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Fae's Inactive Characters

Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 26
  • Height: 5’2
  • Weight: 130 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Family:
    • Doesn't have any familial ties, grew up in a good household. Decided to get her own place but now she lives with Jamie since her incident with her abusive ex.
  • Background:
    • Currently lives with Boyfriend Jamie and is going to be a mother. Comes from an abusive relationship where her ex tried to murder her - has PTSD now, but is working through it with help from Jamie.
  • Likes / Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers video games such as Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, anything that is easy going, farm simulator type. She also prefers rainy weather over sunny, cool showers, hot ones, she doesn't really mind on that. She's a picky eater but is willing to try any food she hasn't once.
    • Hates: Drunks, people who use alcoholism to escape. She does not condone any substance abuse either, and would rather stay away from people who consciously choose to ruin their lives. She herself does drink, but only responsibly.
  • Kinks:
    • She loves being dominated in the bedroom, is up for bdsm of any kind - - her past trauma has not changed how she feels this way. She trusts her boyfriend.
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*Authors note: never formally made an authentic character sheet before!
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Around her 20s
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 170
  • Gender: Female
  • Appearance:
  • Race: Witch / Turned Vampire
  • Family: Deceased
  • Background: Loyal to her coven, but more loyal to her friend turned lover Lucian. She had been injured during battle and had to be saved by Lucian- he had to turn her into a vampire like him. Now she faces the worry of losing her magical powers all together during her fledgling state.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers warm over cold, had enjoyed the sun, but hopes to get a daylight ring to fix that issue. She enjoys time with Lucian, and time practicing her spells and incantations.
    • Dislikes: Is struggling with the fact that she is now a creature of the night. She knows Lucian has powers too he was able to retain that she hopes to master as well. And obviously she hates anything meant to kill/harm vampires.
  • Kinks: Likes to be submissive, prefers when Lucian initiates intimacy between them.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
*Authors note, I'm trying to keep them all in alphabetical order but.. XD)

  • Age: Not disclosed but looks to be around 18-19
  • Height: Around 5'5
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Does not remember
  • Background: Was put in an orphanage at a young age before joining the local Convent to become a nun. The she moved in with the Count per the Convent's Rules.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: prefers to tend to the garden, enjoys warm summer nights and stargazing
    • Dislikes: Cold, stone walls - wants to be outside as much as she is able to, ironic that she went to become a nun.
  • Kinks: Upon meeting the Count, She is a virgin, so currently none.

  • Age: Permanently stuck in her 30's.
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Vampire
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Considered the "Sister" of the Count, but has no real family as hers were claimed decades ago by death.
  • Background: Growing up, she was a poor maiden that was abused by a filthy rich lord. Then she came seeking refuge and then became a vampire to join the Count and "rule" alongside him.
  • Likes/Dislikes: They change as the seasons do, and being alive for this long, who wouldn't want to change their preferences.
  • Kinks: Ironically enough, also a virgin, never really feeling the need to go out and 'explore'.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Roughly around 25
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 160 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Werewolf
  • Appearance:
  • Family: His captain had stolen into his small village one day, abducted him and forced him to join his crew, or else his mother would pay more than she already had.
  • Background: Has been apart of the misfit crew and it's cruel captain for quite some time.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers dry land and enjoys the sun on his skin.
    • Dislikes: The ship, as he does occasionally gets seasick.
  • Kinks: Loves being a bottom, will prefer being submissive over anything else. Even well before his capturing.

