Sci-Fi RP Negotiating the Way of Space Elven Connections

"Excellent. You will be my pilot." He said simply as the shuttle hangar doors opened before them, showing a fleet of sleek silver and gold Sanguine Wisps, usually much like the war attire they were Crimson and Black, and armed with all sorts of weaponry....but these models were not built for battle. They had no battle cannons, nor stealth technology. They were upscaled for high speed, and likely to impress, the razor like wings that folded against the hull held small sensors and small pods were planted at the back of them. Holographic technology, and speaker probes. But Mala'konzo could not bare to name these bloodless flyers Sanguine Wisps. No military Aelfen would either. "What manner of Wisp is this?" He askedof one of the technicians. The blood elf turning a chrome Mechanics mask over his face. "The council haven't given them a proper name yet Envoy, but I've taken to call them Singing Wisps amongst the crew."
Miria looked over the fleet of 'Singing Wisps' with a careful eye, tilting her head as she frowned behind her mask "The wings are off balance. If you took that into atmosphere, you'd be unable to make any manoeuvres greater than a lazy turn..." She murmured softly taking a step across to run her hand over the offending parts "These are field modifications, yes? Wisps were made to fly armed, it was part of the design... in removing the weapons and improperly replacing them, you've turned them into deathtraps for pilots who will expect them to behave as a Sanguine would."
"Singing Wisps were remodeled before the journey." The Tech said to Mala, rather than to Miria. "They will fly, in void to atmosphere, adjusting between models. They are equipped as such. Do not worry, Envoy, our sacred mission is in tact, regardless of what this Se believes"
She raised her head back up, looking at him with surprise before doing as he ordered “Mawa, whoever designed this didn’t consult anyone with piloting experience. The wings aren’t loaded properly. It might have flown well in simulation, but it won’t fly like that in reality. The wings will shear off under atmospheric pressures.”
"Then you are merely looking at our Wisps and pointing out faults just to speak for your own amusement?" He said as he seemed to take her resistance without flinching. Where other Mawa would likely see her beaten, he had no care to abuse her....currently. "You are not an engineer, nor Technican. Your role is not to act as a Ship Wright, or Chief of is to pilot my ship."
Mala moved to sit in the Wisps captains chair, letting her prepare for take off. The Wisps engines spinning up, the folded wings prepared to open for atmospheric weight. The blade like wings making a low chorus like tone as the shield generators turns on and stabilizers triggered
Miria gently fired the engines, letting the wisp slowly drift out of the bay and into the launch area, frowning as the yoke rumbled in her grasp, but she ignored that, knowing that to speak again about the flaw was to lose a hand. And so she opened the radio to await launch permission, punching the throttle the moment she got it and sending them screaming out into the void, before they dove down into the Atmosphere, the rumbling of the yoke worsening as she struggled to keep the Wisp flying controllably.
As Mala'konzo sat by seeing her hold onto the yoke ,managing the resistance that came up inside it, he didn't speak. His hands touching at the captains chairs rests, touching the read out controls to being recording the atmospheric descent. After all. He may have shut her down in her investigations, but he wasn't being ignorant...perhaps reckless. But to ensure quality work sometimes one would have to nearly threaten the life of their Envoy. The Tech would not be executed because this wasn't the military....but the engineers that made the model....well.
She grunted as the yoke fought against her, juddering more and more aggressively as the Wisp continued to drop through the rapidly thickening atmosphere, before levelling out their flight, narrowing her eyes as she had to correct an issue with the wings, retracting them as warning flashed about overload on the joints "Damn it..." She muttered, cutting the thrust she'd given the engines as the radar flashed a warning, with 3 Terran Aerospace fighters approaching, two from their rear and one from the front "We appear to have an Escort, Mawa." She informed him, even as she brought the nose around, moving them at a controllable pace towards the city and the landing pad that awaited them.
"I do hope they prepared accordingly." He said as he hit another button, logging the data away. "You have done well Se, despite your....misgivings. I will see these flight logs are shown to the Techs. I'm certain that they will be quite eager to see the anomalies that occurred." He added as he folded his hands. "They will have to alter the fleet, perhaps with...creative liberties taken." Much like the military when a model proved to struggle.
She didn't glance back when he thanked her, focused as she was on flying the misbehaving Wisp, even as she lowered the throttle even further, re-extending the wings just to keep control of the airframe as they finally approached the landing pad, where 5 armed guards stood, around a woman dressed in exceptionally expensive looking robes.
As they finally touched down, and Miria began to power down the ships cores, Mala waited for her passively as she was to attend to him. He stood by while she came to the Wisps doors, unlocking them and letting it unfurl. The Envoy stepping out first, his stride even and lax, the armed Terrans not prompting any dread in him. He walked towards the robed woman, his hand moving up and settling over his heart in formal greeting. Usually to another Aelfen it would be followed by a bow or curtesy...but before a mere Terran, an unallied one, it would not be necessary. "Madam Primrary, I presume?"

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