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Don't End Up Burned (Crow)

Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Name: Houndoom
Type: Dark
Thunder fang
Flame thrower
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Alright she is my pokemon. Do you wanna base this as you a trainer and I a pokemon or double up? @Crow
Last edited:
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Starting off one's journey by aiding the professor with his findings of all things pokemon and their behaviors Tucker finally gets reward with his very first pokemon of his own, a term of starter pokemon. "Take care of her well" the man spoke as he handed over a red and white ball with flame stickers all around it "As you requested, a dark fire type but be warned that she is a stubborn and feisty one" chuckling as he steps back. Moving his cane to poke the middle button as the ball resides in Tucker's hand, the top popped open to reveal a dazzling gleam that faded to reveal before them a houndoom. The young pokemon glanced between the two humans, her tail lashing and whipping the ground behind her before letting out a frightening howl.

Covering his ears a moment the Professor laughed hoping his pupil would enjoy the thrill of taming and bonding with such a beast "Hope you like her, she quite difficult to catch and bond too. But once she is loyal and trusts you, there is nothing she will not do for you" sending a grin his way. Houndoom perked her ears, her amber eyes staring toward Tucker then the ball in his hand beginning to gather that he was her new master.
Local Time:
3:04 AM
Nov 16, 2022
Tucker was excited that he was finally getting his Pokemon after being so many years or working at it. And now he had finally gotten a pokemon and it was a houndoom at that!

He would kneel holding his hand out to the Pokemon "hey girl I am Tucker your new trainer and owner" he says admiring her body as he looks at her closely
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Drawing back her lips, ears lowering back as she leans forward enough to sniff his hand before stepping close to nudge her head along it. He was her trainer, her master meaning she must bond with him and learn the skills to further their battling and win. She looks up to the professor letting out a small howl in farewell before taking a seat beside Tucker, her tail swaying side to side. "Seems the first bonding went well, now time for you two to travel, grow, and battle together" the professor points out with a chuckle "good luck to you both" waving them off.
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Pausing their walking she looks up toward him, lowering her back her ears before tilting her head in confusion of his words, battle against another pokemon did not sound quite appealing. She glances toward the forest knowing of wild pokemon as her but did not understand other people battling pokemon against one another. A chance she was not yet strong enough to fight against another captured pokemon but he needed to know she would not run away in battle. Would he even chase her?
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
A few steps he took before she followed at him, coming back to his side as she looks up at him like a well heeled canine. "Houndoom!" barking at him just before a while pokemon leapt out and tackled her. Snarling she whipped her head around, snatching the nape of the creature and flinging it off, the pokemon slamming into a near by tree, back first. All fired up she took a stance with hackles up, teeth bared to reveal the flame of fire roaring down her throat.
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The wild pokemon fell to the ground, it was a sturdy ground type so mostly unfazed by the physical move. Shaking it off as it got back up while Houndoom barely allowed a moment to pass after her master voiced an attack. Opening her mouth further she left out a burst of flame that shit right at the pokemon's face
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"that wasn't scary" she barks unaware he could understand her now as she presses her head up into his hand. Also unaware that the reason that pokemon launched at her was due to her radiating a scent through out the forest that she was in heat. It would not effect her for a few more hours but that pokemon would not be the first. "Where next?" yipping with excitement
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"Okay my name is Scarlet now" smiling with her tail up in the air wagging as her scent began to call out to the male creatures. It was at dusk that she paused by a stream they were crossing that their next attacker came about. This time was a aracanine that launched right on top of her, pinning her to the ground making Scarlet yelp followed by a snarl as she squirmed under him to get free "Master! Master!" calling out
Local Time:
4:04 AM
Nov 18, 2022
The aracanine was lowering himself on her when he was tackled by her trainer, then later blasted with water by another pokemon who was also a male but had a trainer. "Seems you are in over your head" a young women giggled as she recalled her pokemon for safety of Scarlett "You new?" questioning Tucker
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