  • Age: 27
  • Height: 6'3
  • Weight: 190 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Werewolf
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Doesn't remember them.
  • Background: Captain of the The Howling Serpent, pillages and plunders like any normal pirate would.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Women, rum, and his ship.
    • Dislikes: Hates that werewolves are 'no longer the top of the food chain' anymore, hates that he has made a reputation for himself that he can't shake.
  • Kinks: Prefers to top, loves being the one to put his partners into submission, and has a breeding kink.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Roughly 22
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half-breed Werewolf
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Her father, king of the human race, ruling over all supernatural. Her mother had passed during childbirth.
  • Background: Originally 'human', her mother was a werewolf and her father a human- she had no idea she was a half-breed up until recently. Her personal knight, who is also a werewolf, just so happens to be the Alpha of the werewolf clan/class. Cassandra is now the Alpha's 'Luna', mate to the alpha and second in command. Cassandra has had a rough life up until discovering her werewolf side, her werewolf blood was being seen as a foreign entity from her human genetics and her human cells attacked her werewolf side, which left her physically sick all of the time.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers outside to being cooped up, enjoys the occasional sunbathing and doesn't mind getting her fur wet.
    • Dislikes: Hated that her illness had made her sick for all of these years, and hates how cooped up she had been.
  • Kinks: Prefers submissiveness, and even a little masochist herself.
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  • Age: Eh, the lines get blurred from how long he's been alive, but looks roughly 28-30.
  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Vampire
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: His parents, specifically his mother was the vampire queen. His father died of unnamed circumstances and left his only heir to the throne. Now Eric is expecting to become a father himself.
  • Background: As stated above, Eric is the Vampire Prince. He left his life behind to tend to the Human Princess Cassandra, but turned out he started to develop feelings for her, and couldn't live a life without her. But, unknowingly changed her, as he had been feeding her his blood every now and then to help her with her illness.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers to spend his time with his Mate/Wife, but also prefers to read and spend some time underneath the stars.
    • Dislikes: His annoying over controlling Mother.
  • Kinks: Loves inflicting pleasured pain, and prefers it himself actually, so technically is a masochist. Has a breeding kink.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 18
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 130 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
    <<<<< 2nd is original appearance, 1st is updated/current.
  • Family: Has two younger siblings and her parents.
  • Background: Princess of the Kingdom, raised with her younger siblings, she's never had a difficult life, and has enjoyed all of its pleasantries. Has a fondness for the Kingdom's Mage, who she is now engaged to as per her Father's orders, knowing that having a powerful mage on the kingdom's side would be good to have one in power.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Loves to spend her time in a library surrounded by books, horse riding and painting whenever she gets the chance.
    • Dislikes: The hot sun, tries to avoid it often to keep her skin nice and fair. She hates large crowds but knows that comes with the duty of being a princess.
  • Kinks: Submissive, prefers a little bit of pain with her adventures with her lover but not a complete masochist.

