Anime RP I Adopted a Snow Leopard Hybrid....damn.... (RhysTheFirebird)

Luka sighs and shoots Jacob an unimpressed look while gently scratching behind Snow's ears. "That's not funny and you know that. I'm a switch. You always just make me bottom because you refuse to be anything else."

Jacob laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "That because I'm the best, and the best is always on top." He glances down at Snow, a cruel smirk forming on his lips before he reaches a hand out to try petting Snow without permission.
"You shouldn't have tried to touch him! Didn't you see how I waited until he came to me?" Luka scolds, standing from the couch.

"He needs to learn that I'm his master now too! Im with you, so he needs to respect me!" Jacob retorts.

You're unbelievable." Luka tosses a towel at Jacob before leaving to find Snow.
Luka follows closely behind before finding Jacob in the kitchen cleaning his wounded hand. "Jacob, you need to respect that Snow doesn't like being touched. Regardless of the fact that you and I are back together. This is his home, not yours."

Jacob scoffs and shakes his head, "Yeah, sure, whatever. But you need to make it up to me for what that furball did to me."

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