RP Mansion

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Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
The two women sat at the bar, scanning the club for a suitable victim. It was one of the most popular nightclubs in the city, catering to the younger generation and frequently underage as well, although the bouncers always picked the ones that would at least pass for legal age. The Iron Hook Society was holding it's monthly gala tonight and it always included a slave auction as the climax to the festivities. College girls, housewives, secretaries---all were fair game. Once kidnapped they would never be seen again.

The women spied a sexy girl a few tables away...nice curves, jet black hair, blue eyes....perfect. The two nodded at each other.
One of them asked the bartender who told them what drink the girl was having. They paid for her next round, drugging it before it was delivered to the unsuspecting victim.
Just as they planned, with minutes the girl face planted the table. The two women got up and went over.

"My friend and I work at a hospital," one said...."Let us help her up..."
One of the victim's friends started to rise but the women waved her down. "Don't worry...we'll get her to the bathroom...we'll be back in a couple minutes..."
Of course they weren't. A car was waiting out back....the girl was taken in, stripped naked, ballgagged and bound.

It was probably the noise from the other girls that woke up Forest.....she was in a line with 3 other girls, all naked, gagged, their wrists up above their heads, wrists secured to ceiling hooks....their legs were forced apart, spreader bars attached to their ankles. The girls looked at each other, fear in their eyes and justifiably so.

"Welcome to this evening's auction," the slender auctioneer said, impeccably dressed in a tuxedo. "As always, the Iron Hook Society promises only the finest girls for their auction.....tonight we have a splendid selection to choose from, all of them being freshly.....acquired. And as always, cash is the preferred form of payment but checks will be accepted. Now, without further to do, we offer tonight's beauties for sale...."

The stage was dark. Slowly the LED pin lights became brighter and the line up of moaning, struggling captives was on display.
Rows and rows of chairs were occupied by imaccuately dressed men and women, all hoping to find that one special girl to mold into the ideal sex slave.
32 year old Sylvia sat crosslegged loking over the line up....the brunette dominatrix was well known in the society. Sylvia Anderson, or 'Madame Sylvia' as she was known in the circle was what they called 'Old money'....her ancestors were wealthy bankers and continued after immigrating to America 2 centuries ago. Her family owned some of the most well known property in the city.
Sylvia, a well respected banker in her own right had a dark side that only the society was even vaguely aware of....she was a veteran lesbian dominatrix. What she wanted she always got and as she looked down the row of nude and struggling women, she knew what she wanted....the raven haired blue eyed beauty on the far end.
She waited patiently as the other girls, one at a time were being bid on, biding her time....she knew she could easily outbid anyone in the room. Tonight she would have a new sex slave.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
The day faded into night rather quickly the more the pair danced. Forest had just graduated college and was partying for rather obvious reasons. Her studies left her single, and well.. Very ready to mingle. Though, little did she know that tonight would be her last night a free woman. As Forest danced, she couldn't care less about who was watching. She wanted people to look at her and think wow.. that girl knows how to party.. Even though she had zero clue how to party. She never really got the chance too. Eventually, Forest was half wasted and soon another drink was delievered, one she hadn't even ordered yet. "Who's this from?" Forest asked curiously. Though, the waiter just simply ignored the question and scurried off. Raising an eyebrow, Forest just shrugged and looked down at the drink. Sex on the Beach, her favorite. After downing at least half of the drink, Forests' world began to spin. "What the..." She mumbled and sat down in her chair at her table. "I haven't drank that much... Have I?" She mumbled to herself before the world around her went black.

It wasn't long before her friends noticed and went to move towards her. Though, as the two odd looking women grabbed their friend, one spoke out. "Doctors? What kind of doctors are at a bar on a Wednesday?" The questions were ignored by the women as they quickly rushed Forest away. As soon as they were out of sight, the small group went back to their business, figuring their friend would be alright.. They were very wrong.

