General RP My Aunt, My Loyal New Toy

"Very well, want to take a moment, and enjoy the scenery? I can set our meal all up while you relax. then we can enjoy a nice out door meal together hmm?"

asking this, for if Kristine allowed Bel to set everything up, and she allowed to enjoy the peaceful nature around them. it would allow him to make use of some of his drug stash, which doubled for a special lotion for her message. however if he did not get to do this, the wicked young man had other plans already. as the effects were already visible for him to enjoy to some degree. and more then that, using her own unwanted, and dangerous situation with the debt collectors. this only aided Bel in his wicked and perverse desire to make his aunt his personal enjoyment toy and loyal pet in the long run, however wanting to do this in a way where she felt it was her own choosing, and desires. this would be why the long way of getting to his goal, perhaps it was the thrill, or perhaps the manipulation to try and make her think she wanted it with out any out side influence. regardless of why. Bel could not help himself with such desires, which would seem to come off to Kristine at the moment. as her nephew thinking of the best way to protect her, instead of the way to abuse her.
She stood up a moment, shifting away from him to let him do the set up work while she looked out at the wider park. She heard something rustle in the flowers and brush pausing her thoughts. Sh hunkered gently, seeing them ripple. "Hm? Hello?" She said gently to herself stepping into the bushes briefly to follow it, slipping out of her nephews sight.
Now down on all fours, as kristine was crawling into the bush. following the movements and signs of something or some one unknown. the older beauty would be unaware of it, as she searched out for this little playmate to be discovered. her nephew would finish up with the food, spiking both shares, as he had a complete resistance to his own concoction. however this would ensure more of it got into her system.

"Aunty, were ready for a nice meal, Aunt Kristine?"

as he began to look around, catching a glimpse of her foot, as she vanished from sight. Bel would move silently, planning to sneak up on her, thinking she had found something interesting, but more so he could sneak up, and playfully pinch her ass. as his mind was already running a mile a minute on all the things he would do to her this time around.
As Bel crept after hee, the lovely Kristine would suddenly yelp out in the bushes, a sound of xhock jolting through the air. Had she been jumped? Someone taking his woman? The debt collectors? The threates to what Bel wanted own ran through him...but as he cleared the bushes he saw his Auntie squating low to the ground, playing with a large dog, a Rottweiler was lapping at her hands and sniffing her face. She was giggling and laughing as it nosed her chin. "Hey girl! What are you up to? All alone?" She said as she seemed to be making a friend.

"Queen!" A male voice called out, pushing around the opposite side from Bel, his aunt and the dog between them. The dog turned to the man, barking and yet didn't leave Kristin's side. He approached first, a tall athletic looking man perhaps the same age as his Aunt, with brown hair, and light beard,wearing a track suit ,in one hand was a snapped leash. "Ah- hello-" he said pausing before Kristen, rightfully so, as any man should have before Bel prized Auntie. The problem was how she smiled at him so swiftly. "Hey" she breathed out as she slowly stood up
As he was at first started and moving to swiftly aid his aunt, only to slow down, upon realizing how she was not in any harm. More so it seemed like his aunt was being assaulted in a more playful manor, by a large, yet playful looking beast of a dog. this Rottweiler would seem to be safe enough that Bel let his guard down. Which would prove to be something of a mistake for the young man. as he would soon feel another person pushing past him, which was the master of this playful pooch. As things began to play out, seeing this, Bel bit his lower lip for a moment, as he began to think of issues, which never crossed his mind before. However what would be the biggest mental trigger for him, was how his aunt smiled at this man, to make it worse. this could be made all the harder for him to deal with, as this man was unintentionally able to benefit from all the work Bel was doing to prep his aunt in secret.

as the two would seem to be lost in each other's attention at the moment, Bel would move past the man, as he moved to stand next to his aunt. looking her over for a few moments, before looking to the gentleman before them. as thoughts ran through his mind, even considering a slow acting poison he had in his collection, which could due the trick with out a trace. however for right now, he would seem to give these two a chance to talk for a bit. for if he had his way this would not happen again.

