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RP Hunt Fandom & Originals (M & F)



Hi everyone! I'm a male fiction and non fiction writer. I've been roleplaying for decades on and off; I'm pretty literate, and I can write multiple paragraphs. I normally go for three or five. Let me know your preferred limit, if you have one. I sometimes try to mirror my partner as well. Also, I'm on mobile; I do have Discord, but I'll only use it for OOCs. I write onsite only. I use to prefer to write only in PMs but thet changed I can write in both eitger PMs or Threeads we can pick. As for what I'm looking for in a partner, well, a female author, for starters. I always think a female can write a female character better than a male can. Aside from that, I'm looking for good literacy and grammar and three or five paragraphs. I like using anime or any kind of artwork, as face claims, so you should too if you're going to roleplay with me. Of course, this should go without saying. Be an adult, please, 18 or older. There are no exceptions; also, all characters will be 18 or older. I write original stories and fanfiction. I also ask if we are going to roleplay don't use text talk and I only write in third person. So please don't write in first person or second.

I'm currently working on a fanfiction set in the Sonic Universe, but it involves characters that aren't Sonic and his crew. In my fanfiction, my characters are a human team with one talking animal protecting the galaxy. It's really fun so far. I stopped writing the story because I might think of a new fanfiction or reimagine it.

So for fandoms I want to say I'll double if you want me too. So here is a list of fandoms:

Sonic the Hedgehog: I'll play Sonic and Shadow against anyone.

Spider-Man: I'll play Peter Parker and Miles against anyone.

X-Men: I'll play Logan and I'll also play Colossus against anyone. As well as Nightcrawler.

Resident Evil: I will always play Leon or any canon character from the series. I don't have any set plots because I prefer to brainstorm ideas. It's more fun that way.

Marvel Universe: I'll play Hawkeye, Captain America, Venom, and Rocket Raccoon.

Bayonetta: I have no specific plot in mind but we can think of one.

Metroid: Same with Starfox no specific plot. I have an original character that fits in this universe.

Starfox: No specific plot set for this game and I don't have an original character for this and I don't care to make one for it since I'll be using canon characters like Starfox and Falco. My favorite game was Starfox Adventures so if we do come up with a plot we can do something similar to that game.

I, Robot the film: 2035, a technophobic cop investigates a crime that may have been perpetrated by a robot, which leads to a larger threat to humanity. That's the summary of the story in the end Sunny a robot was freed to be whatever he wanted to be. I'd like to do a story set a year after this. We can brainstorm ideas since I don't have a story for this.

I Am Legend the film: I Am Legend summary. The year is 1976—one year after a deadly plague sweeps the world, killing virtually all human beings. After their deaths, the world's human beings rise from the grave and become vampires: sensitive to light, garlic, and mirrors, dormant during the day, and impervious to bullets. The original ending of I Am Legend sees Neville devise a cure for the plague, and even though he sacrifices himself to the creatures who surround him, he manages to pass the cure along to Anna. I want to do a story after this event I'm not certain what kind of plot we'll have but it'll be fun coming up with a plot together.

Original Concepts:

Marcus, a young black boy, is raised by his uncle and aunt, his parents who are career-driven had decided to leave him with his aunt and uncle in order to focus on there careers. Growing up, Marcus' passion for animals and nature led him to dream of owning a ranch. At 25, he becomes a successful farmer and takes care of his elderly relatives. One day, he encounters an alien spacecraft, inside is an alien named Zorak, on a mission to warn Earth of an impending catastrophe. Fearing the disaster, Marcus informs his aunt and uncle, and assures them he will do everything to keep them safe. As the news spreads, chaos ensues, leading to people stealing and hoarding supplies. Your character can be anybody in this story a citizen, a friend to Marcus and his family, a family member of Marcus, maybe Zorak, an unknown alien species, or the aliens that are about to destroy the Earth within a year. We can talk about story and talk about characters and see what we come up with.

