General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

Despite reaching his orgasm, there was something in the special lube that made him want to keep going, his cock slowly springing back to life. It didn't help that Ishida did all the right things; spanking and slapping him, biting him, raking those nails down his back. Every bit of pain turned to pleasure, Lee unable to hide wanton moans. "F-Fuck, shit," he cried as his head was forced back by his hair. He had no idea what he looked like, his stinging flesh telling him it probably wasn't good. He'd have no idea what the hell happened in the morning. That was then, for now, he allowed himself the relentless abuse, flinching and jumping as he was hit, but god did it feel so good! It would be better for Ishida, Lee gripped around him during certain attacks.

"I-Ishida~" He whined, calling the male's name out for the first time. His head fell forward then, Lee lifted it back up by himself, a gasp getting cut off as hands wrapped around his neck from behind. They immediately began squeezing, a hand reaching up to grip over Ishida's. "I-Ish--" He raised his body, another hand coming up so both were gripping at either hand. His mind began swimming, his lungs burning, conflicted between the incredible sensation and the fear of dying. Which... fuck, turned him on more.

Lee came. He fucking came from being choked, his hips bucking as his seed splashed over the cushions for a second time. Needing air, he could feel himself slipping.
As the iron grip throttled him, Ishida feeling only Lee's body tightening from the stimulation and danger, the air cut off, the way his body would fight ever so instinctively but couldn't pry them away. The panicked tightening giving out while he choked out and came at the same time. Ishida let go of Lee's throat, letting him limply flop on the couch as deadweight. His body wouldn't feel it...for now, but Ishida kept his word, filling the males holes even though he was but a meat doll. Once he was finished, he'd call his men in...though this time not to gang fuck the soaves body, just to carry him away into the deer halls of the club, where aishida kept his cells for his sez slaves. Lee would be shackled by the ankles, a long thick Chain that was feed from a spool underneath the bed. A simple twin bed with clean sheets, a good thing really, as his cells were tiered. If the cell git worse, the less he cared. As Lee was tucked in...naked, battered , sticky inside and out, Ishida would take up Lee's phone and things. The clothes were irrelevant, to be destroyed perhaps, but he'd have the phone bugged for lster.
Lee eventually went limp, his hands falling to his side, the only thing keeping him up was Ishida's hold on his neck until that too was lost. He fell, crashing onto the cushions underneath him, the younger male out for the rest of the night. He was unaware as his body was used, it responding as naturally as it would. He would orgasm a few more times that night, his exhaustion keeping him out.

He only awakened the next morning, groggy with a hangover. "Nnng..." He groaned, his head hurting along with his cheeks and ass. Actually, his whole body hurt. Blinking, he looked around, frowning as he found he in an unfamiliar place. Were those bars on the wall? He sat up, stopping short as he felt dizzy, the pain in his head worsening. "God, fuck..." He whined softly, curling up and freezing as he felt something hard on both legs. Pulling the sheets and blanket off he saw the cuffs attached to a chain. What the fuck happened last night? He couldn't recall a thing, the entire night a complete blur. He felt dirty and sticky. Did he get laid last night?

"Hey!" He called out, "Anyone there?" He tried to stay calm, the realization quickly setting in that he was in trouble. He glanced around his space, not finding his phone. So he was in trouble and robbed. Awesome.
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As he called out, taking in his situation, he saw a small set of hooks were along the cell wall, a short chair and table set, and perhaps most horrifying...a combination toilet and sink. Was he in some kind of jail? god did he party that hard that he was dropped naked into a solitary cell to dry out? He heard someone speak out of sight, a language he couldn't understand. Foergien? East Asian. Something opened up, and closed, a door...then foot steps came coming, echoing on the quiet place. "Tea Boy! you're awake already...fantastic, how did you rest hm?" He heard as Ishida came into sight. His suit was stark white, pristine, a silver medalion was tucked under his shirt collar. Behind him was Takahashi- holding a folder under one arm, while he was carrying a bag. "How's your head?" Ishida pressed as he leaned forward. "You were pretty fucked up last night...not sure what you had pumping but it worked for me."
As Lee slowly came to, his surroundings screamed jail cell. He mumbled a few curses, remembering he had that paper due today. Well, it was too late now. What kind of jail chained one by the ankles? He shook his head and stood, feeling a little unsteady on his feet. He moved slowly, bringing the sheet with him to cover himself up. God, a shower would be great right now. Some tylenol wouldn't hurt, either. Running a hand through his hair, he held the sheet up with the other, just enough to cover him below the waist.

