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Project Eternium

Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Another morning, another usual check up, that would result in a yummy breakfast with pills and shots that kept her immune system in top tiers, her DNA strains functional and compatible all while she attempted to remain hidden under her cloak and blankets that she was only allowed for the night. Plus she was feeling unusually strange, restless, hot, her dreams filled with such naughty thoughts and desires she could barely catch a wink. Hopefully Brian would be her attending today, he was far more kind to her plus she more likely to be honest and revealing to him than the others. Sure she has done this her whole life but once she hit puberty she became more shy and refused to be touched or handled in certain fashion in more. Now she was at the ripe age of 18 years old, having gone through fake heats before due to stress or drugs what she felt was all natural.

A flushed face turned toward the white door as it opened to a cart of her food and medications, behind she saw her friend, a male friend, and his scent hit her like a truck making her gaze quick to dart away. She fumbles under her blankets not even uttering a good morning as her ears pinned back and her tail tightly tucked between her legs. Her heart was racing, her body felt on fire, a desire to pounce and take him crossed her mind but she shook it away as quickly as it dared to come upon. Of course she had devices within her body that constantly monitored her state so it would not long until the Lab Coats figure out she was going into her very first heat meaning they could finally start making money off her.

@Lord Sesshoumaru
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
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You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images
You must be 18 years or older + signed in to see attached images


The young man entered the chamber, as he wheeled the cart in. pulling a bottle of his sparkling water to drink some of it before placing it on the cart. Brian was the youngest of the lab coats, as well as the gentler of the men which worked with Specimen Eternium.
the project maiden was more then just a beast to be worked on, and tested for this young man, as he knew her by name.

"How's my little Rose doing today hmm? And I went ahead and tasted the water, so you know it's not weird, as it's the bubbly water you steal from me so often, I brought a bigger bottle in for us to share. so what you say? be a good girl today, and let me examine you?"

asking this, as it was no mystery to Brian, that sense this specimen had become older, she had become more timid or shy, at least from how things appeared to him. As he used a cute nick name, calling the fox maiden his little Rose due to her cute red hair, and fox ears.
However unlike others, His hands were always the gentle, and enjoyable ones. giving head pats, and gentle messages as he examined her, despite how embarrassing it was prior. However Brian would be unaware that his special friend was in her very first natural heat, meaning that his examination routine could end up enticing a more wild side of this cute shape shifting beauty.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching the cart wheel in to settle at the end of the bed, the only living person she deemed a friend sampling the water for her as to reassure it was not all weird or gross, hinted with some new medication which they attempted some of the time. She eyes her breakfast then the pills in a cup next to it before her gaze return on Brian uncertain how to answer his question. Last night was a nightmare with the sweat, tossing and turning, barely got more than three hours of sleep even when shifting into her full fox form. A few twitches of her nose was a bad idea, his scent circling around her as it became more potent in the air which was driving her mad, her eyes dilating as a result. Her hands gripped onto the bed below her, hidden under her blanket while attempting to continue on with keeping her cool, settling herself but it was only getting worse. Eyes darting to every gesture and movement he made, her ears focusing on his voice, his breathing, his heart beat, as her gaze would watching his lips move around he talked, imagined his hands on her body. Then she froze at the rhetorical question of examining her which she actually shook her head too, if he got any closer who knows what would happen. "pl-please leave" muttering such an uncommon demand "I don't feel well, leave" adding upon a reason for his dismissal.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Hearing this, as this would be unusual for Brian to hear. the young man had no idea what was going on. However his look, and body language quickly changed to that of concern. moving quickly to pour some of the sparkling water into a small dish which would be akin to a saki bowl. at which point he would move to place it close enough for her to take hold of, with out needing to touch the young man.

"I see, if that is the case, I will just make sure you get your needed meds, and I can have a medical expert come back with me to check on you in a few hours. "
saying this to her, his voice was now concerned, and worried. however Little did Brian realize, that by taking the time to prep her a proper dish of clean and rather enjoyable water, which he often slipped a slight flavor in, despite how it wasn't allowed. just so she could enjoy something a little different, instead of just plain water, and medication. As he moved to place the dish and the pills with in reach of his little Rose, Brian would be placing himself in a position where she could jump him with in the blink of an eye if her instincts won out.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Luckily he was an understanding one, he did not push her or demand reasoning, instead grew concerned and suggested a fellow option for her so she could rest and have psace but she did not want to rest of have space. She wanted to jump his bones, have her way with him as the scientist have with her all these years, though never truly having sex there have been sex toys used on her to attempt in stimulating a heat cycle trigger. They have done this since she was fourteen, anything to begin making true money off her which after today they finally will be but she already would be expecting her very first child, most likely.

