General RP Forbidden lust....(Tina and Deix)

Alice and Jake were brother and sister.
The high cost of college tuition, including books, study material and whatnot had skyrocketed over the past decade, forcing many students to face living situations they weren't too happy about....either be forced to share an already crowded, almost claustrophobic dorm room with someone they may or may not care for, rent an apartment with the rate already high, or return home.

Jake and Alice thankfully had parents that were all too happy to have their children back....they had always been a semi close family and it felt good to both of them to have their respective bedrooms back----and not be charged rent.
As siblings went, the two had always been close, despite the occasional dissagreements all brothers and sisters had. They never thought of themselves as being attracted to each other---that would smack of incest, an ultimate taboo. Still, they gave each other a friendly peck on the cheek during holidays and birthdays and thought nothing of it.

Until one day.
They would both remember it well.....Alice had just turned 26 and their parents were away for the weekend. Neither sibling had friends coming over to the house, leaving the two of them to celebrate Alice's birthday alone.
She ordered a cake and bought ice cream and ordered pizza. After an early dinner, they kicked back on the couch and watched some Netflix. After a while, Alice went upstairs to bed.
It was after 10pm when she was awakened by the sound of her bedroom door was Jake!

It was far from unusual for either of them to enter each other's room, but this time Alice was wearing only panties and a loose sleeping shirt.
"wh....what are you doing in here?," she asked, still half asleep.
"I came to give you an extra gift for your birthday. How about some late night cuddling with your brother?" He asked and got closer to the bed. It was dark inside, but the turned on the lamp that was near her bed. Now he was able to see that she was wearing some panties and a shirt. This made him smile as he thought that his sister looked very beautiful.

"Hopefully, you don't mind me coming here and cuddling you while you sleep." He whispered before getting on top of the bed and then laying next to her before wraping his arms tight around her. Jake didn't hesitate to pull her closer to him as he rubed her himself against her ass. His lips kissed her cheek lovingly as he was holding her tight. "Do you like this, Alice?" Her brother asked as his heart started beating faster.

He never was this close physically with her and he found out that it was a very nice feeling. It made him feel better being with her like in this position, in her bed. "You know, how much I love you right, Alice?
As much as their parents welcomed their children back home, the truth was that they weren't quite that close. Like many families, Alice and Jake were not only encouraged by their 18th birthdays but almost pushed out of the house, so when they returned home it wasn't unusual to find their parents gone on one of their numerous weekenders. The children didn't a matter of fact, it was almost satsfying to them that Mom and Dad began to act like they were when they were younger, and leaving them the house to themselves was a perk.

Neither sibling were prudes by a long shot....even so, Alice was suprised at how dominant her brother was behaving, almost as if he expected his sister to submit and go along with whatever he had in mind---and it was quickly becoming obvious what that was.

Still, she had to actually felt good to have someone snuggle close with her, although Alice had to remind herself that it was her own flesh and blood.
He pressed his warm body up tight against her ass, only the thin almost transparent panty between them. She felt a bulge from behind.....NO, it wasn't possible! was her brother getting turned on?

"Uh....Jake?," she stammered, her mind confused...."maybe it's better if you went back to your room....I love you too..."

But something wasn't quite right....the way he said those words....he said he loved her. Sure, like brothers love their sisters.....that's what he meant....right?
"I don't want to go back to my room. I want stay here with you.... I hope that you don't mind me being here like this." His voice brushed against the exposed part of her neck as he leaned over and started placing kisses there. His bulge got bigger as his body naturally reacted to the perfect shape of her butt and begun grinding against it.

His hand was now slowly moving up to her breasts to squeeze one of them as he moaned in her ear. It just felt too good to cuddle like this with his beautiful sister. His body needed more than just that. "But I love you more, Alice... A lot more! You're the best sister ever and to be honest I think.... I think that I am in love with you!"

