My darlings

Oct 31, 2023
Name: Runa Young
Height: 5' 9"
Age: 24
Weight: 120 lbs
Birthday: October 13th
Ethnicity: Romanian Gypsy
Pronouns: she/her
Attire: white cotton peasants top with a low neckline to flash a small bit of her cleavage, long dark blue skirt that twirls out wide as she dances amongst the streets with her fellow gypsies, golden ankle bracelet with moon charms, dark purple scarf that is rather tied up around her hair of hanging from her hip, leather sandals that tie up around her ankles.
Features: Satin like black hair that end above her hips, silver/green eyes, lips the color of pink rose petals, light golden tan skin, slender frame with hourglass figure, C size breasts, soft and delicate voice, soft pink cheeks that can fool anyone to believe her innocence
Personality: in public = sweet, energetic, submissive, soft spoken, slightly timid
Behind closed doors = bratty, defiant, dominant, demands her will is the way, seductive, strong willed even when in danger.

The attire is incorrect for this photo, but the rest is almost exactly what I had in mind.


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Name: Ayuna
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 110 lbs
Age: 118 (looks 22)
Birthday: November 3rd
Pronouns: she/her
Race: Dark fairy
Attire: black skin tight top with red lace across the neckline, scarlet red cloak to fend off any cold weather. Black leather pants that define her legs from being so tight, lace collar with small chains that connect to a crystallized drop of blood.
Features: pale skin like that if the moon, Raven black hair with striations of crimson red, ruby red eyes that glow depending on her emotion, black nails the are shaped like small claws.
Personality: in public = quiet, lonesome, rude when disturbed, secretive
In private = playful, sweet with those she is close to, lacks confidence


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Name: Chihiro

Height: Human form = 5' 5"
Fox Form = 16" tall when standing on all four paws

Weight: Human Form = 105 lbs
Fox Form = 26 lbs

Age: 120 (Looks 19)

Birthday: April 15th

Pronouns: She/Her

Race: Kitsune (half human half fox)

Attire: White dress with traditional Japanese decoration and gold embellishments, Rose gold lotus flower hair pin that rests behind her right fox ear, gilded bracelets that were gifted to her by those who raised her.

Features: Human = Magenta eyes that glow red at night, long flowing locks of venetian red hair that gently flows down to her thighs, fox ears that match the color of her hair with cotton white tufts in the center, fair yet warm skin tone that glistens in the sun, black half-sleeve tattoos on her arms that depict swirls and waves to mimic the water, thigh tattoo that wraps around her left thigh to honor her Kitsune brethren, small yet sharp fangs, pale pink lips like cherry blossoms, a long, two fluffy tails with a cotton white tips
Fox Form = glorious venetian red fur with a white underside, 7 bushy tails that can all move together or separately, charcoal black paws that are no bigger than small apple

Personality: In public = Energetic, outgoing, helpful, sweet, talkative, innocent, playful, brave, confident
In private = quiet, fearful, lonesome, shy, unsure


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Name: Vesta

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 135 lbs

Age: Immortal

Birthday: unknown

Race: Goddess or Fire

Attire: hardened magma to form a cropped halter top with open over-bust section, long flowing high-low skirt that burns with the fires or hatred at the end and drags along the floor behind her. Smoldering gloves of obsidian black that come up to middle of her upper arms, golden high heels that shine as bright as the sun, gilded chain necklace that holds the firestone of her realm, dangling earrings that are encrusted with garnets and rubies.

Features: medium length black hair that hangs down past her shoulders when she is calm but sets a blaze when she is angered and halos around her head like wildfire, golden markings along her deltoids that glow when she uses her magic.

Personality: Dominant, sarcastic, seductive, independent, sassy, flirtatious, bratty.

Background: Vesta was not always the powerful being that she is. She used to be a sweet, kindhearted girl who would do anything to see someone smile. It wasn't until her heart was broken by her first love that she finally felt the first flames of hate grow within her. It took walking in on her first love ravishing another woman for Vesta to physically burst into flames. It was then that she followed the words from her father, the element of fire itself, and tucked her emotions away and let her fire burn like a thousand suns. Now, her heart resides behind a wall of fiery hate as she burns through her enemies and uses others to slake her desires while she rules over her kingdom.


