General RP Owed Debt (Knight_of_None)

The other didn't try to stop him and he felt some relief from that. It lasted only a moment, however, the gun very much still in the man's hand, pointed at his chest. There wasn't much escape, not when the other had him right by his side, an arm over his shoulders, keeping him close. He wanted to push the other away as he rubbed the weapon against his chest, his anxiety rising. "Does it not grant me some freedom from that thing?" Hell no, walking outside naked?!

"You've gotta be kidding. Come on, I'm not walking outside like this. You'll get me arrested," he said with a shake of his head, wanting so badly to stop in his tracks.
He smirked at him. "I didn't say it earned you that much. Just that it earned you a bath." He raised the gun,slowly carrying it up his chest, to his throat and under his jaw. "And I've said you get the bath you want so badly. I didn't say it would be easy....heh. it's early tho. You might get ti the baths without attention on you. And who knows. You're in danger, aren't you? Wouldn't it benefit you to be noticeable?" He said as he pressed the cool steel further. Ishida locked his lips. "Heh, what if my finger twitched..." He said softly, more ti himself than to Lee. He looked over at Takahashi as Lee's chains pulled taught, rattling as they held him at the door fo the cell. He said something in Japanese, the goon giving a laugh and walking over, he knelt down, giving Lee's bones a slap on the way down to unlock the shackles on his ankles.
From all of the terrifying excitement, the cuffs around his ankles and chain keeping him trapped in the room had been forgotten. As it was brought back to his attention, he was surprised he hadn't noticed it. It was pretty hard to remember when a gun was pointed right under one's chin. He flinched at the slap to his erection, he wasn't completely hard but it was still uncomfortable.

Ah, so was it still early? He had no idea what the time was. "I'm sure you have certain connections... It wouldn't matter. People are scared of you, I'm sure." That went for the cops, too. Ishida could parade Lee around completely naked and no one dared to complain. If anyone did, the cops wouldn't interfere. Was there really no helping him?

With Lee no longer chained to the cell's interior they were free to go. Lee could also bolt if he found an opportunity.

"You'd be out of a slave. You seem to be having plenty fun with me," he had guessed, anyway. Either way, they were stuck with each other. Of course, Ishida could easily get rid of him if he wasn't enjoying having him around.
Ishida chuckled coldly. "You're not wrong, I would be out of a slave, and a rare one at that." He said as he flicked the gun downwards, shifting to put it away. "And You're right. I do have enough pull that running for help would probably end of with you in the trunk of a cop car to ship you back to me." Ishida said as he shifted his hand, spanking Lee on the ass crudely, pushing him forward. "Run and you die tired, is my favorite phrase." He added as stepped up, grand just as quickly grabbed Lee by the hair, jerking him around to drag him along even if he wasn't resisting. He couldn't help himself really, Lee had enough to hold onto!

Ishida hauled him around, up through the staff area, the rattle and clatter of dishes informed Lee of tlwhere we was. A thick steel door issued open with Takahashi opening it up, and Lee was standing naked in a dim tunnel, looking out to a kitchen crew in the middle of cleaning. Some people looked up, and looked away, some didn't even bother, others looked over Lee like a peice of choice meat. All of them were yakuza probably, or affiliated closely enough if they weren't accepted into the organization. As he was paraded, some of the cooks whistled and jeered, but in the grasp of Ishida, they wouldn't dare touch what wasn't for offer. "This is Tea Boy fellas! My new acquisition! Say Hello Tea Boy!" Ishida said as they had hot the other side of the line up, wrenched about so everyone could look at him.
Rare, huh? At least he had that going for him, something he hoped he could rely on. If Ishida threatened him enough, perhaps he could throw that little fact back in his face. He cracked the smallest of smiles as that thought ran through his mind, finding some newfound confidence. "What a comfort," he said with a hint of sarcasm. The gun was finally put away for now, the threat to his life gone for the time being. He jumped forward at the spank to his ass, for the moment free of any hold on him. It felt nice, Lee not bothering to run. Not when he was aware the gun was so close and easy to pull out. He could run and die tired, as the other put it.

