Game RP Psychic Romance (A pokemon Gijinki Rp) (open)

"Nellie?" Mimi mumbled as she hearer yelling....the Mimikyu shuffling out around the stairs well, rubbing her face with a tentacle as she was loosely dressed...she was wearing her robe but it was simply wide open. "Whose her-" she said then gasped as she saw the mon. His skin thickened, growing coarse orange fur. His teeth bared as he saw Mimi, heat singing off him. "There's the little witch!"
Zerek blinked and yelped, shifting away from the suddenly igniting fire type "What the hell?!" He muttered, even as Intranel stepped between the fire type and Mimi "You don't touch her! You don't touch her ever again!" He snarled, his hair beginning to float as he channelled his powers to push the fire type away again, this time using much more force.
As the mon was lifted, his mass shifting as he was transforming, he was thrown out the doorway...taking a good chunk of the wood and wall with him as he crashed outside. "My door!" Mimi whined as she pushed by Intranel, her heart was fluttering at her valiant masters defense...but her beloved teahouse was as precious to her as her last home. The Emboar dragging himself up , his fighting form hulking out as he inhaled , his flames magnifying as he started to unleash a wave of flame.
Intranel gently nudged her back inside "We can fix the door..." He promised, even as he moved to step outside, clapping his hands together before taking a deep breath "One last chance. Walk away, leave Mimi alone." Meanwhile, Zerek was muttering to himself "Always me, ALWAYS me getting stuck in this bullshit..."
(XD should have gotten his nut and let this happen anyway)

Mimi whimpered but grabbed Intranels arm with a tentacle, pulling him backwards as Intranel saw the Emboar jump forward, it's knee harding, lining with metal . Just where Intranel was standing a second ago, the Emboar slammed into the ground with Heavy Slam, making the ground shake.

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