Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Nov 18, 2022

Name: Tora
Age: 20
Species: White Tiger
Appearance: Height of 5’2 ft, her hair fall down to her tush but is kept in a high ponytail or braids. Her fur is bright white with black stripes in various patterns along her body, her tail is long and thin like a whip, pale blue eyes.

On the outskirts of the city a white object laid limp just outside a bush, if the branches were pulled back a small form could be found. A young female barely breathing was passed out. She had scrapes on her side and arms, bruises on her neck and wrists. Torn clothes were hanging on her body by mere threads, a collar still latched to her throat that had to be cut off to remove. Tora has escaped what she called hell two weeks ago but she never has been on her own. She knew how to find scrapes of food, safe drinking water and be aware of her surroundings but not for so long. Afraid they would find her, she never stopped running until she literally dropped.
Name: Aaron
Age: 23
Appearance: 6'0", toned build, semi shaggy hair, hazel eyes, works as a personal trainer and teaches mixed martial arts.


The cool night air blew through Aaron's dark brown hair as he walked along the street, heading home after a long day of teaching others how to defend themselves. He was so used to walking along the same path that it was nothing short of a miracle that he happened to look down and notice something small and white sticking out of the bushes. His eyes widen as he crouches down, pulling the branches out of his way to see an injured girl. "Hey, hey, you okay?" After gently trying to nudges the girl awake, Aaron carefully scoops her up into his arms. She was covered in injuries, makingbjs heart clench. He didn't care what she was, all he cared about was making sure she was okay. "Come on, let's get you somewhere safe and warm." Craddling her close to his chest, Aaron continues to walk back home.
Not a single motion occurred when the crunch of the branches being moved to reveal her poor hiding spot. Her breath was shallow as it hurt to fully expand her lungs for deep breathes. A groan sounded when her body was lifted into the arms of a kind stranger. Tora didnt know where she was or who had just found her, luck was certainly on her side. Her hair that usually she took great care of at matts and burrs stuck in it, her coat covered in patches of her dirt, her tail dragged behind the man as he walked into the city. The new sounds did stir her just a bit to show she was most definitely alive. It may be days before she wakes up.
The poor girl in his arms felt like she weighed close to nothing. Aaron could only imagine how long it had been since she'd had a proper meal. Carrying up the stairs to his apartment, Aaron ignored every angry glare he was given for showing any form of care to a furry. It never bothered him, seeing all life as being beautiful and worth caring for. Supporting her weight in one arm, Aaron opened his door before kicking it shut behind him. "Lets try to clean you up, huh?" His touch was gentle as he carried the small girl into the bathroom. He might not have known exactly what breed she was, but he knew a feline when he saw one.