The space between them didn't last long, the other suddenly on him with a nice grip on his hair, the length perfect for all the hair grabbing Ishida wanted. Lee couldn't lie, the tugging and pain it brought on felt nice. Hell, more than nice. "Jeez man, is this really necessary?" He groaned, the angle the other held him at was awkward. He tensed hearing the clattering of dishes and silverware being cleaned and put away. The doors were opened, revealing the long hallway where the noise grew louder and louder the further they walked. "Come on, really..." He mumbled, a blush coming up on his cheeks, darkening as they reached the kitchen area. Many looked toward him, some minding their business, others taking a closer look the longer they stared. Some even were vocal about their appreciation.

"Ishida..." He spoke up, frowning as he called out that same nickname. Perhaps it was better no one knew his name. The less they knew, the better. He didn't like how some of the men looked, almost matching Ishida's intimidation. Luckily, none of them dared to touch him. There was a chance that was another perk of being... ugh, Ishida's property. Without greeting any of the men, he tried to move on (as much as he could with that grip on his hair still), to walk further away to escape the kitchen. The bath couldn't come soon enough!
Ishida smirked as Lee troed to move, his hand twisting to move him back into position. "Ah! Where are you going?" He said smirking as he pulled Lee's hair harder. "What did I tell you Tea Boy?" He said as he leacned him back, smacking Lee in the face. A few of the cooks laughed. "My men need to always meet my pets. Otherwise, they might get ideas so say Hello!" He said as he dugged his fingers into Lee's peck. He knew Lee would need training, but he wasn't opposed to punishing him right out in the open.
"Ah, ow, hey!" Lee grumbled as he was pulled back to Ishida's side by his hair. The grip tightened, the tugging harder, and Lee yelped with a small whimper as he was smacked. His face seemed to flush darker hearing the laughter. Really, was Ishida just trying to save him? He did make a good point, however painful or embarrassing. "...Hello!" He said, raising his voice toward the end when he realized it may not have been loud enough to please the other.

He would probably flip out if anyone else did try to touch him. It being Ishida, he didn't exactly want to test him while he had the gun on him. Lee wouldn't know if he would have it on him in the future, but Lee couldn't help his nature. He realized he would be taking a lot of risks around Ishida. He looked away from the others, keeping his gaze down toward the floor. A bath would be coming his way soon, a pleasant reward. Unless the yakuza had other ideas.
"Good boy." He said stroking the male's hair briefly to reward his obedience just as quickly as he would strike or punish, showing Lee that he could earn some warmth. If he obeyed. "Nobody is to touch Tea Boy without my permission." He said smirking as some of the cooks shrugged and nodded at the clarification. He paused, looking along the line for any dissent or curiosity. "No questions...good. Come on Tea Boy, or I'll shove my gun in your mouth again" He said as he hitched him around, to pull him along, his grip on his hand softening...still firm, but clearly for dominance rather than just forceful dragging. unfortunately, Lee wasn't in for a simple time, coming out into the clue, he saw more staff and Ishida would show him off to every single one of them to introduce himself. Even the bouncers that were on the inside. Then he was set up and marched out onto the early morning streets, it had to be maybe 4 or 5 in the morning, very few people were out and about...thou that didn't mean drivers rolling by wouldn't notice. Ishida had him moving in the brisk morning, about half the block to a tall apartment building, one of several houses Ishida had control of, not even his favorite or nicest, but Lee would have to earn those privileges.
The praise was nice, Lee actually not minding it. The praise followed by the nickname had him rolling his eyes. As sweet as it was at first, the other had to ruin it just as quickly. As Ishida paused, Lee stopped to look between the men as well, finding some comfort in the notion. It was the little things, Lee was learning. "Ooh, promising me with a good time, huh," he jested, Lee finding the grip wasn't as tight, almost gently leading him through the kitchen and toward the inside of the club. Hey, wait... This was the club he and his friends frequented. No wonder they ended up bumping into Ishida. Some things were starting to make sense, the rest of the night still a total blur to Lee.