As Forest woke up, her eyes squinted. The young womans head pounded as every muscle in her body ached as well. What the fuck happened...? Where am I? Why am I.... It was then that it hit her. She was cold and naked, bound to things she'd thought she would never be bound to. Her eyes widened as she jerked around and attempted to scream through the ball gag in her mouth. Why was she here? Looking around, she soon seen the other girls. Forest's chest began to heave and she went to try to scream again but it was cut off by the sound of a mans voice through some loudspeakers. Listening for only a moment, Forest was taken aback when he said the word "Auction". What kind of sick, twisted people took others from their lives and sold them to be slaves? Forest soon began to shake around, trying to get loose. All her aching muscles tensed as she attempted to get free, but, it was of no use. After a few minutes, she heard the man begin to ramble as people in the crowd began to raise their bids on the line of new slaves. Herself being one of them. All of this made her stomach twist and turn within her abdomen. She had to be dreaming.. Right?​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
A topless girl was serving drinks to the bidding audience....Sylvia took a rum and coke and began sipping, not taking her eyes off the line up. Just as the auctioneer said, tonight's might be the best she's seen in a while...and she had seen plenty. The Iron Hook Society on the outside looked like the Masons, Elks or any of the fancy big money and well established social groups. Their meeting hall was made of the finest imported Italian marble and polished oak, ornate curving stairways that led to other meeting chambers and whatever inner sanctum they had. It seemed there was always a fancy ball, debutante dance or fund raising banquet.

But in the basement where few were allowed admittance was the dark side of the benevolent group. It had a slightly raised display platform and on it often, as tonight, were a row of nude gagged and bound women. The society was wise not to kidnap everyone from the same area for fear of local authorities becoming suspicious.....girls were taken from every corner of the city and outlying counties, some as far away as other states. Some girls were homeless and living on the street...these were taken easily because they would not be missed. They were fed medicated and once declared clean, would be sold as well. Some captives were sold to Arabs, Germany, Japan and other countries where American females were of high demand.

Sylvia already knew which girl she wanted but she was last in the line up.
"First up for sale," the auctioneer said, "Is am adorable petite asian....in her early 20's, she sports a rich black pubic mound.....she's got spirit and would make someone an ideal pet.....bidding will start at $10,000...."
A man raised his hand, wanting a closeup of her pussy. A masked man on the stage wearing only a black pair of speedos nooded.....even though all the slaves had spreader bars to their ankles, the man knelt down and forced the girl's labia apart to reveal the pinkness inside. The girl screamed through her gag, tears forming as she was lewedly displayed.
She was bought...her arms were taken down, spreaderbar removed and her ankles tied together. She was lifted over his shoulders like a bag of rice and carried off to the next room, never to be seen.

One by one the girls were sold.....a redhead, a black beauty, a gothic looking girl with pink hair. Finally the raven haired girl was up.
Even before the auctioneer could describe her, Sylvia raised her paddle.
"$!00,000," she called out....the audience groaned. Shit...Sylvia was bidding...no one else would get the chance at this girl....
The auctioneer called out....."Sold to Madame Sylvia for $100,000....Madam, your purchase will be in the next room.
Forest was carried away and taken in another room. Rows of cages faced her, every one had a gagged nude and bound girl inside. The man stuffed Forest, feet first in the empty cage and padlocked the door. The cage was large enough but she was forced on her knees and bent forward, hands and ankles bound and gagged.

A blonde in the cage next to her looked over to her as if Forest could somehow help....some were moaning, others quiet and resigned to their fate. Tags were attached to the cages with their destinations. Every so often, a van would pull in, a cage placed inside and the van would drive away.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest hung there, watching and listening as other women were bought and taken away. Their cries were not being listened to, and everything and everyone around them seemed to not care that this was wrong. How could someone be so cold hearted and disgusting? As the man stood in front of her, she looked at him with pleading eyes. But, he just grinned at her. Forest's eyes soon dropped to the floor as the world went silent around her. This was real.. What would happen to her? Why was it happening to her? It was then she heard the number. 100,000. Looking up at the crowd, she seen some men with rather mad looking faces as they glanced back at an older looking woman. Forest couldn't really see her face as the lighting was almost blinding, but she knew it was a woman by her other features. Forest then looked back at the aunctioneer, her eyes pleading as she swung around on the chains that bound her to the ceiling. But, as the two men came up to take her down, she tried to silently plead with them. They didn't listen.. How could they be doing this? Be alright with this?