Careful movements were made to remove the debris from her fur, using a soft bristle brush to start demanding her hair. "Poor girl, you must have been suffering for so long." Grabbing a pair of strong scissors, Aaron cut off the collar from her neck. Looking at it closely, he gritted his teeth and tossed it in the trash. "What kind of people could do this to another living creature." Cleaning up the poor girl took longer than he had expected, but Aaron was more than happy to see her looking a little cleaner as he laid her gently in his bed. He tucked her in and gently brushed the hair from her face before walking out to sleep on his couch.
Tora remained unconscious until she felt the light of morning upon her face peering through the blinds of his window. Panic struck in moments of her eyes opening, she jolted into a sitting position, her body tense and shaking as she took in the room. She was inside, it was quiet and in a clean bed. It wasn’t long until her body gave out, face planting in the sheets. Her hair fell all over her as she forced her body back up, grumbling with annoyance as she pushed it back. Well currently she was safe so she examined her wounds, running her tongue over her fur and cuts. Tora flinched with a hiss when they stung which followed by a growling stomach. She needed to find food after she figured out where the heck she was.
Being unaware of what was happening with his new guest, Aaron hums softly while cooking up some sausage, biscuits, and eggs in his kitchen. The smell of fresh squeezed orange juice filled the air along with breakfast. He was a weird kind of person, being able to sleep on almost any surface and still wake up with just as much energy as if he were in his bed. He could only hope that the food he made would be okay for the girl to eat. Setting the plates on his kitchen table, Aaron draped the kitchen towel over his shoulder and walked towards his bedroom. "Hey, are you awake in there? I made some breakfast if you're hungry." He lightly knocked on the door, not wanting to accidently walk in her.
Lifting up her head, she inhales through her nose slowly to take in the fresh smell of food. Excitement bubbled inside her, imagining the scrapes of that meal made her stomach pang with need. Hunching over she groans hoping it could wait a tad long when a knock followed by a male voice was at the door. Tora froze, her heart beating practically out of her chest as she bolted to hide on the other side of the bed. She peered over the edge, staring at the door with her ears flat and tail flicking behind her. Of course her body screamed for her to rest at it needed to heal. “Who…who is there?” She calls out.
Aaron had heard some fuming around in the bedroom and instantly felt like an ass. He thought she had been in the middle of readying herself and hoped he didn't ruin her routine. "I'm sorry, I hope I didn't scare you. My name is Aaron. I found you curled up in a bush last night and just wanted to help." He scratched the back of his head, realizing how creepy it would be to wake up in someone else's home without any knowledge of how it happened or who the person was. "Would it be okay if I open the door? I promise I won't walk inside unless you say it's okay."
Sniffing at the air she could sense he had no ill intentions and his story added up, hell she barely remembers escaping at this point. She remained safe with the bed being her barrier just incase. He sounded kind and probably will share his food with her if he allowed her to sleep in his bed. The room was filled with his scent, musky in some areas while others clean. “You…can open the door” she spoke up after a few long moments of silence. All he was see were her eyes and perked ears over the edge of the bed when he entered. At this point she was being cautious yet curious.
Aaron slowly opened the door, letting it swing open mostly on its own while keeping his hands up so she could see her didn't want to do anything. Seeing her eyes gleam from the other side of his bed with her ears poking up caused him to smile warmly. "Good morning. I hope you are feeling at least a little better. I can only imagine how tired you were to pass out the way you did." Holding to his word, Aaron remained outside of the room while rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. "I..uh... tired to clean you up last night. I didn't want to do anything that would make me touch you in certain ways, so I'm sorry if it's only your hair and tail that I fixed up." He looked into her eyes once more, seeing their beautiful sky blue color reflect the light perfectly. "I made some sausage, eggs, and biscuits if you're hungry. You can eat as much as you like."
Watching the door swing open she kept her eyes on the male figure in the doorway. Which he took her by surprise, he was good looking to say the least. As he spoke she stood up no longer finding him threat while he fumbled his words. By the time he invited her for breakfast she was a few feet from him, her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes looking him over for weapons while her tail idled along the floor. Tora eventually nodded about breakfast finding that far more urgent than her appearance currently.
A wide smile spread across Aaron's face as he watched he draw closer. She was beautiful. Her fur, despite still being a little dirty, looked like it was as soft of rabbits fur. She was short and beautiful, something he never would have expected. He slowly backed away as she stepped closer, refusing to let himself make her feel uncomfortable. "After you eat, you're more than welcome to..uh...take a shower or even go back to sleep if you'd like. I would offer to help you clean your wounds, but I...I don't want to over step." He huffed a nervous laugh before leading the way out to his dining table. He pulled the chair out for her and took a step back before walking over to his own seat. "Please, dig in and eat as much as you like."
Tora flicked her tail in confusion when he created more space between them, he was a strange man. She glances down at herself to notice she certainly was quite dirty which immediately annoyed her. Being a feline she always desired to be clean but seeing some these wounds she wasn’t sure how to mend them. When he offered to help she seemed hesitant and didn’t comment as she followed him. Noting the doors and windows around, she was already getting the layout of his apartment.

She paused at the head of the table watching him pull out a chair before sitting in his own on the other side. Slowly she made her way to the chair, looking unnatural as she sat down. It was weird as this was no common for her but the sight of food made her only focus on that. Tora devoured almost three plates worth of food and two glasses of juice, bits of food stuck to her cheeks and lips but she was so happy.
Aaron watched with a smile on his face as she ate. For someone so small, she sure knew how to put away a feast. He even chuckled a little as he noticed the food sticking to her cheeks. He was right when he figured she hadn't had a proper meal in ages. "I hope you enjoyed it. You're more than welcome to anything in my kitchen." It took Aaron a little bit longer to finish his plate, keeping his movements slow as to not startle his feline guest. "Would you like me to run you a bath or pull out the medical supplies so you can dress your wounds? You wouldn't want them getting infected."

He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She was just too beautiful despite her unkempt state. All night long his mind had been riddled with thoughts of how well she fit in his arms when he carried back to his place. "I took the day off of work so I can help you with anything you need."
Rubbing the side her hand across her lip took most of the food off as she leans back with a content sigh. For the first time in her life she was full and some version of safe yet she still felt vulnerable. She noticed how careful he was with his presence, he was a mystery to her. The mention of her wounds made her look displeased as she had no clue how to treat herself. “Infected.” Repeating the word he spoke as she looks at her wounds, memories of how they occurred flashing through her head. Her hands clenched the edge of the table as she took a short gasp, shaking her head to stop it. Then she froze, hands suddenly grasping at her neck realizing he cut off her collar revealing it had torn bits of her skin and fur due to how tight it was. Relief showed upon her face as her head bowed, tears forming with such happiness, she was free. “Thank you” she breathes out “thank you” grateful to this stranger.