When he drew close to set the dish close enough for her to grab she did not move, just stared at his hand, her gaze trailing up his arm to his shoulder, up his neck to his face then his eyes, down to his lips while her tongue reached out to lick her own. Her ears flick, the tension growing inside her body, the undying heat engulfing her every second she remained still and not acting upon this feeling. "So-something...is wrong" she stutters out, her ears pinning back as she shifts her position a little finding her juices were trailing down to create a soaked spot on her bet. The wet sensation spooked her enough to jump out of the bed, her fur was all a mess, her tail fluffed out and if he was anything but human the scent of hormones could be sensed exploding in the room. Currently she looked like a wild creature indeed of a grand relief.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now jumping up, with her fur all fluffed out, her body looking bothered, and frazzled. Rose would find her care giver, Brian moving up close. as he gently moved to place his palm to her cheek. the other hand moving to gently caress along the fox maiden's sides.

"Shhh, your fine, no one here will hurt you. It's just us, so why not try to relax, and let me examine you. I will find a way to make you feel Better I promise. After all your my little rose in this whole place. "

speaking in a gentle, calming and caring tone. Brian did not understand that this specimen was finally in her natural, and desired heat. Unlike his fellow lab workers, he was more innocent with his desires to care for, and see her well being. However
now moving to act as if she might be hurt, or sick, unaware of the true reason for her condition. His ignorance, and innocence would be the young man's down fall, as well as His rewarding mistake. as he spoke of making her feel better, unaware that all he would
need to do was breed her for that to happen.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She froze by his approach, tensing when he touched his palm upon her cheek that normally would calm her but this time it shocked her sensed and sent a wave of heat through her skin. Needing him away from her this instant she could not hold back any longer while he spoke of examining her and helping her feel better, she already knew such answer but he was so caring towards her. Having no idea the consequences of the following actions but he was here, he could make it stop and she wanted it to stop.

No warning, no words given as she tackles Brian onto the bed, tearing off his clothes into sheds on the floor, her hand stroking his cock while leaning down to take the tip into her mouth moisten it. Once he became nice and erect she glances up to him with a desperate whine, her ears lowered down, her tail tip wagging lightly in the air to show her submission to him. "I need you, please, just don't tell anyone, please" begging of him to help her as she straddles his lap.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"WHa. . . Rose what are you. .. Hello ?"

getting started as it happened so quick, and with out warning. The young man at first tried to stop her to no avail, as the fox's powerful claws, and elegant frame was quick and precise.
before he could do much, his member was being treated, and quickly got erect to an impressive size, at least impressive for a human.

Once he heard her whining, and soft begging, Brian melted as he always did for this bestial maiden. as he moved to gently run his palm along her once more.
"Very well, But make sure your slow, and gentle. If it hurts to much stop right away. " saying this in a soft and caring tone. the young man was giving in as he would be Rose's
fuck toy this one time, at least this once in his mind, unaware of other worldly pleasuring she would be. let alone how addictive her body would be for him. yet unlike the other men
and lab workers, Brian was gentler, and caring. Now about to give himself to his charge, and friend, becoming the cure for her current condition.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Seeing him give in, allow her to please herself and use him to somehow end this torture of lust unaware that whether he tells no one, everyone will know but her scent being all over him and the smell of sex. Who knows what will happen after it tis found out. For now she was more focused on Brian, he was so kind and gentle, his touch on her body that cherished so much, his gentle words that guided her to keep it slow and to endure the pain if there is any. She has never had a real cock inside her before, only small sex toys. Also she had no clue usually such a ritual was intimate between mates that she will learn most just want her body and babies not her as a person.

Lowering herself onto his tip, feeling him spread her entrance as she took her time sliding him inside her, tilting her head back in ecstasy followed by panting moans "That feels good" rolling her eyes back a little. Soon she reached his base, taking a second to collect herself before making small bounces that would grow into faster and larger thrusts. The mixture of her heat and him being so perfect made this first time all the better as she leans down, pecking kisses and licks along his chest up to his neck wanting to bite him and mark as her own. But she knew that she could never own anyone, everyone owned her.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now leaning into the young man, her lips, and tongue assaulting his flesh in such an enjoyable way. Brian would move to wrap his arms around her back, and sides. as he began to move under her, Meeting Rose's each bounce with his own smaller thrusts into her. As he moved to nip at her own neck, and shoulder where he could. Unaware how he was inviting her instinct to bite, and claim him, by this very action. Despite how all others owned her, Perhaps this young care giver was the one man who she could claim as her own, as he did give her permission to do all she needed, and wanted with him.