Meeting every member of Ishida's staff started testing Lee's patience, by the end of 'happily' greeting everyone he was actually thrilled to be outside. He found it was still quite early in the morning, the sun recently rising, perhaps only twenty or so minutes ago. Despite this, few people were still out; many of them just ended their night and very few started their day. Anyone they passed got a very nice look at Lee, the male wanting to cover up, badly, or at least get to wherever they were going as fast as they could. It must have been quite an interesting sight if no one knew of Ishida's influence; a man dragging another along by the hair, fully nude.

As they approached the building Lee started to understand he was being brought to an apartment. Whatever it was, he wanted to get inside and into some warm water. "You live here, huh?" He and his friends had looked into getting an apartment together, having looked at places around this location. Something cheap for the three of them.
"No. I own it because a man had only 4 options left. It was the nicer of the 4 honestly, so im happy he took it." Ishida said as he let go of Lee's hair and opened the door. "I like to give people options." He said as Lee felt Ishida's hand grab on his ass, his grip firm and ribbing on him as he walked Lee inside. The lights flickered up as they padded into a decent looking apartment, a fuax wood floor, with beige walls, a small key table was by the door, some hooks for coats on the other wall. Photos were on the wall, a glance told Lee they definitely weren't even Ishida's,. The small white family of three made that obvious. He hadn't even taken the family photos off the walls. The door shut. Lee was walked into the commons of the apartment, though it felt a tad open, a entertainment station with no TV, nor cable box, indents were furniture used to be as he probably flipped a bunch of it or it was sold to pay him. Ishida guided Lee through it to a bedroom, sterilized like the commons and kitchenette. But was likely the 'master' bedroom. He pushed the bathroom door open to a tub and shower combination set.
Ah... Everything came back to the criminal world it seemed. He could understand the panic and need to make the right decision when your life was at risk, having been through it just moments before. He shook his head as his ass was grabbed, the male leading him into the apartment. He seemed to be telling the truth as Lee entered and spotted the various family photos hanging up on the wall. Unless Ishida had white family members... He shuddered at the thought that he could have been walking inside a dead family's home. Alas, that wasn't the case, unless the other lied to him.

He felt better behind closed doors, no one else having to see him nude. It was a strange sight, a lived-in apartment with many amenities missing. "You don't frequent this apartment much, I gather." Just by the looks, it was quite obvious. He would yet to learn much about the man from how his living space was decorated. Finally, they reached the bathroom located in what he guessed to be the master bedroom. He was much closer to getting that promised bath, though he was cautious. The gangster could force him to perform some act before he could get it.

Still, he stepped up to the combo unit and went to turn the faucet on. He could shower first before soaking in the tub...! Whichever the case, he was thrilled to be much closer to getting clean. He spotted some cleaning products, but Lee was unsure if they were from the previous owner or if Ishida bought backup products.
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Ishida watched as Lee stepped into the tub, giving him a pinch before he ot too far out of his grip. He had used this place sparingly, the bed more than anything else other than the bathroom. The soaps and product were all his own. "Well?" You wanted a bath." He said simply
Relief slowly crept in, the male not stopping him. Lee ran the warm water, waiting for the tub to fill up. He ignored the criminal standing there, patiently waiting for the tub to fill up just enough before he climbed inside. At any moment this privilege could be taken away and he wouldn't pass it up. Once inside, the warmth of the water surrounded him and Lee let out a content sigh. He grabbed the various products, using them until he was clean. Halfway through he found the other still standing there.

"Mm... Afraid I'm gonna run?" He was already starting to feel better.
As Lee washed himself, he was careful to run the soap over the new wounds on his chest. He lightly winced, the soap stinging his flesh. He looked back over to Ishida, watching him pull a towel out for him to use afterward. So he wasn't totally heartless, Lee finding kindness anywhere he could in his new predicament.

Ah... How... sweet? "Do you ever feel remorse for kidnapping people, stealing them away from their lives?" He asked, thoughts trailing to what he had suddenly left behind. "People will be looking for me." At least, he hoped others thought about him - besides the two friends who allowed him to sell himself. Not that they had a choice, though Lee had no memory of the event. His paper was due that day, his professors would wonder where he had gone.