Once Tora calmed down she looks toward him “Um I dunno how to treat these or where to even start” she admits
Aaron's face fell asleep he watched the poor girl have what looked like a panic attack. He didn't know a thing about what she had endured, but his imagination was strong and could get an idea of how bad it could be. He had even flinched when she reached for the now nonexistent collar, but her tears shattered his heart. He wanted to hold her, to tell her everything was going to be okay, but he wouldn't dare touch her without permission. "Dont you worry about a thing. It's the least I could have done." His smile was warm eyt sympathetic as he looked her, lowering his voice to a soothing tone.

"I can rather show you how to clean your wounds by pretending I have them on myself, or clean them for you, whatever you are more comfortable with." He held his smile as he looked at her, secretly admiring her eyes and gorgeous fur.
Her emotions were so overwhelming that she did not sense what he went through simply watching. Tora stood up from the table glancing him over again as though being certain he was no threat to her. She already knew trying to treat herself would not end well, the nurses from the hell house always had to hold her still. “Best you do it and I will try to keep still, I won’t hurt you, I only bite when provoked” joking a little bit, adding a smile to reassure him. “Then I will clean up a bit more” nervously adding as she bet she did not smell great.
Aaron huffed a small laugh before slowly standing from the table. She wasn't just pretty, she was funny as well. How he ever got lucky enough to meet someone like her was beyond him. "Of course. I promise I won't do anything without telling you first." Walking into the bathroom, Aaron grabbed everything he would need to clean and dress her wounds. He kept his footsteps light as he walked back into the living room, sitting down on the floor just in front of his couch. "Please, take a seat over here so I can clean you up a little. Also, I don't think I'll taste very good if you do bite me, so I apologize in advance."
Perking her ears when he laughed drew a small real smile upon her lips, watching him fetch the supplies. She remains still when he returns but sat in the living room. Tora chews on her lip, cautiously walking over to take a seat. She glances at his hands and the supplies while he continues her joke drawing her attention. “I prefer rabbit” she hums possibly hinting she has tasted human flesh, got a beating from that in the past but was worth it at the time.

Her neck, arms and calves had wounds that need to be clean and dressed, the most sensitive spot would be her neck. Tora set her hands palm down on either side her of the couch, her tail tip nervously ticked as she watched him.
He poured some antiseptic wash onto a soft cloth before looking up at her. He couldn't imagine why someone would be so willing to hurt someone like her. She was sweet and funny. "This is going to sting, so if you need a moment at any time, please tell me and I'll stop okay?" His eyes were warm as he searched her face for any fear, knowing she must be terrified of almost everything. Starting low, Aaron began to gently tap the wet cloth to the wounds on her calves.

"I'm so sorry, but I never got your name." He hoped talking to her would help distract from any discomfort. It was a trick he learned when teaching young students.
Watching each step she tried to not flinch when he began gently dabbing the cloth along her leg. She looks at his hair the curiosity to touch it over coming her, slowly releasing a hand to stroke over his hair. It was soft but more wiry than her silky fur. “Tora” she answered about her name which has rarely been used. Usually has to respond to girl, it, cat, and horrible names she rather not think of. Tora withdrew her hand no longer interested in his hair as she looks around the room “doesn’t hurt as bad as I thought” she hums.
Aaron tensed slightly as his hair was played with, trying not to jump with excitement of her trusting him. "Tora...that's a beautiful name." His movements remained gentle as he worked, making sure he glanced up at her each time he needed to move up to clean more of her wounds. "I'm glad it's not hurting too much. That...uh...might be another story for different areas since they can be more sensitive." After applying soothing creams and bandags to the cuts on her legs and arms, Aaron slowly sits up on his knees. "If you want, grab a pillow so you can dig your...claws..into it when I clean your neck."
A smile tugged at her lips noticing him tense in an excited fashion when she touched his hair. Anything to attempt in distracting her nerves while he aided her. Watching him work his way slowly along her wounds until the worst was last. Her ears flatten to his suggestion, reaching over to take a cushion into her lap, kneading her fingers into the fabric for a moment. No matter his magic with first aid her neck would be scarred as a reminder of her past. “My mother named me before she was given to my owners son when he left for school.” She explains quietly.