The way she felt, the depths and silken inner coils devouring his throbbing hot fleshy rod, as it pushed deeper into her each time, until the wicked tip kissed the right spots, and hit all the desired nerves. it would be unaware just how rough or wild the two could get, as it started off slower, and gentler for Rose was the one in control of the pace they went.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
His returned affections mixed with his meeting thrusts were simply driving her further to follow her instincts though in the back of her heard she knew it would get them in trouble, his scent mixed with hers plus a mark would give away the baby daddy. She let out whines and whimpers with her moans as if she was trying to hold back more for herself than for him but once he became to nip at her, she lost it as her fangs grazed over his upper left chest. Her hips would reach high making down with his thrusts with more force so he would reach deeper inside her. "Oh yes, Brian, yes" she would mewl his name before reaching her first climax, her fangs biting down into his flesh match with sucking as she quicked her bouncing to a ramming speed, riding out her orgasm.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Getting faster, and rougher with each audible impact of her lower end bouncing into Brian's upward motions. His thick love spear filling her with each penetrating impact, as his one hand slid down her frame. grasping and playing with the base of her tail, as the other hand moved up into Rose's hair. as he would not stop her from the biting, marking, and sensually enjoyable assault. as she was riding out her orgasm, The foxy maiden would soon feel the sure fired warning of her first time partner, throbbing, thickening and pulsating with in her depths. warning the fox of the impending baby batter which wished to coat, and flood her precious life producing core.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Continuing her bouncing she would finish up her marking in time to sit up and slam one last thrust down his hot rod she felt had indeed felt the swelling, throbbing sensation from his cock. But she had no clue of sex or pregnant, barely understood her heat cycles. In that motion she felt his hot baby batter spill out, coating her womb and walls with his seed. She on the other just that she was still orgasming as she pants heavily to catch her breath. "I feel better" she spoke uncertain if he understood what just happened, he was just a care taker but what they just did was a serious big deal.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As she was sitting up on his lap in this way. Rose panted, as her body seemed to feel much better, However this would be when Brian suddenly leaned forward, and wrapped his own arms around her. suddenly forcing the fox onto her back, as his lips crashed against hers. going with a few deep slow thrusts, as he seemed to be milking every drop of his own seed into her depths. his lips locked into hers like this, as it would be an aggressive yet loving assault compared to what others would do. however this would be both the enjoyable end, and horrifying beginning. as the two had done something which could never be undone. however it would give her a suddenly jolt of more pleasure as he used her to milk a second load from his balls. once the kiss broke, Brian spoke softly to Rose.

"You are amazing, I can't believe we done this. But from now On, If you ever need me, Just ask. I would rather be the one to sate you then some other man. "
saying this not realizing this submission of desire could also prove to be his undoing in the coming days.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She would meet his gaze with a smile before gasping with a laugh as he pushed her onto her back, her legs draped over his hips while a passionate kiss was made, her mewls being muffled as he continued to rock his hips just so every drop of his seed would enter her. All of this felt amazing to her, it was her first time and he was the best first partner she would have had. When the kiss broke she was a panting mess, catching her breath as he spoke to reassure he would always be here for her ever should she need him to sate her. Of course would he hard to contact him since she is not allow to have nay friendships with anyone. Reaching her hand up through his hair, her eyes dilating in a form of love she nodded her head. "okay..." agreeing with him before letting out a sad sigh "I guess you have to go now, been in here too long" she warns him and he also did not do his examine of her. At this point she was exhausted and ready to sleep so tolerating an examination was unlikely.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
With a few gentle kisses, even ending with her lower lip pulled playfully by his. Brian would move to pull out of Rose with a moist pop, as his thick seed would begin to escape her depths. however The young man would move to gently lift the fox up, and carry her to the bathing, and watering hole in her den / holding chamber. making sure to wash, and see Rose back into her beding before he would fix himself up to leave the room. she would find he did not do the examination, however he did take time to care for her unlike the other men of this building.