"Excuse me for interrupted, but May I ask for your name sir? and perhaps the name of your girl their? we were about to have ourselves a nice little picnic out here. "

as he said this, it would paint a chance for his aunt to invite this man to join them, which if he did, this would lead into the need to figure out how to use his slow acting poison on the man, and the dog, however things did not need to be taken to an extreme right away. yet now in his mind, he was planning of really giving it to his aunt when she was out cold, to lay his dominance once more, however this would become something of an issue for his bad habits, and more so the darker side of his nature which his aunt had yet to witness completely. as it was currently, even if the man joined them, Bel was not set up to get rid of him right away, but this would set his mind into motion, on how to deal with this unwanted, and potential threat to his plan, even if it meant the cute little dog their would have to go as well.

(starts playing in Bel's mind when he sees his aunt smiling at another man )
(XD Bel: Oh its a man....she smiled at him. =_= he's going to steal my pet, those are my fit Auntie titties he's look at)

As Bel cut in, the man looked at him, his head tipped slightly towards him the dark nature underneath the surface went unnoticed by his Auntie, but the man felt a strange vibe. The dogs ears perked, barking as Bel neared it. He looked down. "Queen-" he soothed with a reach and patted the dog...though it sensed the intent in Bel."My name is Quinton, this is my baby Queen" He said as he smiled politely to Bel.

"This is Bel- my nephew." Kristen said reached up and patting her sweet boy on the shoulder. " we have enough food hear for a third?" She asked, the nature of the drugs in her making her open up to this stranger much faster than she normally would, already about to invite him to their laced meal.
" Not really, however if you wish, we can head back home, and I can make us some fresh hot food for a lunch. how does that sound?"

asking this, as he would pack everything back up, if she wanted to do this however this would become quiet the conundrum for Bel, who was trying his best to play the good little nephew right now.
in the back of his mind, he was already seeing images of these two gone, and being buried 6 feet under. however he could not act out at this point in time. thus he was playing his cards very carefully. yet for right now, he would make this offer to go back home, and make a hot meal for them all then. as their was not enough food for a third with them, as Bel stated for the moment.
"Oh- no- I couldn't." Quinton said with a short laugh. "We just met, i wouldn't want to impose in your home." He said as he shook his head. Kristin pouted slightly. "Well...we could...see about getting something warm another time?" She said, stepping closer to the man, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, leaning to play with Queen. He thought for a moment. "I don't....see why not. " He said as he took out his phone to trade over his number with her. Bel only could watch as she took it on her phone. He wouldn't bother them now....but this man already was worming his way into her susceptible mind.
"Heh, I see, looks like you might not be so lonely after all huh? Never suspected My cute, innocent aunt, to be such a predator. "

as he spoke teasing his aunt a bit once the older gentleman left the two, even elbowing her a bit playfully. However in his mind, he was thinking of how good it would feel to dominate his aunt, and now even how much better it would be. as he was now thinking of how he could break Kristine, yet let her keep the public front with this man if their was an interest, until the right moment to claim her in front of the man. Perhaps even breaking him, and making this older man a useful pawn for some of his own evil little games. However the front was still the playful and caring young man his aunt knew, however now the drug he had been spiking her with, was now some what against him. for another had popped up at just the right moment that her own mind and body would be more open to potential partners, which made his work a bit harder, or at least harder if he wanted to keep it going at a slower, and gentler rate. for now his mind was thinking he would need to become rougher, and more dominant in his plans.