He then heard a strange voice speaking a language that took him a second to recognize as Japanese. He only knew from the various anime he watched with his friends. Huh, where were they, anyway? The footsteps came closer until two strangers appeared, Lee backing away from the bars, pulling the sheet up a little higher. Brows furrowed in confusion, the man certainly didn't look like any policeman he'd seen around the city. Nothing about this felt like jail, not that he'd ever been in one. A typical jail, anyway. He was dressed quite nicely. What time was it?

"Tea boy?" He repeated, confusion heard in his voice. The other spoke as if they had met - as if they slept together, yet Lee still couldn't remember. He could ask for a painkiller, though didn't feel it was a safe thing to do. He had no idea where he was or who this stranger could be. "...I'll be fine," he finally answered. "Where am I?" He started, having a lot more questions than that, but settled for finding out his location first.
Ishida raised a brow. "Hm. It's a temporary holding cell, a place to store you until I'm sure of your dispositions." He said rubbing his chin as he looked at the sheet. "Hm, shy now it seems?" He said tapping his chin with a finger. Shy, and clueless...well he assumed he was pretty messed up, and blacking out from getting choked probably didn't help. "Come closer Tea Boy, surely you worked up about appetite from last night? I've taken the liberty to have my man here get you some breakfast bagels. " He said
Lee looked between the two men, trying to search his brain for any clue, any familiarity yet nothing came to mind. A holding cell to... "Huh..." What? He blinked, not having much to go off of. He glanced down, suddenly catching sight of the fresh marks on his body. That plus the mention of them possibly doing something together last night started to clue him in. Damn, he lucked out with the really hot guy.

He kept his distance. "What's with the tea boy thing?" He shook his head, realizing pretty quickly just why he was called that. "Hey, I take offense to that." Again, his accent didn't help. He looked toward the man's friend, uncertain but if food made him feel any better, then he would accept. Bagels should be safe enough. "Fine, fine... Hey, why a holding cell?" Why indeed... "I get that we slept together last night but... isn't this a bit much?"
Ishida smiled faintly at the question. "You saw to this all on your own ,Tea Boy. And I had to put you somewhere...I don't bring just anyone to my personal home. This was closer." He said as he held out a hang, Takahashi handing him a bagel. He tore it in two, offering one side to Lee. "And besides...I prefered looking at you in bondage first. Chains are..fitting from what you showed me." He said slyly. "You were thrilled with the rough stuff, so why soften it with just rooe."
Again with the tea boy bit. He shook his head, looking to ignore it for now. There were more pressing matters at hand. He didn't understand how he ended up where he was in a holding cell. The other didn't seem mad that they slept together, so why the cell? "I-I mean we could have gotten a hotel or something," he mumbled, figuring the other didn't want to spend any money and, well, Lee didn't have much on him anyway. The man's friend handed him half a bagel, Lee decided to try it and took a bite. Wait, bondage? Oh, maybe he was at some BDSM place. Really, it was the only thing that made sense; the cuffs and chain, plus the holding cell. There was a light flush to his cheeks, a small smile forming on his lips. Yeah, that sounded like him, enjoying roughness.

"Right, well... I'd like to leave now. Kind of need a change of clothes if you have anything." He said with a small nod.
Ishida munched the half quietly, swallowing as Lee brought up leaving. "Hm? Leave? You have somewhere you'd rather be?" He said casually. Inside his heart sparked with excitement. He always loved breaking the bad news to his victims, to see them get angry, confused, or panic. "Where do you need to be right now?" He said as he put a hand on a bar. "You'd have a better time right in that bed I bet. Or hanging off that wall."
Lee was surprised at the response he received. "Well, I..." A hand came up to hold one of the bars and Lee took another step back, as if it did anything to save himself. "You better be joking," he said with a small laugh. "Home, of course. I did have something to turn into class but I guess that's not happening anymore." He shook his head with a small sigh. Damn it. Why was that, anyway?

