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Project Eternium

Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Flattening back her ears as it was verbally noted that she indeed had a pup and that it was Brians, did they do something to him? Will he be coming soon to meet his son? Maybe they will allow her to leave. So much hope lit up in her eyes but watching more food be thrown toward hinted that may not be the case for this woman was attempting to draw her out. Not taking anymore food she curled around her son comforting him to stay quiet as she kept an eye on the woman.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Sighing, as her tone suddenly became much softer, more serious.

"Ok, Rose, I believe is what big brother calls you. I am trying to do this the nice way. Please come out, so we can go see my brother. if we do not go to him, I fear he will not get a chance to see you or his child once our boss's are done with him. "
saying this, as she was being serious, however to make matter's worse, her one hand slid into her pocket. as their was a small tranq dart hand gun, and a tazor in each pocket. wanting to do this as peacefully as possible first. if her words did not work, she would pull out the dart, and take aim for rose, by aiming where the child would be, knowing the mother would protect her pup at all costs.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Done with him? What did that mean? Why would he not be able to see her again? Were they taking him away? Rose did not react as she was shocked by his serious tone that this woman was not lying but was to uncertain to actually trust her words. As if slow motion the fox watched as the lab coat reached into her pocket with a gun rose was all too familiar with kick starting her attack mode but the gun was not aimed for her but instead her son. He was a new born and those tranqs were meant for her, who knows what they would cause of him. Quickly she dived to hover over her child allowing the perfect aim of her flank while her eyes flashed with anger and fear of this life she was forced to live.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
it would happen rather quickly, the sound of three shots being fired back to back. the sensation of the needle piercing into her hind quarters, as the drug went into rose's system rather quickly. however to the fox's horror one of the darts had slipped right between the tight spot between her limbs, and body. hitting the infant. which was not the intended target, but it was also of no concern.

"I'm truly sorry, I need to get you to big brother at any cost. and time is not on our side. " saying this, she would wait until the fox, who was visibly struggling against the drug to finally succumb to it, before she could collect the infant, and rose.

as the plan was to take her back and place her in bondage on the stage. where she could see Brian on his knees, bloody, beaten, and bound. as they planned to kill the child, if they could not sell it. as well as force both parents to see the fate of this child, which might not survive until then, for the accidental dart hit. however the primary would remain, to force her to watch the end of her mate, and to serve who ever paid for her time.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Flinching with grunts as she was hit with the dart only counting two when she hear three, looking down to see one in her child that she quickly removing, licking at the prick it caused. The baby had been crying sensing mother's distress before falling asleep soon followed by rose who glared up to the woman with hatred in her eyes before collapsing into a short slumber. They could never force her to shift when knocked out so she would wake bond with chains and muzzle currently dosed with a drug not allowing her to shift into something dangerous. Everything was blurry as she shook her head trying to focus until the scent of Brian and blood hit her nose drawing her to look toward him, her eyes widening at the sight of him. Immediately she lunged out, hitting the end of her chains but held her ground trying to get toward him "Brian! I'm sorry!" she cries out before hearing the cries of her child as he was held by one of the scientist in a blanket, somehow having survived the dart he was hit with.

"is he okay? Lemme see him please!" begging as she wanted both her mate and her son unaware that since Brian's clothing was torn from his beatings revealing her mark on his body. She would toss her body trying to get free from her restraints not caring how exhausted she was just giving birth, the chains began to creak from her force, the muzzle suddenly breaking to reveal her pearl white teeth that snapped at the air. Not a pretty sight but did reveal her strength and power along with her motherly instincts for her child.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
As Brian came to, struggling as he saw the child, and Rose, quickly realizing what was before his eyes. the man began to barter with his boss.

"You do not need to harm them. let the child go, let Rose have our child. You do not need to hurt them. What is it we need to do, so you don't hurt them. "

as he spoke up, not realizing he was to be executed, now sense he knew to much, and his job was done. however the wicked boss would be able to see how his own little sister held
the child with disgust. and looked to her brother, scolding him for having chosen a lab rat to breed with instead of an actual human. however this would not change anything for the head scientist was
the one running the show now. the tall well built blond could give the order as she saw fit. kill them both, or just the father, and try to sell the child. or perhaps force the parents both to witness the fate
of their unwanted offspring of forbidden passion. all the while Brian could only apologize over, and over again to Rose for Failing her, and being unable to get her, and their child out of here.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Pausing her actions when hearing Brian begging for the scientist to let her go and their child only seemed like a joke to those to stood around. She would look over to her child then her mate gathering she would never see them again. A hard pill to swallow that was, her first mate and her first child going be taken from her in front her own eyes. Glaring over to the boss man as she shook off the muzzle she wore "You sick people! What am I to you! Tell me!" demanding her purpose to be told at last.

