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Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Once they sat down to eat together, instead of sitting across from one another. Once Kristine would sit down, Bel took the time to move his plate and chair to be directly beside his aunt. as he did not act like the playful usual perveted and loyal boy she remembered. now he was feeling more like a reliable young man to support, comfort, and help her. as he moved to pull her body against his, so she could rest her head against his frame.

"Aunty, You know I wasn't kidding when I said I can help you. just have to ask, we both know I did well with my business set up, and I have more then enough to help if you just let me. As of course it won't be free, as business is business, but we can work out a way for this be taken care of in the future. "

as he spoke in an oddly calming and tempting and alluring tone. however due to her prior experiences, perhaps a bit more with the residue of the drug in her system to boost it. her mind would think of lewd ways to earn the help if she went to get it from him. as well as flashes of the wet dream she had the night prior. however surely this was just her nephew noticing how distraught she was, and was acting the part he always did for her. always being their, even being more mature, and stronger then his age should allow for, when he was around his aunty. Yet was it a bad thing at this point, perhaps if she went to take a moment to rinse herself in the shower, her face alone could clear her mind, or would she end up enjoying this moment of unplanned comfort, and support? for if she enjoyed it, the sensation her body would get would grow, and slowly begin to become a craving naturally due to her own body's muscle memories of the night prior, however if she slipped off to try and clear herself with a powder room visit before rejoining for breakfast, this would give Bel a chance to spike her meal, and drink some more. this time with a more potent, and sweeter dose of the special drug, he had made in a syrup like form, which would easily pass as a pancake syrup if one did not know what it was.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he spoke to her, trying to relax her with his time and his presence, he saw her eyes flicker with something he never would have otherwise gotten to see. Vulnerability. A fragility that she tended to cover with both hands, normally sensed by only the keenest eye, or coldest heart. "Stop." She said softly, turning her eyes away from him quickly. "You're too young to speak like this-" she said as if she was trying to poke fun ....but she felt it to be true. She couldn't see him properly, still seeing him as just a young boy she took care of since the loss of her sister. A baby that she should be guarding, not the other way around.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Now looking away from him, Kristine had only managed to take a step deeper into her nephew's well planned trap to make her his and his alone. as he would suddenly and forcefully, take hold of her. forcing his aunt to look him in the eyes, as he then pulled her frame into his warm, comforting, and protective embrace. holding his aunt against the very warmth her instincts cried for, and desired right now. the comfort, and protective yet unplanned embrace.

"Come now, you have always taken care of me, helped me learn wrong from right. all the wrong men you have mistakenly spent time for, at least allow this gentle one before you to give his own heart to his aunt. a woman who deserves a chance to be happy. I will admit, I can not pay it for free of course, but I have the means, and I am sure we can make sure everything will be fine for us both here. Now come now, what you say Aunty? No, what do you think my Beautiful little Kristine?"

as he spoke like this, in a gentle, alluring and enjoyably, tempting tone, only adding more with her own vulnerability, as well as the remnants of the drug in her system. thus making her natural resistance to his advances all the weaker, and harder to refuse, but not impossible as of yet.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he embraced her, speaking his honeyed words into her ear, trying to temptation her with his princess, she clutched his shoulders. "I shouldn't let you solve my problems, how selfish would I be- after I've worked so hard to make sure you had a good start-" she said as she shook her head in disbelief. His promises of aid, support, she felt overwhelmed instantly.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
Still feeling some influence from the day prior, and the odd after effect of what was believed to be a dream, Kristine would find her nephew's embrace and words all the harder to refuse, as he held her in such a warm, comforting yet, oddly exciting way, despite how her body should not feel this way.

"Aunty, All you have to do is ask, and I am sure we can make it worth wild for us both hmm? After all, you need a good man in your life, and to share your burden, Allow me to be that, even if only for a few things. "

saying this, as he held, and pushed his desires slightly more, Little did his aunt know, that like the night prior, he had plans for her again. this time planning to inject the special drug right into her, once she was out cold, as to ensure a stronger, and longer lasting dose. Slowly corrupting his aunt one step at a time. however if he could get her to accept, then the young man would have the leverage to enjoy her as a form of repayment, so to speak.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"I don't want to be a burden on you" she insisted as she had fewer and fewer choices left , she could tell he meant it. She could feel it. "Your mother would never forgive me-if I dragged you down-" she said sounding closer to tears and anguish as she wrestle with her desperation. "She would curse me from beyond-"
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
as his aunt spoke of dragging him down, or being cursed, the young man could not help himself. as he suddenly chuckled, before he moved to suddenly and forcefully give his aunt a surprisingly over whelming kiss. However it would be brief, yet it was one with out any tongue, thus being a more enjoyable, albeit some what lacking if compared to a proper lover's kiss.