As they unbound her from the spreader bar, Forest yanked her leg free of one of the mens grasp, kicking him in the face before being grabbed by the other tightly around the stomach. After the other found his compsure, he rubbed his chin a bit and his cheek, glaring up at Forest before taking a rough hand across her face. "You're lucky you're going to who you are.. Or else I might've killed you.." The mans gruff voice rang into her ears as she hung there in tears. After a moment, the men tied her feet together then unbound her from the ceiling.

Being taken into the back room, Forest looked around as she was placed into the cage, her body shaking from how cold she was. She was unsure how she could get herself out of this, or even if she could. Managing to get herself onto her knees, she looked around at the other cages, her eyes meeting a blode womans beside her. Their eyes pleaded with one another for a moment before Forest looked around. Her heart pounded within her chest as she looked for a possible way out, though she couldn't find one possible way she could get out. Forest sat there for what felt like hours, though it was only mere minutes. She watched as the girls were taken out by some men or woman that seemed to be working for the rich bitches and bastards that bought them. Eventually, she saw a man come up to her cage and unlock it. Forest flung herself into the very back of the cage, her eyes filled with pain, anger and fear all in one. A dangerous combination.. Though, she couldn't really do much.

"Come on, you bitch... Mistress is waiting for you and she does not like to wait.."

Hearing those words flow from the mans mouth, Forest stayed put. She wanted nothing to do with him or whoever this Mistress was.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
With her hands bound behind her and her ankles tied together, the girl could do nothing to escape the man's grasp as he reached in and dragged the girl from the cage. She was forced to stand as a rope was tied around her neck.
"Your'e one of the lucky ones," he growled....."Your'e being picked up tonight....most of the others will be staying here until morning....now, let;s get moving..."
With her hands and feet bound, Forest could do nothing more than an obscene, almost comical bunny hop to keep herself from being dragged, her tits bouncing as she tried to keep pace behind him. The other captives in their cages watched as she went past, some moaning in a kind of sympathy, most silent knowing it would soon be their turn.

A limo pulled up in the cargo bay. If the girl thought she would be taken away in luxury she was mistaken....the trunk was open and she was stuffed inside.

She had no idea how long they drove in the darkness but eventually she felt the car pull off the main highway and onto a long winding road bulldozed through the woods. The girl was taken from the trunk and led to the back door of the mansion. The rope around her neck was tied to a railing and she was left there in the cold darkness...nude bound and gagged.

Sylvia of course knew when they arrived but decided to keep the girl out there in the freezing cold for a few minutes so she would better appreciate being indoors. Finally she went to the door, untied the rope from the railing and led her inside.
"Welcome to your new home slave," she said as she forced the girl to continue bunny hopping behind her. She was taken to a fancy living room where a fireplace was flickering. In one corner stood a cage suspended from the ceiling on a thick chain. The girl was forced into the oversized birdcage....the gag was removed but she remained bound. The cage was padlocked shut and Sylvia stood back to admire her purchase.

"Now then," she said...."I am Mistress Sylvia. You will address me only as Mistress Sylvia or simply Mistress, anything else will result in painful punishment. You have been bought by me and you are now my property,,,,feel free to scream for help if you wish but no one lives closeby and the mansion is soundproofed. Call me any kind of nasty names and I will yank you out of that cage, hang you by those beautiful boobs of your and whip you until you pass out from the pain....understand?"

She walked slowly around the cage, admiring the girl's beauty.
"You will be broken and become my personal sex slave....it doesn't matter if you consider yourself straight, Bisexual or a lesbian like myself....you will learn to please me sexually and you will be fucked often, however I wish and whenever and how often I desire......you will soon meet my other slaves and I warn you not to try and convince them to assist in an escape...they have all been broken and serve me unconditionally, just like you will...."