" I do have to go, but first, let's get you all fixed up and comfy in that bed hmm? Once your meds are in you, and my cute little fox is safely in bed, I will go finish my rounds. Want me to slip in tonight to check on you before I have to leave for the night?"
asking this, it was not allowed, however Brian had often paid surprise, and unwarranted visits to Rose, despite not being allowed, as the duo had no idea. that his unique closeness to her was watched closely, as he seemed to be the key to the staff's plan to make money from this magical breeder specimen. However it was not meant for him to take her first time, only to aid in enticing her heat cycle.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Surprised by his caring behavior of washing her up she took advantage and enjoyed the spare time he gifted her hoping he would not get in trouble later on for it. She would submerge into the water with bubbles before getting out to dry off and return to her bed though she stripped the sheets hating the sexual fluids all over them. Shifting into her feral fox form she would snatch the pillow and crawl under the bed instead, curling up under there to settle herself for a restful sleep. "no, I will be asleep..." she mumbles already drifting off.

While during the last half of the time Brian was in there her vitals were being calculated and higher ups getting utterly pissed off by the actions of a lower staff. Two guards were suddenly posted outside her room and she lost privileges of going into her open world play ground to stretch her legs and use her skills. No one was permitted to go into her den for two days, her meals and medication sent through a small window of he door. Finally an examination personally done by the scientist was given after she was given a different medication in her food to knock her out for a short time. "Sir, she is asleep and her vitals are finally back to normal. Her first heat cycle is over. Should we run some tests before preparing her for the auction room?" a trainee int he lab spoke to the head scientist.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The head scientist would smirk, as he turned to the trainee under him.

"Before we do that, We should have the boy prep her. Do not tell him what it is to be done. We should have him be the one to ruin the fox, as a reason to punish them both. "
saying this, the wicked man would have his trainee, be the one to give prep orders to brian, to make it seem like he was preparing a special training room for their specimen, so to have the young man
unwillingly help them rent out their specimen's time, as a punishment for taking her first time. All the more, the trainee would be given a special tazor to use if need be. as he would turn to look at the monitor.

"I expect you to fill in for our dear lover boy while we have him prep for their mutual punishment. "
with a wicked smirk, saying this, he would dismiss his trainee.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
"Fill in?" questioning him with a confusion expression but he would not question further as he went down to inform Brian of his following task of prepping the room as his boss instructed. But due to the heat cycle changing up her hormones the medication that usually knocked her out for hours was wearing off. She woke up with a light pain in her abdomen as she slowly got to her feet not understanding what just happened or why they knocked her out but did not move her. Plus she as growing to miss Brian, the pregnancy hormones were already made her more protective and antsy. She wanted to see him, beginning to pace in front of the door she knew that they had to have found out about what happened between she and Brian. Did something happen to him? "hey! Hey! Anyone out there? Can you tell me what I is going on?" slamming her fist on the door.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as she did this, one of the young scientists would come up to the door. opening a small window, so they could meet the specimen's eyes with their own.

"Calm down, before you hurt yourself. what is it? do you need something to relax specimen 001?"

asking this in a cold, and some what cruel tone, the trainee would be their on the one side of the door, waiting to hear the specimen's request, however as this was happening
Brian would be working hard on the special auditorium room. as he was explained that this was a special training room for specimen 001. stating that she had now become active,
and would need to learn to control herself around other males, and females alike. making the young man believe he would be helping his Rose learn to control her urges, and finally get
more freedom. unaware that the so called training was them planning to whore her out, and have it appear as though he was the one doing to her, to ruin Rose's trust in the one man
who ruined their original plans, before removing him completely from the equation before her eyes.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
When someone answered she paused realizing she was utterly all alone again making her step back from the door "No, I am fine" turning away as she hugs herself. Something was wrong, she felt so on edge and uncertain that was making her feel mad, all she wanted was to see Brian. Uncertain this would happen all pregnancy but the ones she made connections with might. "I just want brian" sitting down on her bed as she lays down trying to calm herself down in wait of whatever they were planning to do with her today. She felt locked away from everyone and everything and it was insane to a point of her going feral.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once she seemed to become more distant and feral tours the trainee, then prior. the door window would be slid shut. before shouting could be heard. as it seemed they were calling for Brian to come into the chamber and examine
Specimen 001. It would seem that her acting more feral to the trainee was enough for them to call for the one care giver who they saw as disposable. giving the fox what she wanted, at least long enough to calm her down so they
could drug her up once more. As the lies they fed to Brian would be shared with Rose, as he would tell her, how they had him working on a special project so they could spend more time together.