"well then, shall we get to our meal, or would you like to head right home, and call him like a school girl over a crush hmm?"
saying this playfully to her, wanting to poke some innocent fun at his aunt, and keep up the charade, however even if she didn't notice it, the older man or at least his dog might have picked up something wrong about her nephew.
She flushed as her nephew teased her, but she turned and prodded him back. "Well if that man can get my attention so easily, you can do so with some girl right now-" she said trying to push back. "Why don't you go looking for some nice young girl and I can go make that call?" Sge said playfully. Though. She wasn't completely joking.
"Oh, I think not, after all, we have a deal remember. "

as he said this part with a playful smirk, referring to how he would take care of her, Little did Kristine realize, that this joke she just made, even if partially true. would have flipped a switch in her nephew's mind, now he would have to move to break her more forcefully then he originally wanted to.

"besides, Aunty I want you to remember we have a date to finish first, I never said you can't date other men, when I was busy with work, but don't end my time with you so suddenly. "

this part more playful and heart felt, however now he would move to ask if she wanted to eat this meal, or head on home. and end their little picnic for now? as it was, his gentle tone, had a bit of a darker, and alluring tone to it now. for this night would now become something far worse for Kristine, something she had unwittingly triggered, with a simple, and innocent flirt with an interested older man.
"I never said I'd date him...." She said flushing darker at the idea. " him and see him again-" she walked out of the bushes. "Let's get to our picnic honey- i worked hard hm?" She moved to take up their things and started to set up their blanket and basket. "Is there any more tea?"

Did he even want to chance giving her more of the drugged tea now? That man was on her mind. It would only make her more likely to call him or seek him out rather than focus on Bel.
clicking his tongue, as things began to back fire, all due to the simple interaction with an unknown and unplanned man being in the area. Bel would sigh, as he knew how things would go. more so, the fact that now he would ether have to call in some favors, or get his own hands dirty in secret. regardless, this night he now had even more tension to take out on his aunt, when she was out cold.

"Yes, I do have some left. however let us enjoy this day some more, just the two of us. "

as he spoke, his tone haven't changed slightly, however not enough to make a big difference, but enough to show a bit of concern from him. if his aunt thought about it much, it would make her think, he was worried about her dealing with this unknown man, like an over protective big brother versus the nephew he was. As it was, her mind would end up desiring to seek out this man once she had consumed enough drugs, however now Bel's own hard work had been turned against him. all his planning, and desire to make it slow, and feel more nature out of the window. images of that man with broken limbs, gagged, and dangling upside down, as his blood slowly leaked from his mangled and suffering frame would cause an almost cute smirk for a moment to cross his face before fading again.

keeping on the gentle face, and caring tone he had, even poking fun at his aunt, however the fact remained. now he would have to alter his plans, and for this, all he could do at the moment was take it in stride, for everything they had would have been spiked already by him. thus no matter how he went about it. all his work only would end up allowing his aunt to desire another man more then him.
As she was unknowing of his jealousy, his rage, his protective tone making her laugh a little as she opened up the basket to start enjoying the snacks abd food. "It's just a friend, nothing more" she said as she unwrapped a sandwich, putting a hand upon his. "I'm always going to be your Auntie Kristen...and." She paused to nip her sandwich. "I can't do anything so soon anyway." She reminded, both herself and him. She had debt. And a missing deadbeat man that she technically had to work things out with. She didn't want to bring a man into matter how handsome and kind he seemed.
"Looks like we have alot of work ahead of us, to make you a proper and free woman again huh? Do not worry Aunty, their will be some rough steps ahead of us. but we will get all you need done together. "

as he said this, his hand moving to slip around her, and pull his aunt closer. much like he use to do playfully when Bel was younger. but now with her munching on her food, and the drink she was sipping. more and more of the custom drug was now entering her system. yet it would seem to be working both for, and against Bel. as he would now have to get a bit more creative later, but in his mind, he was planning on using his aunt to blow off his steam, and make sure she had that beautiful glow once again once she came to. but for now, all she would see was her loving and over protective nephew at the moment.

as this was going on, and their little picnic was moving on after some distractions. several men would be pulling up to Kristine's house, and would wait for the older maiden to return home to have their special meeting with her.

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