RP Mansion

Welcome to the Roleplay Mansion~! Our 18+ Community strives to provide a friendly, safe space for our content creators. Sign up today and start creating any fantasy your heart desires. All forms of roleplaying are welcomed, and we look forward to having you as a new member of our Mansion.

Site Testing

Local Time:
6:12 PM
Nov 10, 2022
This is just a test to see if this photo becomes pixelated again for me. This has happened twice, only to me - well, according to my knowledge. I upload the photo from my phone, view it from my computer/choice of browser (usually chrome) and then when I click out of the picture viewer the picture itself becomes pixelated, but when I click on that same image it shows up fine. 🤷‍♀️ And this was the photo it happened to a second time, I can’t remember the first photo it’s happened to.

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Local Time:
6:12 PM
Nov 10, 2022
Hmm, I've been thinking about getting back into pathfinder, a basic game. and a forum based RP might be awesome.
We have a section for that too! Here; it has the dice roller app as well, our discord server has one implemented as well but I’m not too sure how to go about it. I think @Knight_of_None was trying to start a campaign too as DM
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