She paused to see if the captive would be stupid enough to try and call her derrogatory names for which of course she would not hesitate to pull her from the cage and punish her.
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Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Scowling at the man as she was stood upright, Forest would hop along behind her, her head beginning to spin. As she was stuffed into the truck, she watched the top shut after she was rather uncomfortably placed inside. Forest wanted to die at this point. Her body ached from head to toe, she was freezing. The girl knew she'd probably be sick by the end of all this. Eventually, she felt the road go from a smooth to bumpy, so bumpy that by the time the girl was taken from the trunk, she felt rather sick.

As she sat there in the cold, Forest looked around, it was obvious that they weren't anywhere near where she once called home. She was far away from that now. Very far. It was then she heard the door swing open, Forest looked back to see a tall woman, her face having a smug smile on it. As she was untied and practically drug into the mansion, Forest attempted to look around, looking for any possible ways out of here. Though, she didn't really get a chance to do that as she was shoved into a human-sized bird cage. As she was ungagged, the young woman coughed a bit as she pushed herself up against the wall of the cage farthest from the woman. "How can you be so disgusting and vulgar?" She asked, her voice hoarse from the silent crying. "I don't care who you think you are." She stated once more, not bothering to call the woman any vile names, as she didn't care too at the moment. As the woman began to circle her, she watched her every move, clenching every muscle in her body to ensure nothing on her was being penetrated. She listened to the woman speak, her anger growing with every word. "You're sick.." She mumbled, giving a disgusted look toward the woman.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
"Yo been warned," Sylvia said, shaking her head. "I wanted to make your first night here relatively pain free but since you insist...."

She dragged the girl from the cage and, keeping the leash and her bindings intact, forced her to bunny hop down a hallway and into a room...it looked like a dungeon straight out of medieval times. She pulled down ropes from the ceiling and tied them tight with slip knots around the base of the girl's tits then slowly hoisted her up until she hung by her tits, inches off the ground.

'You really want to make yourself miserable?," she asked as she took a black leather whip from the wall. She cracked it in the air then proceeded to whip her slave....starting on her ass, she struck over and over.
"YOU WILL LEARN TO OBEY!," she yelled, followed by the crack of the whip on her ass.

Over and over she struck, after each command came the crack of the whip. On and on the torture continued, all over her ass, belly then finally her tits, already darkened and swelling from the ropes.


She knew the girl's boobs were already painful but she decided to increase the agony. Wheeling over a metal box with controls and wires, she took electrode patches and placed them on the girl's swollen nipples. One more patch was placed on either side of her pussy lips. Turning on the machine, it hummed then sent low voltage current through the patches. Slowly she increased the voltage.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest's eyes widened as the woman drug her from the cage. She squirmed as much as she could in order to not get tied, but it was of no use. After getting hoisted up, Forest winced, keeping quiet and not wanting the woman to hear her being in pain, knowing that is what she wanted to hear. Hearing the womans question, Forest just glared down at her. The young woman was used to the pains of being hit, so, the whipping stings felt as if she was getting hit with belt, just with the bleeding afterward. The more the woman whipped, the more tears ran down the young womans face, though no sounds came from her. As she continued to hang there, now bleeding from the newly made whip marks and with dried tears on her cheeks, she didn't cry out at all. Though, on the inside she was screaming for help. Forest then looked down at the woman as she stopped and then grabbed some electrodes and other things, attaching them to her skin. "How... Why-" She was cut off by the electric coursing through her body, her jaw clenched as all of the muscles in her body tensed up. The more Sylvia turned it up, the more she tensed. Eventually, her eyes rolled to the back her head and her body dropped dead weight, her head drooping. She had passed out.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Crystal looked up at the new slave hanging by her tits, shaking her head in sadness. The young blonde, like Forest, had been kidnapped years ago and bought by Sylvia at auction. She had been broken fairly easily, already a natural submissive and deathly afraid of pain....it took only a day and a half to convince her to submit.
Now she gazed up at the raven haired beauty, her head down and looking as if the life had been stolen from her.

