General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

After a while, Derek leaves the room wearing a simple muscle shirt and basket ball shorts, searching for Kalin. Just as he gets to the main entrance, a group of 3 high maintenance woman approach Derek, all stopping him from walking.

girl 1: "Where do you think you're going hot stuff?"
girl 2: "Ohhh I think I need a big strong man to help carry my stuff to my room."
Derek huffs a small laugh as he sees Kalin, overly thankful that he was there, "Yes, I am."

The girls all turn and glare at Kalin, stepping closer to Derek and grabbing at his shirt.

Girl 2: "Who the hell are you? There's no way you are with him."
Girl 3: "A hot guy like this would never go for men, let alone someone as bitchy as you."

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