"You are ideal for breeding of any and all creatures due to your shapeshifting abilities and adaptions. We sell breeding sessions with you to the highest bidder and they take the child once born and you move to the next client" a scientist emotionlessly explained. Rose was in shock to hear this, that she was created and modified to be a baby pumping machine. She looks over to Brian hearing his constant apologizes while their child was wailing for his mother that he had been taken from. "please...don't hurt them, please give me some sort of kindness, Brian can stay with me and I can raise our son while continuing what you want. Please" begging of them.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now things began to turn horrible for Rose, as the sister would be the one given the task to eliminate her own little nephew, and big brother. as she would look up to her boss, almost with pleading eyes. However as twisted as this tiny lab maiden was. it would seem she did not want to kill the baby, but would her boss let her keep, the bastard child of her brother, as a reward for killing her own big brother in front of the boss, and rose?

"Boss, May I make a request? If I kill brother right here and now, May I keep this child? I can raise him to be a good lab rat, and assistant. " saying this in a serious yet cold tone. her eyes seemed off .
more then that, the voice would seem as cold, and emotionless as ever, not the same as the voice Rose heard back in the room when she came to get her.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Her cries were upon deaf ears as the sister of Brian's offered a request of murdering hm and keeping their child which angered Rose all the more. She would lash out, lunging toward the woman "I rather him dead than be raised by you!" snapping at her the raw truth of being a lab rat herself, no way would she allow her child such a life. But she could not save Brian it seemed, his fate was sealed to death. She looked toward her mate wishing to be in his arms again, clean up his wounds, see him smile, see him be happy and safe. The main factor of all of this was her, if only she did not jump him that day she first went into heat then he would safe.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Before her eyes, Brian would look to Rose, with his last words.

"Stay strong, and remember " before his statement could be finished his own sister took the scythe, and cut his head clean off in one go.
then would turn to her boss, with the baby in her other arm.

"So May I keep the little one for myself boss?" asking this, for if the order was given, the child would be sold, or killed, with out a moment hesitation, however
the fate of this little child was now in the hands of the cold hearted boss which designed rose for a purpose.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Lifting her ears toward him to hear his words only to witness his head being sliced off clean by his siter before her eyes, she bowed her head as she let out a loud sob. He was gone, never to return to her, all she had of him was her son and yet she would never see him again either. What was the matter with this people? It was a few seconds of her grief until she lashed out, losing her mind "please let me keep him! Please! I'll do whatever you want but please!" begging the boss man for her child.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
looking to them, the wicked boss would smirk, as he looked to Rose.

" Ok fox, if your honest with your request, We can make a special exception for this one child. While you work, she will care for the child. But when your not working she will return the boy. however the instant you refuse, or give us any issues, we will make both you and the child pay the price. " saying this, he would motion for the guards to take the corpse away, and clean up the stadium.
as the cruel aunt would move with the child in the arms. to sit in the front row of the seats. as he would move up to the fox.

"Tonight will be your first gig, and you will obey, However if your a good girl, and make us a good amount of funding, we can give you some time off rewards with your child. but you will have to earn it. "
saying this, if she was obedient, Rose would find herself being shacked in a different position which would allow the fox to shape shift, but still be unable to do much. due to the nature of the custom shackles made for her.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Hearing she could keep her son, keep a part of Brian alive was reassuring but the price with it made her worried, uncertain if she could handle the stress this job would have on her body and mental health. She would watch her mate was dragged off, the blood cleaned up as her son was taken with his aunt to take a seat in the front row making her sick. Pinning back her ears as she shifted by her shackles once it was made clear she had her first gig tonight, her gaze looked down her son having not even given him a name yet. Shifting forms she was in her human form with wolf ears and tail, not allowing anyone to see her in her fox form for it was no reserved for her son in remembrance of her time with Brian. "fine." agreeing to their terms, she needed to bond and spend time with her son anyways since he was born such a short time ago meaning her breasts were plump with milk and her frame returned to her slim, sexy appearance as her tail would sway behind her.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Thats a good girl, now we will see how you do tonight. "

with these wicked words, he would ensure that the baby would always be in view of her for the shows. however once the job was done, she would be able to take the child back to her chamber with her.
however as this was told. the sound of several different entities entering the auditorium, and whistling at the sight of Rose. different species, of all kinds, and sizes.