"Keep an eye on this one," Sylvia told her....."the controls are on automatic. When she wakes up the sensors will detect it and shock her again until she passes out once more....I'm going to get dressed..."
Mistress left the room. Crystal took some cool washcloths and began wiping the new slave's face.
"I don't know if you can hear me," she whispered...."But it's only gonna get worse and much more painful....Mistress was in the military and trained to get secrets from the enemy.....please...please I beg you....submit to Mistress....life as her slave won't be as bad as you think and it's better than being tortured to within an inch of your life...."

Crystal kissed her, hoping that somewhere inside her mind the new slave would hear.

Sylvia returned later with 2 powerful vibrators. Leaving the electrodes in place, she stuffed one in the girl's pussy, the other in her ass and turned them both on full power.
"These should wake her up," she said....
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest hung there, her eyes shut as her head hung low, her raven black hair falling into her face. The young woman couldn't hear the other slaves words, nor feel the tingle of her kiss. Forest's body seemed completely lifeless, her lungs straining to breathe from how she was hanging. It was obvious that she had endured this kind of pain before, her body being plastered in old scars from various things. Including self-inflicted things. Forest had always had trouble with mental health, and still struggled with it to this day. It was rather pitiful to some, but to her it was surviving. She was used to pain and suffering, and she obviously wasn't afraid to endure more. Forest was soon awakened by the vibrators stuffed into her in both ends. As she awakened, the electrodes sent courses of electricity through her body. The young womans entire body tensing once more as she withheld screaming. Her cheeks were beat red and her tits were now black and blue all the way around, their circulation was beginning to decrease.

Finally, the young woman screamed, "You really think this is going to phase me?" she managed to get out in one breath, sweat now dripping down her face.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Sylvia slowly let the girl down, making sure to keep her hands bound behind her. Once she was on the floor and the ropes removed from her tits, Sylvia put a pair of vibrating clamps on her nipples. As her stubborn captive laid there, The vibrator in her pussy was pushed all the way inside her. She then brought out the heavy artillery, her infamous Hitachi Magic Wand.

"I love this beauty," she said as she slipped it in a leather pucket and pushed the half dome shaped head up tight against the girl's pussy.
"The great thing about this is that it's a plug in, so no batteries to wind down....it has 5 settings and guaranteed to force the most stubborn woman to cum...."
The Hitachi was set on the most powerful setting....the girl's ankles were tied tight together with the other vibe still imbedded up her ass. Her legs were bent forward towards her back, a short rope from her wrists to her ankles---a perfect hogtie.

"I found by experience," she said,,,"often pleasure can be a better tool than constant pain, but you will experience plenty of both until you submit....the first few forced orgasms will be pleasure enough but after a while, draining your body will be just as painful as the whip....."

The dominatrix gazed at the hogtied beauty.
"THere is of course," she said, "a way out....all you need to do is submit.....I know you won't but the choice has been given...."
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
As she was let down, the young woman felt a little bit of relief, though, she was dizzy. All of her body working to recirculate the blood lost back to her tits. Forest glared up at the woman as she was laid on her stomach and hogtied, the vibrators stuffed farther into her. She wasn't budging, it was obvious. "It's funny how you think any of this is going to phase me.. It'll only further make me hate you.. and, I'll let you kill me if that's what it ends up leading too.." She stated before feeling her shove yet another thing into her. "Mh-" She grunted before just laying her head on the cold floor to try and cool herself off. "All that money... Right down the drain.." Forest stated, knowing she'd probably get hit or hung back up. But, the girl meant what she said. Forest was not afraid to let this woman kill her if that's what it came too.