However for right now at least she would know the words they used as disposable care giver, and specimen referred to her, and Brian.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
When the doors opened she fully expect some guards but to her delight it was Brian making her jump with joy but had to keep serious, wishing she could just run up into his arms. Something else was off, first time was heat but this felt different. Before she could greet him or he could get a word in she dashed over to a pale by her toilet meant for trash where she puked. Tailing fluffing out by the shock she sat up wiping her mouth "Um...that was embarrassing" giggling nervously.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Moving to sit next to her, as Brian began to run his hands gently through Her fur. he would speak up, while taking a moment to run his thumb along her lower lip, wiping a bit off her.

"Heh, nothing to apologize for. But I have some news for you rose, something I'm not suppose to share. they are prepping for phase two, we will begin interacting in groups. Meaning you and me,
we will be able to spend some time outside of this little chamber. I am working on the training stage for this. If things goes smoothly, We might even be able to move to phase three, where I can get us a small
den outside of the facility, as long as it is monitored. At least as long as everything goes smoothly. " telling her this in a soft whisper, Having no idea that the young man was playing right into the hands of the cruel
lead scientist. giving the two of them false hope, as he was given lies, and false information. which was meant to create false hope, in order to break Rose all the quicker, once they entered the real phase two,
as her body now able to breed finished the early phase one, which was prep. Despite how she was now with a pup growing with in her.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Coughing a little she would smile having him closer to her, his finger wiping away the sick as he informed her of everything going on that she had been kept in the dark with. Her tail tip would wag with joy having been so scared she had lost him forever. She moved to hug him closer afraid of what could happen if he left her sight again "Why must I interact with others?" wishing they could skip to phrase three already. Never has she been outside these gloomy walls, to be outside in the real sun and air sounded like a dream come true.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"To ensure, that their is no real risk of my little rose getting hurt, or hurting an innocent. I doubt we have to worry, but they have their rules. "

saying this, as he moved to pull her close. However as he held rose close. a darker and more sinister voice soon echoed into the chamber.

"Caregiver of Specimen 001, finish your examination, and medication, then get back to work. You are not on your private time. Repeat finish your task before
wasting time with Specimen 001." with that the booming voice would fizzle out with a static sound before falling silent once more. as Brian would ignore the voice.
as he smiled, looking to the cute little fox maiden before him. holding her close, as he whispered to her.

"I am working hard to get us to phase 3 right away, I want to take you to my home land, the parks, water, all the beautiful sights I want to share. "
saying this thinking he could give her a magical experience and enjoyable life, despite the leashes, and ordeals they would have to face.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
She was beginning to hate rules, regulations, laws, tests, all were draining and a waste of time but if it meant being free with him than she would tolerate it. When she heard the booming voice she hide against his frame as the voice spoke to Brian making her frown of her name, she preferred his name for her. "I really hope that can happen" forcing a sad smile that this felt all to good. She pecked his cheek before scooting back "you better go" not wanting him in more trouble
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Now, Now I want you to stay strong, and behave. I will return every chance I get. Sorry it's taking so long to come back. "

saying this with a gentle smile. Brian would move to pull rose into a gentle kiss, which would cause the intercome to boom back to life
demanding him to get back to work, as he ignored it. lost in the sensation of forcing her into a gentle and enjoyable embrace. Showing how much he didn't
care about being yelled at, thinking of how his work would be all worth it. However little did the two know, that the next two sessions of time they could share would
truly end up being the last happy memories they could share after this one. as two more sessions together would be allowed before the true horror of phase two would begin.
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Lowering back her ears in a fashion of uncertainty to his words of behaving and being strong, she did not wish to follow their rules of being locked in here, left in the dark of their whims. "but Brian..." her sentence did not finish when he pulled her into a deep kiss, her ears lifting forward as her eyes widened in surprise to such an action but also made her tense up when the booming voice returned. Letting out a whine she was still concerned for him as he did not care of how much he pissed them off "they denied me any visitors for two days, Brian. What if they do it again?" questioning him
Local Time:
3:28 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"I will be back, Remember I am the only one qualified to take care of and ensure the health of my cute little Rose. " saying this gently to her. telling his foxy partner why
he was confident. Even if they drugged, and bound her. he was always the one which was close to her, more then that, he knew Rose's physical and special needs better then any
one. at least as far as the two of them knew.

Finally getting up and pulling away from Rose slowly, he would smile, winking at her before turning saying to his rose to remain strong, as he will get them through stage two
as quickly as possible. and to remember if nothing else, she can always remain in her cute little fox form to remain out of reach until his return. despite how her form
was feral and dangerous. even before these two had become more, he always saw, and treated her most dangerous form as a cute little thing.
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