General RP Damnit, He’s Hot! (Firestarter)

(When you’ve tried that yourself so many times and you wanna punch the next person who says you should try it in the face, but it happens to be your boyfriend- resist the urge)

Kalin pulls his hand back, huffing, “I’ve tried. It never works.” He crosses his arms.

“And I just get annoyed and frustrated when people do that. It feels like bossing me around and stuff.”
“Um- I love it because its a system that I made myself that works. . . For work.” He crosses his arms, “I’ve tried it at home and it failed miserably. If it bother you so much, I can start going back to my own home everyniht. Then you won’t have to deal with my stuff. Because I don’t know what else to tell you. The clothes are neat, and the toothbrush is out of the way.”
Kalin sighs and closes his eyes. He crosses his arms and then sighs, getting changed and grabbing his keys. He didn’t need or want a driver, a walk sounding better, but the thirty minute drive would turn into a two hour walk. He walks down to the garage and fonds the driver in (an office thingy?) and asks him to take him towards the center of the city and leave him ten blocks from the club.

Twenty five minuets later, he climbed from the car and walked the rest of the distance to the club. He walks in, deposits his items, and goes down to the club floor. He felt better already, the drive and walk having cleared his mind.
Not knowing that Kalin is at the club, Derek speeds out of town for a bit and heads towards the beach, letting the salty cool air blow on his face and help calm him. He didn't understand why it was so hard for Kalin to just put things back into place. He had been doing it at work for years. Was it really so hard to continue the same mannerisms at home with clothes?

As Kalin walks into the club, a man in his mid twenties sits in the corner and sips on his drink while he watches the young redhead. "He looks like a lot of fun."
The male in the corner leans forward slightly in his chair, the light illuminating his black hair and medium build. He was about half the size of Derek, but had a devilish grin that always seemed to charm anyone who he came across. His dark brown eyes raked over the redhead's form, taking in the way it swayed and shook to the music. "Now that's someone who knows how to move."

Derek parked his motorcycle at the beach and walked along the pier as he thought about how things had gone with Kalin. He didn't want to upset his little minx, but was it so wrong to want things clean in his home?

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