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Name: Vena Miralen, Princess of the High Elves

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 110 lbs

Age: 225 years old (Looks 24)

Birthday: December 12th 1382

Race: High Elf

Attire: Satin white gown, with a high leg slit to show off her right leg, and is styled to look like armor with gold trim, a long maroon cape to keep her warm along with provide another touch of elegance. Over the knee boots that have metal high heels that leave a striking sound of dominance as she walks across the stone floors, golden crown that weaves into her hair with a ruby centered on her forehead to display the regality of her lineage.

Features: Pale Ivory skin, icy blue eyes, hair white as snow, rosy lips that are darker in the center compared to the edges, long, tone legs that help add a touch of seduction to her walk. Dark black eye lashes that shape her eyes into perfect almonds.

Personality: Loyal, brave, well mannered, polite, pure hearted, fair, sweet to younger beings, secretly bratty when she doesn't get her way, emotionally sensitive

Background: Born into the royal Miralen family, Vena was raised to be the perfect queen to her people. She spent her days learning the history of her kingdom and her lineage. She was treated with very high respect, not just because of her status, but because of her appearance. The last time a royal elf was born with stark white hair such as hers was when the kingdom was first built by one of her ancestors centuries ago. The servants within her castle all whispered about how she must be the next ruler to bring them great change. This in turn scared Vena and made her tread lightly with every path she took along her journey to becoming a great ruler. The last thing she wanted to do was destroy her home. Now that she is a grown woman, she strives to right every wrong within her kingdom and continues to watch her mother, Elenor, and her father, Eldrich, to fine tune her skills.


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Name: Lillith

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 133 lbs

Age: immortal

Birthday: unkown

Race: Succubus

Attire: black, skin tight body suit with a metal corset that was forged in the flames of hell, long black gloves that form claws at the finger tips and are stained red, over the knee high heeled boots that let anyone around know exactly who is coming their way, thin crimson scarf that hangs behind her shoulders, demon's skull of one who tried to take her for himself (Occasionally)

Features: Pale skin, elegantly flowing locks of raven hair that curls down to the back of her knees, blood red lips that ensnare anyone who dares to taste them, glittering silver eyes that are impossible to look away from once a second's glance is made.

Personality: Seductive, mischievous, flirtatious, demanding, cheeky, refined, elegant

Background: Lilith knows very little about how she came to be or what her purpose is. All she knows is that she thrives off the attention of those who dare to follow her into a dark room. It took her years to hone her skills as sweet talking her way in and out of sticky situations. With her soft, soothing voice. Every man she desires falls prey to her wicked intensions. Even most women are not able to resist her charm as she speaks to them as though they are the goddesses of her life.

Now, Lilith owns a club meant for those who wish to dive into the unknown and experience every sense of pleasure in its rawest form. Being the owner of her club, Sins of the flesh, is nothing more than just an easy buffet for Lilith to have her pick of the litter for who she wishes to claim next. What she doesn't know is that someday, her world will be flipped upside down by one faithful soul who wishes to show that love and faith are stronger than any dirty temptations from another being.


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Name: Linette

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 102 lbs

Age: immortal

Birthday: the dawn of time

Race: Angel

Attire: stark black armor with shoulder guards, corset bodice, and skirt like bottom for freedom of movement, thigh high boots with metal clasps from the ankle to the top of the thigh, leather forearm guards with metal plating to help block attacks, carries a one-handed sword that shines with glistening metals of heaven and short spear that she uses in combination with her sword to parry and block downward attacks.

Features: shoulder length black hair, darkened wings from the many battles she has fought in, soft facial features that still hold a level attitude, medium tan skin from flying through the clouds most of the time.

Personality: Sassy, blunt, stubborn, loyal, valiant, doesn't take crap from anyone, kind hearted when on her good side, protective

Background: Linette was meant to be nothing more than the typical angel who helped people in times of need and bless those who worship the gods. When her best friend was murdered by a lowly demon, she vowed to the goddess up vengeance that she would fight to defend any and every angel from harm, especially from demons. As every year passed, Linette battled against demons and avenged those who had fallen at the hands of the damned. She would make sure that her vow would be kept, no matter what the cost was.


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Name: Melisandre

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 145lbs

Age: 542 (looks 28)

Birthday: 1500 B.C.

