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Stolen Redemption (Shinobarion)

Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme walked through the church courtyard, feeling the sun beating over her, heating her underneath her habit. Her arms were weighed with groceries for the churches kitchen, and her sisters had helped her along with all but the laste bag. Her temptation curled in her belly, the wine bottles for the communion clinking gently together. She had been sober for over 2 years, completely, but a free things she knew would nibble at her gently, like a lover in the dark. She didn't want even a sip without a prayer, fearing that she would find herself trying to down.the whole bottle. She was lucky enough to have steeled herself this long, and she walked up the steps to enter the churches halls. 'Great Redeemer, you do well to challenge me everyday' she honored in her mind as she forced herself to push the temptation away. Wine today. Yesterday, a handsome man in the congregation had been eyeing her, making her shamefully warm. He was a good man thankfully, but she wished only to give herself to the God's. Ezme walked by the library, looking in for a moment to the history and relics as she always had in this early evening, but one thing always stood out in the large room of stories and scripture. The Pedestal that carried the ancient book, said to house a dark entity. It had been untouched by anyone but the priest and the most fervent of the Nuns, as only a Pure soul was to handle it and monitor its condition and wards. Ezme wondered, briefly every day if she would one day be able to look at it closer, if her soul was cleansed enough to protect it like her sisters.

She brushed a pink lock from her eyes and turned away quickly, knowing her curiosity would make her fall into trouble. She walked to the kitchen to drop off the bottles of wine.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
How many years had past since Vernad had been stuck in this tome. It was unknown to Vernad how long it had been since that accursed day. Since then Vernad would lay dormant for many years, that is until he sensed the presence of a young Nun. This feeling was something he was use to sensing from weak willed humans. 'help me' he called out in hopes of someone listening. 'Some one...anyone...please help' he whispered out to the unknown not being able to do anything but call out to anyone close to the book.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme walked back for her room, passing the library with her hands over her holy cross. She shuffled by the door, giving her glance again but she heard it faintly..."Help me" she heard from the room. She hesistated a moment, gripping her cross tighter. "Hello?" She called out softly in return. The Priest was still away, her sisters too, working on other duties, or resting for their next rounds with the relics.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
"please...help me...ive been trapped with this creature for so long...the pain...its too much" the voice whispered out in a way to get them closer. "The priest said they would free me...but its been so long...please...free me" he cried out in a wailing tone. "if you release me i will do what ever you desire..." he whispered to the young nun. he hoped she would take this bait, escape would be all but assured for him.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme opened the door as she listened, slipping into the room. The hefty door closed behind her, making her jump. "W-where are you?" She said looking around, walking deeper, drawn closet and closer to the book. Something in her trembled as she got closer to it, her belly feeling like it was doing somersaults. "Are you in there?" She said as she got to the edge off the sacred sigils, the scripts that would contain it prisoner. It would repell those without good inside them, to keep thieves or other demons from breaking in.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
"yes...but there isnt much time left...my power is fading...if im not freed the demon could take hold of me...and soon he would be free" he said playing up the role of a helpless prisoner. he would trying to shake the book he was bound to show that he was being serious. "please if you are a friend touch the book and say onto it I release thee" he said now starting to make bestial sounds. "please hurry i don't have much time" he pleaded one last time.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Hold on! Im coming!" Ezme stepped forward again at the monstrous sounds, her heart strings pulling for the trapped man. She didn't think twice of it, trampling the symbols on the floor as she moved to the pedestal.. she put a hang on the book. "I-I release thee!"