Ah, his roommates and close friends took him out. He looked back at the mention of the bed, eyes glancing up toward the wall. That had to be a joke.

"Okay, okay, very funny. Please, let me out." He said, taking a step closer to the bars, hoping to show his eagerness to leave. If he seemed serious then the other should quit it with the jokes.
Ishida's smile grew. "Sure I'll let you out. " He said, snapping his fingers a, Takahashi laying a key in his hand. "Oh-i just need to know, do you have mm- 100,000 dollars in the bank?" He said as he paused in from if the lock.

"Plus interest boss" Takahashi added from the side. "Ah- true plus my 15 percent on top. That's still accruing, monthly for the last couple. I can't forget my interest-" Ishida agreed as he leered up at Lee, baring a wide shark like grin. "You sold yourself to me for over 100,000 US Dollars as collateral for your friends debt."
Oh? Just like that? Well, alright, whatever! He was free! Lee would just have to get a change of clothes and find out where the hell he was. Right, he would need to find his belongings and see if he still had some money in there, lest he spent it last night on whatever he did. He could get an uber, or if Sam or Elliot could come get him...

Ah... And just like that, there it was: the catch. He nearly choked on the bite of bagel he had taken, Lee coughing. "Whoa, wait, what the fuck?" Huh?! Plus interest? "Wait, wait, I--" Oh. No way. Again, he must be joking.

He took a second to assess the situation, the surprised look on his face quite apparent to the two men. He didn't like the look the man gave him. "Surely... a man such as yourself... would have proof, n-no?" He tried to keep steady, failing just at the end. His mind raced, how could this happen? His friends... Sam and Elliot? A far-off memory did come to mind, his two buddies freaking out over some debt they got themselves into.

"Ishida--" He whispered. Fuck. No way.
"Oh ofcourse I have proof of sale! You signed it yourself." He said as Takahashi instantly drew out the folder and put it in his bosses hand. He opened the folder and turned it around, showing Lee a copy of the contract he signed. "Right here, in black and white." He said tapping a finger on the page with a growing grin. "This is your signature, and thumb print, correct?" He said as he lifted it out the folder for a closer look. "You signed it completely free of any duress, if anything you couldn't sign it fast enough, you wanted my attention so badly "
No way. No way no way no way. The words kept repeating in his head, Lee reeling from the information and proof presented right in front of him. His eyes quickly scanned over the document, over and over. “I… I was drunk. It’s not valid—“ it didn’t matter. If this guy was as dangerous as Sam and Elliot told him, he was royally screwed.

He shook his head. Surely there must be a loophole somewhere. None he could think of, anyway. Lee brought the sheet close to his chest, ensuring he was covered. Surely this wasn’t legal, again it not mattering to a criminal.

He felt embarrassed, knowing he was all over this stranger, this criminal! His cheeks flushed, Lee bringing the sheet up higher. He backed up, stopping as he reached the bed, before sitting down on the edge.

He wanted to refuse, knowing full well he couldn’t. He felt trapped, so trapped. And yet…

“No, I don’t care. It’s invalid. I have no memory and I was drunk!” He shook his head.
"Oh? That sounds like you believe that'll hold up. " He said as he grinned wider. "You signed and submitted it to me, that's enough for government work Tea Boy. " He said putting the pages away. "Or rather, it's enough for my purposes. See if you misbehave, I can do what I need to make sure you understand your position...but if you say your position is outside well...I suppose that means your friend s will have to buy you back. Or you buy yourself out. Or." He pushed the key in the cells lock turning it. The thick bolt turning Iverson and he pushed the door open. "How about I just take a look into Sam and Elliot's little gambling problem...I'm sure I'm not the only game in town that they owe. I bet they'd love to know where those rats are ducking off to to try to pay for your life. You jumped up so bravely, and here you are, going to get them cut up by some American thugs because you refuse to be the martyr you jumped to be."
There was no way to prove anything; that he was or wasn't sober, that it was done legally. There was no fucking way to prove anything. Just as he thought, it didn't matter to the gangster. God, damn, a fucking gangster. How did they manage that? What the hell did Sam and Elliot get up to without him around? He would need to drag them around on a leash or something.

