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General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

Local Time:
8:56 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin sighs, “I don’t even think you should go to work, Derek. You need sleep and rest. But who the hell am I to tell you what you need?” He walks to the bed room, sitting down.

“First, I told you I wasn’t ready for any teasing or games and you still chose to avoid me last night. And you didn’t even tell me why. And now, you’re not listening to me when I tell you you need help.”

He blows out a breath, running his hands through his hair, “You’re not really listening to me when I’m telling you something and it’s frustrating. I told you yesterday I wanted you to rest all day and you managed to distract me from that.”
Local Time:
6:56 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek follows Kalin and places his hands on his hips. "Kalin, I wasn't playing any games. I was hurt that you joked about me actually doing something that would hurt you, so I had to lock myself away so I could calm down."

Derek paces back and forth a bit with grumbling to himself. "I understand you want me to sleep, but like I said, I dealt with it for that entire week by myself. Do you have any idea how little I slept during that week and still came into work?"

Derek sits on the other edge of the bed and rests his elbows on his knees. "If I'm really being that much of a problem then....I don't know...forget it...." Derek sighs and holds his head in his hands.
Local Time:
8:56 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin sighs, “You didn’t tell me anything, Derek. You didn’t communicate to me what you were feeling. I’m sorry I hurt you with that. . .” He looks down, closing his eyes. He fidgets with his fingers slightly, swallowing.

“And it’s not healthy for you, Derek. I saw how tired you were. I just. . . I want you to be happy and healthy. . . Your work takes so much from you, you don’t really have the space to not sleep for days on end. I just want to help. . .” He looks up at Derek, his green eyes bright with pleading.

“You’re not being a problem, Derek.“ Kalin says firmly, “I’m just trying to help you and tell you my feelings on things. A strong and healthy relationship needs communication. Love and attraction cannot be the only thing.”
Local Time:
6:56 PM
Oct 31, 2023
"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you anything. I should've at least told you that I needed a moment alone and I didn't. I'm sorry." Derek sighs and grabs at his hair tightly.

"I understand that Kalin. I appreciate that you trying to care for me, but at the end of the day there's only so much I can do about my sleep. Whether I tell a therapist of chug down pills to force me to sleep. If that dream wakes me up, then there's nothing I can do." Derek keeps his eyes low to the ground as the fill with sadness.

"I'm happy that you are telling me your feelings and thoughts about everything. I wish you would see that I'm trying to be better. I'm trying to be better than Keith and anyone else who you've ever been with, but it's hard. I haven't been in a serious relationship in god knows how long." Derek groans and shakes his head.
Local Time:
8:56 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Kalin sighs and nods, “It’s okay, Derek. I understand.” He smiles slightly, sitting fully on the bed and turning to face Derek. He looks at the other, wanting to just touch him and snuggle close, but knows Derek needs his space.

“But have you even tried to do that? Have you really tried to get help?” He whispers, his voice raspy. “I only want what’s best for you, Derek, and I don’t like seeing you suffer. . . Especially because of me.”

He swallows once, “I-I know, Derek. I know. And that’s all that matters to me, that you’re trying. As long as you try, it’ll be okay. I won’t walk away from you for trying.”
Local Time:
6:56 PM
Oct 31, 2023
Derek groans softly and flops back on the bed, covering his face with a pillow. "The last time I tried talking to a therapist or psychiatrist it didn't end well. I was treated like a fucking lunatic." Derek presses the pillow harder into his face, feeling angry at the memory of how he was treated.

"I just want that fucking dream to end....I haven't had a single night without it ruining my sleep. You have no idea what I would give to finally have a peaceful night of sleep with you in my arms instead of having to wake up, gasping for air before sneaking out to the couch so I don't wake you." Derek mumbles from under the pillow.
Local Time:
8:56 PM
Dec 15, 2023
Kali sighs and shifts closer, sitting next to Derek. He runs his fingers through the other's hair, "I'm sorry, babe, you shouldn't have been treated like that. . ." He murmurs, leaning over and pressing his lips to Derek's forehead.

"I know, babe. . . I wish you never had to have it in the first place. . ." He murmurs, still running his fingers through Derek's hair. "But I'm here for you, you know that, right?"
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