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
As soon as the words were muttered from her mouth the book would stop shaking. There would be a loud rip as the book ripped in half releasing a cloud of smoke into the room. when the smoke subsided a tan skinned human male with glowing platinum yellow eyes would appear before the woman. his nude form exposed to her, He began to stretched and smile as he looked down at the woman. "thank you...you've been most helpful..." he said as he leaned in and held her chin up to face him. "i do believe you deserve a reward...dont you agree" he said with a wide toothy grin.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme shielded her eyes as the book ripped and smoke bellowed inti the room. As she uncovered them she yelped as the naked man stood before her. She started to look away, but as she did he dragged her chin back to look up to him. "A-A reward? I just did what was right-" she said, blushing as he stood over her. "I-I'll go get you something to wear- tell the priest we have a guest" she stammered as she tried to step back.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Vernad grabbed her hand to keep her from moving. "shh no we dont need to tell the priest...and besides...i dont plan to stay long" he said as he pulled her a bit closer her body touching his. "hmm it seems like humans still haven't changed a bit..." he said as he reached over to rub her waist line and soon grope her bottom softly. "what do you call yourself human.." he whispered smiling down at the nun before him.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme yelped faintly as he pulled her into him, her face burning as he started to feel her up. By Nun standards, Ezme was almost too shapely, her habit and rives had a lining to hide her curves abd keep from drawing attention to her. Her bottom was plump, her hips wide, and her breasts, rubbing against his xhest, were large. 'S-sir you shouldn't touch me like that!' Was what she was trying to say....but she only made a high pitched whining sound of raw shock and shyness. But as he questioned her fir her name, she found her voice. "E-Ezme-" she stuttered as she put her hands on his chest and tried to pull away again. ''Great Redeemer-gaurd my soul-" she mumbled as she felt his muscles. "S-sir you mustn't touch me like this!"
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
He smiled as he soon stopped. "im sorry...would you prefer that i focus here" he said as he pushed her against a wall and began to us his hand to rub between her thighs through her robe. "its funny...how humans react to stimuli...they try to say that they don't want something but then your bodies just react faithfully..." he said as he let out a sigh. "and I can tell you are holding back that impulse...how long has it been since you felt the soft touch of another man?" he whispered as he soon began to plant a slightly aggressive kiss on her lips as he continue to feel her up against the wall.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme gasped as he forced her against the wall, pinning her. He could sense something inside her again, that dark, ugly spot of darkness hugging her otherwise brightened soul. He felt it twitch almost, like he had prodded a sleeping animal. As he started to touch between her legs, rubbing her to boldly, Ezme tried to hold him back. "N-no-stop-" she tried to speak out, her voice faltering as she tried not to moan. This human was simple, and yet he could tell sge wasn't completely enthralled yet. His approach was working, but this Ezme required a bit more of him. His kiss pressed to her lips but she tried to shake away again.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
He pulled away from the kiss to and soon began to kneel down at her waist line and began to pull her robes up so that he could hide his face under her robes. staring at her underwear he held onto her hips as he began to use his teeth to pull her underwear down. once it was lowered enough he began to slowly lick the her folds from the bottom to her clit. he repeated this motion over and over again, and soon began to spread her folds so he could insert his tongue into her folds, his mouth covering her entire entrance as his tongue swayed side to side as if he was searching for something inside her folds.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"Ah-n-no-nah!" She tried to say again, trying to pull away as he held her on place. Her fold spread, his tongue tasting hervwetness, her flavors, subtle and almost tasteless. She ate clean and pure foods here, after all. As he searched snd pushed, wiggling his tongue insider her. Ezme grabbed his hair. "N-no-" she tried to pant out, pulling his hair. He wasn't listening, just doing what he wanted to her! Then nun trembled and quivered, feeling that sickening temptation seeping through her again, getting fed with every flick of his tongue. Her folds were seeping wet, her juices running down his tongue like honey.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
Smiling as he pulled away from her fold and soon began to flip her so that her back was facing him. "there you go now your ready..." he said as he began to rub his member against her cloth bottom. "i can feel it...that good girl slipping....dont worry...ill take good care of you my dear sweet holy woman..." he said as he flipped her robe up so that her bare bottom was shown to him. he then began to poke her folds with his member and soon slowly insert himself into her folds. "mmm do you feel that...that full ness...that warm tightness...admit it...you love it" he whispered in her ear as he began to slowly move in and out of her entrance while gripping her hips.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme winced as she felt the man pushing inside her, her hands holding into the wall, gripping it as tight as she could as he moved inside her. He could feel her soul struggling. "I-I don't want it- I don't" She said, more to herself than to him. Her trembling body, burning more and more with growing desire. The Temptation was swallowing her up, he body shaking like a leaf.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
