new users, and minors not reading everything before requesting into a thread. I know that sounds bitchy of me. I don't care. READ EVERYTHING before requesting, simple as that.

Forth- I would prefer real pictures, because that's what I'm best at finding. If we decide on something different, then Digital Art will be preferred as well. They are a lot better looking than normal anime pictures. I would like to have them somewhat fit the thread.

Posting, please nothing past 14 days. I understand writers block, or needing to leave town for a little while. As long as you let me know ahead of time, then I will be more understanding. I myself do have a full time job, and a boyfriend on top of that. If I'm going to be gone for awhile I'll make sure to let you know as well.

Sixth- Plotting, I love plotting different ideas and plot twists with my partners. So please don't be scared to message me about something you have in mind. Hell, if you wanna just surprise me all around with it please do. I'm more than willing to roll with the punches as well.

Seventh- Refusing to play more than one character. If you refuse to double up on characters then this isn't the thread for you. I'm doing it because it'll help move the story along, and it'll add more drama and whatever we wanted to add. If you only play a female then I will ask you once to add in a male. If you don't then I will take the thread down and reopen it. I'm doing it to make things fair for the both of us. So please step out of your comfort zone at least a little bit.

Eighth- I will not be making another thread like this one. I'm only doing this one, so if other's show interest in a cult themed thread, I'm sorry but I'm only taking on one right now. Doesn't mean I won't write something else with you, all you have to do is let me know and I'll be more than happy to plot something else out with another person. Just only one cult themed thread for me, thank you.

Ninth- Please for the love of God no one liners. They kill a story line for me. I'm looking for someone who can do at least three 10+ sentence paragraphs. I want someone to give me something to work with. Also don't message me over and over asking when I'm going to post. You do that, and I will delete the thread right then and there and start over. I'm not gonna bug you, so please don't bug me.

Tenth- Most of all have fun with this. That's what writing is all about in the first place. Enjoy yourselves as much as possible, and I'll hopefully do the same as well. Thanks for reading and hopefully we will make something beautiful together!


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Local Time:
1:57 PM
Nov 18, 2023
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Perfect Soulmates - 2x2, Female/Male, Romance/Mature: Open

Soulmate - noun.

A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner.

A person with whom you have an immediate connection the moment you meet. A connection so strong that you are drawn to them in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops over time, you experience a love so deep, strong, and complex, that you begin to doubt that you have ever truly loved anyone prior. Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, which brings a sense of peace, calmness and happiness when you are around them.

And when you are not around them, you are all that much more aware of the harshness of life, and how bonding with each person in this way is the most significant and satisfying thing you will experience in your lifetime. You are also all that much more aware of the beauty in life, because you have been given a great gift and will always be thankful. Because in the end soulmate's always end up together no matter what.

Soulmate's will always end up together. No matter how much love was lost, and no matter how much distance there was. You lose each other to find each other again. That is what it is like when someone is meant for you; if they leave, they will return and stay forever.

He touched my soul long before I knew what his hands felt like. You are my soulmate, my love, my peace, my soft place to fall, my guiding light, my best friend. In you I see our happily ever after. What a love I have found with you, my love, my peace, my life, my soulmate.

I want to wake up with you beside me in the mornings. I want to spend my evenings looking at you across the dinner table. I want to share every mundane detail of my day with you and hear every detail of yours. I want to laugh with you and fall asleep with you in my arms.

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What I'm expecting from you.

I'm searching for someone who will be patient on posting. I do have a full time job, and I'm not always going to be online. I'm asking that you please post at least once a week, or more whenever we are both online. My posting will be more active on Monday's since that's my day off. If you are needing more time to post, then simply message me and I'll be understanding about it, because I will do the same thing for you as well.

Second- I would prefer real pictures, because that's what I'm best at finding. If we decide on something different, then Digital Art will be preferred as well. They are a lot better looking than normal anime pictures. I would like to have them somewhat fit the thread.

Third- Plotting, I love plotting different ideas and plot twists with my partners. So please don't be scared to message me about something you have in mind. Hell, if you wanna just surprise me all around with it please do. I'm more than willing to roll with the punches as well.

Forth- I am only looking for one person to do this idea with me. I'm more than willing to bounce ideas back and forth, until we find something we both like. Just please understand that I am looking for one literate writer, who will be willing to double as both a male & female the same way I am. If you don't want to double then this isn't the thread for you. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Fifth- Please for the love of God no one liners. They kill a story line for me. I'm looking for someone who can do at least three 10+ sentence paragraphs. I want someone to give me something to work with. Also don't message me over and over asking when I'm going to post. You do that, and I will delete the thread right then and there and start over. I'm not gonna bug you, so please don't bug me.

Sixth- I do have 2 characters in mind for this thread. They are both male & female, so I'm expecting the same thing from you. It helps move the story line along. I'm doing this to make it fair on the both of us. Sometimes it's nice to step out of your comfort zone for a change.

Seventh- Most of all have fun with this. That's what writing is all about in the first place. Enjoy yourselves as much as possible, and I'll hopefully do the same as well. Thank's for reading and hopefully we will make something beautiful together!


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