He knew Ishida was only doing his 'job,' collecting owed debts. Lee was only curious if he thought about that, and... what happened to those people.
"Hm. Do I feel remorse...That's a deep question on the first day of service, normally it's a lot more running around, begging for help, or threatening of killing either themselves or me." Ishida said as he plopped the towel aside. He considered it a moment longer. "Not really. It's all business at the end of the day for me. I've had to ensure my loans and payments one way or another, a kidnapping sets a fire under them. Or. The Kidnapping sorts out my problem as I can utilize the person's desperation to survive. Or. I sell them off to several other organizations that will absolve the debt." He added as he rubbed his chin. He was quite pragmatic it seemed, it wasn't personal to him in the slightest. "Heh, and as for people looking for you....They'll find a reason for your disappearance eventually. Your Friends can't go to the cops because...who will they tell before they hit my guys? Your teachers? Eh, you chose to wander off, you got lazy, or you can't be fucked to show up."
"I gotta pass the time somehow," he covered, mainly looking to learn more about the other. They would get into plenty of that later he was sure, for now asking what he could while he had the chance. Hearing the answer, Lee had figured as much. He had been curious to hear Ishida's thoughts and what he usually did. He frowned hearing the rest. It was true, there were times when Lee's personal life had gotten in the way of his schooling, Lee skipping classes here and there. Today would be a day like any other, his professors either thinking he needed a break or he simply skipped out that day. No matter how hard he tried, things out of his control got in the way. Perhaps his father would be thrilled to hear he was finally gone.

He was quiet for a moment, idly washing himself and his hair. He didn't want to push his luck by asking any more questions. He figured the other would grow irritated and hit him or something. He went to rinse off before he was finished. He climbed out of the tub and reached for the towel, drying himself and his hair before wrapping it around himself. Ah, much better~.

"...Thank you. For the bath." It was better to be respectful, no? He was already starting to look better.
Ishida reached out and grabbed Lee by the back of the head, but not to hold his hair. He leaned down, kissing Lee on the lips suddenly and forcefully, sweeping him close. He broke the kiss slowly. "You can thank me in a better way than words," Ishida said smirking. "Words are so...simple to say, I've always preferred actions to show loyalty first." He said as he pet Lee slowly. "I'll take care of you Tea Boy, no other way about it."
Lee flinched when the hand came out, the male expecting to be hit or for his hair to be grabbed. Instead, his head was grabbed, but only to be pulled in for a kiss. He was surprised by such action, his eyes widening. He held on tighter to the towel, afraid that he would otherwise drop it. They parted slowly, brown eyes staring into the other's. Actions to show loyalty? Fair enough... Not that Lee really wanted to. Not when he was being forced!

"What do you want me to do?" He could think of a few things, quite a few things he could do, none Ishida would be happy with. It felt awkward, the hand petting his wet hair, but it strangely felt nice. "Mm... That worries me." Yeah, Ishida could certainly take care of him, Lee's eyes glancing downward, to the hidden gun that was still on Ishida. Any moment it could be pulled out and he would be dead.
"Mm?" Ishida follows his eyes. "Well i could do that again if thats what your thinking about." He said indifferently. His hand reaching up to grab his gun. "But I don't want to take of you like that just yet." He said as he whirled the gun out, his fingers spinning it without any struggle. He holsters it gain. "Heh. As for what I we'll have to see about that, how smart you really are, what I can do with you...outside of what I know I can." He said as he cupped Lee's face in his hands. "You've bathed. I suppose you'll want clothes hm? Yours are probably tossed by now."
Brown eyes followed the hand that reached for the very same spot he eyed, watching him spin it effortlessly, which he found quite impressive. Just like that, it was gone again. Just yet... It was certainly not a comfort that the criminal was no doubt thinking of eventually killing him - if he deemed it absolutely necessary. Or... for the hell of it? He swallowed dryly at the thought.

He looked up at the other, his handsome face quite close to his. Damn, it was difficult being kept prisoner by such an attractive criminal. In any other instance, he wouldn't have minded being the other's property.

Ah... Mm, no. That was wrong, really really wrong. Who the hell wanted to be owned?