Forest then smirked at the womans last words, laying her cheek toward the ground, "So I submit just for you to do more to me than this? I don't think so." She mentioned. "You're mind games and abuse is nothing compared to what i've been through." Forest stated.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
The Hitachi never failed to help break new slaves and Sylvia had no doubt it would work this time too, but the girl's stubborn refusal only irritated her. Fine...if this is the way she wanted it.....
As the girl laid there, the wand and the butt plug buzzing away, she came back with a VR headset, placing it over the girl head and cinching the straps so it would be impossible for her to try and shake it off. She turned it on.....

Whirling kaleidoscopes of rainbow colors spun before the girl's eyes. Subliminal messages flashed across the screen.....
'you will submit to Mistress.....'
'Only Mistress knows what's best for you...'
'You want to be her loyal sex slave....'
'You will do whatever Mistress asks without question....'
Videos and still pictures appeared.....girls were being fucked in every position possible by none other than Sylvia herself but what made it more confusing was that all the girls being fucked looked exactly like Forest....it WAS her.....

As the videos went on, the Hitachi increased it's pleasure waves so that Forest would physically feel the pleasure of sex. The subliminal message continued to flash before her eyes, telling her how right it was to submit, how she needed her owner's touch, how she needed to be a loyal and faithful slave.
The brainwashing went on and on for 6 hours, Sylvia holding back food and water to further weaken her captive.

She added 2 more hours until she finally removed the headset.
"Is there anything you want to say to me?," she asked.....
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
The world went silent around her, Forest only hearing the faint footsteps of the older woman walking around as the vibes worked their "magic" inside her. She found what the woman was trying to do completely hysterical. Though, as the headset was put on her, and the video began to play, Forest was confused. But, as the words came onto the screen, Forest laughed. "This is fu-" She then seen the pictures and closed her eyes. "Kind of funny you are smart enough to photoshop so perfectly... Yet, you're stupid enough to commit more than 4 felonies." She stated with another laugh. Though, there was no answer from anyone, she knew the bitch was listening. Forest wasn't exactly thrilled about the machine being attached to her head, but, the padding on the straps made it easy for her to rest her head on. The next 6 hours went by slowly, but, Forest at least got herself a nap in before everything else. When she woke up, she opened her eyes before quickly closing them again after realizing the VR goggles were still on her head. It was only a few minutes later that the older woman took the headset off.

After a moment of getting her eyes to adjust to the light, Forest looked up at the woman. "Nope." She stated simple before pausing and thinking. "Actually... Yea." Forest then looked back at herself the best she could. "Mind untying me? I'm not as flexible if I'm cooped up in one position for too long. You wouldn't want that... Would you?" She mentioned with a small grin. Forest then tried to stretch in a way to make herself comfortable, but it was of no use. Though, she knew she most likely wouldn't be untied.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Sylvia snorted in disgust. As she left the room, Crystal knelt down beside her.
"You had to do it," she said...."didn't you?....you just HAD to be a smart ass.....when are you gonna wake up? there's no escape from here....yeah, you were bought and sold in a slave auction--so was I---but I wised up and trust me, life as a submissive slave is a lot less painful and more rewarding than being stubborn shit.....God, why can't you just surrender?"

Sylvia return naked except for a strap on harness around her waist, a menacing looking 10 inch black dildo swaying from the crotch. She motioned for Crystal to remove the Hitachi and help her place the troublesome slave on her back. With not a drop of lube, Sylvia plunged the dildo deep in the girl's pussy, bottoming out with one thrust.
In and out she fucked her like a lion claiming his prey, without a thought for the girl. The rape went on for an hour. Finally, she pulled out, attached a metal chain arounbd the girl's neck and padlocked the other end to the wall, leaving her hogtied as well.