Tae Ji-Hồng
  • Age: 24
  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 145 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: His parents and one younger sister.
  • Background: Born of the Eastern Kingdom, Ji-hong was 19 when he was spelled into becoming a horse, who had then been adopted by the Princess of the Western Kingdom- Cassandra. He recently had turned back from the horse into his human form, and anything before or during has become a real big blur. Now with his servant, Nara Tang, he confesses that he has feelings for her, considering they had been together for fives years, both spelled into horses, and had become mates with one another.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefer being a human over a horse any day. Spent most of his time by the koi pond out in the garden, preferably underneath the shades of the magnolia tree.
    • Dislikes: Hated that he had lost five of his years being spelled.
  • Kinks: Likes being the submissive one most of the time but does not mind switching.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Kayla Johnson
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 170 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Both of her parents and a younger brother.
  • Background: Growing up she never really got much attention from boys, but didn’t really mind it that much. She spent a lot of her time at home by herself since her parents were always gone on their business trips. Now in college she either hangs out with her best friend Jayden or is found in a small nook of the local library.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Likes to spend most of her free time in a library, prefers to be by herself.
    • Dislikes: Hates big gatherings, and loud areas.
  • Kinks: Is a bit of a newbie, so has not developed any kinks as of late.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Lumina Petrova
  • Age: 23
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Witch
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Her father had been the royal mage for the human king. Has a mother and two younger siblings.
  • Background: Grew up in a small family in the countryside, but at a young age she and her family relocated to the human kingdom. Her father had then become the royal mage for the human king. It was only when the vampires invaded the kingdom and made it their coven that they took Lumina hostage at the age of 13, after killing her father who refused to lend his powers to aid the supernatural- with the threats of killing the rest of her family if she didn't agree to serve the vampire lord.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers to study magic at her own rate, and prefers the healing type of magic to anything else.
    • Dislikes: Hates that her father had been killed by the vampires.
  • Kinks:
    • Has a breeding kink, and prefers to be bitten by vampires ironically.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Lyra Morningstar
  • Age: Unknown (around several hundred) but appears around her late 20's early 30's.
  • Height: Also unknown, but is a half inch taller than Lucifer.
  • Weight: Unknown, but possibly 130-135 lbs. (most is lean muscle)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Angel, an archangel.
  • Appearance:
    • Main look:
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    • Variations include but are not limited to:
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      You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post
      You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attachments to this post
  • Family: GOD, known as the creator of humans, animals and the earth. All of the angels are considered her 'siblings' although they have no real blood relations.
  • Background: Used to be an archangel, coming down to earth every now and then to clean up lesser demons, those who had escaped from hell. She was strict in her fighting, and how she used her heavenly blade. She would fight alongside Lucifer, having an arranged agreement to purge those who did not belong on earth. Lucifer's Brother, Suriel, a perfect foil to his brother- has affections for Lyra, and makes it known, although Lyra thinks he is childish and ignore his advances.
  • Current Situation: She has found out that only sleeping with the devil once she had become with child, and now has put her life in more risk than it already had been. Going forth she will start to struggle with the idea that she will become the first angel to carry an actual child within her womb.
  • Threats: Anyone who tries to usurp Lucifer from hell's throne, now that she is considered his 'wife' and carrying his unborn child, and of course, Suriel, who hates that Lyra is ignoring his advances and prefers his brother.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers lush gardens like the garden of Eden, cool waters, nature in itself. She tries to preserve the land whenever is is able to.
    • Dislikes: Hates the advances of Suriel, Lucifer's brother, and also hates when Suriel himself or any other demon destroys the land around it by being present.
  • Kinks: Prefers being bitten by Lucifer's demon fangs...and is a masochist herself, imagine that.
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|| Minor Characters RP'ed in Thread ||
Name: Suriel
Age: Several thousand years old
Height: 5'8
Weight: 180 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Angel / Archangel
Face claim:

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Name: Lilith
Age: Several thousand years old
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Face claim: none in particular, but her appearance can change / meld whenever she pleases. She usually takes the form of a red skinned demon, jet black hair, and electric yellow eyes.


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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Maria Morningstar
  • Age: Looks in her early 20s but is several hundred years old.
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 125 lbs
  • Gender: female
  • Race: Half demon / Half angel / A succubus born, as her father Satan is considered to be the first Incubus, so she will have the same properties as him.
Appearance: Varies but her main look is --->
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  • Some variations include but are not limited to (due to ai art being funky):
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  • Variations in Demonic form:
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    • This includes: Her demon form is able to accommodate and grow a snake tail, transforming into a terrifying snake woman with poisonous barbs on towards the tip of her tail.
      • She also has black swirling marks around her arms, they came from her mother while she was conceived. These marks were originally intended to keep her mother's angel being preserved while in the depths of hell, since hell was so hot, not even an angel could withstand it unless they wanted to burst from combustion alone. For Marie's purposes, she hasn't figured out what they're meant for but in time she will learn.
  • Possessions:
    • Fashions a whip after her father's. It can shapeshift into a serpent- and is used to fight back hellish creatures. It's main form is woven black leather with ivory spikes, devil skin...with angels bone that are the so called ivory spikes.
    • Her angel sword, directly given to her by her mother. It sits on her hip and basically is used like a regular sword, since Marie has suppressed so much of that side of herself, the flaming sword has not activated yet and has not been used to full potential.
  • Family: Lucifer and Lyra (detailed above this post)
  • Background, a summary: Being the daughter of Satan himself has it's fair shares of ups and downs. Not to mention that half of her is angelic related. She was born on a blood moon long ago - BCE - which enhances all things supernatural and her full power is suppressed due to her unwillingness to accept the angel blood within her veins. She has lived in hell for most of her life, never really having a desire to come up to earth up until her curiosity peaks and she finds a certain human of interest that her father warns to stay away from, or else the end of the world will come about, but certainly meeting one human cannot cause the end of the world, right?
  • Current Situation: Figuring out to save the human of interest, Derek's - mortal life. Derek had been marked, a curse he could not rid of. Upon meeting Marie for the first time, he had saved her life - and in time, Marie is determined to save his no matter the cost. She has fallen hard for Derek, her first ever, and last human lover. Saving him will be an arduous task, as complications have come in the way. Two siblings, the son and daughter of Lilith saw to that. Kaden and Lily were friends / servants / a Knight for the Demon Princess. They have a history together and that alliance was tested when a silvered moon / blood moon (silvered moon an enhanced full moon to enhance everything holy) was appearing the same night as a blood moon (one that enhances anything supernatural and demons fall within that category) Kaden was actually after Marie's angel blood, as it possesses qualities demon blood does not and is generally more powerful. Being betrayed, and Derek taking the dagger that was being used to hurt Marie, is now really in for it. The infection of the demon blade is in Derek's blood, and Marie tried saving him using her blood, by using the demon blade to make a would in her arm. But that plan backfired and now not only are Marie and Derek searching for a solution to his curse, they are also searching for a solution to solve the spreading poison of the demon blade in his body. Mixed with Marie's blood.. his human body is definitely going through some shit.
  • Threats: Being half angelic, her angelic blood holds far more powerful properties than her demon blood and for that a lot of supernatural / demonic entities will be after it. Not to mention she will take over the throne of hell one day, and it had never been heard of a female demon, especially half angel to rule over such a place.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers her human appearance over her true demonic self, feeling more comfortable presenting in a way.
    • Dislikes: That she is half angel. She hates that she cannot control her full demonic powers, and wishes to be fully demon instead.
  • Kinks: Straight up masochist.