He continued to push in and out of her making small grunts with each thrust. he soon leaned forward and stopped his thrust to whisper in her ear. "your body is truthful...give in...and i promise you release..." he whispered as he began to to soon turn her so that her back was against the wall. he lifted her up and reinserted himself into her smiling down at the young nun. "its ok ill make sure you feel wonderful..." he whispered as he thrusts became more faster.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
"no its been too long since ive last had a woman and im going to enjoy every bit of it" he said as he continued to thrust upward. "just let loose i promise you'll start to enjoy yourself more" he said as he soon stopped his member still inside of her waiting on her reaction.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
"N-no- I can't-" She said sounding almost scared of his words, her weakening body tried to grab his face, to find purchase and fight him off. But she was only human, she couldn't do much against him. Her sex was hot and tight, practically welcoming his every impact into the damsel . She closed her eyes tighter, biting on her knuckles, feeling him halt inside ger. "N-no more- please" She Managed to whimper out, trying to hold herself together, to clutch her redemption closer from this monster trying to steal it from her. Her eyes opened, they were watery and blarge, streaming tears as she fought to keep from the ever thinning edge. Perhaps one last good push would break her, and all of these false habits and faith she was cowering behind.
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Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
As he forced her to cry out again and again, saying how close he was getting her eyes widened wiry fear. "N-no! No! No! Don't do it! Not inside!" She pleaded and moaned out desperately, her body giving in as the deminbfelt her thrilling and all the tense in hurler body exploding, shocking her all over in a blinding orgasm. Her head rocked back, her veil sliding from her head and falling too the floor as her eyes lost focus and she seemed to be too busy soaking in the feeling. The demon could see that Shadowy patch on her soul widening, clawing a bigger section of evil and darkness back for itself.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
He smiled finally seeing the opportunity he was looking for. "there we go....just what i needed...." he said as he made one final thrust before pulling out and soon flipping her back to her ass facing him and soon cum ontop of her bare bottom. once finished he leaned in to whisper to her ear. "ill be seeing you soon Ezme" he said as he soon disappeared in an instant. an echo of his laugh could be heard as on her left ass cheek a small black heart mark appeared on there, His mark on humans that interest him.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme shifted up to her knees looking around quickly, her face flush as he heard his laughter. She started to fix her habit, readjusting it as much as possible and picking up her veil. She hurried out of the room, rushing to get into her chambers so she could clean herself and try to think of what to say to the priest. She would have to tell him, but surely he would blame her, throw her out of the church, or worse, accuse her of being puppet to the demon. The thought made her stomach churn as she stood under the shower head and hot water rained over her. No. She would have to find a way to correct this herself.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
As she thought this from her mind she would hear. "My my my...someone is gonna be in trouble..." he said in a mocking tone. he stayed silent for the rest of her bath. once she was finished he would speak once more. "my your so worried about being abandoned aren't you...this situation could be easily fixed if you just left" he said letting out a soft chuckle.
Local Time:
10:30 PM
Feb 13, 2023
"Oh i can get a feeling on how your feeling...if you were as strong willed as the holy men and women that im familiar it i would be back in that book." he said the feeling of a hand grip on her ass cheek could be felt but still not revealing himself. "i know your scared of being discarded once more...so afraid to be alone once more...my dear ezme" he said as she would feel a hand softly cup her face. "i can make these problems dissapear...if you so desire." he said as his presence disappeared again.
Local Time:
11:30 PM
Nov 9, 2022
Ezme swatted at the Unseen hands as she felt them upon her. "Unhand me-I will not be abandoned- or tricked!" She snapped as she whirled around like she would see the demon waiting fir her. She didn't realize she was clutching her own wrist, instinctively picking at the small, faded scars on her arm. Trying to relax, trying to ground herself from his barbs and touching. She went to hee room to pull out a clean habit and undergarments to dress in. She felt a bag in the back of her mind she hadn't felt so strongly in a long time, she wanted a drink, something to tale the tension off a bit. But as it ebbed up, she felt her stomach churn with a mixture of shame and sickening terror.
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