He closed his eyes at that, mentally cursing his own predicament. He wouldn't doubt the other had a leash ready for him...

It was either his buddies bought him back or he bought himself. He knew neither could be done. Ishida didn't have to know that--. No, no... He knew already. He had Lee trapped. Looking back up he tensed as the lock on the cell was undone and the man stepped inside. Oh, even up closer he looked way hotter-- Fuck, stop!

He shook his head; both to rid himself of those thoughts and in response to the other's words. "Leave them alone," he started, trying to pick and choose his words carefully. His friends fucked up enough, they didn't need anything more added to their stress. Lee... had no choice.

"I understand that I... I sold myself to you. What exactly do you want from me?" What was his role here? Besides waiting on those two to pay the gangster back.
Ishida's smile never broke. "I want you to serve my every wanton desire and urge. To be my pet and servant until your contract is spent." He said as he licked his lips. "Your body, your soul, will be mine to use up." The gangster held out a hand. "Do you understand what I want from you, Tea Boy." He said as he neared him.
It was finally there and all Lee could do was stare at him wide-eyed, mouth slightly agape. "No!" He called out, his first instinctive response. This guy was totally serious! The half bagel was left forgotten on the edge of the bed to his right, Lee's head swimming. A sex slave - that was what Ishida, this debt-collecting gangster, wanted. The held out hand was ignored, Lee shaking his head, "Hell no, you've gotta be kidding this time!" Oh, he most certainly wasn't...!
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Ishida laughed, stepping up and grabbing the sheet, ripping it off Lee. "You think this is a joke? You're fucking stupid! "he said throwing it aside, he swept an arm out, grabbing Lee's hair and hauling him forward, dragging him off h=the bed and thrusting him onto the floor. "Are you going to keep acting like you have a choice!" He said as he slammed his foot down on his back. "you sold yourself away, your friends are fucked, but if you want to oretend you have a say- " He said as he put his foot on the back of Lee's head. putting pressure on. Ishida leans over, pulling something from his jacket. a metallic click went off, cold steel pressed to the back of his neck. "I should just shoot you right here. I can sell you for parts and make up my maybe ill keep your head to give your friends when they pay to get you back."
The sheet was suddenly ripped off of him, Lee raising his arms and backing up some from surprise. An arm came out, fingers gripping his hair, forcing him down to the floor on his knees. He didn't resist, the surprise and suddenness of it all, he couldn't react in time. The foot to his back made him fall forward, Lee lying on the cold floor on his stomach. He wanted to move, to jump up and run. The cell door was still open, a chance for him to escape. Even if he managed to run, he had no way to defend himself; if doing anything would even be a smart move. With a criminal, it was only a matter of time before they turned violent or brought out a weapon.

Lee turned his head to the side to allow himself to breathe, softly panting from the shock. He didn't have a choice or a say; he could only submit.

A weapon actually came out, a gasp getting caught in his throat feeling the cold steel against his neck, "Wait...!" He froze, afraid that any movement would set him off. "O-Okay! F-Fine!" He unwillingly accepted, quickly following up with a clearer acceptance, "I'll do it." Dread spread throughout his body. That was it. He was Ishida's.