Not saying a word, Sylvia got up and left.
Crystal came back into the room.
"You know," she said...."I wanted to have sex with you---I still do, but your'e gonna fuck things up for good....she can keep you tied permanently....is that what you want?"
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest listened to the womans voice, hearing her say it was quite stupid to be a smart ass. Though, the slave really didn't know Forest, and she wasn't one to just give up and give into someones utterly disgusting demands. As the thing was removed from her head, she only had a moment or two to let her eyes adjust before major pain came to her. Forest let out a blood curdling scream as the woman plunged into her. Cursing and spitting at Sylvia with everything she had within her. Forest wasn't about to give this woman what she wanted. No pleasure for anything she was doing to her. The young woman wanted nothing to do with her, and never would. "Fuck you!" She yelled as the woman stopped and tied her to the wall. Forest's legs shook as she sat there, curling herself up against the wall behind her.

As the other slave came back into the room and began to talk to her, Forest glared up at her. "She can kill me with these things before I submit to her.... I'm not gay.. Nor will I ever be, I will never like what she does to me." Forest stated before looking away from the other slave and down at the floor.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
"Oh, it's not you that would be killed...," Sylvia said as she returned. Leaving her new slave hogtied, she brought out a low table. Motioning for Crystal to climb onto it, she laid the young blonde slave on her back and tied her legs and arms wide apart, spreadeagled. A ballgag was stuffed in her mouth.
Thin cords were tied tightly to her nipples in slipknots so they would tighten if she struggled. Japanese clover clamps were attached to her pussy lips and wires secured to them so there was no possibility they could slip off. Thin cords were attached to the clamps....

Making sure Forest would be forced to watch, Sylvia continued to say nothing as she ran the cords up to a motorized winch on the ceiling. She turned the winch on and slowly, inches at a time, the blonde's tits were stretched upwards, her nipples quickly at least 3 inches long....her pussy lips were forced upwards as well.
Crystal screamed through the gag, trying to arch her back as much as possible to put some slack in the cords....

"Poos thing," Sylvia shook her head...."She really did want to have sex with you....well, the longer it takes for you to finally submit the more agony that girl will face...."
Another inch the girls nipples were pulled....another inch her lips were stretched painfully.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest would look at Sylvia as she walked back into the room, watching as the girl willingly allowed the woman to hook up all those cords to her. She never could understand how someone could devote their lives to another person in such a way. In her mind, it should be a mutual understanding between two lovers. Forest honestly couldn't care less about another person beliefs and what they liked, but, she just couldn't wrap her head around all of this. As the machine began to work, Forest watched for only a moment up until Crystal began to scream. Wincing at the aweful sounding noises, Forest also heard the mixture of words from Sylvia. "The longer you keep me tied up, the more agony you'll put others through and the more you'll have to face that I won't like anything you do with me, and you'll also have to deal with me not submitting to you and not getting what you so badly want.. I don't care who wants me or not.." Forest stated this with complete and utter seriousness, keeping complete eye contact with the domantrix. "Go fuck yourself... If you want to kill another human being just because you can't get what you want, you're more pathetic than what I thought you were." She mentioned.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Sylvia paused, letting Crystal struggle as she grabbed her and put her on another table. cinching a belt around her waist she secured Forest on her back to the table, still hogtied.
She took more thin cords, tied them around the girl's nipples and clamped her pussy lips. Attaching the cords overhead, soon Forest was being stretched just like the slave laying beside her. Every inch Crystal was being stretched Forest was as well.

"I'm gonna see just how close I can come to snuffing you," she growled....
Crystal looked over at the girl, moaning through the gag to convince her to cooperate, wincing as her nipples were now grotesquely stretched.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
As Forest was moved, the domantrix could visibly see the scars from her past. It was obvious the girl had went through a lot. But, as she was attached to the machine, Forest's eyes widened and she began to squirm. "Okay!" She yelled, not wanting to have her parts stretched to hell. "Let me off of this thing, you crazy cunt and I'll submit!" She screamed, trying to make it to where it was a little less painful for herself, but it sadly was of no use.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Sylvia smiled. This particular method of torture was always effective....the nipples could be stretched for a while but the labia? that was another thing entirely.
She stopped the winch but left the girl hooked up. As she explained her duties Crystal was laying there panting and sobbing.