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|| Minor Characters RP'ed in thread: ||
Name: Kaden
Age: Several thousand years old, but looks around 27
Height: Varies but presents himself as 6'0
Weight: Also varies but looks to be around 215 (all lean / built muscle)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon

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Name: Lily
Age: Several thousand years old, but looks around 25
Height: Varies, but presents herself as 5'5
Weight: Also varies but looks to be around 145
Gender: Female
Race: Demon

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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Michael KXXXX
  • Age: XXXX
  • Height: XXXX
  • Weight: XXXX
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Family: XXXX
  • Background: Michael K. used to be in the Army, his position was XXXX and he has served for XXXX. Michael currently is living at XXXX. He has been injured in action and was discharged honorably.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 135 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Werewolf
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Her brother who is the alpha of the werewolf pack she had lived in, and her twin sister Sophia.
  • Background: She had been known to be by herself a lot, but she had caught the fancy of the Vampire Lord/King Kazimir. She had been captured and taken to his coven to be apart of his harem. Over time, she had become his queen, forgoing the harem (mostly) and now rules by his side.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Having an intimate relationship with her mate, prefers little clothing (as is the way in her pack) and typically prefers cloudy weather over sunny days.
    • Dislikes: Hot summer days/nights, tight constrictive dresses, and especially dislikes harems.
  • Kinks: Breeding kink, being submissive to Kazimir whenever possible, but has a strong kink of being loved and adored (don't we all) (I'm aware this isn't really a kink but)

  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5'5
  • Weight: 135 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Werewolf
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Her twin sister Naomi, and her brother who is the alpha of the pack she used to reside in.
  • Background: She was out in the forest, her heat had come in and she was looking for a mate. She had no idea that another Vampire Lord / King had been attracted to it and went to find the source of the scent. Much like Naomi, she had been captured and brought to the Vampire's (Maladict's) coven and was apart of his harem, and now she is his mate/queen. Maladict an Kazimir are brothers, so the girls had found out due to a dinner get together.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Much like her twin, she likes to have an intimate 1x1 relationship with her mate, prefers more clothing on her body than others, and typically prefers sunny weather over cloudy ones.
    • Dislikes: Her sister, mostly. But, although having a hard time in the pack, she is learning to be kinder to Naomi since they both got what they had been desiring for a while now.
  • Kinks: Breeding kink, being submissive to Maladict whenever possible, and also, like her sister has a kink for love and affection.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 6'3
  • Weight: 180 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Super / Villain
  • Appearance:
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  • Family/Background: His brother, Lance, who was the "Hero" of the story. Turns out, his brother was the one who raped, and killed a lot of people, especially Zach's girlfriend/fiancee Chayot. Zach was the one who rescued Chayot and tended her back to health. Now he has welcomed a new baby into the world, and loves both Chayot and his newborn deeply.
  • Abilities: Superhuman strength || Has healing capabilities too, most likely passed down from his mother who had been a healer.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Loves spending time with Chayot, prefers to have fun with her in the bedroom more than anything else in the world.
    • Dislikes: When he's away from Chayot, he wants to protect her 24/7 whenever possible.
  • Kinks: Being dominant in the bedroom, but doesn't mind being submissive.