some smaller, some monstrously larger, and those of more natural size for her to deal with. However it would be a bidding war to see who got to breed her first.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Flicking her ears she would tear her gaze away from the boss man, to the floor with shame as it came to light what she was to this, a money pool. When she looked up hearing the seats begin to fill up with potential bidders she noticed her son was still in the room. She pins back her ears darting her eyes from him to the crowd not wanting him here but could not admit she had already had a child one that was in this very room. Yet she could not take her eyes off him, names running through her head as what to call him. She only knew the forest she grew up in, going off that and not even having a name of her own other than Rose. A smile grew on her lips as she whispers his name "thorn" liking it but was snapped back to reality when the bidding began.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once ever one was in the audiance, the buzzing of the mic being turned on, and tuned into the speakers. as the boss himself would move to the pedestool.
as he would announce the successful beginning of the breeding season for their perfect breeder specimen. able to shift shapes, and sizes to breed with any species.
more then that, can guarantee a successful off spring for the right price, if they want the child as well, or if they just want the pleasure of a creature bred purely for carnal use, and delight.

with these words, the male and futa filled audience would cheer, as the female members in the audience looked on biting their thumb nails. as they had come to see what the fuss was, and
some of them wanting some fun with other species. with that, the auction would begin starting and an impressive 10k which would seem low for the amount they desired, but each successful auction would
lead into bigger spenders on the valuable time with rose, or the Specimen, as she was labeled.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Looking out in the crowd she allowed herself a few seconds to take in who would choose first, it was a risk being the first since all they knew she has not bared child though her breasts may say other wise. Rose spotted one male that held four massive arms, easier towered over other audience members, he was huge and the head bidder. Her eyes darted from him up to the boss man as the price wen tup to 15K and the large male was the last holding. A loud smack sounded of the bidding being closed to the first customer making her spook in her chains drawing attention back onto her, ears pinning back as her eyes narrow but before she could be too threatening she got distracted by Thorn wiggling in his aunts arms.

What would happen now? She has never been with anyone other than Brian, she did not know how to simply hook up with no passion or love. But she must or else she won't get to see Thorn.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
The winning bidder was brought up to the stage, as he shook the tiny man's arm, and handed over the rare material worth the price he bid.

Once this was done the boss would walk the winner over to his prize. as they would move to lift the bindings so that Rose would soon be dangling if she remained in her current form.

"Her body seems kinda small, will she be able to breed like you say? I do love me some tiny, tight victims, But I need a healthy heir. "
asking this the wicked man would assure the winning patron yes she could safely breed with all sizes, and species, and more so if he wanted she could change her size to fit his needs. as the wicked
for armed entity would move to grasp her breast in each hand. another one reaching around to cup and group her ass. as the last one moved to finger her a bit. as he notice some milk leaking from her breasts.
he would smirk, leaning down to suddenly latch his maw upon one of them to suckle some milk before pulling away with a lewd pop.

"I see, you humans think of everything even lactating already to give a fine sample of her potential milk. I do not know if she can endure, but a small woman with big assets will be most enjoyable. but if she needs to.
I would rather her shift to be more comfortable after we start. as to avoid any potential issue, but I want to feel this tiny frame snug around my mighty sword. " speaking like this the wicked entity planned to take her right their
on the stage for all to see. which he did not mind paying extra for such a show to be created. however this would be all the worse for rose.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Watching as this massive male made his way up to meet his prize in person, hearing him question of her ability to handle him, to produce him an heir making her question why he could not just fuck another female more his race and knock her up. But then again her gestation was faster and she could shift forms as desired but she has never done it by demand of anyone else other than when running tests. Next thing she knew was dangling at the mercy of this beast that came up to test her out with a few undesired touches, she would wince by his grip on her enlarged breasts that were sensitive along with her ass and even his other hand placed between her thighs to shallowly finger her right then and there. She did not even know how to react other than the soft gasps in surprise but when he snatched up one up her nipples to suckle upon her milk a rumble of a growl started but then a reminder of Thorn made her swallow it down guessing she will have plenty for him. Rose would glance over to the boss man hating how this customer saw all of this as though testing out a product, she was not looking forward to the real action since he seemed very hungry to simply take her here and now. Which would not be horrible for the on lookers, having a chance to see how she can handle a good breeding session.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Once this was made clear, the boss would state, if he was willing to pay the extra 5k, then they would gladly allow him to do as he wished with Rose right here, and now. instead of waiting for a room to be prepped. which the goliath would seem to gladly accept with out hesitation. at which point, Rose would see the true horror of this beast. he had not one but two massive cocks. both of which were now fully exposed, and leaking pre seed. as they were as big as her forearm, or it appeared at first glance.