"You'll submit?," Sylvia replied, raising one eyebrow.
"Excellent. Now to re hash your duties....you will address me ONLY as Mistress or Mistress Sylvia....swear words will not be tolerated. Call me 'cunt' or any other distasteful name and I'll have you back on the stretching table, pulling on your body parts until I rip them from your body, understand? you will stay naked in this house, the only thing I'll permit you to wear is a pair of high heels---a woman always looks her sexiest in heels---I have a full staff of domestic slaves that will be more than happy to show you your duties. First though...I'll have your body properly cared for before I use you...."

She released Crystal. The blonde slave moaned from her torture while she assisted releasing Forest. A set of ankle cuffs were locked to the girl's legs and her hands tied behind her back. A rope was tied around her neck and Sylvia led her new slave down a hall to a huge ornate bathroom. While Sylvia held the leash, Crystal filled the tub with lavender scented bubblebath with just a trace of an aphrodesiac chemical. Forest was helped into the tub and Crystal climbed in.

"I want her properly cleaned and prepared for me," Sylvia said then left the two alone. Crystal took a soft sponge and began bathing the new slave.
Local Time:
3:29 AM
Nov 14, 2023
Forest looked at Sylvia as she talked, not speaking now. She wouldn't call her mistress, at least try to avoid it as much as possible. Though, she knew now this woman had the means to truly cause pain. If it wasn't to her private parts, Forest wouldn't really care. As they helped her up, the young woman stood completely still but silent. As she was led into the bathroom she smelt the smell of lavander. Forest knew she was allergic to it, but, she wasn't too sure how scented bubbles would have her react. Stepping into the bathtub and sitting down, she waited until Sylvia left to speak. "I.. I think the buddles are giving me a reaction.." She mumbled, looking at the restraints as she squirmed a bit. "Will you please untie me so I can itch? I don't think I can bath in this.." Forest spoke before getting up and out of the tub, her lower half now being red. "I didn't know scented things could cause allergens to spike.." She sighed.​
Local Time:
3:29 PM
Apr 11, 2023
Crystal gave her a suprised look.
"Oh my God," she said...I'm so sorry, it was my fault...C'mon, let's get you rinsed off and then bathed..."
She helped her out of the tub but locked a leash to the handcuffs now used to keep her hands behind her back. The leash was locked to a guard rail on the side.
"Sorry I have to do this," Crystal said, 'But Mistress still doesn't entirely trust you yet...."

The domestic brought out a cream, and once applied the redness vanished.
"Now," she said, "Let's get you back in the tub...."
Regular bubble bath was poured in then Crystal climbed back in the tub with her...there was enough slack on the leash to allow Forest to again sit. Crustal gently sponged the girl down.
"I'm glad you finally saw the light," she said, "and submitted to Mistress....you know, your'e really gonna have a wonderful life as her personal sex slave...."

Any further protests were ignored....the girl's body now clean, her hair washed....Crustal helped her out of the tub and dried her off, gently focusing on her tits.
"You have amazing looking breasts," she said, holding back the desire to kiss and suck them.....she was now the property of mistress.

Keeping the ankle cuffs and handcuffs on, she led the girl to a vanity table.
"Mistress only uses hypoallergenic cosmetics," she said as she did the girl's lips, eye shadow and then stepped back.
"Your'e very beautiful," she said..."No need for foundation of make up...allright, time for the finishing touches...."

She led the girl to a huge walk in closet. Waiting for her was a complete wedding night lingerie set. This wouldn't be easy...she would have to unlock one extremity at a time to keep the girl from trying to escape...Crystal didn't trust the girl any more than Sylvia. She locked the closet door and concealed the key.
"There's closed circuit TV cameras in here," she said, so please cooperate....I been given orders to punish you if you don't...."
On a cushion was a white lace plunge bra, matching bikini panties, a white lace garterbelt and a pair of white thigh high stockings.

"Mistress says to put these on," Crystal said, "and not let you out till you do....tonight you'll be giving yourself to Mistress....I beg you...please cooperate...."
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