"And that would be?" He asked, curious. What did this criminal have in mind for his use? Oh, right. "Y-Yeah. Um, any chance my belongings were saved?" Surely the other still had his phone and wallet. Not that he expected to get either back... yet. Now would be better, but he was being realistic.
Lee fought off his intrusive thought, the idea of being owned by Ishida...or at the very least, if Ishida wasn't so far up in the ladder of crime, that was a tad appealing. He wouldn't have to make any hard choices, he wouldn't have to struggle, perhaps Lee even would garner some power leveraging his connection with the shark. Ishida thought on it. "Phone and wallet are in a safe space." He said as his thumb rubbed under his lower lip. He'd give it back....maybe. Ishida hooked his arm around his neck, starting to walk Lee out if the bathroom. "I think the clothes are long gone...I ripped your pants practically in half when it yanked them off you. Sit." He said letting go of him, snapping his fingers and pointing to the bed. "I think that I have replacements...maybe."
"Ah, good, good." Thank god his things were fine. He didn't care about the clothes, those could easily be replaced. As he didn't make much money it was harder to replace his phone and the things in his wallet. Speaking of making money, he completely forgot about his part-time job. He would no doubt be fired now. With no way of getting in contact or getting himself there, he could forget about saving it.

The gentle swipe to his lower lip ripped any lingering thoughts from his mind, his focus on the man before him. It was strange, the gentleness the other offered him, though Lee liked it. He was then led back into the bedroom, Lee much more comfortable clean. "Sounds like we had a blast last night. I just wish I could remember it." To know exactly what he did and said to his new owner. He ran fingers through wet hair, stopping short of the bed, pausing as he was ordered to sit. He hoped the other hadn't noticed the hesitation, Lee then following through with the command quickly after, sitting on the edge of the bed, the towel still wrapped around his waist. The man was showing him some mercy, allowing him the bath and a change of clothes. He couldn't be a brat for that.

It was a little strange when he thought about getting clothing that belonged to a family that up and left after a run-in with Ishida. At least the clothes were going to someone who needed them, despite also being in a similar circumstance. "Thank you, sir" he spoke up, being polite.
He locked his lips slightly as as oogled over Lee, while getting a polite thanks. "Still Words." He said smirking briefly but he stepped to the closet. "Hm. Well. I could tell you..or show you." He said as he cracked the closet, pulling out clothing and tossing them out. It was the husband's clothes, a guy around Lee's height at least, but he wasn't sure how much will properly fight. "I will say, you seemed to like being under the said you wanted to get fucked on top of it."
Hmm, true. What could he do? Obviously it would be some sort of sexual act. God, so early in the morning? They apparently did plenty last night. He could certainly feel it, anyway. "You'd love to show me now." He teased, looking at the closet when it was opened. None of it was his style but he couldn't exactly be choosy. At least he would be getting some pants and a shirt. Even if it didn't fit his thin frame, if there were sweatpants he could tie the waistband strings.

Honestly, that sounded like him. He could definitely believe that. He gave a nod, mulling over his options for how to thank him now. Perhaps, if he went with a certain idea, there would be some perks in store for him.

He quietly waited until the male stepped closer to him. Once close enough he reached a hand up, careful not to startle the gangster and have him reach for his weapon. He gently curled his fingers around the chain around his neck before tugging him down, toward the middle of the bed. He was aware the male was most likely much stronger than him and wouldn't budge, Lee hoping he would play along, to see what his pet would do. Discarding his towel, he climbed atop Ishida's lap, straddling him. "How's this for thanks?" He grinned teasingly, praying the other wouldn't snap and harm him. He rolled his bare hips, grinding against the clothed male's crotch. "Do you like that~?"
Luckily for Lee, Ishida didn't buck back or tissle...honestly the wrestling might have merely been creatively interpreted as some challenging foreplay. As a Ishida twisted yo sit down and Lee climbed on top of him, starting to grind on him...Lee found something only mildly concerning. Ishida had a bit of a semi going, before the rubbing and grabbing no doubt, perhaps on edge from ogling on the slavem..or perhaps good memories from last night were working some magic that Lee laid on him. The gangsters cock however was a fast responder, bricking up more and more. Ishida smirked at him, reaching out and grabbing onto Lee. " hmm-careful Tea Boy, my drive is high. You might need another bath -" He said as he fondled the slaves cheeks, finding a nice amount to grip. "I gagged you on that-" he purred lowly, his hands working Lee as well, letting the male grind futher down to get reacquainted with the shape. Ishida spanked him once, this eyes starting to heat up next. Lee hadn't even looked at the pants he'd wear yet and He was going to need a brisk shower.
There wasn't much of a fight as he got the other to sit. He found his way into his lap and felt a hardness that was already there. His grin grew, he couldn't help it. Did he truly have such an effect on the other? He could feel the other fully harden under him, Lee pressing his hips down a bit harder. He was starting to get excited himself, wanting to touch himself but he held back. He needed to do this right, to play the part he was forced to. Maybe, in some way, he could buy himself some freedom.