Even if only one would be in her, the other would be rubbing against her tender flesh. a sensation which would be heading right for her, once he paid the head of this establishment, for the freedom to create the show.

( want to give us the intro to her suffering? be it in human form? or will she shift upon penetration? )
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
With the beast making it clear he desired her here and now even the boss man agreeing with an additional 5K leading up to 20K being the starting bid for next time. Her gaze went down the beasts body having not even noticed his double cocks making her gulp down her nerves as he was already pulsing with need. She would probably need to shift to guarantee he gets this heir he so desperately needed. For she had pride to prove here as she readies herself to wrap her legs around his waist as the head of his massive cock takes position before thrusting up into her with no remorse. Gasping out a yelp, her tight walls coiled around his huge meat while he bucks his hips to full dive inside her while his pairing cock would tease along her stomach before he angled it to rub up between her ass cheeks as he thrusted inside her. Rose was only able to handle his monster thrusts in this form a short while, his cock bulging into her stomach with each thrust, his other dipping into her ass as well. Biting onto her lower lip she shifts into a form resembling his own minus the multiple arms.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Loving how tight her tiny natural human form was. the wicked fiend seemed to grow a bit depressed once Rose shifted into a larger form closer to his own. however now filling both her holes at once. the wicked thing would get rougher, as he latched his maw upon one of her breast, as he got rougher, and faster. bouncing his prize with more and more gust. all the while, a few camera's could soon be seen from the ceiling. so they could generate multiple angles for the audience to see from the bidding monitors. all the while, Rose's body would begin to feel unwanted pleasure, as she was stretched, and filled. even in this form. the twin cocks digging out both her holes at once. before the first monstrous, and heavy wave of alien baby batter spewed deep into her depths, painting rose with all the needed protein for generating an heir. however it would be more then one load. as this was only the beginning of this show, and her horrible wave of unwanted pleasure, as the body turned against her mind in such a case.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Not caring that his fumbled a tad when she shifted less he spoke otherwise she would take advantage of his words for her change as she saw fit to keep herself comfortable but he continued on with all his force already emptying out his first load within her. Able to simply tell by his demeanor he was indeed planning for a show so he was not close to finished while he proceeded to pump his cocks inside her, her walls squeezing around his cocks, sucking on them with all her might while doing her best to regulate her breathing while he entertained himself with her breasts. Breaking her focus from him when noticing the camera's everywhere revealing every side and angle possible making her feel so exposed and then she spotted Thorn still in the audience. Hopefully as he gets older he won't be at the shows and he won't have to witness the abuse his mother had to go through just to keep him safe. It was strange but she indeed feel the overwhelming pleasure this male brought her but did not voice a sound of it, using thorn as a distraction hoping this won't last much longer and his 20K was well spent when they find out tomorrow whether she is pregnant. Before even entering the show room she was injected with the forced heat serum that had already kicked in but she was forcing it's effects deep down reminding herself for it to fulfill the job but not get herself lost in it.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
as the show went on, even in this larger form, Rose began to feel the increasing weight in her. as the twin rods pumped what almost seemed like gallons into her. this odd entity was cruel and relentless for his own pleasure. even to the point his natural anatomy allowed all his seed to get trapped in her womb. as the expanding belly would increase in size. causing the perverted, and twisted audience to cheer all the louder. loving the show, and how her body did not seem to let much escape. making this specimen all the more appealing to pending clients which would have to wait for the next day to get their turn.

the show would continue, until ether the beast of a customer was sated, or until Rose completely blacked out, as her body forced to take the pleasure she did not want to the extreme. however if she blacked out, then when the fox would come to later in her chamber. with her infant nursing on her, the over weight belly slowly deflating from the release of the excess seed in her. or if she endured until he was sated. then she would be forced to feel how they would show her entrances off, after the customer pulled out. stating how in 24 hours she would feel as if she was a right virgin again, unless pregnant, then she could feel even tighter. to entice the next wave of customers even if she was not able to be knocked up as of yet. due to how some just wanted the fun, others wanted the infants, and some twisted customers like this first one wanted it all, and to be put on the stage for a wonderful show.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Enduring the entire session the show was able to withstand a fucking of this extend while still being able to seem presentable once he was done with her but what she did not expect was when she looked down. She shifted back to her wolf human form to find her belly swollen with his heavy baby batter that was also quite hot inside of her. But they were not done as she was turned around to reveal her womanhood to the crowd, further explaining how long it took for her body accept the sperm and even if not she would be pretty and tight once more tomorrow. Unable to help the glare given to the boss man she was at last freed from her shackles, her legs trembling as she could barely stand though did not accept any help as she was escorted from the show room.