Tora lifted her chin up a tad for him to have a better view “how bad is it?” Asking him in a hesitant tone. She wouldn’t dare look in the mirror but she needed to know if it would ever heal. Her teeth clenched, her lips lifting enough to reveal her canines but she kept her composure.
The sight of Tora's neck made Aaron's muscles flex with rage. He hated people who could so easily hurt another, especially furries who were already treated like second class citizens. "I'm not going to lie, Tora, it's not pretty. You're most likely going to scar, but with the proper oils and treatments, I'm sure we can get your fur to grow back and be just as soft." More antiseptic fluid was poured onto a new cloth before he lightly dabbed her neck, blowing cool air on it in the hopes of soothing any pain.

"If you really need to bite, my shoulder can take it." He smiled softly, knowing how the urge to cling to something when in pain could be unbearable.
Her eyes widened to his answer of scarring and missing fur, her ears drooped remembering all the times she ripped off her collar. Each time she got a new one that was even tighter than the last. Tora closes her eyes and takes a deep breath when he gently began working on her neck. When his breath glided onto her skin she tensed up in a fashion of shock than pain. He was caring even to ensure this area was given extra attention as to not harm her.

Opening her eyes she realized how close he was to her, his scent even stronger, flooding through her senses. She felt a strange sensation in her lower body resulting in her eyes darting to the side. His offer to bite down on his shoulder was another shock, did he really bother care if she hurt him cause she was in pain? Very slightly she shook her head “I’m good” speaking in a breathless fashion.
She was so strong for one who looked as delicate as glass. It brought a proud smile to Aaron's face. The last thing he would ever want was for someone like her to be diminished to a trembling, fearful feline who submitted from just a look. "Even though I don't know you or what you've been through, I'm proud of you for fighting so hard." His fingers caressed over the wound as he applied a soothing gel, knowing the cooling sensation would be the best thing for her. "We will make things right, I promise."

The bandage he applied around her neck was kept loose, not wanting to emulate the same feel if a collar. "There we go, that should do it." He looked up into her eyes, his pearly white teeth flashing with his gentle smile. "Would you like to take a nap? I'm sure you're still tired."
Keeping her gaze to the side for a while to remain composed, she never felt such a sensation. His voice drew her gaze back to his face speaking of how proud he was of her bravery. Tora blinks not certain how to react but took it has a heartfelt compliment. But her thoughts melted away when his fingers applied the cooling gel. She relaxed humming softly to his kind touch, she wanted more of it. Once she was all bandaged up Tora let out a breath like she had been holding it this whole time. Their gazes met, her breath a loss once more and she froze not wanting to take in his scent anymore. As if her body knew what she was doing it cramped along her lower region. “Um maybe” she spoke tearing her gaze away from his.
Aaron chuckled softly and nodded, thinking she was still being shy. To say he was already growing protective over her was an understatement. "Go ahead and sleep in my bed. Your body needs the rest. I'll be out here whenever you wake or if you need anything." Slowly standing, Aaron carries the medical supplies back to the bathroom before walking into his kitchen to clean up. His mind races with thoughts on what to make her for lunch and dinner. He felt wrong asking furries what breed they were, but thankfully all felines had similar diets.

His muscles flexed slightly as he worked, his body needing to exert it's energy.
Not moving from the couch she watched him return the first aid before cleaning up breakfast. She couldn’t help staring, he was so well fit, kind, clearly lived alone in a nice place, how did he not have a mate. Another cramp struck, she stood up and made her way to the bathroom, closing the door before stripping her remaining clothes. Turning on the shower she set it to cold, her body felt so hot. Tora knew what this was, she would disappear when this would happen since males roamed free at the hell house.

Sitting down on the floor of the shower, the freezing water falling over her body as she bowed her head. Soft whimpers and whines sounded from her as she fought her natural instincts. All this cause how he gently touched her, cared for her, his scent, why was her kind so damn sensitive! Tora hated going through this, it hurt like hell.
Aaron hummed softly as he cleaned up, placing the last dish on the drying rack before turning around and seeing Tora was now gone. After first he thiugh she was in the bedroom, but the sound of the shower and her soft whimpers made him frown. Was she hurting because of the water on her wounds? His steps her soft as he approached the door, lightly tapping on it with his finger. "Hey, Tora? Are you okay? If it hurts too much, don't push yourself. I'll be here in the living room if you need anything."

He didn't want to push her any further than what he had already done. Thinking she was still trying to forget about what she went through, Aaron sighed and shook out his arms as he walked to the center of his living room. The stress was eating at him physically and he needed to vent it out. At least he was able to work out at home since he wasn't going into work today.

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