  • Age: 25
  • Height: 5'7
  • Weight: 170
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Superheroine
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Her brothers Zach and Lance
  • Background: Is a superheroine that fell in love with an antihero Orion. She had been injured by her partner during one rescue mission, and Orion had saved her. Artemis and Orion had always had a thing for one another, just unspoken until now.
  • Threats: Kari, a supervillain who has the hots for Orion.. she is teaming up with Artemis' old wicked Partner, and is now determined to destroy Artemis' life.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers to help people whenever and however she is able to. Really enjoys cats over dogs, and doesn't mind a good trip into Barnes & Noble every now and then.
    • Dislikes: Distrustful people, those who have ill intent on others for no good reasons.
  • Kinks: Breeding Kink, most definitely.
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|| Minor Characters RP'ed in Thread ||
Name: Kari
Age: Early 20s
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Villain
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 21
  • Height: 5'2
  • Weight: 115 lbs
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Siren
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: Her father, the King, and her mother, who had been a siren before she passed when Avery was very young.
  • Background: Growing up, Averynn was always told to stay away from the sea, for it was dangerous. She had no idea why she couldn't just go out there and enjoy the sea like everyone else. Their castle is literally near the sea! But, when she falls into water one day, she discovers that she is a siren, half - not finding out til later that her mother had been a siren - but was unknown to her father as her father hunted sirens and despises them. Averynn also finds out that her bodyguard Zorren, is the Prince of the Sea and also a fellow Siren like herself. She finds out very quickly how Sirens mate.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: The seas, the water, swimming. A private cove is directly next to the castle, and she prefers that over larger open waters for safety reasons.
    • Dislikes: Being cooped up all the time. And she particularly despises stormy weather as it is hard to swim in that, especially on the top of the waves as they are so turbulent.
  • Kinks: (Surprise! it's another...) Breeding Kink.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5’5
  • Weight: 130
  • Race: Furry (Cat like)/half human
  • Appearance:
  • Background: Growing up, she spent most of her time alone, considering that she was the only family member that was half anthro. She was bullied in high school for appearing different than others. But the one person she could always count on was her stepbrother.
  • Family: her mom, stepfather and stepbrother.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: likes to read, spending time alone in her room. Has a big crush on her stepbrother but hasn’t mentioned anything on it for fear of rejection.
    • Dislikes: how halfbreeds are treated like common humans. Just because her body isn’t that full of fur doesn’t make her any less of an anthro like anyone else!
  • Kinks: breeding kink, watching others fuck each other, especially her brother..(lol idk if that is a kink..)

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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Some honorable mentions / Very retired characters (Maybe will formally update in the future. The above posts are too early to retire as real non active characters atm)

Werewolf/Vampire - Half-breed Characters:
Kai | Axel
Werewolf Characters:
Serena | Adam

Demon Characters:

Vampire Characters:

