RP Hunt Female looking for Male partners!

Hello! I'm not too sure how to format this very fancily, and I'm writing this on my phone, so it'll look very plain.

Anyway, I only roleplay in PM's, onsite. I'm not a very big fan of small talk, so I'd prefer if you just got to the point when messaging me.

In most cases, I like to include at least some level of eroticism in my roleplays, and in those cases, I'm strictly submissive. Here is my F-List!

I enjoy all kinds of settings, including fantasy, scifi, post-apocalyptic, etc.. I usually reserve plots with any kind of thought put into them for those settings. For more modern/real world settings, it'd usually just be generic smut, unless there's an interesting idea presented.

I had assumed and hoped this would be a longer, more detailed post, but I don't have much else to say. I suppose I can add to it at a later time with replies if I need to. But, please feel free to PM me! Thank you for reading!~
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