General RP Bullied Affair (open, Mother of Bully, or Bully wanted)

He blushed. " did make me feel better about my day...heh clearly." He said as he looked at the mess he made of her. Xavier moved up slightly, biting his lip. He could cross this off his bucket list. "I'll be good-I'll make sure nothing slips out...t-to your family- I'll just keep using condoms, so nobody knows." With how much he spilled twice in one day, he'd need a durable one to hold the load.
He bit his lip. "But-...." he mumbled as she rubbed him, his cock however was already inflating every caress. "My wndow-looks in your room-" he said smirking slightly at her. Ofcourse normally he wouldn't normally admit to whack8ng it looking in her window...but it probably didn't matter now. "Doesn't it count as using you to unload?"
He winced. "Ah-" he whimpered out at she watched his cock wobbled as it started to wake up faster, her finger felt a sticky line od cum clinging onti it, connecting her to hi tip as it member towered upwards. "Even if you watched me stroking it?" He pouted slightly. "I-i know it's silly to even fight it, knowing it's going to a good home and all but...I gotta rub one out almost every morning before I get up."
She shakes her head "You will just have to wait until you visit me." she says as she leaning down to lick teh strand between his member and her hand. SHe had seen how he was now so she wanted to see what he was like if he waited a good while before coming. Would be become more worked up and hands on or will he try his luck with another girl. She was excited to see what her little boy would do "I mean if you find a girl at school you can dump into i wouldnt mind but no stroking unless its with me." she said
Hev smirked at her a little. "If you are truly my only way of cumming-" he gruntedcas he felt the throbbing getting worse, his hips putting pressure on her slit, groaning lustfully as he slud back into her pussy's warm embrace. She saw him close his eyes, his hips shivering sweetly a moment as he pushed himself all the way to his base, the meat spear tapping her womb gently . He clearly was still sensitive from the ungodly nut she milked from him twice on a row. The little stud started pushing and thrusting, grabbing her hips as he hunched over slightly.

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