Animal RP Central Park Chaos || PoM Open Group RP - OPEN (Rated T, SFW)

Central Park Zoo.

Known for it's pristine environment, cute animals and relaxing atmosphere...

... And four cute n' cuddly, totally-not-unstable penguins that protect New York City with their bare flippers (and the occasional explosive).

Lately, things have been relatively peaceful. Officer X has been almost suspiciously absent, Alice hasn't been a problem in a while, even the lemurs seemed to have calmed down a little.

That was until the new arrivals came.

Half a dozen more animals to add to the hijinks, half a dozen more reasons for chaos and drama.


Skipper - Taken
Kowalski - ???
Private - Available
Rico - Available
Extra Penguin 1 - Taken
Extra Penguin 2 - Available

Julien - ???
Maurice - Available
Mort - Available
Extra Lemur 1 - ???
Extra Lemur 2 - Available


Mason - Available
Phil - Available

Other animals
Canon Characters available
Two additional animal OCs from any extant species (total, not per species) bar those that already have extra animals in their exhibit available also.

Any gender/sex of species allowed.
OCs of all sexualities allowed.
??? just means it depends. (You'll probably have to PM of an idea of how you intend on characterising a canon character in that case.)
I'll allow a max of three OCs per person.
I'll allow a max of five people (so six players total) to join.
You don't technically have to ask to join, just jump in -- but you have to stay relatively in character with canon characters and I can take a CC away from you if I deem your portrayal too OOC, so it's better if you PM me for canon characters.
No Mary Sues/Gary Stus/Over-powers/Flawless character or godmodding.
This is purely SFW. Mentions of "mating" in a non-explicit sense or a scientific sense can be included, but I don't want to read penguin/lemur/otter smut, please and thank you.
Please no one-liners. You don't have to write multiple paragraphs, but even just three sentences of a decent length would do. Enough to include a reaction to previous responses and also something to encourage responses from others or move the roleplay somewhere.

Extra Penguin #1



Sex | Gender | Pronouns:
Female | She/Her

Blue/Fairy Penguin

Adult, but specific age unknown.

- - -

Small, slight penguin with silvery-blue back and headfeathers and white feathers on her belly. Has round grey-blue eyes and a distinct blue circular-ish mark at the base of her neck where the white feathers are.

Inquisitive but shy. Relatively observant and patient, except when excitement gets the better of her. Somewhat stubborn and cowardly/fearful. Reserved, takes a while to open up. A little distrustful. Aloof. Perceived by smart by some, naive/gullible by others; it really depends.

Smart people

Loud noises

Swimming & Diving
Can read (a little).
Decent at noticing patterns and some details.

Struggles more to read/write in cursive.
Has a habit of almost or straight up just walking into things.
Can struggle to interpret art at times, particularly the abstract stuff.
Doesn't know sign-language.

Humans & Dogs
Change, Future (sometimes), Rejection

- - -


Nerrida was born in the wild, however, unfortunately lost one of her parents to a dog let off a leash on one of Australia's beaches, and shortly thereafter also lost her other parent to a disease which almost took her life until she was taken in. Unfortunately, she struggled to integrate back into the wild and so was ultimately re-captured even after her release and placed in several zoos - where she failed to integrate - before eventually being released in Central Park Zoo.

- - -

Demisexual, Demi-heteroromantic

Relationship Status:

Mother - Deceased
Father - Deceased
Older Brother - somewhere out in the wild, presumably.


Zero nine hundred hours. One hour until zoo opening time.

Semi-obscured skies, low windspeed - coming from the west -, moderate temperatures.

The crates have been placed and opened in the correct habitats. Zoo residents are stirring. As per usual, the four local penguins are some of the first animals to rise from their slumber, with Skipper having lead their morning warm ups until zookeepers arrived with two crates placed randomly on the little concrete "island" in the middle of their enclosure.

"Kowalski, analysis," the short, flat-headed penguin exclaims, narrowing his eyes at the crates. He readies himself into a fighting stance, just in case the newcomers show signs of aggression. They seem to be partially open, but the shadows obscure the new arrivals from view, slightly.

By now, the zookeepers are gone, allowing the new arrivals to adjust to their new "homes".​

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