Born in 1959, three decades later in 1982, Peter Garcia who is half African American and half Spanish, is a 23 year old rookie detective in Chicago. Who was working on a string of murders connected to vampires. The city was divided into two worlds: humans and vampires. Vampires were real, coexisting with humans, but had a rule to follow no feeding on humans. Three humans were found dead, drained of their blood, and all had been lured by a vampire posing as a human. Peter was determined to catch the culprit and prove his worth in the department. We can talk about the plot and more.

Roger Holland has always been fascinated by ancient civilizations and their mysterious symbols. Despite being 42 years old, he still had a childlike curiosity and a thirst for adventure. That's why when he heard about an expedition to explore a remote and undiscovered area, he knew he had to be a part of it. Usually, Roger would take the lead in such expeditions, but this time he decided to join as a member. He wanted to experience the thrill of discovery without the added pressure of being in charge. Little did he know, this decision would change his life forever. As the team ventured deeper into the unexplored territory, they stumbled upon an ancient temple hidden away in the dense jungle. The walls were adorned with intricate symbols that seemed to come alive in the dim light. Roger's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the symbols to be of anthropomorphic animals, ones he had seen in his research before. Excited to uncover the secrets of this temple, Roger and his team started to explore every nook and cranny. They found ancient artifacts, paintings, and scripture that seemed to be centuries old. However, their excitement was short-lived as they accidentally triggered a hidden mechanism that opened up a secret passageway. As they cautiously entered the passageway, Roger's senses were tingling with a mix of fear and exhilaration. The passageway led them to a large chamber where they saw a group of figures shrouded in darkness. As they drew closer, they realized these were not ordinary humans – they were creatures with the heads of animals, just like the symbols on the temple walls. Roger's mind was racing with questions – who were these creatures? Where did they come from? Before he could say anything, the creatures attacked the team without provocation. Roger and his team were no match for their strength and speed. As they retreated in fear, it dawned on Roger that these were not creatures, but the result of an ancient civilization's experimentation with humans. The same civilization whose symbol was on the temple walls. These creatures now wanted revenge for what was done to their ancestors centuries ago. This is Action Adventure Science Fiction story, we can talk plots and characters in detail.

Maurice Tayveon was a man haunted by tragedy. He had lost his only son in a car accident a year ago and had never been the same since. To cope with his grief, he made the drastic decision to leave his home in England and start a new life in America. Maurice didn't have much left to hold on to after the loss of his son, so he sold his belongings and bought a one-way ticket to the United States. It had been four years since Maurice arrived in America, and he had made a life for himself in the bustling city. He worked as a cab driver, the perfect job for someone who wanted to stay on the move and not get too attached to people or places. But deep down, Maurice still carried the pain of his loss and could not bring himself to open up to anyone.

The year was 2052, and technology had advanced at an unimaginable pace. Robots were now an integral part of society, and flying cars had become a common means of transportation.

The city was a metropolis, filled with towering buildings and bright neon lights. Maurice was in awe of the new world he found himself in, but he couldn't help but feel out of place. This is a Science Fiction story about a cab driver who lost his son and now lives in America in the near future any adventure can happen here your character ca be anybody so where is his next fare going to take him? This is inspired by the movie. The Fifth Element.

Ken Curry is a skilled and experienced human pilot who has spent his entire life at sea. He is known for his bravery, loyalty, and impeccable navigation skills. Despite facing many challenges and dangers, Ken has always managed to guide his ship and crew safely to their destinations. However, after years of sailing the same routes, Ken grows restless and yearns for adventure. This is a fantasy story set in a fantasy version of Earth. Ken is the pilot of a ship yet to be named and craves adventure. There is no set plot or direction let's just see where the journey takes us.

Stay tuned for more original stories. 🙂


When it comes to love I think it should happen naturally between our characters. I don't mind smut but I don't want a lot of it happening in the story. I'll take twelve percent of smut and the rest of the percentage can be romance.

Let me know if you like any of these fandoms or if you want to do an original story.
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Updated this with two favorite movie fandoms. I'll add more after I decide if I want to roleplay them or leave them alone.


I mean I don't mind if they fight and become friends. But I don't know what your talking about. Who would fight and why?


It's fine but I may already have reached my limit for roleplays. I'm only looking for two and so far I have two.
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