once this unexpected little assault broke from her lips, Kristine would see and hear her nephew's action even more so.
"You think I can let my family suffer, I have plenty of savings, and my business is already going to start back up very soon. so why not just let me do this, or if you do not want me to simply help you, I can just buy your house, and property, thus it stays in the family, and you still get the money for this debt hmm?"

as he spoke up, with a gentle smile, however Bel had done something a bit unexpected, as he had a special bit of his unique drug on his lips. as it had been used as a kind of lip balm, thus allowing him to expose his body to it, as he had done over some time. building a natural immunity, but it was also a means to use it, on any unlucky or lucky maiden he wished to slowly expose, and break. as it was, their was only one woman he had his eyes locked onto for now.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he swooped on and kissed her, tightening his hold on her, she was frozen in shock as his drunk laced lips pressed onto her, the concoction sticking to them. But once he broke it, trying to speak to her tenderly, she shook her head as she fell further back, pulling away and turning. Her hands clasped onto the edge of the sink as he laid out his plan, she was trembling. But not from the drugs that he intended to enslave her with, she was so emotional that she barely could feel anything else. She shuddered a breath, tears running down her cheeks bit by bit as she knew the chance he would be taking just for her protection. "Bel- she " she choked put as she payed around, grabbing a power tower to hide her face.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh come now, Aunty, you know I love you, and always have. No matter what, even if you find happiness later with another, I will always be here, and always willing to protect, and support my beautiful aunty. "

as he spoke in a gentle, yet loving and dominant tone. one which would hit like a lover, claiming his woman, supporting, and protecting. a strange mix of desired sensations for the older woman, not to mention how the drug would be effecting her, even if not noticed as of yet, thanks to her own emotional reaction. Yet now she knew it was real, her own nephew was the one stepping up to protect, and care for her, as a woman, as his. Even if it was only that of a partner to keep a roof over their head in her mind, the true fact would come to light eventually. However his actions, his words, and yes even the drugs he been slowly forcing into her system to weaken, and break down all her resistances would aid in this. Even if she resisted for now, How long till Kristine was forced by those loan sharks to take action, and if so, what actions would she choose?
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As she listened to him, she only bowed her head, her shoulders tabling as she listened to him, sniffling and trying to catch herself. "I-i- I know you mean that-" she said as she felt her emotions turning and churning inside, shaking her head. "It's just so much-i....I don't have a choice, not a real kne- or else...I'll have to sell my house. " she sighed. Or worse.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 19, 2022
"How about this aunty, we can make this into a more business like transaction hmm? If you feel that the right thing to do is make the money yourself, sell me your house, and your property, in two separate transactions. this way you can feel proper about it, and we can continue living here like we are now? the only thing which will change, is the owner on paper, how does that sound aunty?"

Saying this in a gentle, and convincing yet protective voice, the true idea behind this offer was simple. if he owned the property, and the house in two separate deeds, then the young man would be free to do what he wanted legally to an extent. thus he could make sure that their was a fine print in the sales contract that his aunt, or Lady Kristine would work for him, servicing, and caring for her nephew, and new lord of the house, in all ways needed. His words would make it sound like, any debt collectors, who wanted to try and get more from her would have to deal with him directly any times forward, thus appearing as a way to protect his aunt, when in all truth it was no different then her being his legal slave, by her own legal binding contract. thus a second way to slowly take control over his cute little aunt, and make this mature woman his plaything. Yet this did not change the fact he had to deal with those who were out to bully, and collect from his aunt, as he always saw her as his, even if this was yet to come to pass.
Local Time:
8:17 PM
Nov 9, 2022
She mulled the idea over, giving him her property just to on paper be able to manage her debts and then, it would be easy enough to have Bel hand everything back to her as the primary owner. Ofcourse she didn't know the truth, that her nephew wasn't going to return it, infant he'd only use it to keep her closer to him in his steps to render her his pet. "If I get it all back...it may not be a bad idea-"
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