Until his friends managed to gather all of the money, something he was doubtful would even happen. If they could, it would most likely take a long time. He closed his eyes, letting out a shaky breath at the realization.
"You'll do what?" Ishida said as he lifted his foot off Lee's back. The steel tapped his cheek, and Lee could see the barrel of a gun, a pitch black pistol. His fingers lax on the trigger, but his eyes looking fir a reason. "Say it Tea Boy, with a smile." He said as he tapped Lee's lips with the gun
Pressure released from his head though he dared not move. Things had turned serious very quickly. It wasn't enough for the man, of course it wasn't. Eyes widened at the sight of the gun. He didn't know much about them, but he knew he couldn't fuck around. He shuddered, gasping softly, "I-I'll do it! I'll serve you!" He cried out, nervously forcing a smile. He couldn't believe himself, actually agreeing to serve this psycho. But with the gun held right up to his head, tapping his lips, he couldn't find a way out.
"Good Tea Boy." He said as did as he was operates, that forced smile come over his face. "Now Tea Boy, you need a bath." He said as he would let the pressure off his back. But whle the new slave would likely shift up, to rest on his knees, Ishida shaped on something else. his shoe stepping right on Lees groin.
A bath? Finally, he felt so dirty. Even though Ishida let up fully, he was still hesitant, not knowing what getting a bath would entail with his supposed new role as the gangster's servant. Glancing back, he felt he had enough space to move, Lee shifting to his knees. As he went to place a hand down and move to stand, he felt pressure in a rather sensitive area, Lee yelping from surprise mixed with pain. A hand came up, flinging back, hitting the gangster in the leg. Realizing what had just happened, he froze, expecting to be hit or... worse. He shuddered at the thought, chancing a glance behind him.
Lee's flimsy resistance impacting against Ishida only told him more information. God Ishida felt solid under his suit, tough muscle. But he also didn't get alot of time to absorb that knowledge as Ishida kicked him on the chest, pinning him on the side of his bed. He pushed his gun forward just as the slave would open his mouth to try to Apologize, Ishida jammed the gun barrel into his mouth. "Have you lost your tny mind Tea Boy! " he said though the masters eyes glinted with malicious delight. Perhaps he wasn't getting off on Lee's resistance but he was gleefully going to abuse him or worse if he had the opportunity.
A cry left his lips, not knowing what to do with his hands as he wanted to protect his chest but also his back from being shoved against the side of the bed. "Shit! So--" His apology started to come out, something preventing him from continuing - a very hard, metal something that could end his life in a matter of seconds. His hands shakily came up in defense, trying to show he meant no harm. Wide eyes stared into the other's, a rather curious look on the gangster's. He didn't seem angry. Was he... having fun? He couldn't tell, Lee's sole focus on not dying that day. Or any day for that matter. Though, if the other finished him off then, he wouldn't have to serve him...

Something about that look on Ishida's face... Some part of Lee's brain read it as he wasn't actually in any danger and in turn excited him. He wouldn't know how to explain it, yet he felt himself harden.
Ishida's eyes raked in the terror in Lee's eyes, his excitement was palpable, his gun digging into his mouth, rolling and pressing it deeper. "That's what-" His eyes had lowered, considering where to beat Lee black and blue...then noticing his erection. "Well Well! What's happening here?" He said as he laughed and looked up at Lee's face again. "Little Tea Boy is bricked up!" He said looking over at Takahashi, his loan shark amusement..actually letting him pull the gun out of Lee's mouth. "This little fuck is a freak!" He gasped as he laughed so hard, he leaned back, holding his chest. "Whew- that's a new one!"
...Did a boner really just save him? He swore for a second there that the other was going to shoot him with the way the gun dug into his mouth. He had no idea where the erection came from and why it appeared but there it was and it just saved his ass. He carefully moved, slowly raising himself until he could step to the side, hoping to use the bed as space between him and the gangster. Just as long as the other was distracted, a light flush to his cheeks from the laughter.

"R-Right, anyway... Now how about that bath?" He spoke up softly, hoping to move on from that bit. It wouldn't go away, Lee knew the other would hang that over him and, hell, use it against him as much as he could.
"Ahaha! Ha-fucking- hoo~" Ishida wiped a tear from his eye, turning to the side as Lee tried to scurry by his fear boner. ""Ha-Sure! Whatever you freaky bastard. A laugh like that earns you a bath" Ishida said as he put an arm around his shoulder, his pistol still in hand, resting on his chest, still wet from his saliva. "You'll just have to walk to the baths. Naked." He said as he rubbed the instrument of death along Lee's chest, rubbing it against his nipple playfully with the barrel. His trigger finger discipline was otherworldly, not even a shift in his grip or faint flex for comfort. "It's also in a different building," He said with an evil grin.

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