General AU Marked, Beaten, and Sticky (A Pressured and Bullied AU) (Crow)

He looked up at her. "Ah- wait...I didn't mean like that...I mean-" He stammered as he tried to figure out the words. "You...did stuff, that naturally makes me feel stuff, and you tried to do alot for's surprising to know that kind of stuff don't hear anyone else ever say it. " or the other person apparently was showing it by trying to bully and rape you. "I..never had...all this attention. So I don't know what I should do-"
Yuri blushed. "Stop it- I'm not-" he said as the class bell rang, he stood up, grabbing his bag. He lurched as a student smacked him on the ass on way to the door, yelping softly as ge straightened up quickly from bending over. "...Dammit" He mumbled as he fiddled with the skirt. Maybe he did look good in this-
"Oh God, Hey Al-" hus voice cracked into a softly, girlish yelp, then a strangled choking sound as Alex easily grabbed hold of Yuri's sack, the skirt definitely was working as the bully intended. "Ah- Y-yes- Si-Sir- i swear!" Yuri capitulated as quickly as he could to the vice grip between his legs. Praying that Alex would be mericful.

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