Human Characters
Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Several decades old, looks in his late 20's
  • Weight: 215 lbs
  • Height: 7'6
  • Race: Half Dark Elf / Half Light Elf - uses magic to appear more human like.
  • Appearance:
  • Background: His mother had been an elf noble, and his father unfortunately had been the King of the Dark Elves, wanting his son to follow in his footsteps, but Nathan had refused. He had left his home - knowing he could not stay lest he be dragged into the wrong side of the war. He couldn't stay with his mother, as his mother had succumbed to sickness from a plague. So on his own, he had set foot, eventually residing in one of the Resistance's many refugee camps.
  • Family: Mother (deceased), and his Father, the Dark Elf King.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Spending time away from the battlefield, enjoys his alone time out in the forest - finding peace and tranquility.
    • Dislikes: Hates that he cannot escape his father, and generally likes to avoid war.
  • Kinks:
    • Never been with a partner before, so has yet to discover what he prefers.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: 27
  • Height: 5'4
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
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  • Family: His mother and father, both who are esteemed government officials.
  • Background: Growing up, Trent never felt comfortable within his own body. Thankfully, he had two understanding parents that were able to help him get to where he wanted. He has undergone top surgery and had started taking testosterone. He currently had stopped his treatments though, feeling like he was satisfied with his appearance finally. The only drawback though was that he was about to get gender reassignment surgery-- but then he was captured and enslaved by the Monsters of the world- doomed to be their plaything.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Prefers to be at home, that's where he feels most comfortable. He enjoys rainy days over sunny, and would prefer it to be fall rather than the hot heat of summer.
    • Dislikes: Being stared at, and hates to 'show off'. Although he thinks he's comfortable in his own skin, he still has a lot of insecurities to get over.
  • Kinks: None atm, due to him unfortunately being a virgin.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Roughly 24
  • Height: 5’8
  • Weight: 150
  • Gender: non-binary
  • Race: Human
  • Pronouns: they/them || he/him
  • Appearance:
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  • Background: Unknown
  • Family: Unknown
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Flower biomes, whenever it rains, and the cozy comfort of their home where their cats and dogs can be.
    • Dislikes: Fighting hostile mobs, and going mining
  • How many days they've been here: 70
    How many times they've died: 12
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Xavier Koshiro
  • Age: 30
  • Height: 5'8 / 172.72 cm
  • Weight: 160 lbs / 72 kg
  • Gender: Male
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Both of his parents were immigrants from Japan, coming to the U.S 35 years ago. His parents currently live with his eldest brother.
  • Background: Growing up in the U.S., Xavier had unfortunately mostly lost the native language his family has spoken- of course he can carry on a simple conversation, but nothing more than that. When he got out of college, he decided to teach at the same university and now teaches History 101, and usually substitutes when he can for his friend over in the Art Department.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: The smell of books, especially old and yellowed ones. Prefers a cool, spring day over any other weather and will occasionally stop at the coffee house in the morning before his lecture.
    • Dislikes: People who lie and cheat, say that they're honest when they're the opposite.
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Last edited:
Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
  • Age: Appears 23 but is actually 33 (her magic keeps her appearing young)
  • Height: 5'3 / 160 cm
  • Weight: 130 lbs / 58kg
  • Race: Human
  • Appearance:
  • Family: Deceased
  • Background: all she knows is that she was raised to obtain power but that is not what she desires.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: Rainy weather and a cozy, warm fire. She would prefer to stay indoors than outdoors- but one of her favorite outdoor spots was the moonpool.
    • Dislikes: Hot, sweaty weather-- her allergies from all the pollen in the air make her nose run and her eyes water, she dislikes the feel of sun on her skin, and rather much stay away from anything that requires to be in sunlight.
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Local Time:
12:15 AM
Nov 10, 2022
Tristan Salvador
  • Age: 25 (but looks older due to sun damage)
  • Weight: 160 lbs / 72kg
  • Height: 5’8 / 172 cm
  • Gender: Male (he/him)
  • Race: human
  • Appearance:
  • Family: he had both a father, a mother, and a younger sister. His father died when he was younger, and his sister and mother had been traded off once him and them had fallen into captivity.
  • Background: he had a simple life, but it was ruined by allies of the cruel king who ruled the land, and they plundered his town, burned it down and ended up killing his father because of it. Soon being taken into captivity, his sister and mother had been sold off elsewhere while he remained captive to those who took him from his village. He had then escaped by sheer luck, going into a dissociative state for seven years, only to wake to find himself captain of a ship.
  • Likes/Dislikes:
    • Likes: likes the open air of the sea, a warm sunny day with a cool enough breeze and of course the ship he commands
    • Dislikes: heavily dislikes women, only because it had been women who had abused him when he was younger- they had been his captors.
  • Kinks: being loved and appreciated, taken care of
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