Race: Demon

Attire: Leather bodice with beaded cords that dangle over her exposed stomach, torn fabric and leather skirt, tuff leather belt to hold her jagged bone blade and any small bags she might acquire, hardened leather arm cuffs to protect her wrists and forearms during fights with other demons

Features: Horns that curve towards the back of her head, dragon-like wings with a thick talon at the apex of each wing along with a tear in her right wing that left her flightless, tanned skin from living near the fires of hell, thick locks of brunette hair that twist and curl down to her shoulders,

Personality: blunt, loner, sarcastic, rude when mad, secretly caring, wiser than she appears, hostile when put in uncomfortable or dangerous situations

Background: Being seen as the most powerful and ruthless demon all the realms of the underworld, Melisandre was not one to trifle with. She lacked any form of sympathy and never let anyone see her with her guard down. The only person in her life who had ever seen her vulnerable side was her step brother, Cassius. The night of her 540th birthday, Melisandre found herself drugged and taken to one of the farthest realms of the underworld. The biggest act of betrayal Cassius had done was slice her wing almost completely in half before leaving her to rot. Without the ability to fly, Melisandre quickly lost her status of being a deadly demon and was forced to roam the lands alone, trying to find a way to get her revenge.


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Name: Althea

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 137 lbs

Age: 121 (looks 20)

Birthday: the first day of Spring

Race: Forest fairy

Attire: short green dress made from different leaves and small pieces of white fabric, floral arrangement meant of her favorite flowers that sits on top of her head (occasionally), white and green gladiator style sandals, floral bracelets that match her head piece

Features: pastel pink hair, long elegant legs, transparent, violet wings with golden edges, icy blue eyes that hold wonder, hope, but also a hint of sadness.

Personality: shy, innocent, polite, soft spoken, calm (normally), nervous and fearful when under pressure, easily scared, loyal, submissive


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Name: Selene

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 138lbs

Age: 665 (Looks 24)

Birthday: 1795 b.c.

Race: Succubus

Attire: Black pleather dress that leaves little to the imagination and ends down by her ankles, matching pleather jacket that has cold shoulder cut-outs and sleeves that hug tightly to her arms, strappy high heels that define her long legs, both exposed by the extreme leg slits in her dress.

Features: Silk like hair that hangs just past her shoulder blades, cream colored skin that shines under the light, wide hips at the base of a small waist and perfectly luscious mounds of flesh on top, rust colored lips that are as plump as fresh razzberries, thick thighs the demand obedience from whomever she is on top of, crystal blue iris's that make the on looker feel like that are swimming in icy waters

Personality: seductive, sultry, flirtatious, plays the good girl, sweet talker, acts innocent when she's never been innocent.


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Name: Nova

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 121lbs

Age: 26

Birthday: October 31st

Race: werewolf

Attire: Leather bra with white cloth lining, fur cuffs around her wrists and matching fur cape that just covers her shoulders, black leather pants that shape her legs and define her rear, combat boots that lace up past the ankle, plated pendant that hangs from her wide collar.

Features: dusty lavender hair with matching fur on her ears, long fluffy tail with a black tip, claw like nails, bronze eyes that glow in the night, toned body from constantly running and hunting within the dark forest, ox blood red lips that shield her long pearly canines.

Personality: dominant, demanding, prideful, captivating, disciplined, confident, honest


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Name: Artemisia

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 124lbs

Age: 25

Birthday: February 10th

Race: Human (Dragon tamer)

Attire: full bodice corset with metal plates of armor, dragon steel wrist guards to protect against the talons of juvenile dragons, clawed gloves to help defend herself against defiant dragon babies, thick thigh high stocking to protect her legs with metal boots to stomp our rouge fires, black cloak lined with scarlet red velvet to fight off the cold rain as she trains the dragons, chains wrapped around her wrists and forearms to control the younger dragons

Features: medium length black hair that is held back with a thin metal rod while shorter tendrils of hair fall to frame her face, hazel eyes the turn green when she cries, pale skin from never being in the sun, ruby red lips that border on the shade of violet

Personality: lonesome, quiet, determined, loyal, dedicated, timid with humans, feels like family to dragons,


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Name: Velda

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 137lbs

Age: immortal

Birthday: 1800 b.c.

Race: Hell's Angel

bronze breast plate with shoulder guards all sculpted into the depictions of demonic skulls, matching bronze belt and full-length gloves, black loin cloth skirt, two handed sword forged in the fires of hell and

Features: long and powerful legs from the many battles she was won, long black hair that acts like a veil of death, sharp tipped horns that rival the those of the devil, red wine stained lips that hold a constant curl at the edges, red eyes that burn with a passion unlike any other, black feathered wings that signal to anyone who sees their shadow that their time has come.

