Fantasy RP Kindness Goes A Long Way

Perked ears of surprise lit up her face, he was so close to her age “wow! This is awesome!” Hopping off the counter. “You are the youngest person I have ever been able to interact with!” She confesses with a squeak. “Oh…” pausing by his wondering of their day plans “I wanna run, can you run?” Her tail slashing with excitement.
Aaron's eyes widen at her confession. Who the hell was her owner and old is this creep? He couldn't stop himself from laughing and nodding happily. "Of course i can run. I usually go for a three mile run every other day, so that sounds perfect." Her energy was amazing to Aaron. He had grown so accustom to his clients who would hardly move, but Tora was ready to move without care. Finishing up the dishes. Aaron walks over to the duffle bag and grabs out a new pair of socks before slipping on his running shoes. "Make sure you don't run too fast, I don't want your wounds to reopen. Speaking of which, we'll shower when we come back so I can redress those."
Currently barefoot Tora dashes to the door not promising to take it easy, sure she had a major surgery yesterday and was on the run. She couldn’t guess the age of her ex owner exactly, probably late 50s. “I rarely get to run, stuck inside alot, I ran for miles when I escaped and gosh it felt amazing” she tells him. Raising a brow to his socks and shoes she guessed his feet were sensitive like all humans.
Aaron snorts ans follows her to the front door, making sure to lock the door after letting them out. "Well, let's make sure we get you that exercise you've been wanting. Just please don't stray too far from me, okay? I want to make sure you're safe." He gently strokes her hair before pressing a kiss to the side of her head. He knew this was going to put his own endurance to the test, but to him, it's worth it. "Alright, let's go, baby."
Facing the sun Tora was dying to take off but waited for Aaron to be ready, flicking her ear to the sound of a lock. She looks up to him with a smile, her tail wagging like a dog. “Depends of you can keep up” she giggles, getting down on all fours before taking off. Tora yips with joy, breeze in her hair, dirt between her fingers and toes, and so many new scents.
Aaron huffs a laugh as he watches Tora take off down the dirt road. She truly is an amazing woman. Not wanting to let her get too far, he takes off running after her. The wind blows through his hair while the sun warms his skin. Her yips of joy made his heart swell as he tried to catch up to her, pushing himself to run faster. His eyes rake over her fleeing form, loving how gracefully she moves.
A slender flash of feline galloped down the trail, glancing back to check on Aaron to see if he was keeping up. “This is awesomeeee!” She calls out looking back ahead, leaping up into a tree once they entered the forest. Tora leapt from branch to branch before landing back down on ground. She was definitely tearing her stitches but currently did not care.
Aaron pants softly as he runs inti the forest to follow Tora, jumping over large roots and evading massive bushes. Sweat shines off his arms and soaks into his shirt, making the fabric cling to his toned torso. "Don't get too far away from me, Tora! I don't want anything to happen to you!" She was turning into a completely new spark in his life, making him want to try harder, become more, just for her. His leg muscles burn as he keeps running, pushing himself to run as fast as he can.
His voice carried on the breeze which made her slow down just a little “oh you can still see me!” She giggles. Tora turns her head to look back and noticed she was quite ahead, turning her hide end she skids to a stop. She was able to using a tree trunk to cushion her abrupt halt. Parted lips so her tongue hung out as she pants for breath, she was glowing. Downside her bandaged her drenched in blood.
Finally managing to catch up to Tora, Aaron's eyes widen in horror as he sees the blood soaked bandage. "Oh shit, Tora, your stitches." Ignoring the whip of bush branches against his legs, Aaron rushes over to her to inspect her shoulder. "Oh baby, you'll ripped open your stitches." He sighs softly and cups her cheek with one hand. "You have to be careful, Tora. I don't want anything to happen to you."
Beaming with pride as he approached, it disappeared seeing his expression as he hurried to her side. Her ears droop down “oh…” glancing down at herself to see the color res on her bandages. “Guess that painkiller is still working because I dont feel anything” she admits. Getting to her feet she examines herself a little more “time to head back?” Pouting.
Carefully pulling back the bandage, Aaron frowns at the sight of the torn stitches. The fact that she in't feeling any pain surprises him though. "I guess Onyx gave you a double dose with those pain meds." Hearing her sadness about having to go back breaks his heart though. " about we go a little further before heading back. I just want you to please take it a little easier okay? I don't want to ruin your fun nor do I want to put you at risk of getting hurt even more."

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