"You'll quickly learn mine is, too." He had gone all night before with past partners. "Perhaps then you'd join me in the bath." Shower sex? Hm. Why did he want that? He hummed softly, something feeling familiar about the position he was in, feeling the hardness under him and those hands on his ass. "You mean... this?" He ground down harder then, laughing softly. Jeez, he blew him? He wished he knew what went down last night more than ever.

"I bet you wanna get back inside of me." Why was he teasing the yakuza? What the hell was wrong with him? Did he have a death wish?

... Not today.

"You know... I saw some bruises on my neck." When they entered the bathroom he had caught sight of himself in the mirror. "I assume you choked me on something other than your dick." What did they do?! God, and he walked around outside like that. Ishida had some strong influence in the city, else the cops definitely would have stopped them.

"Wanna do it again, Ishida? Rather... Master~?" Oh, the chills that coursed through his body at that title, Lee shivering in response. He enjoyed it, a little too much.
Ishida listened as Lee spoke, the harder he grinded the tighter the Takuza gripped on him, his cock stuclffening more and more. "Hmm-I choked you with my hands, and we did a bit more...if you want to see it all..well I have a few ways I can let you experience it" He said smirking as he leaned closer, his smile razor sharp. "And I think that shower might not do do me right now." He said as his nails bit into his skin. He rocked himself now, bouncing Lee on his lap. " buttt" his hands dragged up his back his fingers sliding around his side with the edge of his nails and finger tips. His hands moved quickly, locking around Lee's neck, though he was keeping the pressure light for the moment. "I always can go for some breathing games." He said
The squeezing felt nice, the harder he squeezed, the harder he ground down. He could feel Ishida was totally hard, Lee taking in everything, learning the other while he was sober. Just as he thought, the other did choke him. Judging from the marks, and how dark they were, he had been choked more than once. "Mm?" He winced, gasping softly as nails dug into his skin. He was reminded of the marks on his chest, Lee figuring how they were made. He didn't fight against the male, bouncing on his lap, wishing he was inside of him. "Mmn... Ah!" Brown eyes widened, those hands on his neck already, the movement rather fast. His own hands came up instinctively, gently touching Ishida's.

Breath play. Before last night, Lee had dabbled in some games here and there with partners. He let go, letting his hands rest on the other's abdomen. He gave a nod.

Was he fucking crazy allowing this yakuza to choke him?!

"Have you ever killed anyone during breath play?" He kept it simple, sticking to the play, already knowing as a gangster he had killed people before, purposefully. Had it ever been accidental?
"Mmm-if it's just playing...well what's the fun of the pretend stuff where I squeeze the sides to pinch the veins...I suppose it's the real thing, every time..." his grip would tighter, forming up steadily, already giving Lee a familiar placement of his fingers, shis thumbs caressing his throat. He steadily upped the pressure, though he wasn't trying yet, merely shocking. "Sometimes I've been fucking so harshly, squeezing so hard that they faint...but when I'm full of frenzy...sometimes something slips out and I just can't let go until I've popped...sometimes they just can't hold up for long enough...or I'm using ropes, or belts and that little disconnect makes me go crazy." He whispered as Lee was keenly aware that the yakuza was definitely completely up now just talking about it.

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