She blacked out in the backroom, waking later to a sensation she was not expecting of her son nursing contenting on her chest. Gasping with joy she wraps her arms around her baby, shifting her fox human form as she peppers him with kisses "my lil Thorn" whispering so happily to have him back in her arms "I love you so much" tears streaming down her face as she finally allowed herself to grieve over Brian. Currently not caring she may be pregnant with another male's child by tomorrow, Brian was dead because of her and she almost lost Thorn who was so beautiful.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
In the private chambers finally, Rose was with her child peacefully. however she would hear the voice on the intercom. as it was the cruel bitch of a sister.

"ok sis, make sure to take good care of my cute little nephew tonight. after all I will be visiting you two tomorrow. and no hiding or struggling next time. "
with these words, the intercom buzzed into a silence. letting the little fox maiden know they were watching her, and would give her until the next show prep to be with her little one.
However it would seem this wicked lady would hold thorn up front for each show, so the fox, or specimen would see her child as a reminder of what was at stake if she ever disobeyed. however
more then that, they would visit earlier in the morning to check, and see if she was successfully knocked up, before contacting the prior partner to let him know if their would be an heir or if he would
need to bid for another chance to breed her. as it was in the contract, or more so agreement that if they failed to impregnate her, it was of no responsibility of the lab crew. due to the fact the impregnation
part would depend on the male, for their was a 100% guarantee for those who were able to impregnate a female partner.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Flattening back her ears by the buzzing of the intercom coming to life with the voice of the wicked sister in law she had reassuring she would have Thorn tonight but was expected to cause no drama tomorrow morning when they come to visit. She would look down to her babe that she could keep out of the many she will probably never see but at least she kept her love child, still heart broken that Brian was dead. Cuddling her child Rose slept from that moment through most the night other than when Thorn needed a changing which took her quite a bit to actually figure out, they stocked her private room with baby toys, blankets, towels, wipes, diapers, and even a crib that she did not plan to use. By morning she was sleeping soundly until Thorn began crying to be fed and mother was positioned in a fashion he could not nurse. Just as her eyes opened she felt an urge that let her to lean over the side of the bed puking in the nearest bin she could snatch. Shaken up from being awoken in such a fashion, she cleaned her face and gathered thorn to feed him.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
Now feeding her child, Rose would soon hear the sound of her door hissing open. the wicked maiden came in with two assistances. at her side. calling out for Rose, or as she called her specimen to come out, and allow them to examine her.
wanting to see if she was successfully knocked up or not. they would know almost instantly, but still wanted to test, so they could give the info to the said customer, and make arrangements for the child to be picked up when ready.

"well come out specimen, we need to check your state, and ensure you have a bun in that cursed oven of tours. after all your our money maker. "
saying this in a cold and serious tone. the one assistant was equipped to handle, and care for the babe until mama was examined, and freed until the set up for the next show came in a few hours from now.
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 18, 2022
Rose pinned back her ears as she heard the door opening, Thorn sensing her fear making him stop nursing and begin to cry while the damned sister demanded her presence. First she tended to Thorn calming him down before getting up to approach the three lab coats, cradling her son in her arms while she stood with her fluffy tail covering around her waist out of attempting to be modest. "What happens if I am?" she questions keeping an eye on the others on either side of the sister in-law, she knew what happened if she was not, another show and breeding session. But if she is knocked up then they leave her alone until she delivers the child?
Local Time:
3:14 AM
Nov 19, 2022
"Oh simple, if you are, we inform the father, and we set restrictions on the next show. make sure no species which can endanger the infant, unless of course the father doesn't care for it. "
as cruel as she was, at least this wicked woman was truthful.

as she would walk up to rose, forcefully taking the child from her, as she motioned for the assistances to move upon her. and feel rose up, examining every inch of the fox maiden. it would be a slow
and unwanted process, however it would not be as long as it felt thankfully. as once it was done little Thorn would be returned to Rose. despite how he was oddly calmed by the aunt, as she seemed to
at least have some skill with the child, despite being a lunatic and mad bitch in many senses of the word.
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