Personality: defiant, stubborn, defensive, aggressive, sultry when needed, commanding, confident


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Name: Clarissa Vanderberg

Height: 5'8"


Age: 25

July 27th

Race: Human

Attire: short, skintight black dress with thin straps that are hidden beneath a classy blazer that is sinched in at her waist with a single gold button, simple yet classy dangle earrings, black pleather gloves to protect her delicate fingers, shiny red bottom stiletto heels

Features: satin black hair that has natural beach curls and waves, smoked eyes the hold a secret about her, plump ruby lips that are as soft as velvet, a model's dream body of a small waist, wide hips, full chest, and long elegant legs that capture the eyes of everyone whenever she wears something short, has a hidden tattoo on her right hip close to her bikini line

Personality: Independent, intelligent, business savvy, mysterious, a little flirtatious


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Name: Satina

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 124lbs

Age: 19

Birthday: October 28th

Race: Human

Attire: Ripped skinny jeans with a chain that hang by her hip, bodycon cropped tank top, oversized jacket that hangs down around her elbows when she isn't cold, high heeled leather boots that come up to her knees, silver hoop earrings, three thin silver necklaces, fingerless leather gloves that have lacing on the back of the hand. (Not something she wears but is important to her character) Her self-built motorcycle that she takes everywhere.

Features: Black hair that fades to grey at the ends, pale coral-colored lips, long eyelashes that add a touch of mystery to her greyish-blue eyes, light tan skin that is as soft as satin, long, elegant legs, delicate fingers with nails that are painted black

Personality: Normally = quiet, loner, has anger issues, determined, troubled, coarse

To those whom she loves = caring, kind, protective, devoted, loyal, gentle, warm hearted


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Name: Viviana

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 135lbs

Age: Programmed to be 26

Birthday: created on July 4th

Race: AI Robot

Attire: Full bodice pleather corset that has a detachable bolero, pleather pants that cling tightly to her legs, equally tight boots that make her steps as quiet as can be, lace bralette that peeks out from behind her corset.

Features: dark brunette hair that stops just past her bust, plump strawberry lips, electric blue eyes that can scan through any material, porcelain skin that is repair through nanites.

Personality: programmed to be loyal, obedient, protective, responsible, persuasive, seductive, polite, dependable

Background: After turning rogue and escaping the corporation that created her no more than 7 years ago, Viviana did everything she could to try and right the wrongs that she had a hand in. She was originally created to be a form of an ambassador for the corporations, always bringing them whatever they wanted. At first, Viviana believed that the corporations were doing great things for everyone, or at least that's what they told her. After one of her missions turned troublesome, she saw the harm that the innocent people were going through, and it cracked something within her code. She knew from that point on, she needed to help those whom she had previously hurt and help rebel against the corporations.


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Name: Kozue

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 110 lbs

Age: 134 (Looks 23)

Race: Alien from the Fytó clan

Attire: Vegetation based body suit that blends into any environment for easy camouflage, a curved blade along with a spear for protection

Features: animalistic ears with dusty lavender hair, slender frame which is common in the Fyto people, sharp claw like nails that release a paralysis toxin when scratching into someone's flesh, golden Scalera with mint green iris, black facial markings that indicate what the individual's role is in Fyto society

Personality: curious, guarded, brash, kind to those she cares about


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Name: Helena

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 128lbs

Age: 27

Race: Wicken

Attire: Black floor length dress that has a slit up to her hip, thigh high leather boots, mismatched gloves, black ribbon collar to deny anyone their chance to collar her themselves.

Features: Onyx black hair, poison green eyes that pierce one's soul with a simple look, medium toned skin with non-traditional Wicken markings down the center of her torso, along her shoulders and around her right thigh, blood red lips that rob a person of their senses when blessed with her kiss.

Personality: bewitching, demanding, confident, aggressive, committed

Background: Born as the daughter of Circe, Helena was raised to be one of the most powerful Wickens of her time. With a cold and neglectful mother, she was forced to raise herself and learn the ways of the world through pain and suffering. It wasn't until she turned 18, and had her innocence stripped from her, did she start to fully tap into the power she had locked away inside. With power centered around the manipulation of man through a kiss along with her dabbling into necromancy. One way or another, she would control all who defied her.


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Name: Luka

Height: 6'3"

Age: 24

Gender: Male (he/him)

Personality: Calm, Gentle, Loving, Caring, Protective, Forgiving

Background: Grew up as an only child. While his parents provided everything he needed, Luka was often neglected emotionally, causing him to cling to those who show him affection. Coming out as bisexual did little to change his parents' actions towards him. Studied to be a software engineer and graduated with a master's degree.


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