Harry Potter and the Platinum Sun w/Knight

Minerva McGonagall frowns as she is reading the latest Daily Prophet news, and it has soured her mood. Actually, it was nothing new, just something so senseless. A few days ago, a burnt body was found, another victim of these disgusting group of murderers. They call themselves the Ignis, since their modus operandi is burning their victims to death. "I cannot believe this, how are they keep finding them?" She looks to Kingsley Shacklebolt across from her desk. "Minister, I am getting more concerned. We have taken every step to protect the castle...but would it be enough?"

"Minerva, we are doing everything we can to capture these people to bring them to justice. You have also done well to hide Ms.Malfoy within the castle." Shacklebolt is calm, he has to be to keep the headmistress at ease.

"Yes, but I still feel unease. they are determine to find every former Death Eater in Britain. I refuse to let her die under my watch." McDonagall said firmly. "Which is why I have given some thought of your proposal, and I agree to the terms. I am not taking anymore chances." The Ministers nods, they have both agreed that they should spare at least one Auror for the school year to keep an eye on the school and one Draconia C. Malfoy.
Harry looked over his assignments across his desk, cases that poured in and he chased around day in and day out. Some he closed, but others he still wrestled to solve. His mind replayed the facts in the speaking letters again, trying to think of where he could trace the lead. He heard something clatter gently above him, his eyes opening green as emeralds, and his hand instinctively adjusted his glasses as he looked up to the Ministry appointed Owl he had. Something was already falling but his wand swished out, flicking to draw it into his hand. "Another already? " He said as he started to open the new assignment.
An owl appears at Harry’s desk, delivering a letter with the seal of the Minister of Magic. The letter is protected by magic that only the recipient of the letter is allowed to open it. Within the note is a summons to Hogwarts to meet with Headmistress McGonagall as soon as he can as this relates to the current state of affairs. The owl hoots as it flew away.

(sorry for the short post)
Harry pulled the letter over, the seal crackling away as he touched it and he skimmed it over. Recent events hadn't been lost on him, these horrific attacks in reformed wizards and witches. He sat back in his chair, touching his lips with his fist. It had been years since he had been to Hogwarts, since the war. Part of him was almost touched by nostalgia...the other side had to twinge of anxiety at the memories he carried. It swelled slightly bigger in his mind, but he shook those memories away before he could get caught up inside them. The wizard stood up, walking from his desk with a flick of his wand to lock his door and set the magical charms to active.

He still had trouble Apirating and he wasn't about to squelch a limb. Again. So he settled upon using Floo Powder and the Ministries Network to land safely. He pulled a clump of the powder on the way to the fireplace, a reserve for Aurors for getting back into the facility, or a rapid response. Surely this would count as a response.

He threw it into the flames, Harry's dark hair buffeted by warm air as the flames changed colors from red to glowing green. "Hogwarts!" He called as he rushed inside.

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