His cheeks blushed as he said that and driven by his lust and love for her, he suddenly leaned over and after turning her head to face him, he kissed her lips passionately. His heart begun beating even faster than before as he deepened the kiss sliding his tongue into her mouth to try to make out with her. Jake couldn't help himself but do that since she was so pretty tonight, and sexy too... With her thin panties that were making turned on so much. He knew that this was wrong, but his feelings were much stronger.
Alice had to admit it...his tongue was so warm and wet and it felt great to feel his kisses on her neck. She found herself bending to one side, giving him better a cess to her neck.

Just when she started closing her eyes and wondering if it was too late to push him away, he said something that instantly snapped her back to reality.

"That's great, I always....WAIT A MINUTE...YOU...WHAT???"
Her shock and further comments were stifled as he drove his tongue deep into her mouth
Against her better judgement she found herself returning the kids.
Jake was making out with her with passion. His tongue was exploring insides of her mouth by dancing with hers. His free hand was fondling one of her breasts before moving down between her legs to rub her pussy through the thin fabric of her panties. His erection was now poking against her ass during his grinding against her from behind. When their lips got separated, he looked into her eyes and whispered: "Please don't push me away, I need you!"

His lips went back to kissing her neck softly. Kiss after kiss, he was trying to show her how much he felt attracted to her and how he couldn't help himself but grope and kiss her. His beloved sister was just too hot to be Ignore. Even by her own brother.
Alice had been told too many times to count that she was loved, almost all the time by men that had held no love in their hearts, just lust in their loins...just a ploy to see how quickly she could be coaxed out of her panties.
And now it was her own brother!
But something told her that he was sincere, no matter how perverted the outside world would view this relationship.
This WAS a relationship, wasn't it? if not, what was it?

Jake reminded her of a homeless puppy, starving for attention and matter how much of a taboo incest was, she found herself having intimate feelings for him as well.

"Jake," she whispered...."I don't know what it is I feel about it love? I don't know, I'm confused and probably cause your'e my brother. But I DO have feelings for you...."

Alice was quickly becoming seduced. She got up from the bed and stood beside it. Trembling, tears in her eyes, she began slowly stripping until she stood there naked.
"I....I don't know what should happen next," she sobbed...."but....please be gentle with me..."
When he saw his own sister naked, he smiled and blushed. His heart skipped a beat since he felt both aroused and a little ashamed of what he was doing. Jake however really did loved his sister and now he had her allowing him to please her.

He slowly got from the bed and also got naked for her, looking into her eyes. Then he got closer and gently wiped the tears in her eyes before lovingly kissing her cheek. "I promise I will be very gentle with you, Alice! Let me show you how much I love you!"

Her brother carefully made her lay down on her bed as he got on top of her and begun to kiss and lick her breasts. His lips and tongue were giving much attention to her nipples as his bare hard cock was now pressing directly against her bare pussy. The tip was leaking precum while rubing right against her clit. "Sis, I have romantic feelings for you.... I love more than any in this world..." He whispered before slowly pushing his whole thick fat cock deep into her pussy.
Alice made no move to resist, willingly taking his hand as he led her back onto the bed. She laid there, moaning like a whore as he kissed her naked breasts and began sucking on her nipples....she felt them get almost instantly hard and sensitive as he nursed on her. She took her tits in her hands and pushed them up to his mouth.

"Suck on these," she begged..."if you love me as you say you do, show me how much...."

Alice closed her eyes, lost in arousal. Suddenly she felt his rock hard cock pushing up against her slit.
"Pl....please don't hurt me," she whispered....she opened her legs wide to accept him inside.
"just be....OH MY GOD!," she suddenly cried was a strange mixture of pleasure and pain as she felt him burrow deep inside her. If she had her eyes open she would notice he wasn't wearing protection.
He immidietly started sucking on her breasts once she gave him permission to. His mouth took one of them to suck hard on it. His teeth was gently bitting on her nipple as his cock begun moving slowly back and forth. Her brother was trying to be gentle and not hurt her in any way.

Her whorish moans had a very powerful effect on his arousal. It started growing as he was going deeper inside of her, getting use to it to how tight she was. It felt absolutely amazing to be inside of his own sister and he had no intention of stoping since she wanted him too.

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