New Profile / Custom Settings!!

Nov 10, 2022
Hello to my fellow RP Mansion Members, Fae here coming with an EXCITING update! RP Mansion has now implemented custom username styling + profile / post / user background etc features. Which means YOU can make RP Mansion your own personalized experience. Of course, if you want you can stick to the OG design created by yours truly, but go ahead and make your wild customizations come true! I am new to this as well, so keep that in mind and I will be figuring out the controls / customizations myself. Also down the line / very soon I'll be adding more customizations for you to pick from other than just the presets. So look out for those as well. I think for the monthly newsletter though, it may focus on this more coming up in July. I know I haven't been keeping up with it, but there's really nothing much going on as late as I myself have been super busy! But I hope this feature will offer those a breath of fresh air when it comes to this forum.

To reach this feature, you need to go through your account details:
Screenshot 2024-06-28 152226.png
And on the side bar look for: Style Settings
Screenshot 2024-06-28 152343.png

As you can see, I've already started on my page / personal RP Mansion experience. And as much fun as I have making the site look the way it does, this definitely helps to let you, our lovely users make this entirely customized up to you guys! I'm gonna look into it more on the admin panel for now, but I hope this will be good to start with. Anyways --

Happy customizing!

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